andreallday · 3 years
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Painful truth about entrepreneurship
Good day
my name is Andre…
just in case this is your first time here
therefore welcome if it is.
If it’s not, hello again.
Now that you’re here… and provided you’re following me
you’re going to see more financial, business and other types of valuable tips
That’s if you want a productive, successful, lucrative and exciting lifestyle!
Otherwise, you won’t hurt my feelings, maybe just your goals
Seriously though, let me know if the tips from this post helped you
or when such tips prove to be helpful to you
but also when they’re not helpful
or when you notice an error
or when you know about something better.
This is meant for us to help each other grow as well.
Therefore, enjoy what I got here and feel free to share what you got there.
Let’s make it happen!
Have a productive day.
📷 : IG @ businesshackk
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andreallday · 3 years
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2 Minute ABS 20 Seconds Each…
Did you exercise today though?
Seriously did you?
Oh… it’s your rest day?
Either way, I hope these fitness tips have been helping you with your fitness goal.
I mean it!
Now, I’m sure that if you you’re a gym rat, you probably got some fitness tips of your own
Probably even better ones!
In which case please share them here
and or I can share them for you credited to you.
The purpose for this account is to help each other out with our fitness goals…
and admittedly I don’t have all the answers
yet I will continue sharing as I’m learning.
In fact, when it comes to the top Fitness tips I’ve found so far…
that should get you in great shape in 2022…
feel free to go to the Link In Bio.
You just have to scroll down to the ‘Fitness’ section if you’re on the homepage
oh and you’ll also get a secret technique only 3% know, to eliminate belly fat and stay fit.
The only thing I ask is that you share this with others to help them too.
📷 : IG @ tips.4health
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andreallday · 3 years
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6 amazing fat loss fruits…
Hey it’s Andre, and I hope this helps you with your healthy lifestyle goal.
For real though!
I don’t want to just post something that doesn’t work.
It’s important for me to know what’s working and what’s not working
because this will continue helping your health and helping my health simultaneously
Obviously I only want to post what seems to be working the most
In fact, I’ve made a list of tips I’ve found out to be helpful so far, when it comes to a healthy lifestyle
You can check it out if you’d like by visiting the link in bio
yet you may have to scroll down and navigate to the ‘Health’ section if you’re on the main page
I’ve got it titled as ‘The Top 7 Health Tips For Men and Women’
Plus you’ll find a healthy lifestyle guide for 2022
And you’ll also learn a little secret on how to live healthy and lose weight without giving up your favorite food or starving yourself.
I believe that you’re totally going to find this helpful!
Nevertheless, since sharing is caring please share this with others to help them too.
That’s all I ask for :)
📷 : IG @ mario.aesthetic
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andreallday · 3 years
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Let this be a reminder to keep hustling & grinding
and a reminder to why you’re doing this.
Keep that reason, your goal in mind and get to work,
because the harder you work, the closer you’re getting.
So keep going 👊
Hey if this is your first time here…
my name is Andre
and welcome to my page.
Moving forward you will see more quotes like this one
which I like to write and share with goal-oriented people like you
Yet they’re not simply to inspire you!
I will elaborate more on this later.
For now, I hope this quote proved helpful to you
and let me know what you thought of it too.
Plus if you know other quotes that have been very helpful to you…
feel free to share them too.
Have an awesome day
and talk to you later.
🖋: Andre Dominguez
📷 : Avi Richards
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andreallday · 3 years
Anyone else miss parties and dancing?
This got me pumped!
Feels like it’s been so long I gotta touch up my skills at home.
2022 is the year I’m getting back to the dance floor!
Hey it’s Andre all day again,
Yeah you’re probably tired of hearing that
provided you’ve been reading all my scribble scrabble here
but if it’s your first time here, nice to meet you!
In any case, I’d like to get to know you more
like, if you think this video was rad and all, what about what you’re able to do?
Seriously, I already established in other posts that I’m not just trying to be cute with some kind of motivational or inspirational phrase
Like “you can do it”, although you REALLY can
I’m just saying that we often don’t realize how much we’re actually capable of doing…
especially when we’re brainwashed with the limiting beliefs society has conditioned in us!
Some say the media and the government has programmed us into such a weakened state too.
Now, I’m not all about conspiracies but I do know that most of us grow up with plenty limiting beliefs
And that’s the narrative we need to deprogram from, to rewrite a new empowering one
Kind of like an elephant growing up tied to a wooden chair, thinking he can never break free from it even when it’s fully grown and strong
Like the elephant, it’s really all in your mind!
In fact, checkout thisisallaboutyou.com/you to see what I mean
that’s if you haven’t already.
Brace yourself though because what you’re about to find out there might be overwhelming, yet liberating.
And there’s no catch to this, just make sure to share this with others to help them too.
📷 : IG @ blottermedia
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andreallday · 3 years
Santorini Greece, gotta love this place!
I actually got a top 5 things to do in Santorini list…
perhaps I’ll share it with you in one of my next posts.
In case I haven’t already told you this, I love traveling...
And what I’m about to say is just for those of you who love traveling just as much as I do.
To be honest, one of the reasons I love traveling is not just for the thrill of traveling...
but to get to know the people of other lands
to learn about them
to understand them
to appreciate them.
It’s all about the variety of beauty you can discover in different places and different faces.
In fact, I love traveling because I’m passionate about getting to know the amazing different cultures…
in addition to exploring the beautiful different lands that we are blessed to have on this incredible planet.
Not to mention the fact that tours by the locals are always better!
Oh and we can’t forget about the delicious local foods either 🤤
You see, earth to me is like a crayon box with a variety of colors
And I’m grateful it is! I mean, who wants a crayon box full of gray crayons?
To me, the variety of people, cultures, foods and lands are the crayons on this box of a planet, which we can paint our life with.
Of course I know earth is a sphere, not a box
ergo “traveling the globe”.
Anyway, regardless the languages, regardless the distances and regardless our differences...
traveling is a means to that feeling of unity I’m honestly fond of and constantly seek...
that connection with our human family and the different ways we can learn to love.
Traveling is just the vehicle that takes me there, and I hope it takes you too.
In fact, if you haven’t been able to travel as much as you’d like...
or if you haven’t figured out how you can, check out thisisallaboutyou.com to find out how you actually can do this too.
And the clue I’ve been giving is that once you’re in the website, it’s not within the ‘Health’, ‘Fitness’, ‘You’, ‘Space’ or even ‘Travel’ section yet.
Once you find it, you’re on your way ✈️
OK, that’s all I’ve got for now.
Just remember to share this with others to help them too.
📷 : IG @ santorini_greece @ alali_restaurant
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andreallday · 3 years
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Hope this really helped you out with your investments
good day
my name is Andre…
just in case this is your first time here
therefore welcome if it is.
If it’s not, hello again.
Now that you’re here… and provided you’re following me
you’re going to see more financial, business and other types of valuable tips
That’s if you want a productive, successful, lucrative and exciting lifestyle!
Otherwise, you won’t hurt my feelings, maybe just your goals
Seriously though, let me know if the tips from this post helped you
or when such tips prove to be helpful to you
but also when they’re not helpful
or when you notice an error
or when you know about something better.
This is meant for us to help each other grow as well.
Therefore, enjoy what I got here and feel free to share what you got there.
Let’s make it happen!
Have a productive day.
📷 : IG @ wealth
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andreallday · 3 years
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Six pack abs: upper, lower and obliques…
the name is Andre
if we’re just now meeting
and if we really are just now meeting, welcome!
If you’re now following me, you will see more fitness tips like this one here on forward
yet I appreciate honest feedback to know what’s helping fitness conscious people like you, as well as what’s not working.
So if these fitness tips were helpful, let me know
if they weren’t helpful, let me know
or if you know about something better, let me know too.
In fact share what you got below so we can all make improvements together
and help each other with our fitness goals.
Alright, have an energetic day yeah!
and I will hit you up later… like with posts here
I’m not just gonna slide into your DMs
unless you dm me with some questions, suggestions or something.
In which case I’ll try to respond as soon as I can
Anyway, ttyl 🤙
📷 : IG @ its_gymtime
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andreallday · 3 years
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Seeds for protein…
Hey my name is Andre… in case it’s your first time here
Let me know if this was helpful or if it contributed well to your healthy lifestyle goal
or even if it wasn’t helpful at all
I’m open to improve and find more helpful information.
This may be cheesy or whatever but living a healthy lifestyle is something I’m passionate of
I mean, can’t really understand why more people aren’t intrigued by this
It means our life after all!
My father always said “Food is life! And being successful in anything means nothing if you have bad health”.
Yeah I’ve been really considering his words…
especially as I’m getting older.
We’re all getting older!
Therefore we’ve got to continue taking care of our health
And hopefully I continue helping you stay healthy.
So try some of these tips if you’d like and apply what you can
You may see significant improvements in your health.
Yet, remember to always consult with a doctor if you have any insecurities or doubts on something.
Of course I want us to grow healthy together,
we just got to remember that we all have different bodies and maybe allergies
Still, I’m sure that for the most part we’re going to get healthier if we put in the effort.
📷 : IG @ realholisticfacts
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andreallday · 3 years
I want one!
For real though, I wonder how long it will be til these are put to use by the government…
let alone by the public, if it ever happens.
Whatever the case, it’s inventor sure did something
and those that are able to fly it like this man got skills I just discovered I want to have too.
That’s cool and all, yet remember that you have the capability of doing such things too!
Seriously, I’m not just saying these things to simply sound motivating or inspiring.
I mean, don’t get me wrong, I think motivation and inspiration are important…
yet often times such experience is just temporary.
What I have found to be more effective and more important is to take the following two steps:
1.get rid of the false and limiting narratives you’ve been conditioned to believe about yourself
2.realize the potential you actually do have, both within and without!
Regardless how hard this might be to believe, this actually is possible to do…
and it has been proven mentally, emotionally and scientifically.
In fact, although still too few, many people have been able to do this.
And you can too!
You’ve just got to tap into this realization about you.
That’s why, when you visit thisisallaboutyou.com/you you will find out about a lot of things you never knew about you
and you will discover everything you have the potential to do too.
Yet it’s all up to you, for it all starts with you, because this is all about YOU.
Just remember to share this with others to help them too.
📷 : IG @ insane.autos
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andreallday · 3 years
Not gonna lie, not so big on winter sports, yet this is pretty rad! Where the snowboarders at?
This is cool and all, but remember that you have the capability of doing such things too!
Seriously, I’m not just saying these things to simply sound motivating or inspiring.
I mean, don’t get me wrong, I think motivation and inspiration are important…
yet often times such experience is just temporary.
What I have found to be more effective and more important is to take the following two steps:
1.get rid of the false and limiting narratives you’ve been conditioned to believe about yourself
2.realize the potential you actually do have, both within and without!
Regardless how hard this might be to believe, this actually is possible to do…
and it has been proven mentally, emotionally and scientifically.
In fact, although still too few, many people have been able to do this.
And you can too!
You’ve just got to tap into this realization about you.
That’s why, when you visit thisisallaboutyou.com/you you will find out about a lot of things you never knew about you
and you will discover everything you have the potential to do too.
Yet it’s all up to you, for it all starts with you, because this is all about YOU.
Just remember to share this with others to help them too.
📷 : IG @ travisrice @redbull
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andreallday · 3 years
Here’s yet something else I was passionate of growing up… skateboarding!
Honestly I don’t skateboard like I used to but I still take my dog Nimbus on walks (or runs) with my longboard
He especially loves it when we go down hill and I have to be on my board in order to keep up with his fast lil legs.
Hey by the way my name is Andre
in case you’re new to my posts
Oh and I may be posting more videos like this moving forward as well.
Yet, in case you’re wondering why I like sharing videos of people doing awesome things…
it’s simply to inspire you.
I mean I get inspired too!
If you weren’t wondering about this, now you know the answer to a question you didn’t ask.
For real though…
if you think about it, these people that do such incredible things are no different than you.
They are humans just like you...
Well as far as I know ;)
Seriously, if they can do such amazing things, so can you if you put your mind to it
I know that sounds a bit cliché
but it’s true, you can achieve whatever you want in life if you just shift your intention, your focus and your actions toward it.
It’s like Tony Robbins says: “Where focus goes, energy flows” and success WILL show
It’s like digging a hole versus digging many, the ONE you focus on will be a lot deeper than the many being scattered all over the place.
You will reach water!
yeah perhaps that wasn’t the best analogy
I’ll work on it.
Anyway, you simply got to lock on your target goal!
And in case you didn’t know, it’s normal to start small and it’s normal to fail along the way
The only thing you have to do is to never give up.
By the way, starting small and failing a few times is a lot better than never getting started at all
Your chances of succeeding increases 100% when you just start doing it!
You will learn along the way
You will get better as you practice
You will become a pro if you don’t let go.
Just go to thisisallaboutyou.com so that you can see what I mean…
and so that you can see all the potential you have.
It’s all about YOU after all!
All I ask is that you share this with others to help them too.
📷 : IG @ skateboardingods
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andreallday · 3 years
Being that I’m starting to post here, thought I post things that relate to my personality
such as something I’m passionate of… surfing!
Just check out the awesome maneuvers in this video
Pretty rad yeah?
In fact, I may be posting more awesome videos of people doing awesome things.
If you have some awesome skills or accomplishments, let me know and I might post it here too.
In fact, feel free to visit thisisallaboutyou.com to discover what awesome things you have the potential to do.
The website is all about you after all... I mean, that’s literally the URL
This is all about you dot com!
The only thing I ask is that you share this with others to help them too.
📷 : IG @ redbull @ redbull_surfing @ wsl @ julian_wilson @ jordysmith88 @ lakeypeterson @ rissmoore10
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andreallday · 3 years
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Checkout this view of the Colosseum in Rome, Italy.
In fact, the view of Rome overall looks breathtaking!
At least that’s how I see it being that Italy is my dream destination.
Italy is probably the first place I’m traveling to once we’re completed of this global bug.
Hey it’s Andre,
And call me cheesy all you want but I often dream about traveling.
In fact, I constantly dream about flying!
Seriously, I LOVE traveling!
But of course, recent global events have significantly suppressed this.
Therefore patiently (at least I’ve been trying to be), I’ve been waiting for the chance to be able to start traveling again.
Now I understand there are other more important things at hand to consider too.
Yet that still doesn’t take away from the fact that I simply can’t wait to travel as frequent as I used to.
I’m sure you feel the same way too!
I mean, is there anyone that doesn’t like traveling?
That was an honest question, I’m genuinely curious.
The problem is that, if you are one of the 99.97% of people that likes traveling...
...it’s not necessarily an easy thing to do, at least as often as you might like
That’s why I made it my mission to find out how is it that some people are able to travel full time
And yeah this is the part where I tell you that I was elated with what I discovered
It’s actually pretty simple, yet I will admit that it’s not the easiest thing to do initially
Still totally worth it in the end!
Not to mention the fact that doing this will allow you to travel full time.
So what is it?
Well first of all, if you haven’t figured this out yet or haven’t even tried to, just try it
What is it they like to say out there…
“you’ve got nothing to lose”
It’s true!
But if this is the first time you’re seeing this, all you have to do is go to thisisallaboutyou.com and remember this hint...
when you’re in the website, it’s not within the ‘Health’, ‘Fitness’ or ‘You’ category.
It’s not even within the ‘Travel’ or ‘Space’ category yet… quite ironically, as I’m still working on these
You should be able to figure this out though!
The only thing I ask is that you share this with others to help them too.
📷 : IG @ italy
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andreallday · 3 years
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I’M BACK! And I’ve got so much to show you and reveal to you…
Starting with this beautiful pic of the Maldives.
This global bug and variants have lingered far too long, while my travel bug is biting down hard
I don’t know about you but I can’t wait to start traveling again!
And the Maldives feel just right to get started with.
What about you though, have you ever been here?
If so, let me know your experience!
If you haven’t, would you love to?
As a matter of fact, where have you traveled to and how was it?
I know, I’m asking you a lot of questions
I’ll stop.
Seriously though…
Whether you’ve traveled or not, I think it’s safe to say you might like to travel some more
Yet have you ever wondered how some people
are about travel so much more than you can
or how some people are able to travel full time?
If you haven’t, then our conversation ends here
But if you have, just visit thisisallaboutyou.com to find out how you can too
You’re going to be surprised... for real you’re going to love this!
And here’s a hint, when you’re in the website, it’s not within the ‘Health’, ‘Fitness’ or ‘You’ category.
And ironically, it’s not even within the ‘Travel’ or ‘Space’ category as I’m currently working on these.
Yeah that’s… that’s the clue
But let’s see if you can figure this out
It’ll be quite rewarding when you do.
Nevertheless, since sharing is caring share this with others to help them too.
📷 : IG @ davidauer_
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andreallday · 3 years
Have you ever noticed how certain things seem to significantly motivate us to work on something?
While other times, no matter how much we may want to get something done, we simply procrastinate.
Sometimes we even do what we don’t want to do without even a real reward in the end!
A good example of this is your job
Let’s be honest, when you had or if you still have a job, you would wake up reluctantly...
at a time you wouldn’t want to wake up...
to put on some clothes you don’t really like to wear...
to go work somewhere you don’t want to work.
Why though?
‘Necessity’ might seem like the appropriate or even obvious short answer
Yet, perhaps there’s a little more than that.
Think about it, could it have something to do with your morbid fear of not being able to pay your bills...
of losing your car...
of losing your home...
of losing your basic needs...
of not being able to even eat...
and of losing total respect?
Fear has got a way of manipulating us if we don’t learn to manipulate it!
Still, there’s something deeper than fear...
Can you guess what it is?
It’s pain.
You see, the reason why you would get up at a time you hate, to go work at a place you hate, for someone you probably hate as well...
is because you’re simply trying to avoid the pain that comes with losing everything you fear to lose if you no longer have the income from that job.
In essence, pain is the main culprit
More specifically, the avoidance of pain.
Ever heard of the carrot and the stick?
Well that pain you’re trying to avoid is the stick.
That’s why you’re more likely to go work at some job you hate, than to work on freeing yourself from that job.
You may want to build your own business, yet there’s no serious pain you’re trying to avoid that will get you serious enough to commit and work on your business.
Especially if you’ve become used to or rather comfortable with how things are!
Therefore, if there’s no significant pain you’re trying to avoid, and especially if you’re within your comfort zone...
it’s not surprising why you haven’t gotten started, committed or developed enough self-discipline to continue working on reaching financial independence.
Let alone, when reaching such financial goal, requires some hard work and time upfront!
Then there’s that carrot we mentioned earlier.
The carrot of course represents pleasure
Yet have you applied it to your reason?
In fact, what is your reason, the ‘why’ you want to quit your job and live life on your own terms?
And have you made that reason real and appealing enough to get you up to work towards it?
It’s bad enough not making the pain that will come from inaction, real or significant enough
But also, not tapping into the elated emotions you would feel once your desired goal has manifested, just makes things a lot worse.
Therefore, why not use the carrot and the stick in your favor?
Use the reality of the pain that will result as consequence to you not taking action and the reality of the pleasure that will result from you taking action right now.
Learn what you need to learn about building a successful business and get to work right away!
No one else is going to give you that financial freedom you want
And you’ve got to prove how bad you truly want it to no one else but yourself.
Now, I can point you to the right direction and tell you that online businesses are the best most lucrative businesses to start today...
Specifically Affiliate or Digital Marketing!
Yet, you are the one that has to learn it and put in the work.
YOU have to put in the hustle and grind to make that dream of yours happen.
And you will!
You just have to get started now.
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andreallday · 3 years
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Top 10 Tools You Need To Start A Successful Online Business
There are actually different types of online businesses you can start, which I’ll talk more about in a different article.
Yet, here are some tools most online businesses need in order to be successful:
1.Domain Name:
First and foremost you need a domain name, which is basically your Internet address.
You know, one of those www dot your domain name dot com links, also known as a URL.
URL stands for ‘Uniform Resource Locator’ by the way.
You can get a domain name at websites like GoDaddy.
They’re usually pretty cheap.
Of course you’ll need a site builder to build your very own website.
Your website is where you provide your value such as content, products and or services.
I personally recommend you build one with WordPress because the tools they provide you to build a website are more professional there.
You also need web hosting which is basically like a space you rent online for your website.
Web hosting provides what you need for your website to be able to be viewed by others.
This is the service that publishes your website on the World Wide Web.
Ok enough with the definition!
One of the web host providers I like is GoDaddy, unless you’re able to host through WordPress.
4.Landing Page:
If you’re not able to build a website or don’t want to deal with the whole domain name, website building and hosting process, you can always just get a landing page.
A landing page is basically a page you can rent from another website which provides simple tools for you to set up a page a lot easier.
You may not get your very own URL but again it’s so much easier and faster to set up a landing page.
Landing pages are important because it’s the front page your possible consumers land on to begin their journey on becoming your loyal customers.
I strongly recommend Get Response for this one, because you can create your landing page easily there and they also have other tools that are essential for your online business.
This is important if you want your written content to actually draw people in and keep them interested.
It’s the ability to write in ways that taps into people’s psychology and emotions.
It’s basically persuasive writing!
You need to know copywriting for things like your headlines, titles, subtitles and your paragraphs.
Although you can always just pay someone to do your copywriting for you too.
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.
To put it simply, SEO is knowing how to organize your words within your website so that you can appear high on the list of results in search engines such as Google.
There’s actually more to it such as keywords and backlinks, yet here’s an SEO guide to help you out.
SEO is organic and free, but it takes time to set up and master.
It’s also extremely worth it in the end!
This is basically a software that allows you to have an online store and sell your products.
I believe that Shopify is especially useful when it comes to selling physical products online.
8.Products & Services:
Obviously you need products and or services!
What’s an online business without these things.
You can sell just about anything online such as appliances, clothes, webinars and ebooks.
Yet I’ve noticed that some of the most popular things to sell online are things that fall within the relationship & dating, pets supplies, weight-loss supplies and personal finance niches.
Cryptocurrencies seem to be becoming a big deal too, or already are.
9.Affiliate Marketing:
Now, if you don’t have products or services of your own some companies allow you to promote their products and services for a cut on their profit, such as Amazon.
This is basically Affiliate Marketing, where you become an affiliate of companies related to your niche.
Yet some things to consider when finding products and services to promote are identifying what your target market is and doing some market research.
10.Email Marketing:
If you want more than just one time customers then you’re going to need email marketing.
Email marketing is a system you can set up where you ask for people emails to provide them with more relevant, exclusive and real value.
Actually remember Get Response, which I mentioned earlier in ‘Landing Page’, well this is also an awesome source for setting up your email marketing.
There’s actually a whole mess of techniques and science when it comes to email marketing, but it’s easy to learn at Get Response.
Finally, marketing is of course needed if you want to drive traffic to your online business.
Without marketing you basically have a pretty store in the middle of nowhere, where no one can see it.
Therefore I will be bringing up different marketing strategies in another article.
However, if you don’t want to have to wait or look for it, check out the 5 Steps To A Successful Online Business.
They reveal some of the top marketing techniques in 2021 for FREE.
All I ask is that you share this with others to help them too.
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