New Krispy Kreme Store Destroyed
by: Reina Navarro
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UPDATE: It is with a heavy heart we report that the newest addition to downtown Angel Grove has been destroyed in a series of attacks! Krispy Kreme is just one of many local businesses taking a literal hit thanks to the mysterious woman in green and her giant gold monster. It appears that a group of colorful saviors in the coolest looking vehicles we’ve ever seen are attempting to restrain them, but the battle at hand has resulted in the quick demise of the new Krispy Kreme shop, among others. It was delicious while it lasted!
We’d like to extend our condolences to those who may be traumatized by lack of fresh, hot doughnuts at this time. Check out the battle zone which was once our beloved short-lived Krispy Kreme: krispykreme.com/AngelGrove
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See below for the earlier report.
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Rise and shine, Tigers! Krispy Kreme has finally opened in downtown Angel Grove, and we’ve got the scoop on all opening day festivities.
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Doors officially opened at 5:30 a.m., and The Roar was on the scene as students, parents and other Angel Grove commuters lined up to the delicious smell of fresh baked doughnuts and fresh-brewed coffee. The first 100 customers were awarded with free treats, gift cards and other Krispy Kreme swag!
Local student Billy Cranston was among the early go-getters, and his excitement could not be contained: “Oh my goodness, I love Krispy Kreme! My mom and I are so excited they’ve finally opened up here!”
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Businessman Kevin O’Malley was equally as thrilled: “It’s nice to see new businesses arrive to the heart of Angel Grove. The shop itself is nice and cozy.”
For an exclusive look inside the shop, take a digital tour of the new location here: krispykreme.com/AngelGrove
Get ready to make Krispy Kreme the newest study spot, Tigers! With its welcoming staff, delectable treats and overall good vibes, early buzz among AGHS students claims this is the place to be, and be couldn’t agree more.
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Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Coming to Angel Grove
by: Brady Larsen
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Some exciting news for students with a major sweet tooth... Krispy Kreme is opening its first Angel Grove location on Thursday, March 9th! Sources report that Krispy Kreme staff members are working around the clock to get this shop up and running in order to open as scheduled.
Make sure to line up bright and early, Tigers! We expect quite the crowd for this new hotspot in downtown Angel Grove. Your day is about to get a lot sweeter.
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Cineplex Grand Opening!
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by: Eric Alderson
Are you ready to head to the movies, Tigers? There’s a new Cineplex opening on March 24, and boy, oh boy, does it have Angel Grove talking!
Locals can enjoy the new state-of-the-art, 10-theater multiplex, complete with the best surround sound to date!
Speaking of dates, make sure to grab one and head to the movies! Remember to reserve your seats! We hear the opening day movie is going to be an action-packed blockbuster. Get your tickets now here: http://powerrange.rs/tickets
Happy cinema watching, Angel Grove!
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It’s #AnswerTime! ⚡️ See the #PowerRangersMovie cast answers at http://comics.tumblr.com/
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Hi! The cast of Power Rangers is here to answer all of your questions! Go!
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5 Spring Things to do in Angel Grove in 2017
By: Aaron Burriss
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New year, who dis? Make 2017 the best school year ever with your crew! Here are our Top 5 Spring Things we’re looking forward to do together in Angel Grove!
The renovations on the outlet mall are finally complete! You’ll geek out over these deals.
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New year, new you! Get started on those new year resolutions and take advantage of the free month trial offer now available at the fitness center.
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Source: Giphy
A theater will be opening later this spring in Angel Grove. Finally, a local spot to see all the latest blockbusters!
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Source: Giphy
Sick of the pizza and jello in the AGHS cafeteria? Our food court has introduced some vegan and gluten free options to the menu. Try out the new healthy items now available! 
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Source: Giphy
Your morning ritual is about to get a lot sweeter! Krispy Kreme will have new flavors!
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Source: Giphy
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Unidentified Woman Strikes Angel Grove
By: Marilyn Flores & Jake McCormick
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Blurry security footage from the local jewelry shop displays a mysterious woman laughing maniacally.
The recent outbreak of mayhem in Angel Grove, including the horrific events at the Angel Grove Fishing Dock, has the city reeling on edge. No information on the expected suspect has been released but rumors are surfacing about a mysterious female spotted at the scene of the crime by a deckhand staff member earlier that night. According to tight-lipped sources, the silhouette appeared to be not quite human. To make the investigation even more unsettling, sources tell us the woman appeared to be on some sort of witch hunt in Angel Grove. Sophomore Kailee Duncan saw the mysterious woman walking towards town and claims she appeared to be muttering to herself and seeking some very specific items in the area. This woman has been spotted running amuck all over town via social media. Here are some first-hand sightings from members of the student body here at AGHS.
While walking down the boulevard, senior Tracey Collins reported the below:
“I was shopping with my mom just before chaos broke out. Glass shattering and horrified screaming came from the shopping center on the corner. A crowd of panicked people came pouring out into the streets followed by a crazy lady!”
Freshmen Charlie Hounslow caught some haunting footage on social media of the suspect and provided a screenshot:
“I work at the Fishing Dock during summer break so I follow majority of the staff on social media. A Snapchat Story from one of my colleagues captured a contorted female body being pulled from the water. Initially she appeared to be lifeless, later in the video the figure suddenly jumped onto its feet with glowing green eyes!”
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Sophomore Jenna Powell was eating lunch on Cinema Cafe’s terrace two blocks from the shopping center and captured the image below:
“I was at lunch with my family when we saw a strange woman walking in the middle of the street. We thought she must have been fleeing the mental institution because she was talking to herself in a strange voice and dressed like some sort of alien creature.”
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We’re itching for more sightings so keep those smart phones handy, Tigers! Everyone is eager to see this ghoulish woman up close and behind bars. Good luck to whoever is responsible for taking down this lunatic and putting an end to the terror once and for all.
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The Roar You Know
Breaking Clique Stereotypes
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Dream team? This new group of friends seen in the cafeteria has the AGHS population gabbing!
If you haven’t noticed, the social hierarchy within the student body at Angel Grove has been anything but normal this school year. The not so low-key drama has yet to cease simmering. This month, we’re diving in with an extra large spoon to stir the overflowing pot of drama!
A unique collection of students have formed a rather unexpected social clique. The new group have been on close watch due to recent events.  If you have been living under a rock, we’ll catch you up to speed. As mentioned in previous issues; Kimberly Hart was dethroned from cheer social elite, golden boy quarterback Jason Scott fell from grace following his injury during a prank gone wrong, and brainiac Billy Cranston showed us he’s not that harmless after all by knocking out the biggest bully on campus.
This group of ‘rebels’ seem to have formed a new-found bond. Breaking all social norms, they’ve have been spotted throughout campus together as a new generation of united outsiders. We forgot to mention the not-so-new new girl Trini and shirtless rogue hottie Zack who seem to be apart of the crew. On the rare occasion the squad is all together, heads turn and jaws drop in awe as to what brought this unexpected group together. What could bring this group to become friends? If only we could take a peek at their group text!
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The editors at The Roar are loving the scandalous new united front. We’re pleasantly surprised to see such an original group of individuals break stereotypes. Regardless of what has caused the new #SQUAD, we have to applaud their ability to fuel the festering rumor mill on campus.
By: Alexia Raye
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Destruction in Angel Grove!
Colorful Civilians Take On Mysterious Monsters
by: Andre "Black Nerd"
Breaking news! Mass destruction has broken out in Angel Grove! It is unknown what technology is behind the catastrophic weapons causing the devastation across town. It is unlike anything the human race has seen before. Authorities have not released any official statements but sources confirm the mysterious woman from the Fishing Dock is playing a part at hand and using an army of some kind to release mayhem onto our town.
Is this an army of robotic weapons or some sort of alien life form attacking our planet? No one is certain. A group of civilians dressed in colorful uniforms have been spotted joining forces while battling the assailants, which you can see in the exclusive footage above. Reports indicate this group has been spotted helping members of the Angel Grove community. It appears our hope and safety lies within the hands of these brave individuals! We hope to report more news as we investigate further.
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AGHS Mannequin Challenge
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Hey Tigers! Check out our AGHS Mannequin challenge. To all our high school rivals out there, we challenge you to do better and make one of your own! Submit your video using #AGHSMannequin for a chance to be featured as our top competitor. Fat chance 😜 Best of luck!
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Byeeee! 5 Signs You’re Being Ghosted
By Jenny Butterfield
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"Ghosting is not something anyone should do for fun,” said cheerleader Amanda Clark (right), with Rachel Smith.
It’s hard being in high school. On any given day we’ve got to deal with bullies, tests, overwhelming amounts of homework, and just the general awkwardness of trying to float in a sea of Amanda Clarks and Jason Scotts.
But perhaps the biggest issue we have to deal with these days? Ghosting! It’s that feeling when your phone suddenly becomes silent. The slow realization that your friend and follower count has decreased significantly. It’s that moment when you realize your friends have decided to cut you out of the picture… literally!
Here are 5 way to know for sure if you’re being ghosted:
Your so-called friends start canceling plans to hang out because they’re “busy.”
Yeah, right. You know their entire schedule and they’re for sure going out with everyone BUT you… SMH.
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Source: Giphy
They only respond to messages with one-word answers, like “No” or “K.”
Just last week you couldn’t get them to shut up with their novel-length responses! You know you’re being phased out of your friend group when conversations start to feel like pulling teeth - not fun.
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Source: Giphy
You become tempted to send double-texts to keep communication alive.
Here’s a tip: don’t do it! You definitely don’t want to appear desperate, and it’s much better to appear cool even if you’re freaking out on the inside.
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Source: Giphy
Your friends stop responding to your texts but keep their Snapchat and Instagram Stories updated... all the time.
You KNOW they saw your texts, but they’re choosing to ignore them. Cheerleader Harper says it best: “When I find out someone is a ‘fake friend,’ I ignore, unfriend, and unfollow.” Rumor has it this harsh display was recently thrown Kimberly Hart’s way in the girl’s restroom.
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You get unfollowed and/or blocked on social media.
Blocked on socials from former friends? Don’t let it get to you! This one might be hard to swallow, but maybe it’s time to move on.
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Source: Giphy
Let’s be honest. Real friends wouldn’t go through the trouble of slowly phasing you out of their lives. Real friends would identify their issues and attempt to talk it out.
Step out of your comfort zone and make some new friends! Join a club. Sit down with a friendly face in the cafeteria. There are so many opportunities to make new friends - forget about the ghosting and explore!
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Brains and Brawn: Billy Stands Up to Bullies 
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In our last issue of The Roar, our student spotlight honored the incredibly bright and promising Billy Cranston. 
You’d expect to see him in the library, not detention. We noted it was refreshing that not all students in detention turn into rebels… but we may have spoken too soon.
Rumor has it, Billy caused quite the scene after reportedly standing up to the outspoken Colt Wallace. It’s no secret Colt is far from innocent and likes to intimidate in the hallways, but could the reserved Billy really have faced his biggest bully?
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“I didn’t see what happened but I can totally believe it,” said sophomore Aimee Denae. “Colt’s a total jerk and Billy probably got fed up!”
Gossip that Colt was knocked down by Angel Grove’s most studious and supposedly harmless student continues to spread like wildfire, with some students in disbelief.
“There’s absolutely no way Billy Cranston could take on Colt!” one student was heard saying.
We were giddy to hear of this underdog victory yet it’s left us wondering, what has caused this sudden change in personality? Could his recent stint in detention really be to blame?
We find it especially interesting that Billy has recently been spotted hanging out with former golden boy Jason Scott. On what planet does a friendship between these two make sense? Is this the beginning to a bad boy phase for Billy? Can we expect more shocking rebel behavior?
We’d be lying if we said we didn’t want to see more from this new alter ego Billy apparently has discovered. Stay tuned for further development, Tigers!
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Explosion at the Mine
Police Investigate Angel Grove High
By Aaron Burriss
In case you’ve been living under a rock, a massive explosion took place at the Cascadia Gold Mine last month, damaging official onsite equipment and setting work back by weeks. Because the incident took place in the late hours of the night, police have been led to believe that the cause of the explosion was far from accidental.
New rumors have surfaced that several students were involved in the incident, and the Angel Grove Police Department is now opening an investigation at AGHS to question if the student body has any information or tips.
“We thank the school board, staff and faculty for their cooperation,” said the Angel Grove Police Department in a statement.
Earlier this month The Roar obtained security camera footage from the night of the explosion, but unfortunately such footage failed to directly show the events in question.
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We’ve since obtained a grainier look at the explosion, but the cause behind it all remains uncertain. All we know for sure is that the explosion has rattled the community and affected those who live and work nearby. 
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“Ugh, I’m so annoyed,” said junior Helen Williams. “My usual hiking trail is right by the site and now there are all these lame ‘danger’ signs everywhere telling me to avoid it!”
Others are lamenting the new curfew set in place by their parents, many of whom are encouraging other parents to do the same.
“Just because some dumb kids thought it was a good idea to trespass and mess around, the rest of us are getting punished,” said senior Ryan Payne.
The staff at The Roar is fully committed to helping the AGPD with their investigation, and we encourage all other Tigers to do the same. If you have any information regarding the mine explosion, please step forward and let us know!
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Stunt Game Strong: Best Daredevils
By Eric Alderson
DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME. The Roar does not condone these actions.
Parkour, planking, extreme stunts, oh my! The internet has been home to a number of viral stunts over the years, paving the way for popular trends, Snapchat Spectacles and hashtag challenges galore. It’s also been home to some really cool “did you see that?!” moments. With the end of Vine approaching, we’ve highlighted some of the best daredevil acts we’ve seen on the web.
We don’t WHO this is… but we do know that they’ve won the unofficial title of best daredevil at AGHS. His or her sick moves are one thing, but to pull this stunt on a moving train?! It’s the definition of too cool for school.
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AGHS Boys Basketball, we hope you’re watching this! This gravity defying wall climb is a total slam dunk.
Taking extreme bicycling to the next level! Seriously… don’t try this at home!
Heading to class like… This girl’s got the right idea!
Together WE are more. Pushups and daredevils don’t always go hand in hand but it takes major skills to achieve these #fitnessgoals. We heard Kimberly Hart has ditched the cheerleading squad… Maybe she’ll want to give gymnastics a try?
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Tiger Attendance Honors
Letter from the Editor
By Reina Navarro
Greetings, Tigers!
We’re midway through another great semester here at Angel Grove High! As we near this halfway point, our inboxes here at The Roar are getting full with shout outs from the faculty and staff wanting to honor exceptional students and their accomplishments thus far.
The biggest achievement to catch our eye? Three and a half years of perfect attendance from senior Alina Gerard! That’s three and a half years of no sick days, three and a half years of no tardies, and three and a half years of commitment to her school work and education. To say this is admirable would be an understatement!
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“I just hate missing class,” Alina said upon our congratulations. “There’s really no reason to skip school!”
Congratulations are also in order for sophomores Aubrey Larsen and Mark Castillo, both of whom never missed a class freshman year and are on track to mimic Alina’s achievement!** **
More students would be wise to follow in Alina’s footsteps. Tardiness has become too common at AGHS. We occasionally spot students running late to class, long after the warning bell has rung. Yikes!
Then there are students like Maria Ann Gomez, Lester Bailey, and the infamous Zack, who leads the list of students with the worst attendance, and decide to show up to school whenever they feel like it. Some students take “senior ditch days” to a whole new level. That’s certainly not the Tiger spirit!
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Zack was seen off campus during school hours.
As we near the end of this semester, let’s remember to put our best foot forward and aim to end on a high note! We may not all get perfect attendance, but we can certainly try.
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Kimberly Hart’s Fall Fashion - Get The Look!
By: Candy Washington
Edgy hair. Edgy look. As the resident fashion expert at The Roar, I must commend former queen bee Kimberly Hart on taking a shocking risk that pays off.  She has been rockin’ the rebel chic look ever since she landed in detention! Follow her lead and you’ll be looking stylish from gym class to study hall.
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Take a page from Kim’s book: whether you’re channeling Gigi Hadid in her latest fashion spread or twirling in your dresses Ariana Grande-style, it’s all about faux leather, zippers and miniskirts this year. Grab your big sister’s or brother’s old leather digs and pair them with skinny jeans, buckles and leggings for an updated chic biker look!
Get the look now:
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Faux-Leather Asymmetrical Zip-Up Vest
Satin Blouse
Faux Leather Ankle Booties
Women’s Leaf Pendant Long Necklace
Imitation Leather Skirt
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It’s the spookiest day of the year! Did you look to Pinterest for DIY costume inspiration? Order a last-minute costume via Amazon Prime? Did you make plans to dress up as your favorite colorful heroes? We want to see YOUR Halloween costumes! Use the Angel Grove Snapchat filter and share your costumes on Twitter or Instagram using hashtag #HearTheRoar for the chance to be featured!
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To use the AGHS filter, open Snapchat and view the yellow ghost icon above on a separate device in camera mode and take a photo of it. Once the lens focuses on the code, a prompt will appear letting you know the filter has been unlocked and you’ll be able to use it freely. Snap a pic and swipe left, easy breezy!
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Screenshot This!
Our Favorite Angel Grove Snaps
Itching to find the hottest Snaps from fellow Tigers? Look no further as we’ve compiled some of the best hidden gems in Angel Grove!
Thanks to our quick fingers, we were fortunate enough to screenshot some of our favorite snaps!
Here are our top 5 Snaps from AGHS!
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We don’t see Zack strutting in the hallways as often as we like, but when we do... 😍 🔥 . Following him on Snapchat is the next best thing.
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Angel Grove High School’s very own leading lady in the theater department, Cory Torres’ selfie game is on point. This total diva knows strike a pose.
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A rebel with a cause, Shane Mandaro is best known for his organized skating sessions in the quad. His daring style can be spotted a mile away. There’s a reason all the skater boys use the hashtag #MohawkMonday.
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Our resident fashionista Candy Washington is taking senior portraits to the next level. Her style is always on point and she can smize like no one else. Sweet as pie and always smiling, who couldn’t help but love her selfie game.
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It’s just not fair; some people really are perfect. Despite her loss of social status, former cheerleader Kimberly Hart will always rank high with her picture-perfect snaps.
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