andrewwschwartz · 1 year
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This is so awesome
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andrewwschwartz · 2 years
So what’s going on over here?
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andrewwschwartz · 5 years
I think this song is one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever listened to
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andrewwschwartz · 5 years
THERE’S A NAME FOR THIS AND I DIDN’T KNOW!!! It’s really fun learning things that happened when you weren’t alive.
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andrewwschwartz · 5 years
The playlist is kind of a grab bag of genres and time periods because I just added songs as I found them. 
I’m really curious what people think of this playlist? Does it hold up as a good collection of ‘oldies’? I’m not sure how oldies is really even defined nowadays.
lmk what you think :)
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andrewwschwartz · 5 years
Specifically Mooded Playlists:
sometimes ill just be struck with a Feeling and instantly create a new spotify playlist to go with it so i’m literally rolling in concept/pov playlists and there seems to be a market for them so here are some playlists:
a tiny little folk village where everyone knows everyone and in the summer you all dance around the village square with flowers in your hair, yet, there are stories of strange, powerful things happening in the Forrest over the Moor
You are a protagonist moving house, contemplating the loss of a loved one, or in deep contemplation while you zone out and stare out of a vehicle window - letting the world move ever past you as you rest your head on the glass
elemental energy: - fire - earth - water - air
a love so genuine and pure you don’t even need to think about it. It’s the feeling of friends running in fields on a summers day or a memory of your mother holding you when you were small. not necessarily romantic but so so strong 
performing an ancient ritual deep in the cold, dark woods, feeling pure arcane energy running through your bones. Seeing red lightning and magic manifesting in the air around you and you try and hold on to your sanity as it consumes you entirely 
it’s 2012 and you and your fellow ragtag band of troubled teens are performing your first show in some shitty underground club where people listen to “real music”
you’re riding shotgun in your best friends car on a road trip, the weather is perfect, your friends in the back are singing along to the radio and you realise with absolute certainty there is no place you’d rather be
you are sitting in the back seat of your dads car. you’re 7 years old and don’t know any songs really except for your parents playlists which they keep on CDs. Every time a new song comes on your parents sing along together and you feel so loved
taking the first step off a plane, staring down a blank canvas, typing the first word of the book youre going to write. There is a start to every journey 
so you’re bisexual:
songs about really wanting a relationship to get intimate or romantic or more intense even though logically it literally will never ever work out or change because you’re just so not compatible but you STILL cant help thinking about it because feelings don’t just shut down and go away even if you want them too
you’re in a pitch dark, abandoned cave, miles and miles away from civilisation, and at first you think you’re imagining it but no, you can, ever so faintly, hear music and from deep underground. impossibly far below you, you hear rhythm and beat and your toes tingle as you feel the vibrations of bass in your feet
it’s been a long day :(
you’re a 16-18 year old protagonist of any fantasy/dystopian young adult novel and over the next few months you will undoubtedly go on a journey that tests your love, friendship, and personal limits only for everything to either be neatly resolved or left open ended till the sequel comes out next year
toxic people SUCK and they DESERVE to know how much they suck
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andrewwschwartz · 5 years
If you have a need for 90s early 2000s rap/hiphop, GTA San Andreas west coast radio, Boyz n the hood sound; than this is the playlist for you.
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andrewwschwartz · 5 years
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Doctor Who: Dalek (2005)
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andrewwschwartz · 5 years
This is love.
How did you manage to create the best blog ever??????
You’re cute and you must be protected at all costs. Love you
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