annapups · 5 years
People are running
People are hiding
People are afraid
The streets are empty
The widows are closed
No bird is singing
The clouds are hiding the sun
The dogs to afraid to bark
And all I am is a giant walking
through the street
Singing my favourite song
And playing hide and seek
With my emotions
No one sees the smile on my face
Nor do they know the song I'm singing
They see a giant walking alone through the streets
They don't see the long path I took nor do they see the stones I had to move
All they see is a giant walking through the streets
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annapups · 5 years
I just want to get hold when life falls apart, need someone who tells me there is light when everything is dark around me
But yet I'm sitting in silence infront of my mirror and no-one hears my screams
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annapups · 5 years
listening to indie and being ready to fall in love with a cute eboy
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annapups · 5 years
Trying to figure out a way to get over you but everything I see reminds me of you
How did this happen?
Just want a message of you
Just wanna see your smile after we kiss again
Thought I get over you but how do you get over something that has no closure?
I want to feel your hand on my back
I want to feel your kisses on my cheeks
Fuck, I just wanna spend time with you
Instead I watch your story's and wished I'd be there
Sometimes I wonder if you still think of me
If you still see me laying on your bed or if it's all gone already
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annapups · 5 years
Sometimes I feel like I'm not one with the rest of my friends
Sometimes I sit with my friends and I still not there
Sometimes it happens often
Sometimes months are in between
Sometimes I feel like they would be fine without me
Sometimes I truly believed I made their day better
But today, yesterday and the rest of February I feel like I'm a ghost wandering around without any purpose on this beautiful planet.
My life feels so meaningless and so do I.
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annapups · 6 years
I recently came out to my brother as pansexual and tbh I was afraid of his reaction because he used to say faggot to people who upset him and stuff but after I came out he really changed his slurs and stuff. When he is calling me he calls me Peter Pan or pancake (things we both loved as kids) and he told me when I'm old enough he would go with me to gay clubs and when someone is homophobic he stands up for me and others and this just makes me so happy.
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annapups · 6 years
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annapups · 6 years
Jesus lived inside of a hollow tree and I made him mad by eating Taco Bell nacho fries so I yelled, “Hail Satan!” and drew a pentagram
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annapups · 6 years
Why do you just speak to me drunk?
And why, god damn why, do I still smile?
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annapups · 6 years
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annapups · 6 years
“Waking up is the riskiest moment of the day.”
— Franz Kafka, The Castle
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annapups · 6 years
Most nights at 3am,
I wonder
where I’ll be in
five, ten, fifteen years.
Other nights at 3am,
I wonder
If I’ll make it that far.
Is it worth living with the pain and misery?
Can I handle it any longer?
I don’t see the light to the end of all my problems
But I hope it’s there, somewhere.
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annapups · 6 years
Danke für die Blicke die ihr mir hinterher geworfen habt.
Danke für das Geflüster das erklang sobald ich euch den Rücken zugekehrt habe.
Danke das manche von euch so mutig waren und mir ins Gesicht geschaut habt um mir zu sagen wie hässlich ich bin.
Danke das ich wegen euch nicht ohne Strumpfhose das Haus verlasse wenn ich eine kurze Hose trage.
Danke das ich die besten Sommer mich im kaltem Haus versteckt habe um euch nicht unter die Augen treten zu müssen.
Danke das ich mich wegen euch als Monster gesehen habe.
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annapups · 6 years
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annapups · 6 years
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annapups · 6 years
Es schneit draußen und es ist Nacht. Keine Seele ist bis eben auf dem Schnee gelaufen. Man kann momentan wirklich die Fußabdrücke sehen dir der Mensch auf der Erde macht. Es wirkt alles gedämpft, kaum ein Geräusch kommt durch die dicken Flocken zu mir durch.
Das Weiß des Schnees und das Schwarz der Nacht ergibt einen wunderbaren Kontrast zu einander. Alles sieht geortnet und friedlich aus ebenfalls ein Kontrast zu dem Chaos das in unserer Welt herrscht.
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annapups · 6 years
Menschen sind scheiße. Aber das ist nix neues, doch selbst die Leute von denen du mehr erwartet hast verletzen dich immer wieder. Oder einfach fremde... Scheiß Idioten alles. Mir hat eine Person mit einer fakeseite erzählt ich seh aus wie ein Kerl. Danke, das höre ich gerne besonderes wenn's mir so beschissen geht wie momentan so miserable geht und meine engsten Freunde auch komisch sind. Ich verrecke langsam und versuche mich über Wasser zu halten mit verbundenen armen und Beinen
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