can i please have a TMR ship? my names kate. I'm 5'2, straight, and have long straight blond hair and green eyes. I'm thin and look weak but am actually fit and strong. I've been told I'm pretty and i get annoyed easily and am very dramatic. most of the time I'm smiling and laughing and I'm very sarcastic I'm always making bad jokes and i love puns. I'm outgoing but i don't seem to serious, but when you get to know me even just a little better I'm an open book about everything. thank you!!!
Hi I'm really sorry but I'm no longer taking ship requests. If you have an imagine or scenario you would like me to do then I am more than happy to do it. Sorry for any inconveniences! :)
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Can you please please please make a black butler imagine please thank you. Oh and your writing is great
Hi I'm really sorry, but I don't currently feel able to complete black butler requests but I'll let y'all know if that ever changes! Xx
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Can you please do the part.3 of "you're worth more" ?! It was really good and i want to know what happens during their date!!😊
Of course I can! It'll be up soonish but I want to try and maybe empty my inbox before I do it because I'm so slow with this stuff sorry guys 😩😩🙈😳 xxx
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Harry Potter - Marauders Imagine - You're Worth More pt. 2
Could you do a second part to 'worth more' please!
Hey, would you consider a you're worth more part two? Thanks if you do. 
Please do a carry on to you're worth more, I loved the first part!!!! 
For: anons
AN: so this was requested several times so I thought why not! Who knows, if this goes down well there may even be more parts, let me know what you think. Hope you guys like it. Thanks for requesting lovelies!! 
Warning: swearing
Part one here!!
1 week after catching your boyfriend cheating on you... 
You sat on your bed still feeling slightly miserable about last week. Sirius and James had gone to 'have a word' with your now ex boyfriend after comforting you and you saw him the next day with a black eye. Feeling slightly bad that they'd evidently not just 'had a word' with him, you told him immediately you were breaking up with him and wanted nothing else to do with him. He respected this and left you alone but you also had a slight suspicion it was because he didn't want another run in with the others. 
It had been hard to get over. 6 months was a long time to spend with someone and you couldn't simply forget it and cast it aside in a week. But, slowly and with the help of the boys, you were getting over him. He didn't deserve you anyway. 
"Y/n?" You heard a soft knock on the door and a male voice outside. 
"Hello?" You said jumping off the bed and making your way to the door. You opened the door to see Remus stood there looking sheepish as always. Since James and Sirius had told you about his crush on you, you'd noticed more and more often how nervous and quiet he was around you, but you found in sweet. 
"Oh hi Remus." You smiled. 
"Hi y/n? How are you?" 
"Good, just catching up on homework and stuff." 
"You know that's not what I meant." He sighed. You beckoned him into the room and closed the door behind you. You knew you could trust Remus, the two of you were good friends and often revised together or did homework in the library because you both knew the other two wouldn't go with either of you. The two of you sat down on the bed and he looked up at you. 
"So how are you?" He asked again.
"I don't know." You said quietly looking at your feet. "I don't know..." 
"Do you wanna talk?" He asked placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder. You nodded and just said everything on your mind. 
"I miss him, but I don't. I hate him, but I don't. I want him back... but I don't." You said certain you must sound mad.
"I get it." He said simply. "You were together for a long time and you can't pretend the last six months didn't happen. But he betrayed you and broke your heart and now you don't know how to feel..."
"Exactly." You said leaning your head on his shoulder sighing. He knew exactly how you felt. Somehow he just managed to get it into words. But he was usually good with words so you weren't all that surprised. 
"I'm getting over him though." You added. "There's no way he's coming back into my life. Even if I did let him, you guys sure as heck wouldn't." You chuckled slightly. 
"You know it." He grinned. The two of you sat there in silence for a while just contemplating life.
"Y/n?" He asked breaking the silence. 
"Mm?" You murmured. He sat up slightly and you took your head off his shoulder allowing yourself to turn and face him. 
"Listen, there's been something I've been wanting to tell you for a while. And I know it might change things between us but I can't keep it from you much longer." You knew what was coming and wanted to save him the awkwardness of trying to find the right words to tell you.
"Listen Remus. I think I know what you're trying to say. Sirius and James told me last week that you like me and have for a while..." You watched as red creeped up his neck and face.
"Umm y-yeah. I-I've liked you for s-some time n-now actually." You decided to save him the embarrassment of knowing it had been since first year. 
"Oh really." You blushed. 
"Yeah...and I was actually wondering if maybe, when you're ready, you'd want to go on a date with me?" You sat there shocked for a couple of seconds not knowing how to react. You liked Remus and liked the idea of going on a date with him but evidently this didn't come across in your facial expressions. 
"I get it if you don't want to of course. I'm not forcing you to at all, I mean you might not even like me. You might hate me in fact-" he rambled on evidently nervous. 
"Remus shush, of course I'll go on a date with you. Maybe in a week or two when I'm fully over my last relationship." You saw him breathe a sigh of relief at hearing your response. 
"Okay yeah sure. Whenever you want to we'll just take it slow." He smiled. The two of you sat there smiling for a couple of seconds before hearing a cheer from outside the door. 
"Shit Padfoot, you'll give us away. For gods sake be quiet." You heard James hiss. Remus stood up and walked over to the door opening it to reveal the two boys crouched there outside the door. They both stumbled over at the sight of Remus at the door. 
"Shit, we best be off now." Sirius said standing up. "Nice one though Remus!" He called as the two ran off.
"Those two..." He rolled his eyes at you smiling. 
"Tell me about it." You giggled. 
"So Hogsmeade next week?" He asked.
"Sounds great."
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Hello, can I have a ship? I'm 5"7 and have shirt dark brown hair with brown eyes. I've got lots of freckles across my nose and cheeks as well. I love playing the drums, acting, and writing. I can be pretty headstrong and opinionated, but am also very kind and generous. Thank you, and i love ur blog so much!!!!
Hi I'm really sorry but I'm not longer taking requests for ships. I'm glad you enjoy my blog though and thanks for requesting!xx
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omg yAy thank you for taking my Fred request I literally just squealed
Asdfghjkl you're so fucking cute please come off anon and message me so I can make a new friend!!! However I probs won't reply until the morning because shit I have school tomorrow and probs should have gone to sleep like 2 hours ago oops!
0 notes
Can You write a Jasper imagine where he's comforting you after you break up with someone and then he accidentally says something like "I'd never do this to you" and you find out that Jasper really likes her and then it turns into possessive smut with Jasper saying things like "he couldn't do this to you" and stuff pretty please?
Yes omg I lowkey love shit like this 
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YAY!!! ok sO can you write an imagine where the reader is staying with the weasleys at the burrow and Fred has always had a crush on her but always assumed she didn't him back so he doesn't tell her but one night she walks in on him moaning her name while jacking off and she confesses that she likes him too and then they have dominant sex? aha
Holy shit I love this omg! Yes it’ll be up ASAPPPP!!
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YES OMG I DO!! YOUR (WHAT I HOPE IS) EXCITEMENT IS ADORABLE I LOVE IT!! You may request away dearest anon! :P xxx
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The 100 - Jasper Jordan Smut - More than Tent Mates
Can we get sharing a tent with Jasper smut pls? Female pronouns too
Sharing a tent with Jasper jordan!!!!
Hello 💖 i was just woundering if you could whrite a smut where Y/n rides Jaspar Jordan from the 100, and someone hears them and bust them?💖💖😚😚😂😂 
For: 2 anons and @tvdtmrtw 
AN: hope this is okay I thought I’d combine to these because they could all have very similar story lines. This is also very long because I didn’t know where I was gonna go with this for a while and it has a lot of dialogue so sorry. Also it took longer than expected because I kept getting horribly distracted by beautiful Korean men. 
“Y/n?” Bellamy called. 
“What? I’m busy!” You yelled back. You had been working on the wrist bands with Monty and so far had nothing to go on as they all kept dying. Luckily, Monty had managed to keep one alive at long last, and the two of you had been working on trying to make contact with the Ark all day. 
“Just come out here y/n.” He sighed. You rolled your eyes at Monty who smirked back at you and left to go join Bellamy outside. 
“Okay, I’m here. What can I do for ya?” You asked. 
“It’s about tent arrangements.” He started. 
“Okay…” You were slightly concerned as to where this would lead. 
“We need yours and a couple of other people’s tents. So we’re moving a few people around. We’re taking Jasper and Monty’s tent and yours and Harper’s.” 
“So where am I meant to sleep?” You asked slightly annoyed. 
“Well O offered to take Harper in because she has some room and Monty can sleep in the drop ship for now because he’s always working late anyway.” 
“Still haven’t got me yet?” You reminded him. 
“Yeah I know, you will be sharing a spare, smaller with Jasper from now on.” You knew Jasper pretty well, the two of you were good friends and you had no problems with sharing a tent with him at all. In fact you were actually really looking forward to sharing with him since, over time, you found yourself feeling more than platonic feelings towards him. 
You noticed how the more you spent time together, the more you noticed the way gave you a goofy grin when he saw you and the way his eyes lit up when you got him talking about chemistry and other things he loved. You could help but slowly fall for him over time. 
 “Okay sure.” You said to Bellamy trying to hide the blush creeping up your neck. 
“You okay?” He asked noticing the blush slightly. 
“Yeah I’m good, I should get back to Monty now anyway.” You said running off.  
“Monty help.” You squealed running into the drop ship. 
“What’s up y/n?” He asked concern flooding over his face. 
“I’m sharing a tent with Jasper…” 
“That’s good news isn’t it?” Monty said smiling. He was the only one who knew about your ever growing crush on Jasper and, knowing Jasper so well, he often gave you advice and reassurance about Jasper.
“I’m not sure… I don’t want to make a fool of myself around him. Or what if I snore?” 
“Y/n.” He laughed. “You don’t snore, you’ve slept with me before and you slept like a baby the whole night. 
“I just don’t know Monty.” You sighed. 
“Anyway,” he pressed on. “Jasper may like you back anyway.” 
“I could not doubt that more Monty.”
“You need to believe in yourself y/n.” You rolled your eyes at this comment and decided to go pack up your things and take it to your new tent. 
You carried what few possessions you had into your tent to find Jasper was already in there sat on the camp bed. He greeted you with a smile when you entered the tent. 
“Hey y/n.” He beamed. 
“Hi Jasp.” You said sitting next to him and dumping your stuff on the floor. 
“There’s only one bed…” You commented.
“Damn Bellamy giving us the shitty end of the deal.”
“Well I’ll sleep on the floor it’s okay.” He said shrugging slightly. 
“You don’t have to. We’re good friends aren’t we?” You said looking at him. 
“We could share for tonight and see how that goes?” 
“No it’s okay.” He answered turning away. 
“Oh okay…” You said quietly.
“What’s wrong?” He said noticing the disappointed tone in your voice. 
“Nothing I just thought we were good enough friends to be able to share a bed is all.” 
“We are!” He protested. “It’s just…” 
“Just what? You can tell me anything Jasp.” 
“Okay but you can’t laugh.” 
“I won’t I promise.” You smiled. 
“Well I’m scared that um if I sleep next to you something awkward will happen… You know… down there.” He said nodding towards his crotch. 
“Oh… wait why?” 
“Because I really like you y/n…” 
“What?” You were taken aback. He must’ve been joking. Monty must have let slip that you liked him or something. But Monty would never do that. He was always such a good friend and would never betray anyone like that let alone his best friend. Maybe, for once, this wasn't a joke... 
"Are you serious?" 
"Yeah, I've liked you for ages now and I never knew how to tell you." 
"Well you should of, because I really like you too." You smiled blushing slightly. 
"What? Really?" 
"Yeah for a while now as well." You laughed. He laughed as well the both of you realising how foolish you'd been. Your eyes made contact as you stopped laughing and you felt your face lean in to his. His leaned as well and your lips met in a soft kiss. You felt butterflies in the pit of your stomach as your lips moved in sync with each other's. It felt like taking a breath after being submerged in water for too long and soon the kiss became more and more heated. 
You felt his hands move up to your waist and play with the hem of your shirt willing you to take it off and you obliged removing the garment and throwing it to the side. He took off his own shirt and moved his hands to your breasts cupping them in his hands and leaving small kisses on your neck. You could feel the bulge in his trousers growing and decided to tease him slightly grinding yourself on his lap earning a moan from him. You stood up removing your pants and leaving them on the ground you then straddled his lap again undoing his pants. He pulled them down, kicking them off and his bulge was now far more obvious than before. 
Sat on the bed, you continued to kiss running your hands over each others bodies. He slowly moved his hand down to your heat and hooked his fingers into your underwear hesitating. He was evidently unsure but you nodded slightly signalling for him to continue. 
He pulled them down discarding them and moved his hand to your clit brushing over it making you gasp. He took this as a good thing and continued to rub his fingers over it circling it. You proceed to take his length out of his boxers and thrust it several times in your hand. You heard him moan slightly and silenced him by pressing your lips onto his. 
As you kissed, you positioned yourself over him and slowly lowered yourself onto his length causing you both to moan out in pleasure. You bobbed up and down on him slowly feeling his fill you up and stretch you with each movement. He bucked his hips up to meet yours slightly and you increased the pace. You continued to ride him getting quicker and quicker by the minute. Neither of you made any effort to silence the now incredibly loud moans coming from both of you and soon enough, you felt a sensation growing in the pit of your stomach. 
"Jasper- I'm gonna-"
"Me too, come for me y/n." He mumbled as you continued to ride him moaning wildly. You cried out as you felt your body shake with pleasure and rode out your orgasm feeling him release into you as well. You collapsed on top of him lying on his chest and caught your breath. He slid out of you and you lay down next to him on the bed and he covered the two of you in the blanket as best he could putting his arm around you. 
You lay there for a couple of minutes before hearing the tent flap open and Monty walk in. 
"Oh crap you're not dressed yet. Sorry, I just came to get my-"
"Wait what do you mean?" You interrupted. "You knew we..." 
"In all honesty, I think a lot of people do." He said matter of factly. "You weren't exactly quiet." You couldn't help but laugh as you hid your face in Jasper's chest to hide your blushing.
"Oops." Jasper chuckled. 
"Well anyway," Monty continued. "I'll come back later, glad to see you too finally confessed to each other though. If I'm honest it was torture not being able to tell the other that you both liked each other." And with that he left. 
"So I take it you're okay with sharing a bed with me now?" You said smiling. 
"Definitely." He chuckled pulling to closer and kissing your forehead.
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Attack on Titan - Levi Imagine - Honest Mistake
Hello can I request Levi x reader n° 1? pleaseee??
can i request a levi x reader prompt #1 please??
For: anon
AN: thanks for requesting so sorry this took me so long. Hope it’s okay :)
After a long day of training there was nothing any of you looked forward to more than a long hot. Making your way to the shower block you were overcome with the feeling of fatigue and wanted to collapse into bed as soon as you could.
You went to the dorm and grabbed your make shift wash bag which was essentially just a thin towel and whatever soap anyone could get their hands on. You undressed and wrapped your towel around your body. It barely covered you but you were too tired to care and you didn’t think anyone else would care either.
Trying as hard as you could to keep your eyes open and alert, you made your way to the shower blocks. Both the male and the female shower blocks stood next to each other. Identically built buildings, the only difference being the little sign on the front of the door. You blindly walked into the shower block and made your way into a cubical locking it behind you.
You hung your towel up on the inconveniently placed peg where it would still probably get damp and turned on the tap of the shower. You stood there shivering waiting for the water to reach a bearable temperature and as soon as it showed the slightest hint of warmth you stood underneath it. You knew the hear wouldn’t last long so you didn’t waste a single second.
You washed your hair straight away whilst the hot water was still available and as soon as that was out of the way, you washed the rest of your body and then spent as much time as you could basking in what was now fairly hot water. You could feel yourself slowly becoming more and more relaxed as the hot water trickled down your neck and back. Soon it started becoming colder and you knew there was only a minute or so left before you had to get out.
Savouring the last few precious drops of warm water, you reluctantly turned off the tap and wrapped your towel back around your body in an attempt to cover yourself before crossing the courtyard area back to the girls dorms. You exited the cubicle and walked over to the sink looking at you drowned appearance in the mirror.
You were glad no one else had to see you like this. Your hair hung in rat tails dripping on to the floor around you and your overall tired appearance made you look like someone who had just crawled out of the nearest sewer. Nonetheless, you were now clean and felt as refreshed as one could living in this place. As you made your way to the exit, you were unexpectedly greeted by the somewhat grumpy face of Captain Levi Ackerman. He was very well respected so for him to see you in this state was more than embarrassing.
“Ah sir.” You said startled. “Why are you in the girls shower block, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“I’m not.” He said simply. “If you’d taken the time to check the sign on the door, you’d see this is the male shower block.”
You could feel the redness creeping up you neck and face as you blushed and suddenly became more aware of how little your towel was covering. Glancing at the door, you noticed he was in fact right, as usual, and began to apologise profusely.
“I’m so sorry sir, it was on honest mistake I can assure you.” You spluttered turning and even darker shade of red.
“I can see that.” He mumbled. “Try to be more careful next time.” You noticed a faint tint of pink brush over his cheeks as he averted his eyes from your body turning towards the shower stalls.
“I think I’ll be going now anyway before more people come in and get the idea we were up to something.” you mumbled giggling slightly still feeling embarrassed.
“Yes that’s probably for the best.” He agreed and for a moment you swore you saw a smile flicker on his face. You turned to the exit and were greeted by yet two more people. Jean and Marco walked into the block with nothing but towels covering themselves.
“Oh so it’s a party in here.” Jean said grinning widely.
“Oh shut up Jean.” You said hurriedly making your way past the two boys and outside. Well this should make for some interesting gossip later you thought. But you couldn’t help but chuckle slightly anyway.
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The 100 ship
Hello. If it’s not too much trouble, could I get a 100 boy ship? I’m a near 5'7, dirty blond cis female. Call me Walli. I like drawing a lot, though I’m not particularly good. I’m pretty mellow and tech savvy. I read a lot, a lot of comic books and play the guitar and piano. Playing tabletop board games is also super special to me. My future career aspirations are either something to do with performing arts, mortician, or biologist. Thank you so much! I love your blog.
For: anon
AN: thank you so much! I’m glad you like my blog hope this is okay! :)
I ship you with: Monty Green
You two are both pretty chilled out and relaxed and I think that would be the whole reason you two met in the first place. Also you’d be helping him a lot with contacting the Ark and stuff and you’d definitely be the one to calm him down when he gets annoyed that he can’t. You would both like each others company and he’d love listening to you play guitar or just sit with you whilst you flick through comics together. You’d never have to do anything particularly amazing in order to have a good time together.
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The 100 ship
Hai can I get a the 100 ship please? :) I’m about 5'5, I have brown eyes, and I recently dyed my hair black with magenta tips. I’m really shy, hella anti social, and get extremely awkward with physical affection. I do like to compliment my friends regularly to make sure they know they’re amazing and look great today, but I swear a lot and it makes me sound like kind of an asshole.. (And I’m also really sarcastic, Whoops.) Thanks in advance if you do this! :)
For: anon
AN: thanks for the request. Also remember I’m no longer taking ship requests :)
I ship you with: Murphy.
Omg you two would be perfect. He would 100% love your hair and I think he’d find your shyness really adorable but also he’d probably be quite shy as well. The two of you would both swear a lot which everyone would find funny, but god forbid you ever argue because everyone would know for sure. I think you complimenting him would be really cute because I think deep down he’d need the reassurance and to feel loved from time to time because he’s not as tough as he acts.
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The 100 preference - Awkward moment
Heyyyy please do a preference for like an awkward maybe slightly sexual moment between the reader and the 100 boys: Monty jasper bell and Murphy. Love your blog + thank you btw!
For: anon
AN: thanks for requesting! I haven’t done a preference in a while so this was fun to do :) I’m annoyed Monty’s was so short because he’s my fave but ah well :p
It had been an incredibly long day and you were your usual hot and sticky self after working in the meat hut. Luckily, not too long ago, you’d stumbled across a small lagoon type area where you could happily spend a good half an hour washing in peace so you headed over there. You stripped off not worrying about your decency because as far as you knew no one would see you. Or so you thought. You were happily washing when you heard a twig snap behind you. You turned to see a blushing Monty looking at you open mouthed. “Crap, Monty!” You yelled covering your chest as best you could. “S- sorry y/n.” He stuttered eyes glued to your naked figure. “It’s fine…” You said chilling out slightly. “Except uhhh… Monty?” “Yeah?” “My eyes are up here.”
Waking up that morning you crawled out of bed and sat up. It was earlier than you wanted to be awake but regardless you had to get up and complete your shift on the fence. Dragging yourself off the bed so you were stood up you proceeded to get dressed for the day pulling on your blue tank top. You glanced around for your pants when you saw them under your camp bed. You knelt onto the floor to grab them when you heard someone enter the tent behind you. “Hey y/n I- woah…” He gasped quietly. “Bloody hell Jasper! What do you want.” You said moving to sit on your bum and covering your underwear with your pants. “I was just coming to tell you it’s your shift.” “I know I’m on my way now.” You sighed. “Okay sorry I walked in on you… but just so you know you don’t need to be embarrassed about that at all. Damn.” He smirked. “Just go.” You yelled rolling your eyes as he left. You couldn’t help but smile though.
You’d been on earth a couple of days now and everyone had been starting to tire a bit in the heat. You spent the day outside. No one had begun to work at this point but you had a feeling Bellamy would begin everyone working pretty soon. You enjoyed the day, you’d been outside with your good friends Monty and Jasper just mucking about and making jokes. You felt a heavy droplet on your head and looked up, your face was greeted by several more droplets. “Rain!” You yelled. You’d read about this on the Ark and it was as amazing as you’d imagined. After several minutes of dancing around, you decided to go into your tent and dry off a bit. Passing Bellamy, you couldn’t help but notice his eyes were fixed to your chest as you passed. “What are you staring at Blake?” You asked jokingly. “Look down y/n. You might want to wear a darker top next time it rains.” Sure enough you looked down to see your whitish grey top was completely and utterly transparent and ran off trying to hide the blush running up your cheeks.
Walking through the forest, you and Murphy set off in search of more nuts, berries and anything else you guys could eat. You spent the day searching and had found a fair bit of food for everyone. Slowly it began to get dark and the two of you were left walking back to camp in almost pitch black. “Come on we’re nearly back now y/n.” He said sounding slightly relieved. “Good I can’t wait to go to sleep.” The two of you continued talking as you made your way home and you stopped and turned to face Murphy as you waited for him to catch up with you. As he approached his foot caught on a tree branch and he reached out his hands as he fell steadying himself on you. “Sorry, I can hardly see.” He spluttered. “That’s fine but Murphy?” “Yeah?” “That’s my chest your holding for stability right now.” You laughed. “Ah crap sorry.” He said shyly.
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The Maze Runner - Minho Imagine - I Can't Believe You
Could I have a Minho imagine where Teresa is your sister and your dating minho secretly and she gets annoyed when she finds out plz. Btw LOVE your blog. Best there is :p
For: anon
AN: I’m so glad you like my blog! That’s so nice of you and also I hope this is okay! ^^ Sorry it’s kinda short as well.
Wicked was a strange thing. You couldn’t quite comprehend what they were doing and why people were being put in the Glade. None of you could figure out if there was any pattern that went into deciding who got put in here. The boys had assumed at first that it was only boys once a month. But after you and your sister Teresa arrived within a couple days of each other, their theory was quickly disproven. Despite this, you’d managed to find your bearings in the Glade and were getting used to things here. 
You’d grown close to the boys over the weeks and there was one boy you were particularly close to. Minho was the keeper of the runners. He’d been incredibly nice to you straight from the start and had done his best to make you feel welcome. He’d always do small things for you such as making sure you had a blanket and were warm enough at night and just being there to listen to you whenever you needed it.
It had been a few weeks and it wasn’t long before the two of you had become more than friends. You were happy you could be closer to him than before and it meant you always had someone to protect you and talk to. Before dating Minho you always had someone to protect you anyway. 
Since arriving here, your sister Teresa had always been incredibly protective of you and got annoyed if one of the boys so much as looked at you the wrong way. 
That day you and Minho decided to spend the day together. He had a day off from running and you had finished all your gardening work quickly to give yourself as much free time as possible. Teresa was a runner so was out in the maze all day and you both knew it would be stupid not to make the most of the situation. 
Packing up some sandwiches for lunch, you and Minho made your way over to the foresty area in by the deadheads and sat on a blanket on the ground. It was a lovely day, the weather was perfect and it was like something from a love film. The two of you lay on the ground, your fingers intertwined, and just spend the day talking and laughing together. For a few hours you managed to forget about everything. The maze, the grievers, wicked, they all seemed so insignificant at this moment in time. 
You noticed the sun beginning to set and sat up. 
“Hey Minho.” You said. “We should probably think about heading back up to everyone else soon. Teresa could be back any minute.” 
“Yeah of course.” He agreed. The two of you stood up and packed up the blanket and left over sandwiches. Hand in hand, the two of you walked over the where the fire was usually lit every night. 
You felt slightly sad; the day had seemed to pass so quickly and you didn’t know when you’d get another opportunity like this again. You returned the blanket to where everyone slept and turned to kiss Minho quickly before- 
“Excuse me?” You heard a familiar voice behind you. “What do you think you’re doing to my sister?” 
“Teresa.” You turned to face her. 
“Y/n what are you doing? What have I told you about boys?” She said, a clearly annoyed expression on her face. 
“What do you mean?” You said. You didn’t want to have to hide from her anymore and quite frankly you didn’t want her telling you what you could and couldn’t do anymore. 
“You’re too young to date. We discussed this and I can’t believe you’d just go behind my back like this. So I’ll ask again, why the hell are you kissing Minho?” she yelled.
"Because- because I love him okay Teresa! We’ve been dating for a while now and I’m sick of having to hide it from you. If you don’t like it then that’s not my problem.” 
She stood there evidently startled by your answer and you saw her expression change from surprise to angry as she turned and walked away muttering under her breath. 
“You okay?” Minho asked turning to you. 
“Yeah she’ll come around.” You signed as you felt his hand squeeze yours reassuringly. 
“Well she’ll have to because I’m not giving you up any time soon.” He smiled.
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Omg guys thank you so so so much. I can't believe there's 700 of you that actually follow my blog and read my stuff. What the what! Also I swear I only got 600 like 2-3 weeks ago omg. Thank you!!!!!
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