anarcha-heathenry · 7 months
Hello. I saw your post Chillplume and I thought it was a beautiful prayer. It got me curious about what "seel se" means. I couldn't find anything after researching for a bit so I was hoping you could enlighten me. Thank you for your time.
hey, thank you! i'm glad you liked it no worries, here's a link to the original ask i got about it
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anarcha-heathenry · 1 year
hi yes hello
i'm an artist making apparel, accessories, and agitprop for queer pagans and metalheads who love nature and hate nazis
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my most recent shop update also includes a pre-order window for these Hávamál 127 hoodies
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in late july one of my cats had to be hospitalized and i'm still catching up on bills, so if my work resonates with you or someone you know, sharing would be much appreciated. thanks!
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anarcha-heathenry · 1 year
hey, just a quick update for a couple things:
I just wanted to remind you all about the Content Directory which I use to organise all my posts so they can be easily found and accessed by everyone. If you have a question please check there first 'cause there's a fair chance I've answered it in the past - especially now that I've stopped answering most questions unless they happen to pique my interest. The content directory was broken for a bit 'cause I forgot to update all the links with the new url (my bad) but it should all be fixed and working again now, lmk if you find anything still broken though.
If you're on a computer and at the actual dedicated blog page then you should be able to find the link to it on the left labelled as "Content Directory".
If you're using the mobile app I don't think you can access it easily as far as I can tell, 'cause the mobile app is kinda dogshit so here's a link to it for you: Content Directory - I reckon that'll probably open in your phone's web browser though and not the app 'cause, again, the app is kinda dogshit
I've updated the avatar and since I'm sure at least some folks will be curious about it since yous have been about past ones, I'll just explain it here right now.
It's probably obvious to anyone familiar with the Circle-A that that's the base design, then the two runes used to alter it are Óss and Hagall from the younger futhark which are or at least can be, to the best of my knowledge, equivalents of the Latin "A" and "H" respectively - the initials of "Anarcha-Heathenry" - Ár is maybe more appropriate for an "A" equivalent irt "Anarcha"? frankly, I'm not sure; the pronunciation and subsequent usage rules still confuse me a bit.
Regardless, I'm happy with my choice 'cause I like the look of the design and the more "esoteric" meanings, I guess, that're attributed to them from the rune poems seem appropriate to me. I might change it again later though, if someone who knows better than me comes and tells me I'm a dickhead and got it wrong lol, 'cause it'd still probably look good using Ár instead, and it'd still be appropriate in its "deeper meaning" too, i think.
But yeah, so, don't trust me! go learn about runes from folks who're actually likely to be right about them 'cause they know what they're talking about, like @thorraborinn and Dr Jackson Crawford (but please don't just go and ask thorraborinn any and every question you have about runes right off the bat; they have a dedicated page of runic resources already, so please use that to the best of your ability before you ask him any questions)
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anarcha-heathenry · 1 year
No Frith With Fascists means:
Nonviolence is a tactic for enemies who have a conscience.
An injury to one is an injury to all.
We de-escalate conflicts that are not with our enemies.
All three. You do not get to mix and match. You do not get to skip steps.
"But--" Nope. I came up with the fucking slogan. Get with it or keep it out of your mouth.
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anarcha-heathenry · 1 year
IM SO GLAD YOUR BACK. I really missed your posts and i'm happy to see you again!!
aw thank you, that's really sweet! I'm sorry you missed me, but i'm grateful to have been missed 🖤
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anarcha-heathenry · 1 year
Hey, it’s been a fucking while and i’m sorry about that.
I didn’t mean to be gone for so long with no communication, and I don’t have much of a reason or explanation for it other than that I was a lot more burned out and needed a lot more of a break than I thought. And also just, y’know, life is a lot. First things first, though!
This is an antifascist space: Fascists of any kind (including but not limited to: neonazis, terfs and other transphobes, and cops), their politics, and their rhetoric are not welcome here and i sincerely wish them all nothing but the absolute fucking worst: [REDACTED], you fucken maggots.
So, i’m back, kinda, but probably not the same as before: I still feel burned out tbh just, like, all the time and I don’t think I can go back to running NGC like I used to, so, some changes i’ve considered and am most likely gonna implement from now on:
idk if i’ll still take requests. Right now i’m thinking i’ll leave things open for people to make requests but most of them probably won’t get done unless inspiration just hits me for them in particular - i’m sorry if that’s disappointing, i’ve really enjoyed writing pieces for you all but it’s just not something i think i can continue to consistently provide to all/most requests that get made: it’s a lot of emotional and creative labour on my part and i just can’t provide that anymore - i’ll do what I can, but that’s all I can offer.
I probably won’t answer questions about religious practice and related topics so much from now on: again, i’ve really enjoyed it but I just don’t have the energy to commit consistently to it anymore - if something particularly piques my interest and inspires me to write about it then sure, but otherwise, just like with requests, i’ll do what i can.
I’m thinking of changing the name? Norse God Calls just doesn’t really vibe for me anymore… Idk, we’ll see.
The pieces that I write going forward are definitely gonna feature and focus much more specifically on antifascist, queer, and anarchist concepts and sentiments.
The majority of my creative labour is focused on my fiction writing now but I am still absolutely drawn and compelled to create spiritual pieces of writing for Norse Pagan practice and I still want to share them, so I will, but I can’t promise any more than that.
What I mainly want to do here now is just have a place to share the pieces that I write, when I happen to write them, with no pressure to try and be consistently engaged or engaging because as much as i’ve enjoyed that engagement in the past I simply don’t have the capacity to continue like that anymore; honestly, I don’t think I had the capacity for it before either, hence the burnout.
Thank you to all of you who have supported and appreciated the writing I’ve shared here, and I hope you’ll continue to even after such a long break and a future of likely sporadic updates/posts going forward.
No Frith for Fascists! ACAB, ACAB, ACAB! 161 Trans Rights are Human Rights! Queer Liberation now! Fire to the Prisons and Colonies! Land Back! Class War! Capitalism is a deathcult, Communism will win.
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anarcha-heathenry · 1 year
A Rite of Queer Frith
Beloved and blessed are we the queer Proud and ever-defiant Favoured are we by our gods With hearts and wills of giants
By Freyja's grace, are we imbued We loving and unyielding Joyous and vicious against our foes With gifts of war and healing
Skadhi's vengeance, are we assured for each of us to fall Our enemies never victorious for we are ruthless and eternal
With Fenrir's rage, are we endowed All packmates, freed in unity Kith and kin to Chainbreaker Relentless in pursuit of liberty
Frith to all my comrades, queer Our love and lives held sacred By each and every of our gods Our peaceful future, fated
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anarcha-heathenry · 1 year
No Frith for Fascists
There is no frith for fascist ilk, be it nationalist, cop, or terf. No love can they hold, soft and sleek as silk As they commit to their own unworth.
Forsaken by Freyja; every one a dishonest, abusive coward. No sanctuary for them no joy or compassion As her wrath they have foolishly conjured.
By creed of Skadhi, their lives forfeit, stripped of warmth, light, and vigor. Endless their anguish no mercy nor respite Her vengeance, an endless Winter.
Hunted by Fenrir with bloodlust and fury, their doom ever inevitable. No quarter given no peace nor amnesty As the black wolf devours the intolerable.
There is no frith for fascist kind, no hope for them, enjoyed. No future given no refuge to find Ill-fated to be destroyed.
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anarcha-heathenry · 6 years
Dark and Stormy
My day is done and slumber calls I drift to sleep as cool rain falls With might through days may I be blessed and Snakebane guard me at my rest
A rhythmic patter to calm and lull and rumbling assurance keeps fears dull So Thor, be with me as I lie; The storm around me, in your eye.
Like my work? Maybe donate to my transition
this piece was requested by @sovereignoblivious
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anarcha-heathenry · 6 years
While I'm here, you have my thanks for not shying away from fenrir prayer requests
oh, haha, it’s very much my pleasure! he’s pretty prevalent in my own worship
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anarcha-heathenry · 6 years
So I'm that guy who asked you about the heimdall prayer. And I think it went well since after I took a nap, I woke to nice layer of snow outside.
that's so great! I'm happy it went well 😊
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anarcha-heathenry · 6 years
So today I'm going to make my first prayer. (To heimdall, I also would appreciate if you told me a prayer about him) I've been kinda putting it off. Cause I feel like the area isn't right enough. But, I'll hope they'll forgive, since it is my first time.
Oh, that’s exciting! I hope it goes well for you :)
Unfortunately I don’t have much for Heimdall - I actually can’t recall ever being requested to write something for just them before, and they don’t feature very prominently in my own practice so I haven’t taken the initiative either… but still, HERE is a link to my Heimdall tag, for all the pieces I’ve written that’ve included them. But if you’d like a piece specifically just for Heimdall, I’m always taking requests :)
I wouldn’t worry about the area so much. A lot of us aren’t in ideal situations or settings, and while a good area can definitely help - moreso for us to be in the right headspace a lot of the time, I think - I don’t believe it’s a completely stringent requirement.
Good luck!
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anarcha-heathenry · 6 years
The rune in your icon looks like someone with long hair and pointy boobs jumping for joy. I know that's not what it is but every time I see it, it makes me happy.
ahahaha omfgs! that’s awesome, I love it xD
Here y’go, I added the other leg lmao x
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anarcha-heathenry · 6 years
What’s your opinion on Tyr and Fenrir’s relationship?
10/10 best friends 🖤 haha
I mean i dunno about everyone else but if I had a dog from a puppy and raised it and loved it and then one day it bit me 'cause my friend did something shitty to it I wouldn't be holding a grudge against my dog lol
and really the same deal goes for Fenrir; Tyr's the only one that'd spend time with him and isn't afraid of him, raised him and loved him - if someone doesn't think Fenrir loves Tyr back and can see that the binding wasn't something Tyr wanted but neither could he stop it, then i dunno but hard disagree haha
the way I perceive things is that Tyr knows that if Fenrir couldn't be bound, Odin would try more extreme measures, and that Fenrir understands this as well (but a price still had to be payed for the betrayal and Tyr gladly payed it). But, y'know, that's just my UPG - if someone else thinks they hate each other then that's fine; you do you 😊
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anarcha-heathenry · 6 years
I’m gonna be doing my first ritual/offering to Fenrir some time soon and idk how to feel about it... Thor opened the door for me but I’ve grown more closer to Tyr... Also, how do you feel about naming rituals for adults? My group leader (we are not a kindred) gave me my “Norse name” and wants to do a naming ritual for me in front of the other members of our group and to the Gods just recognizing me being “reborn” with my new name...
In my experience: If you’re close with Tyr, then Fenrir would be a relatively easy/comfortable connection to make because of their connection with one another. He’s full of love and rage, and just generally very passionate and caring.
I personally don’t feel any sense of particular significance about a Heathen naming ritual (or in taking a “Norse name”, in general) since I’ve never needed a “Norse name” to worship or practice. I would actually encourage you to pay more attention to how you feel about it, though, like: Is it important to you? If not, then I don’t see much point in it other than group-cohesion. Do you like/identify with your new name? If not then don’t accept any name that you don’t like! If you’re happy with the name that’s been chosen for you, then that’s great! I mean a lot of people do, after all lol. But just personally, I don’t think I’d ever have trusted anyone else to choose a name for me. No matter what though, if it’s gonna be your name then it has to fit for you - you have to like it - or it just shouldn’t be your name, imo) Does everything about the situation feel good and comfortable to you? If not, then don’t do it! Don’t be pressured into it. If you need time to think about it then say so and if you just completely don’t wanna do it then say that too - a truly healthy and supportive group/community will accept your right to individual autonomy and anything else is less than you deserve anyway
However it plays out, I hope it goes well for you and that you’re happy
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anarcha-heathenry · 6 years
Who makes up the Vanir tribe, exactly?
Honestly it’s hard to say for sure, apart from Njord, Freyja, and Freyr who we know confidently, do. But other than them..? ~shrug~ possibly Heimdallr, and possibly Ullr, and according to Heimskringla also Njord’s sister (???), and Kvasir... it’s murky haha
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anarcha-heathenry · 6 years
I saw your post on the Norse Gods and had to swing by to make sure you weren't a filthy fascist, and the first thing I saw was your icon and I went THANK SKADHI I FOUND A GOOD ONE 💞 blessings!
hahaha, gtbh it makes me pretty bloody pleased to be appreciated for being an aggressively antifash trans babe 🖤 thanks anon! x
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