and-put-on-a-smile · 6 years
The 2nd Amendment is no longer the right to bear arms.  The 2nd Amendment has become the right to take lives. The 2nd Amendment is no longer aiding citizens.  The 2nd Amendment is now abetting murderers.
When the laws don’t work, the laws must change. 
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and-put-on-a-smile · 6 years
nothing is awkward or cheesy if you dont give a fuck. im on this earth to have a good time not to be seen as cool
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and-put-on-a-smile · 7 years
it’s so wonderful knowing that yorkie and kelly are living out their happy ending for eternity while robert daly is rotting in the void for eternity
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and-put-on-a-smile · 7 years
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#i love (1) space fleet captain
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and-put-on-a-smile · 7 years
i understand that white ppl feel anxiety about messing up around poc… you should because that’s what it means to start holding yourself accountable. i’m not saying it should rule your life. if it does, that’s something for you to reflect on and solve, not the poc around you
i don’t think (many) white people will ever understand the anxiety that we feel when we start being a little less stringently polite when talking about racism, when we name actions that maybe white people close to us know they’ve done. we live with this fear inside us that we’re being to aggressive, that if we even name our abuse, we ourselves, are doing something wrong, that the people in our lives will turn on us for demanding respect
this is why woc talking about such sensitive topics are not a teaching moment for white people. it’s something you can’t simply understand with your own bubbling anxiety and desire to be a good person clouding your judgment. it’s not the time or place to teach or talk, when woc reflect on the specific trauma that comes from leftist spaces, from the white women who position themselves as our allies but fail to do the necessary self reflection that allows them to treat us with respect and dignity
if you see a post detailing trauma & abuse from you, not the individual, but the group you are nevertheless a part of (white people, white women), sometimes the only action you can take is nothing visible. your input, your “help,” your “uplifting,” your whatever, is not needed, and only derails the conversation. conversations about healing, catharsis, shared experiences for woc; they’re not supposed to be a warning to white people. they’re for us. we shouldn’t have to be thinking about, catering to, worrying about you in these conversations. 
i’m not saying you must avert your eyes and never read these things. only read them. read & reflect & think about how you can become a better person rather than what you can do to make sure you appear a better person. sometimes the only absolution for what you’ve done will come in the will to change yourself
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and-put-on-a-smile · 7 years
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I don’t want whoever the system reckons the one is, okay? I want you.
Black Mirror: Hang the DJ (2017), dir. Tim Van Patten
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and-put-on-a-smile · 7 years
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and-put-on-a-smile · 7 years
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“And when I think of her…she’s looking down from the celestial stratosphere with those big brown eyes, that sly smile on her face as she lovingly extends me the middle finger.” x
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and-put-on-a-smile · 7 years
seduce me with your book collection
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and-put-on-a-smile · 7 years
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and-put-on-a-smile · 7 years
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Tove and the sea, photographed by Per Olov Jansson.  Scanned from Work and Love - a biography of Tove by Tuula Karjalainen. Revisiting this book again, it’s a great comfort to me. 
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and-put-on-a-smile · 7 years
Listen to the Bright Eyes’ or Elvis version of “Blue Christmas” one time and one time only. Realize you do not need to listen to depressing holiday music this year. Freak out in a good way.
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and-put-on-a-smile · 7 years
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and-put-on-a-smile · 7 years
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By  Théo Gosselin
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and-put-on-a-smile · 7 years
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and-put-on-a-smile · 7 years
i love when ur writing an essay and u all of a sudden get a burst of inspiration or find the perfect source to back up ur point and it’s like the clouds have parted and everything’s clear and ur not gonna have to drop out
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and-put-on-a-smile · 7 years
can someone write a guide to a 26-year-old in their first Serious Relationship to help a girl out in “I have no idea what I’m doing”-moments and other freak outs
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