annnnnnnaetc-blog · 9 years
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Dispatch from Mt. Shasta
Yesterday, my darling, wonderful, blue-eyed cat, Popoki, had surgery to remove is right eye. Somehow (vet thinks feline herpes?!), he’d developed an ulcer, which ruptured, making removal the only option. He has a similar ulcer in his left eye, but it’s much less progressed, so for now, it’s being treated (three times a day — as usual, I am a slave to my cat).
He seems to be doing well. He’s sleeping a lot. He ate food this morning. The swelling has gone down since I took this picture last night. He hates his cone, of course. He doesn’t know it yet, but he’s now an indoor cat forever. Because I love him, I will not dress him as a pirate for Halloween.
I know I haven’t used this blog since March, but I also know that many of the people who follow this blog are #TeamPoki, so I wanted to come over and give y’all an update. I’m sure he’ll be back to his normal swaggering self soon enough, and in the mean time, he get to have me home ALL THE TIME.
Anyway, if you want to stay in touch, I’m on Twitter (sometimes), Instagram (more often, and also hanging on Tumblr still: http://annaverity.tumblr.com
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annnnnnnaetc-blog · 9 years
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Where are you gonna go?
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annnnnnnaetc-blog · 9 years
mercury is in retrograde from may 18-june 11! keep ur phone charged, be a patient mf, watch ur mouth, and do NOT text ur ex back!!!
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annnnnnnaetc-blog · 9 years
God, I haven’t even watched the Beyoncé & Nicki video yet, and already the Internet wants me to know that ooooooh, TSwift and her star-studded video got schooled! Because three different women can’t be successful within 24 hours of each other without it being a fucking competition with a line in the sand or something?
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annnnnnnaetc-blog · 9 years
I think this is a really exciting
pick. A+++++ all around.
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Big news! The next official selection of Tumblr’s Reblog Book Club is Saint Mazie by Jami Attenberg. You probably know Jami from her brilliant New York Times bestselling novel The Middlesteins or her popular Tumblr blog about important things like writing, love, empathy, dogs, bikes, and Mardi Gras costumes. In an article for The Millions, Elizabeth Minkel described Reblog Book Club picks like this: “In the book store they’d be classified as middle grade, YA, and adult, verse and prose; in reality, they’re more like a collection of books about complex female protagonists getting things done.” I can’t think of a more perfect heroine to continue the tradition than bawdy, big-hearted Mazie Phillips, and I’m so excited to introduce her to all of you. Saint Mazie is a most-anticipated book of the summer in publications from Buzzfeed to the Wall Street Journal. Maggie Shipstead says, “A raw, boisterous, generous novel with a heroine to match and New York in its soul, Saint Mazie offers proof again that Jami Attenberg is a brilliant, lion-hearted storyteller.” Rachel says, “Email [email protected] asap and tell me you’re on board!”
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annnnnnnaetc-blog · 9 years
but yeah, I mean, obviously don’t have Lady Stoneheart but absolutely merge storylines so that your “favorite” character that you “just love so much” can be sexually assaulted and raped, that’s essential
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annnnnnnaetc-blog · 9 years
In light of tonight’s episode of “Game of Thrones,” which I didn’t watch but have since read about and NO THANKS, this is a plug for “The 100,” which through two seasons has a diverse cast, tons of badass ladies, and *no sexual violence* — and season one is currently available on Netflix.
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annnnnnnaetc-blog · 9 years
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Friday Night Camping
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annnnnnnaetc-blog · 9 years
what makes the signs upset
aries: the 100 not coming back until 2016
taurus: the 100 not coming back until 2016
gemini: the 100 not coming back until 2016
cancer: the 100 not coming back until 2016
leo: the 100 not coming back until 2016
virgo: the 100 not coming back until 2016
libra: the 100 not coming back until 2016
scorpio: the 100 not coming back until 2016
sagittarius: the 100 not coming back until 2016
capricorn: the 100 not coming back until 2016
aquarius: the 100 not coming back until 2016
pisces: the 100 not coming back until 2016
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annnnnnnaetc-blog · 9 years
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velocipedestrienne has fully succumbed to "The 100."
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annnnnnnaetc-blog · 9 years
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Time created a widget to let you find out what your name would be if you were born today, based on how your given name ranked in popularity at the time of your birth, and it’s pretty nifty.
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annnnnnnaetc-blog · 9 years
I feel a lot of peer pressure from people I see, especially on the internet who seem to have all the same things as me, talent, ambition, resources and not be wherever I perceive them to be in their creative process and careers. A tiny but loud voice shrills inside my head “I WANT TO DO THAT TOO!” TOO TOO TOO! I can make a podcast, host an art exhibition, start a design studio, make an app, publish writing, paint portraits, become an esty millionaire, read all the best things, go to all the talks, all this shit. I realize that the little aspirational voice inside of me, along with the other encouraging voices of my highly enabling family is the reason why I am where I am, wherever that is. I was able to see myself in a different place or field or mindset and say, why not me too. So here I am, fighting every evening against the clock, whining, why not me too.
I Just Wanna Be Successful: The Pressure to Be 30 Million Things Under 30
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annnnnnnaetc-blog · 9 years
annaetc velocipedestrienne flat-adverb theh0wlinggirl madmoths aubade
when do you guys want to stage our first CW protest? i’ll start making signs 
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annnnnnnaetc-blog · 9 years
Just realized that the first time I went to see The Decemberists play live was 11 years ago. Where has my life gone. What have I accomplished. What the hell am I doing with all my time.
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annnnnnnaetc-blog · 9 years
ughhhh miley *mufasa voice* remember who you are
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annnnnnnaetc-blog · 9 years
Open Invitation to My Northern Californian/Southern Oregon Tumblr Friends:
This year, The Decemberists are playing at the Britt, in Jacksonville, OR, on July 14th aka my 29th birthday. I’ll be there, of course, BK and assorted other people in tow, and if you could make it, I’d love to see you! Even if we’ve never met IRL before. Tickets go on sale tomorrow via the Britt’s website, $39/each. If you’ve never been to the Britt before, it’s an all ages open air amphitheater, and you’re allowed to bring your own food and drink.
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annnnnnnaetc-blog · 9 years
But truly, what planet do you live on that you don’t recognize what’s at stake when it comes to the extremely few and far between lady characters in male dominated action movies? How is any of this new or surprising?
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