anewtmasappeared Ā· 5 months
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I posted this on Reddit, and thought Iā€™d try here too.
~ Intro
Iā€™ve started these fan pages hoping to share interests with other TMR fans and share some of my own ideas, thoughts, and fan projects. Above all, Iā€™d really like to share about my Newtmas fan fiction writing project. First, I thought Iā€™d ask if thereā€™s really anyone out there seeing this :ā€™)
I might be seen as late, and that would be because I was too young to watch the Maze Runner movies at its time ;-; But after I did, I came to love the story, world, the characters, and their relationships.
~ I havenā€™t read the books, and I donā€™t want toā€”yet
Also something to note: I only know the movies, not the books. I wish to someday read all the books, but I want to stay only in the movie trilogy world for now. It might be ironic, since the books are this seriesā€™ origins, where it was born from, the original work, and Iā€™m writing a fan fiction about it. But I have a strong feeling that Newtmas isnā€™t even a vibe in the books. That what Iā€™ve written and am about to write would be very wildly unrealistic compared to the books. That maybe if I read the books, then my inspiration to write this fan fiction just might be crushed. So Iā€™m deciding to purposely read the books only later down the road.
~ Before you keep reading this:
If youā€™ve gotten this far, and you donā€™t know Newtā€™s story from start to finish within the movies, then you shouldnā€™t read the rest if you donā€™t want to find out this way. I wouldnā€™t really say itā€™s a spoiler, since everyone already seems to know the events throughout the movies, but just in case, Iā€™ll add this here.
~ Is anyone out there?
Iā€™ve been thinking about the possibility that I might not reach people with my own fan projects either because the fandom isnā€™t as alive anymore, or because of some cases of the internetā€™s disappointing algorithms. Iā€™ve been working on something that Iā€™m really proud of, and I really hope to share it with other TMR trilogy fans someday when itā€™s finished:
~ Newtmas is a very beautiful, delicate thing
A Newtmas fan fiction!
Itā€™s got to be the most popular Maze Runner trilogy ship (is it just me or does it seem even bigger than Thomas and Teresa? Thomresa? Teromas?) and here, Iā€™m taking it and turning it into a fan fiction.
If the sound of a Newtmas fan fiction already catches your attention, then you might have read some Newtmas fan fictions before. You might have seen how off-character the characters can seem or how much the writer sometimes butchers their relationshipā€¦ Here, Iā€™m doing everything I can to handle Thomas and Newt gently and carefully, because Newtmas is a very delicate and fragile thing, that can be easily failed by any fan writer who might be impatient or who might force the relationship too far too quickly. Thomas and Newtā€™s relationship is easily loved by TMR trilogy fans, and such a relationship is curiously, unexplainably valuable, but itā€™s also very delicate. So in my fan fiction, Iā€™m doing everything I can to handle them in the most careful and gentle way, keeping their personalities and character, and I intend to build on their relationship in the most realistic way.
~ Newtmas should have been endgame ;-; / Why Iā€™m writing it
There are so many ways Newt could have been saved. (I could list a whole bunch, but Iā€™ll probably save that for another time.) Seeing that he didnā€™t make it, it felt like I was robbed of something. Even though the movies gave us this beautiful relationship between the two, it felt like it should have lived on. It felt like it ended too soon. We were given something amazing, but it was taken away too painfully, too quickly. I know Newt died, and thatā€™s how the story goesā€¦but imagine if he didnā€™t. Imagine he was saved (by one of the many possible waysā€¦) and lived on, and eventually became the most special part of Thomasā€™ life while living on the safe sanctuary by the beach.
~ My style of writing it
The main focus is Thomas and Newtā€™s relationship by the end of it all, but it wonā€™t be writing purely all about the two. It wonā€™t be like the other characters donā€™t exist; it wonā€™t be like the other characters donā€™t matter. Because they really do, even when the main focus and main inspiration of the writing is Thomas and Newtā€™s relationship. The other characters are a part of the world and are still a big part of Thomas and Newtā€™s lives. And the writing also wonā€™t be solely all events focused on only the relationship. Another thing that might seem off about Newtmas fan fictions is that it might be all about them, as if no other characters exist or as if nothing else happens except for their relationship growing. In my fan fiction, other things will happen, and the other characters will still be a big part of it. Itā€™s like a way to care more for Thomas and Newtā€™s relationship by lessening the overall focus on it a little. I *really* donā€™t want to overdo anything or rush their relationship, and Iā€™m sure thatā€™s pretty clear by now.
~ My concluding questions
1. Do you think you might be interested in this fan fiction once itā€™s released into the public? Iā€™m planning to put it on Wattpad once itā€™s ready, which will be in quite some time, but unlike other fan projects, Iā€™m determined to successfully finish this one. Iā€™m working hard on it for both myself and any other TMR trilogy fans who might have interest in or appreciation for it.
2. Do you agree with my ā€œNewtmas is very delicateā€ opinion (out of curiosity)? If you do, then youā€™re sure to appreciate my fan fiction :)
3. Is this fandom still relatively active? :ā€™) Hopefully this amazing series is so great that it still has an active fandom?
4. Not a question, but if you arenā€™t as interested in the sound of my fan fiction, but know someone who might be, Iā€™d really appreciate a share! And even if you are interested, Iā€™d still very much appreciate a share! I really hope to spread this news about my work-in-progress Newtmas fan fiction. Hopefully it can motivate me to write it not only for myself and my close friends/family, but for other, new people as well. So Iā€™d be very excited to find any encouraging enthusiasm!
End note about this Newtmas fan fiction:
This fan fiction all started with my ideas, my Newtmas-inspired motivation, my thoughts, and is the written form of my ideas. It started with me saying, ā€œIā€™m going to do this. Iā€™m going to make Newtmas happen, because I refuse to be robbed of it like that.ā€ Iā€™m the writer of it, but so is my sibling, who is working on it with me as a two-collaborative-authors kind of project. Weā€™re in the place of one author, using mainly my foundational ideas, and weā€™re both writing it together. Some descriptions are mine, and some descriptions are my siblingā€™s. One thing for sure is that my sibling is a lot better at descriptive and creative writing than me, but I try my best. My sibling is also there to edit and add to my descriptions for the most amazing improvements. My sibling knows the characters a lot better than I do, and can provide judgement or input on a lot of my own ideas about our project, and also suggests ideas of their own. In the end, equal credit goes to the both of us.
If this reaches anyone, and you have the chance to read our fan fiction, I hope you enjoy!
Thank you for reading this! :)
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