# for Ana and Lyssa and whoever
send me ”#” for cell phone headcanons about our muses including:
- what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone
Lyssa 🧡
- what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone
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- what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone
We Are Family - Sister Sledge
- my muse’s last text to your muse
Gio: I AM SORRY I DISAPPEARED AND GOT MARRIED WITHOUT TELLING YOUGio: I LOVE YOU, PLEASE DON’T HATE MEGio: Yes the caps were necessary, I need you to know I’m serious
- what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone
Banana 💛
- what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone
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- what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone
We Are Family - Sister Sledge
- my muse’s last text to your muse
Gio: I AM SORRY I DISAPPEARED AND GOT MARRIED WITHOUT TELLING YOUGio: I LOVE YOU, PLEASE DON’T HATE MEGio: Yes the caps were necessary, I need you to know I’m serious
- what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone
Sawyer 💜
- what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone
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- what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone
something generic until i can find something i think really fits
- my muse’s last text to your muse
Gio: So my dad could not stop raving about you while I was goneGio: We’re going to need to hang out and cook together sometime, just sayin’
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Annie: I don't know if anyone does, but it'd be the person who hates Teddy and wishes ill will upon him.
Anastasia: I don't know if I could find you someone who hates him, but there've got to at least be people who think his name is stupid.
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TEXT || Gio ➾ Ana
Gio: Got it. Well I assume he's unreachable now, right? So whatever you need to feel better, I'm here for ya.
Gio: Honestly it happened way quick & unplanned. I mean I proposed for Christmas, cause she was finally 18, and it seemed like a good time. It was supposed to wait though, cause I know how much school means to her, you know? Then come New Years we were just talking, and suddenly we're eloping. I promise I didn't leave you out on purpose, I would never do that. When we do it big & proper for everyone else, I'd even love it if you stood up with me.
Anastasia: Well... some more chicken tetrazini would never HURT.
Anastasia: Christmas was a way better thing to usurp than her high school graduation, so I approve of the speed up I GUESS. If I have to. You trust me to be a part of your wedding? :o WOW, YOU BIG OLD SOFTIE, IT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE THAT EASY TO GET ME TO STOP BEING SALTY ABOUT YOUR DEPARTURE. How did you do that?
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Annie: It's that time of year again where I have to remind everyone that A) I've never murdered anyone and B) I could start if you ask me again through the entire month of October.
Anastasia: It would be pretty interesting if you had murdered someone, though. Who would you pick off first?
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Does anyone else feel like the weekend constantly flies by while the most annoying days of the week last forever?  
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anyway, boredom was strong enough to drag me back onto the world wide web. Which also means a lot of you’re timelines and dashboards just got hotter. You’re welcome. 
Everyday’s slow to me when you’re stuck somewhere as boring as Walt, actually, but I guess if I were out in the real world working a real job I’d probably feel that way. 
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What, do you want a welcome wagon or something?
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TEXT || Gio ➾ Ana
Gio: Is this that guy you were talking to before we left? Either way, I don't think it's stupid to make friends, whether or not they leave later, because more often than not, they still help shape you. I mean look at you, the friend turned girlfriend, turned ex-girlfriend & BFF, you telling me things like that aren't worth it? Whoever they were is a jerk though, for just up and leaving without any sort of warning, but I'm sure they're probably sorry.
Gio: (yes that was about me as much as it was about this other person)
Anastasia: I mean, I didn't KNOW I was 'talking to him' like that, until he was gone and I realized that yeah, I'd kind of been talking to him like that.
Anastasia: Yeah, yeah, you big doofus. I'm glad you're back, and you had a slightly better reason for leaving. Forget to invite me to any more weddings again and you might not keep being so worth it, though 👀
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Despite how fun Waltfest may be to some people, will people ever realize how shitty is to the people in the surrounding area who wanna just – enjoy their quiet?  Might start a petition.  
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If you can’t beat them, join them. Seriously, even I’m not sitting at home alone during WaltFest, why are you?
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📱 ~ gio
2. a sad text
✉️  → gio: You know what’s stupid? Becoming friends with smarty pants people who just end up leaving Walt for ‘better’ schools in the end without even really saying goodbye.
send  “ 📱 + a name” for a random text from my muse.
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Tone: Okay so last year I successfully orchestrated a bra of mine being thrown onstage for Jordan Cahill for me. It was awesome. This year, who's up to help my #Panties4AlanADale cause?
Anastasia: You know what? Why the hell not. I'm great at sneaking close to the stage in a crowd, I'm sure I could toss them right at his feet for you. It's not like I have anything better to do.
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Napoleon: Both, either - a thumb thirst trap seems like it'd be easier though so I vote for that. Street smarts are something you develop, same as intuition; when would a kidnapped child who's presumably being watched over and has every aspect of their life have a chance to develop that? Soul or no soul.
Napoleon: (Fair :-P Unless your middle name is Schlange or Vivora or another name that is literally snake in another language, I doubt it lol. And ah, I see, the OCD. How you ever make out is a wonder tbh.)
Anastasia: Good thing you're lazy, otherwise I'd be worried about you making troll accounts to try and prove this exists. I don't know, when people ask suspicious questions about their family history, or when they discover old photographs lying around or when they're just paranoid and looking for something that's off.
Anastasia: (Schlange would be the most embarrassing middle name, I'd have broken into wherever they keep birth records and changed it. I carry a toothbrush and mouthwash around in my purse at all times.)
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Well, I’m stressed! Which means that I’d love to chat with my fellow cast members of Shrek the Musical about something fun to do for when we open in a few weeks! I’ve heard that some shows do a cute Secret Santa-type things for opening night. We could call it Secret Shreks and get each other presents! Doesn’t  that sound so fun?
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Seems like a good idea, because if I was Shrek, I’d sure as hell want to keep it a secret too. Although I guess that would make us more of Fionas, huh?
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“Jesus, I can’t believe Shrek’s opening night is a little over a weeks away. Time flies when you’re having fun, I guess.”
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“Really? I can. Our dragons are driving me nuts, God I miss the days when they were in high school still and not on my squad. But nope, once the show’s over, still no break from them.”
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Hand delivered directly to their mailboxes, on the morning of July 30th
@anastasiastabbington  @leverettlumos  @lainelumos  @lyssalumos  @lexifiore-lumos
(except Lexi’s, which was handed over when it was finished; he just wanted to make her one)
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Still a downer. Mm, I’m sure we’d be able to figure it out between the two of us. 
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Oh, I don’t doubt it, I just don’t want to go over the top of you if we’re on different levels. I’ll try to stay in your zone.
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Delivered to Ana’s door hot and ready to eat, in a bag from Tony’s, with a letter taped to the outside.
Hey lady, been a really long time, and I’m sorry about that, but I promise I will explain it all soon. I’m coming back to town, and I just wanted you to be aware, so you wouldn’t get blindsided by reappearance, like you did my disappearance. Not that I’m sorry I went away, very far from it in fact, but I am sorry I didn’t give you any sort of warning. Anyway, can’t wait to see you, and share my fantastical news!
Love, Gio
p.s. I hope you enjoy the food! I know it’s not my cooking, but you‘ll have that again soon enough.
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Napoleon: I would actually be super impressed with you if you could find somebody with a thumb fetish... or not, actually, it sounds like all it takes is one post to Craigslist :-P Really? I don't. If the kidnapper raising the kid was smart, the kid wouldn't have any reason to suspect things were off. I'm not gonna, like, steal a kid and raise it to prove a point, but I feel its definitely possible. Not everyone has your intuition :-P
Napoleon: (Sarcasm? :-P And I can honestly say I've never worried about tongue splinters a day in my life. Why does the shape of a sax make you nervous? You scared of the letter S? Because I hate to tell you this, but you have three of those in your full name.)
Anastasia: Like me posting my thumbs and seeing who thirsts over them, or just me asking if anyone's selling thumb photography at a reasonable price? Not everyone's street smart, then. It just seems like something that should feel off in your soul. If you have a soul, I mean.
Anastasia: (Semi-seriousness? I don't know what you've been doing since February :-p You don't know my middle name. I could be snakier than sss. But no, it just seems like it catches so much spit in there, it's got to smell awful and be a germ utopia.)
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And I thought I  was a downer.  Even if they didn’t miss me, it seems like everything here at Walt got kinda boring after I left. It sounds like it’s time to cause some mischief. 
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I don’t feel down, I just feel like I’m keeping it real. It has been a little boring, though, I’ll give you that. What kind of mischief did you have in mind?
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