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And so the journey back to my home begins!
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Everything packed etc what I need to get ready in the morning.... I'm gonna miss this place 😞
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Decided to leave this for whoever has my dorm room next
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I'm hungover....
This is the first time that I’ve ever been hungover…. 0/10 do not recommend
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My flatmates partied last night..... I don't even want to know what trouble they got into 😑
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update :)
so i have pretty much finished my vacation and i have decided to give a bit of an update on it.
firstly I can sum up my vacation in three parts
1. London with my fellow exchange buddies
2. the Netherlands/Holland with one of my best friends and her family (human and animal)
3. seeing my parents and spending time in London and Plymouth with them
to expand on the points above
London with my exchange buddies was a mix of exiting and exhausting. i got to grow close to and spend time with a phenomenal group of girls who unfortunately are much more extroverted and energetic than me and it can be tiring and scary walking/running at such fast speeds through the London underground when you don't know where you are going and the one who does is weaving in and out of crowds way ahead of you...
the Netherlands was in a word Awesome! i got to spend time with a great and wonderful friend and her awesome mom :) her cute puppy and adorable horses were definitely a plus as well. it was in trying new things like herring (ugh) and dutch pancakes (yum) and just generally spending time with one of my best friends that made it great. the unexpected part of he trip was that i was able to go riding for the first time in years and now I’m reminded of just how much i miss being on the back of a horse and has sent my feeling of wanting to ride again into overdrive. the Netherlands simply reminded me of why i love horses and why i love the people that love horses :)
and lastly the time in London and Plymouth with my parents. I love my parents and I know I’m very lucky to have such a good relationship with them and that they love me enough to fly across the ocean just to see me for a bit (even though I’m going home in about 2 weeks). the feeling of being loved and cared about when they both immediately encircled me in a long hug with kisses and saying how much they missed me and loved me and how they were just so happy to see me was the best thing i have experienced in a while. i love you and thank you for that mom and dad. i really needed it ... on another note the fun of spending time with you and showing you around my second home as Plymouth has now become, was a great experience and i am happy that you let me do this :)
overall it was a great vacation :D
.... and now to work on my last few assignments V-V
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Sorry I haven't been updating much 😅 combo of bad wifi connections and sheer busyness have kept me from recording stuff
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americans are u aware that ur using the word wrong
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First day in the Netherlands!
So I was taken to a Dutch market where I tried raw herring…. It was interesting 😅 and I visited a beautiful museum full of beautiful art and now I’m chilling with a puppy on my lap 😊 overall an awesome day!
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First day in the Netherlands!
So I was taken to a Dutch market where I tried raw herring.... It was interesting 😅 and I visited a beautiful museum full of beautiful art and now I'm chilling with a puppy on my lap 😊 overall an awesome day!
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So London is done with for now so .... On to Amsterdam! ... That is if my flight ever leaves...
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anamericaninplymouth · 10 years
Guess who is going to London today :D
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anamericaninplymouth · 10 years
I hope you are proud...
I hope you’re proud that you earned my caring and friendship …. Only to disrespect me and make me feel betrayed . I hope you are proud that I didn’t fight back when you dismissed my requests and feelings… Because I already felt like I was the failure . I hope you are proud for ignoring my sobs and feelings of failure …. Because I was a call from my parents and my boyfriend from ending it all tonight . I hope you are proud to choose getting drunk and loud over letting me work in peace because you have lost any respect I had for you and I am heartbroken because how can I still call those that are proud to be that way …my friends?
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anamericaninplymouth · 10 years
I fucking hate my flatmates!
They have music going loud enough I can hear it in my room.... And I'm trying write a fucking essay!
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anamericaninplymouth · 10 years
My dilemma at the moment...
My room is freezing cold since my window is open…. I’m lazy and curled up in my bed and warm…. Do I get up into the cold to close the window to prevent it getting colder?…Or stay snuggled in bed?
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anamericaninplymouth · 10 years
Guess who lost the flush button down her toilet...
me... i didn't hear it come off after i hit flush and only heard it clink as it landed into the bowl and then only turned around in time to see it get sucked into the pipe.... it will be fun to explain to maintenance ... 
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anamericaninplymouth · 10 years
Slamming doors....
So here I am... Awake at 3am, again.... Why? ... Flatmates that's why.
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