Black and white by apathyinreverie
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Black and white
by apathyinreverie (@apathyinreverie)
T, 10k, Wangxian
Summary: The thing is, Sizhui knows that nothing in this world is ever truly black or white. Kay's comments: This story is giving me something I'm always craving: Lan Sizhui pondering over his place in the world and in the Lan Sect after everything that happened in canon, after he learned of his true identity and after he learned what happened to the Wen remnants. It's bitter, it's honest, it's absolutely perfect. Lived for the part where he was roasting Lan Qiren for his hypocricy and I loved the ending of the story - very satisfying! Also featuring outsider POV on Wangxian's developement post-canon in a mostly The Untamed-verse with Chief Cultivator Lan Wangji and them not being together yet, very heart-breaking and heart-warming in equal measures. Excerpt: However, he also sees the shadowed caution, the uncertainty so briefly flitting through Xian-ge’s eyes at Jingyi’s enthusiastic invitation, mixed with something else, something that would be impossible to read for Sizhui if he didn’t already know about the longing Xian-ge usually hides so successfully. It is a little devastating to realize how unexpected the invitation apparently seems to Xian-ge. Because, even several months after his return, he still isn’t certain of his welcome in Gusu, of his welcome with A-Die, and it has been barely three weeks since he last left and to return now would certainly break the pattern of only returning every few months which Xian-ge seems to have set himself for his visits. ‘Not unless he is explicitly told’, Wen Ning’s voice once more echoes in his mind. Sizhui chooses to interject softly, “Please, Wei-qianbei,” leaning forward the slightest bit, still a little jarred at their ever-decreasing distance in height, now barely needing to look up to meet Xian-ge’s eyes any longer. “You would most certainly be welcome. This one would be very happy if you were to join us on our way back.”
pov lan sizhui, post-canon, mo dao zu shi & the untamed combination, the untamed compliant, chief cultivator lan wangji, pov outsider lan wangji/wei wuxian, getting together, hurt/comfort, adorable juniors, gusu lan sect rules, cultivation sect politics, good parents lan wangji and wei wuxian, mutual pining, oblivious wei wuxian, protective lan wangji, protective lan sizhui, communication
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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Oh no help, why is my brain suddenly full of an RAF (or RFC) AU where Legolas is a pilot who gets the nickname “Greenleaf” because of how lightly and acrobatically he flies (and also he should probably be Irish or Scottish so the Brits can be derisive about his “more dangerous and less wise” people hmm? ooh or Indian! doesn’t really matter as long as he wears a lot of green so the nickname makes sense lmao) while Gimli was too short for the army but is a fucking amazing mechanic and basically single-handedly responsible for how amazing this unit’s planes are and how no matter how wrecked their planes are if they can get them back to base at all he can fix them, and Legolas fell in love basically the first time he saw Gimli work his miracles with that wrench and Gimli is not in love thank you, he is very very annoyed by this chipper pilot who keeps getting holes shot in his fucking wings and he definitely doesn’t like him at all and certainly doesn’t go out of his way to tinker with Legolas’s plane all the time and make sure it’s the absolute best machine in the air oh no nope definitely not dammit and he certainly doesn’t fret every time Legolas flies off into battle or comes back with his engine smoking again that fucker oh how Gimli loathes him! until one day he finally hops out of a just-barely-landed-successfully plane that is literally on fire Legolas what the fuck you idiot and oh and he stumbles what’s wrong oh no is he hurt oh no and Gimli runs over to help him up and instead they kiss right on the runway oh fuck—!
And the whole unit has been taking bets on this forever, so Commander Strider has to come break up the fistfight between Éowyn-who-definitely-isn’t-using-her-brother’s-ID-and-the-whole-unit-doesn’t-know-she’s-secretly-a-girl-NOPE and Boromir over who now owes whom money before Boromir’s little brother, the only one in the unit who hasn’t figured out that Éowyn is a girl yet, does something stupid trying to stop his brother fighting with “the fellow” he definitely doesn’t have a crush on Boromir please—!
Strider is so tired. He didn’t sign-up for herding idiots in love, he’s just trying to win the damn war, do you lads MIND???
Lord Mithrandir is sitting in his office watching the show from the window and laughing so hard, he fucking loves his deranged pilots so much. He has pulled  so many blatant cover-ups for their hijinks, and everybody in high command knows that he’s tossing aside regulations left and right, but his units are the most successful pilots in the damn skies so nobody can do anything about it dammit. (He’s also definitely in cahoots with General Galadriel, who pulls his ass out of the fire every damn time somebody tries to bestow some kind of reprimand or punishment, and who gets regular “briefings” about his pilots that absolutely aren’t just gossip in disguise, and which she certainly doesn’t pass along to her granddaughter who’s engaged to Commander Strider, who definitely isn’t royalty in disguise, nope nope and also nope.)
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Jiang Cheng, in seclusion:
Someone knocking on the door:
Jiang Cheng, loud and angry: nobody's home fuck off!!
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The Ealdor episode is so fucking wild. Like, Merlin hears his village is in trouble and his mom is having a tough time so he’s like ok bye I’m going home forever and Arthur is like…. wait you're never coming back? So his besotted ass just follows him there. Like he's the ONLY heir to the throne and he says nothing to his father, just leaves in the middle of the night to go to some random village that isn't even a part of his kingdom. He goes up against a bunch of ruthless bandits with a village full of utterly untrained fighters just cause he wants to bring Merlin home I'M
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get his ass merlin
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time traveling au inspired by this post by @mountmortar
feat. confused af arthur and tired at life merlin
more of this au
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the gimmick blogs are like tumblr’s rogue gallery. yes we’ve got some heroes, yes we’ve got some villains, but more importantly if you look over here you will see some freak who devotes all their time to counting the number of “t’s” in a post
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the saddest sight in the world is a married couple at a musical and the wife is super excited and happy and the husband looks like he was dragged along and he’s making a big deal about how much he doesn’t want to be there and the wife gets embarrassed or ashamed. this isn’t a funny post, it’s actually heartbreaking and i see it happen at like every other musical i attend.
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I didn’t realise this until adulthood but handmade birthday piñatas are the apex of parental devotion. I spent the week cooking for my ravenous teenage cousins and felt a bit crestfallen at times that I was spending so long making something that was going to disappear within minutes—but with piñatas it’s so much worse, they exist to be savagely maimed. Year after year my father asked his kids what shape they wanted this year’s piñatas to be and he spent weeks painstakingly making them in the basement after work, only to watch a bunch of oversugared bat-wielding kids gleefully destroy them in less than 10 minutes. 
I mentioned this to him and he said he remembered researching tarantula anatomy for the giant spider piñata I asked for when I was 4, trying to make the fangs the right shape and to cut the crepe paper into very thin ribbons so the thing would look appropriately fuzzy, and I was like “and I don’t even remember it because I was four!! spending so long building a beautiful object only so your kids will have fun destroying it, knowing they won’t even remember it, is such a selfless endeavour” and he said “my other motivation was that you said you wanted the spider to look real & scary so the kids at your birthday party would be terrified of it and you’d get to scoop up all the candy and I wanted to support your slyness & ambition”
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fresh, clean no-terf version for reblogs!
Your mom and aunts aren’t on tumblr.  Please warn them about this as well. 
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heartening saga honestly
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It would be delightful if a fed up Arthur went on a journey to find Merlin who, according to Gaius, is at the tavern again, only to start realizing that Merlin has literally never been to the tavern because no one knows who Merlin is (or at the very least they’re insistent that Merlin’s never been there.)
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Merlin is the FATHER of savagery:
“Look, I’ve told you you’re an ass. I just didn’t realize you were a royal one.”
“How long have you been training to be a prat, my lord”
Arthur: “We’re supposed to be hunting. It requires speed, strength, and an agile mind!” Merlin: “So you’re able to get by on two of the three then?”
Uther: “If this were a time of war, I’d have you flogged.” Merlin: “But since it’s not we’ll let it go just this once?”
“One day you’ll transform into a beautiful prince. But magic’s outlawed in Camelot so that’ll probably never happen.”                                      
Merlin: “She likes you?” Gaius: nods head Merlin:“Oh, that is disgusting.” “Imagine…imagine if she kissed you! UGH”
Arthur: “Take some advice from someone who knows about women-” Merlin: “If such a person existed maybe I would”
Arthur: "You have the mind of a child” Merlin: “Yet I’m still more intelligent than you" 
"I take it you haven’t come all this way JUST TO SMASH MY FAVORITE POT”
Leon: “Whats the job, exactly?” Merlin: “To kill Arthur” Leon: “Driving you mad isn’t he?” Merlin: “Not for much longer!”
Gaius: “Sometimes two heads are better than one.” Merlin: “Yes but not when one of them is yours.” 
“PERCIVAL, that is a sword, it DOES hurt”
“Will it be hot? Will it be cold? Will it be wet? Will it be dry?" 
Merlin: "I wouldn’t do that if I were you because if you do that….you’ll never learn of my plan.” Arthur: “… What plan?” Merlin: “EXACTLY! That’s why you can’t run me through!”
“Don’t think too hard, I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself”
“Are you threatening me with a SPOON?”
Morgana: “You’re just my imagination” Merlin: “That’s right. I’m not really here. Just pretend i’m not really here!”
“The belt is one hole shy of perfection!”
“Do you want us to help you?…. Or do you want to do this alOoOone" 
No other character will be as iconic as Merlin :)
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What a copy cat
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