anonilani · 3 years
Good morning
Well I haven’t been on or said much for a while but life is good 🌸
I am currently writing to you from work. I am lucky to have the job I have. I have been killing it lately here so the bonus check will be a nice little... well bonus.
I have been sticking to my health journey and I feel absolutely amazing about it. I refuse to weigh myself. Even at the beginning I didnt. I am going to base success on how I look and feel everyday and I’d say I am doing great. My stomach looks flatter than when I started so I hope in the next month or 2 I can be where I wanna be. And who knew working out everyday would make me feel so great lmao. I have been feeling a lot better and less sad.
My room is finally fixed and now I have gotten to completely redecorate it and make it my safe space and I am in LOVE with it.
okay I am done spilling stay positive 🌟✌🏽
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anonilani · 3 years
“You don’t need to wait for someone else to take you on an adventure, for you already have an explorer within you. So grab yourself by the hand, take a breath, and get ready for the amazing journey that lies ahead.”
— Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin
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anonilani · 3 years
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I go to a women’s college. We have a walkway where bricks can be purchased by alumnae. Most just say names or class years/mascots. But this one. This one is special. It speaks to me.
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anonilani · 4 years
“Just be fucking honest about how you feel about people while you’re alive.”
— John Mayer (via thoughtkick)
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anonilani · 4 years
March 15
Today was awesome. I got to call into work today because if the snow. I love missing work haha. Today my brother and I toughed through to snow and walked to the store. The snow was up to my thighs. It was so fun to be out in the snow with him. It reminded me of when i was very young and we would face the snow to sled. It was that kind of fun :) 
Life has been looking up. Or at least i have been focusing on the good. I started the work out plan i picked up on. But i have added to it. My brother is so good at working out so he is going to help me create routine and stay focused. I have also been focusing on staying true to my yoga. I can’t wait to get some actual commitment under my belt to help me relax and just feel better everyday.  Even though its only been a couple days i feel.... happy? I believe manifestation. Not like you can just say something and it will happen, but believing enough to motivate yourself to go get something or to behave a certain way. Anyways i feel maybe.... confident? :)
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anonilani · 4 years
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anonilani · 4 years
i think it’s about time i stop wasting my time. 
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anonilani · 4 years
i feel burnt out!!! put a new light bulb in me!!!
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anonilani · 4 years
i wanna dye my hair pink. i wanna buy plants. i wanna find new favourite shops. i wanna try new coffee early in the mornings. i wanna learn how to do great make-up. i wanna learn hairstyles for my hair. i wanna compliment more people. i wanna grow
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anonilani · 4 years
I can’t do this anymore. I’ve been saying this for a while. I owe it to myself to follow through. If it (any person) doesn’t bring me peace or atleast some comfort on my journey then I can love them from a distance.
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anonilani · 4 years
Lets get to know each other
Hi, I’m *****. If you’ve found this, i’d love to get to know you. Here is a few fact about me.
I love painting. More than anything else. Portraits are my fave style (maybe one day i’ll post a piece)
I love my cats, I have 2 cats currently.
I am 21.
My favorite color is light pink and baby blue.
Bleh, i am never sure what to share about myself. Let’s get to know each other. Feel free to ask me any questions and i’l be happy to answer. If you ask openly, i’d love to get to know you too :)
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anonilani · 4 years
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lovin’ you’s a good problem to have💕💕
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anonilani · 4 years
sometimes we’ll feel sad or anxious without fully understanding why, and that’s okay. it just means you should take extra care of yourself and let yourself feel. emotions can be messy and confusing, so it’s important to be kind and not guilt yourself over them.
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anonilani · 4 years
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anonilani · 4 years
i need to learn how to create boundaries for myself.
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anonilani · 4 years
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anonilani · 4 years
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