andmyshield · 5 years
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Wowhead guide: Bruce! I wrote a guide at Wowhead, on how to get the Brawler's Guild mount Bruce! It took forever and I am now a coding expert and an outstanding investigator (well), and it is now live. Enjoy! To the guide...
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andmyshield · 5 years
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Late night S.E.L.F.I.E. comedy... #anduinwrynn #warcraft
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andmyshield · 5 years
Two sides of every tail
Two sides of every tail #Warcraft #Noblegarden
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Shook the dust off my Alliance paladin and tunnel-visioned my way through the Battle for Azeroth main content on the enemy side to get the achievement Two Sides of Every Tale – the reward is a black horse in Horde-armor! What is there not to love??
The Alliance have many pretty horses and I am so salty I can’t use, say, Prestigious War Steed on my Horde characters, but with Battle for Azeroth…
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andmyshield · 6 years
Wormhole slip
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Was going to do the Legion-quest Whispers of a Frightened World before the Darkmoon Faire-xp buff ran out on my almost-level-120 warrior, took the portal to Dragonblight and thought hey, I’m a smart and crafty engineer, I’ll use my Wormhole: Northrend-toy to quickly get to Sholazar Basin.
Now, I tend to mix up Highmountain and Stormheim on the Wormhole: Legion-toy, and in Shrine of Two Moons I…
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andmyshield · 6 years
Another year in Azeroth
Another year in Azeroth
In 2018 we ended Legion and entered Battle for Azeroth. I’d rather fight demons than Alliance, to be honest; my hero complex isn’t thriving in these “morally grey” (read: morally despicable) areas the Horde currently is lurking in at the moment.
There is hope though. Right, Zappy…?
Anyway. Here’s a selection of the highlights 2018 in pictures:
January 14th
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Hero of Shattrath
It takes a lot of…
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andmyshield · 6 years
Chef's Choice for Winter Veil
Chef’s Choice for Winter Veil
It’s Winter Veil, and that means food. Lots of food. I’ve enjoyed myself trying to find the Azerothian equivalents for some traditional Swedish Christmas/Yule* food, and here’s the result.
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Apple’s in the mouth of the boar, ready for Winter Veil galore!
Granted, I haven’t found a counterpart for every Swedish yule dish. Still found quite a few Azeroth recipes that might work decently for some of…
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andmyshield · 6 years
World quest week!
Streaming today, doing world quests in warmode and hunting down the last 1354 reputation points for the Tortollans! twitch.tv/mehazael
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andmyshield · 6 years
Pilgrim's Bounty - rep hunty
Pilgrim’s Bounty – rep hunty
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Pilgrim’s Bounty. The in-game equivalent to the real world’s Thanksgiving. Which in some aspects is a rather tasteless holiday, given the history of Europeans, North America and native Americans, but which also is about being grateful for a good harvest and so on, so there’s that.
Pilgrim’s Bounty is about food, more or less. Every year when I curse and swear over the stupid bustling back and…
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andmyshield · 6 years
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A headless horseman without a horse is just a headless man Killed the Headless Horseman. Sold the head for Tricky Treats. Kept the horse.
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andmyshield · 6 years
Bootleg Horseman
Hallow’s End is here! If you’re levelling and/or farming reputation, remember to go to Stormwind or Undercity (the pre-Blight version) and get the 2 hour experience and reputation buff. 10% extra of both – if you have rep tokens from Legion or so left, this is the time to use them.
I slacked so hard last year’s Hallow’s End, so I’m horribly behind when it comes to pet and toy collecting. I had…
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andmyshield · 6 years
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Malpertinger We did Antorus Mythic today and I got the quest to deliver some crystallized messages from Illidan to Malfurion* and Tyrande and...
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andmyshield · 6 years
Guten Brewfest!
Guten Brewfest! #warcraft #brewfest
Might as well rename this blog to “…and my mog!” because that’s apparently the main focus, but anyway! It’s Brewfest and it’s time for booze, throw empty mugs on Dark Iron guzzlers, and of course to dress up in Brewfest regalia!
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This time, when I was drunk… refers to the daily Dark Iron Dwarf spanking quest, of course. Tapper Swindlekeg, in his bright purple-pink shirt: “What the scrap, this…
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andmyshield · 6 years
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These boobs are made for showing I waited so long for this chestplate, and then Shadowhunter Ty'jin says it won't do when dealing with pirates?
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andmyshield · 6 years
Happy Launch Day!
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Battle for Azeroth is here! I got my Collector’s Edition yesterday, registered the key, then boosted my poor night elf druid to level 110 to rush through the War of Thorns-quest and the final battle at Undercity before the whole thing vanished at midnight. Why? Well, because I wanted to do it as a night elf druid, the race/class I once began my adventures in Azeroth as, and I had to let him fight…
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andmyshield · 6 years
Can you imagine how that trailer would have gone if Vol’jin was still warchief?
Anduin: “So… we cool?”
Vol’jin: “Yah.”
(small cut to Sylvanas and Genn who are wearing their get-along-shirt)
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andmyshield · 6 years
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It's past midsummer. You know what that means. #winteriscoming
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andmyshield · 6 years
Unicooorn!! #LucidNightmare #Warcraft
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When it comes to achievement hunting, I’m not very hardcore. I see little point in wasting time on searching for the right location, or try figure out what a riddle mean, when so many people already have done that – and share their knowledge with others. So, as shamelessly as ever, I surfed on the humongous amounts of hours these pioneers spent on research and Wowhead-guides, and finally obtained…
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