annasaurusworld · 5 years
~* shoutout to alternative littles *~
littles with piercings
littles with tattoos
littles with unnatural hair
goth littles
punk littles
emo littles
littles who love horror
littles who would never consider owning anything pink
littles who paint their nails black
littles who wear makeup every day
you’re all amazing and beautiful and smol, no matter what you look like or listen to or watch. every single one of you is unique and special in your own way, and none of it makes you any less smol.
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annasaurusworld · 5 years
Put me in Little Space
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1. Tell me I’m too little to do something
2. Ask me if I want to watch (insert name of Disney movie)
3. Call me your little girl
4. Ask me where my stuffie is
5. Ask me to give my stuffie hugs/kisses
6. Ask me how your little girl is doing
7. Give me a coloring page and colored pencils and ask me to color something for you
8. Ask me if I want dino nugs and mac and cheese
9. Ask me if I want juice
10. Tell me daddy needs little cuddles
11. Pick out clothes for me before I get up
12. Prep my toothbrush
13. Call me princess
14. Put on cartoons while you cook
15. Remind me of bedtime
16. Make me take a nap if I’m tired during the day
17. Make me hold your hand if we cross the street
18. Remind me of what to bring before we leave for somewhere
19. Make me go potty before we go somewhere/go to bed
20. Ask me to find something (insert color) like a game
21. Don’t let me pay for something
22. Tell me no (when appropriate or I’ll get fussy and upset)
23. Open things for me
24. Be clingy
25. Call yourself daddy
26. Praise me for little stuff
27. Stern daddy phrases/stern daddy voice
28. Buckle my seatbelt
29. Get me a sippy cup or tell me to hold a big girl cup with both hands
30. Give me a paci
31. Being called little one
32. Pink and sparkly stuff
33. Puppies and kitties
34. Dress me in a onesie
35. Give me a task to do
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I’m sure there is more, but this is off the top of my head. It takes more than one to push me into little space, the more the better!
@heartsofnine 💖
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annasaurusworld · 5 years
Ways To Make Your Little One Feel Loved
Long distance edition!
Show genuine interest in what they’re doing even when you’re not around!
Text them often to let them know you’re thinking of them!
Plan stuff for you to do together online (like games or movies or Skype)!
Plan or play out hypotheticals of what you’d do if you were to together! (Say “if I were there I’d snuggle that cute face to oblivion!”)
Give them constant reassurance and update them frequently on what you’re doing so they don’t have to worry and feel like the most important person in your life!
If you’re out and see something that reminds them of you, tell/show them! Take pictures of cute stuffies or coloring books and let them know it reminded you of them!
If you can afford it, buy them some of the aforementioned coloring books or stuffies or whatever they may love and assemble a care package to send them!
Write them cute poems or letters and include them in the care packages, or read them to them on Skype or text them to them to wake up to!
Let them know when you’re thinking of them or that you wish they were with you while you’re doing whatever you’re up to!
Read them bedtime stories or watch over them while they sleep on Skype (or FaceTime or Discord or whatever) if you’re able to!
Change your phone background to a photo of them so they know you see them throughout the day and that they’ll be on your mind every time you use your phone!
Let them know how you feel about them with a gentle ‘I love you’ every ten to fifteen seconds so they don’t die from lack of attention.
Involve them in decisions in your day to day life occasionally, like asking them what you should eat or wear. (Even if they’re too little for decisions and will leave it up to you, it still helps to make them feel involved)
Fantasize about a future together, let them know if things were to work out what kind of life you’d enjoy living together. It’s important to have a strong long term bond with distance!
Check in on them and make sure they’re safe frequently to show that you’re concerned about them and their well-being!
Send them lots of selfies! (Apparently they like seeing us, or something weird like that)
When possible try and align your sleep schedules so you can spend as much time talking to each other as possible! (This one can take adjustment on both sides)
When are schedules aren’t aligned, send cute texts for them to wake up to, I promise it makes their day much better!
Make them feel better about insecurities but still be supportive of change, like if they don’t like how short their hair is you let them know you love it but you’ll be happy if they grow it out too!
Make some silly tumblr post like this one letting them know you were up all night thinking of them to the point you didn’t even get done some of the stuff you were supposed to because you love them a lot and can’t get them off your mind!!
There are so many more things you can do than this, but if I listed everything you could do you’d be scrolling to the moon and back! If you’re struggling to make them feel loved then just use your imagination to think of how you can involve them more in your life, because this is often key to a strong bond which is doubly important with distance!
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annasaurusworld · 5 years
Fairy Bedroom Ideas
Open windows letting in fresh air and sunlight
Flowing lace curtains
Sun catchers and wind chimes
Ruffled bed sheets
Vases of fresh flowers
Old paperback books 
Muffled voices and laughter in the distance
Photos of loved ones
Twinkling fairy lights
Knit blankets
Vintage perfume bottles
Your favourite childhood doll(s) on a shelf
A cat purring happily
Pressed flowers between journal pages
A music box full of small treasures
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annasaurusworld · 5 years
That’s the amount of littles in the last two weeks that have come to me that have been scared of their daddies. 
That doesn’t count the littles who have daddies who mistreat them in other ways, such as not caring for them properly.
That doesn’t count the littles who have talked to malicious men they didn’t date.
That doesn’t count the littles who have had guys solicit them randomly in messages.
That doesn’t count the littles who have been tricked and hurt in the past.
That is just the number of littles I’ve had talk to who are in relationships with daddies that literally scare them.
I know I preach this a lot, but I’ll say it over and over until you all understand: Be very careful. 
Littles are so gullible and loving and easy to attach and bad guys know this and they will try and take advantage of you. Take a long time to get to know them before doing anything or giving anything. Don’t put yourself in a situation that isn’t easy to get out of.
I have also been dealing with a ton of littles who have been dealing with a few specific blogs of guys who have safe for work nice blogs and are pressuring and guilting them into doing things they’re not comfortable with. 
Don’t assume anyone is good just based off of what they blog. Be cautious of any information you hear. They will lie and manipulate. Take your time and be careful. This is so important. I know it’s hard, but please, for yourself, be safe.
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annasaurusworld · 5 years
Littles are like unicorns
At one with nature
And you’re one of the luckiest people alive if you get to see one in person.
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annasaurusworld · 5 years
Grabby Hands
Little One: *Grabby Hands*
Me: *Panics looking everywhere*
Little One: *Grabby Hands*
Me: Do you want your sippy?!
Little One: *Grabby Hands*
Me: Do you want your stuffies!?!
Little One: *Grabby Hands*
Me: Do you want your paci?!???!
Little One: *Grabby Hands*
Me: Do you want uppies??!!?
Little One: *Nods and Grabby Hands*
Me: *Picks you up* Well why didn’t you just say so?
Little One: *Giggles and plays with my cheeks and nose*
Me: You cuties are so confusing to me sometimes. 
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annasaurusworld · 5 years
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Me: sees adorable Bitten Bat Sippy Cup
“I desperately need this. Take all my money!”
Me: sees the only place I can find it in stock (that ships to America) is charging $30.
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“Why do you wanna take all of my money?”
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annasaurusworld · 5 years
Caregiver Guide
1. Have a set of rules for your little one but don’t make it feel like the rules are controlling the rules are to help your little one
2. Read to your little one during the day time and never ever forget to read your little a bed time story
3. Make sure to always tell your little how much you love them and to always let them know you’re very proud of them
4. Rewards - set up a sticker chart for you little one and at 5 stickers or depend on your liking buy them a stuffie or have a special movie night or a gift of there choice or send them a little care package
5. This is a very very special rule always once in a while have a huge little day with your little one , let your little go wild and do whatever they want for the day and enjoy themselves and have fun with your little
6. Punishments are the worst part of being a CG but always explain why you’re punishing your little and always I mean ALWAYS communicate with your little
7. Make sure you a safety word for any punishments Incase your little is feeling overwhelmed
8. Also note not ever broken rule is worthy of a punishment some broken rules you just have to talk to your little and guide them and tell them what’s wrong and what’s right
9. Pls never ever ever ever ever ever ever tell your little you’re going to stop talking to them or cut off communication it can greatly damage the little and hurt them pls never ever do this
10. And the most important rule of all always make sure to tell your little how much you love them and how much you appreciate them never make them feel like they aren’t loved !!!!
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annasaurusworld · 5 years
Sing me the song of your people SOUP! meow! Sing me the song of your friends SOUP! meow! Sing me a song for the good times SOUP! meow! Sing me a song, a song. HEY SOUP! meeeeoooow!
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annasaurusworld · 5 years
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annasaurusworld · 5 years
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annasaurusworld · 5 years
Sing me the song of your people SOUP! meow! Sing me the song of your friends SOUP! meow! Sing me a song for the good times SOUP! meow! Sing me a song, a song. HEY SOUP! meeeeoooow!
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annasaurusworld · 5 years
Taking Care of Your Pussy
Sex education is the cat’s meow! Nuzzle up to some knowledge with the help of our sex edu-cats. Narrated by the amazing Sasheer Zamata.
Episode 1: Meet Your Vagina & Vulva
Episode 2: Sex & Masturbation 
Episode 3: Keeping it Clean & Healthy
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annasaurusworld · 5 years
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annasaurusworld · 5 years
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annasaurusworld · 5 years
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