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girls be like “im fighting demons” and the demon is a degree they chose for themselves
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when they say “you’re hot” but kafka said “you’re the knife I turn inside myself” like do better
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Achilles Pities Penthesilea After Slaying Her, from Andrew Lang's Tales of Troy & Greece by Henry Justice Ford (1910)
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life goes on while you’re not looking. things change, people come and go. then when you’re finally ready to focus you’re disoriented by the change.
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one day soon I’m going to wake up and think ~ wow, I’m exactly where I should be. I’ve done everything in my power to be content and happy with the options I was given ~ and I look forward to that coming day
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mental health status: need to look at the sea for hours and stay quiet
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The Wheel of Time is what Game of Thrones wishes it was in terms of good representation
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if I could love the idea of perfection less, I know I could love myself more
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i’m not “lazy” i’m just a fragile victorian maiden. i can only handle 1-2 mildly taxing activities a day before i have to put myself down for a nap until dinner
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eurovision isnt about music its about being sexy or insane or both
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Men who find their muse in women are so lucky. You can marvel at a woman’s intelligence, their unique perspective and beauty. The way they carry themselves and you can genuinely wonder “what is she thinking?”, not truely knowing the answer. The women I know have these unique interests, they love things and express themselves wonderfully. For women what about men are we really marvelling at? All the men I’ve met are simple creatures with a familiar masculine energy I don’t want to write sonnets or poems about. I’m not going to cry over the loss of a man who doesn’t wear sunscreen or who who’s favourite book is the one they read in yr12 English because that’s the last time they read.
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I’m so sick of talking stages I’m going to start telling people I’m colourblind so I don’t have to ask or answer “what’s your favourite colour?” ever again.
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Personally I love books that put the footnotes at the bottom of the page instead of at the end of the book so that I don’t have to keep flipping back and forth like an absolute barbarian
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when hands touch..
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