angelfairyqueenheart · 5 months
3rd of january 2024, 13:53
everything feels so heavy today. it shouldn't - it should be a normal day. but i don't feel right. i'm heavy. i'm vulnerable, wounds exposed, pain visible, everything unmasked. as it shouldn't be. i'm far far away from my family - from my mother, who needs me right now. my brother fucked up again. he's three years older than me - which as young adults is a fairly big gap - but i see him as this younger, immature, rude, selfish teenager. i'm the teenager - i'm 19. not far off not 19 tho. he's just so rude and cruel. and my mum's stuck there with him. i was already full of grief from christmas. my grandfather wasn't there and neither was my father. this is nothing new. gramps died in 2021 and i haven't had my dad with me for christmas for years thank god. none of us can stomach it anymore. i'm going to have to stop writing now because i'm crying in a caffe nero and theres tears on the laptop i'm borrowing from my partner, byebye.
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angelfairyqueenheart · 6 months
3:18am 15th december 2023
I sit here
In my boyfriend’s room
With the big light on
With my heart burning
White flames within my chest
She isn’t screaming –
Probably something more like yearning
Eyes wide and tense and staring
Staring into nothing
My whole body feels upside down
God I’ve missed emotion
Pure unbridled feeling
Multicoloured alcohol ink on watercolour paper
My friend gave it back to me.
I’m giving freedom to myself.
Freedom of feeling!
Freedom of sensitivity!
Freedom of heart.
- martha<3
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angelfairyqueenheart · 6 months
3:18am (BST) 14th december 2023
i met my ex for coffee today. the nice one, not the ones from school. it was good to see him. we were never really meant to be - but we work great as friends. he's kind. he sees with eyes and a mind that no one else i know does. he understands so deeply - and yearns to if he doesn't. he has piercing blue eyes and curly ginger hair that never really knows what it's doing. turns out we've been in the same city at uni for over a year now. his ears are pierced now. he has a cool green paisley sort of silk scarf. with that and his coat off he looks just the same as i knew him before though.
we broke up because my grandfather died. i didn't know how to deal with it. i already had bad mental health issues. it broke me a bit. a lot. once i went to this christian youth festival with my youth group and this kid a year younger than me said that i would undergo transformation, specifically like the art of kintsugi. you know, that japanese thing where they fix broken pots and stuff with liquid gold? my cracks and breaks would be sewn together with gold, they said. they didn't lie - i don't think.
i think the first evidence of that was when my grandad died. through my cracks and grief, a burning passion leaked through and made me stand up for myself for the first time. i realised the relationship wasn't right for me - it just immediately felt wrong, like a skin i had to shed or i'd have to live in it forever. mind you, i didn't deal with it right, i didn't have the wisdom or courage that i do now. not that i'm wise, or courageous. i changed my clothes too. my birthday rolled around and my now-partner gave me an amazon gift card so i bought the cheapest makeup i could find. i went thrifting and bought clothes that make me feel like a human being (and maybe a little bit cool).
that didn't help my mental health though - it didn't make it worse - but it didn't like, improve things. i was still a mess. i still drank at school for the next year and a half. i didn't trust anyone. i still don't trust anyone. i'd like to. my ex didn't see me much at all after we broke up. we met up for coffee after 5ish months... and then i ghosted him (again) (having just told him i'd be up for being friends). yeah not a great move morally. still keeps me up at night sometimes.
my partner didn't mind us meeting for coffee today (boyfriends sometimes do apparently). he didn't really show any opinion. he doesn't often, without me begging for it a bit. i ask the question 3 times for a response, you stare vacantly at me, fake an answer, i ask if you're sure. repeat. so yeah - i did miss my ex. i missed connection and a friend and things to talk about. he was always good to talk to. empathy levels off the charts. don't worry, i'm not gonna try and go back to him - i don't want to. i just need friends, and he's a good one. and my relationship isn't as bad as i make it sound lol but my boyfriend does know i'm not happy in it right now.
i did other things today too. i went pottery painting with the art society. one of the things i painted is for my sister. i hope she likes it. no idea if she will though. i got a sports bra from a charity shop (it's really comfy). i got a turtleneck from another charity shop (i've been really wanting one to wear under dresses [summer dresses can be for winter too]). and i got some uniqlo sports leggings from another reallllyyyy good charity shop. very good price (£6!!!!!! in 2023??? crazytown). i've been wanting to try and exercise a bit. for my brain more than for my body.
i should go to bed now. woke up at 10am this morning but now it's 3am. oh i did yoga too!! just felt like it. i have a creaky unused lil conker of a skeleton. she needed stretching wayyyy more than i realised. it was supposed to be relaxing meditation yoga but it make me a bit more stressed bc i couldn't stretch ffs. was fun anyway. it was for me. today was for me. it was taylor swifts birthday too today the swift society had a birthday party lol. it was fun. i made a terrible friendship bracelet with my own name on it. i won a prize. i was first on the kahoot for a bit. i'm not even that much of a swiftie. i think a girl flirted with me a tiny bit there? idk she probably didn't but i hope i'm right. i hope. i have hope right now. today was for me. night night.
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