anonymitysblog · 2 years
How I see all of Kiques dogs in home with just the front teeth being represented.
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anonymitysblog · 2 years
Folks, friends, y’all…. esk*mo is a slur. I understand a lot of people don’t know that, I don’t want to be a dick about it, but I’ve been seeing it in fics. Wanna write “esk*mo kisses”? Just say “nuzzled noses” or something.
I’m not here to call anybody out, it’s been in multiple fics, I’m not vague posting. This is just a psa. 👍🏻
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anonymitysblog · 2 years
Lion Art Study: Part 1
in order to both strengthen my general art skills and develop an original art style for Empyrean, I've been practicing lions a lot. this post is to share my progress, outlining my beginning research into realistic anatomy and colorations. Nearly all of these are drawn over real pictures of lions.
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I began by outlining facial shapes for lions of varying ages and sexes. I didn't ad manes, colors or anything else, focusing on the face shapes.
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I then outlined (nearly) whole bodies of lions. I made sure to use action poses to see how their flesh moved with the action. The biggest struggle is the hind legs, but I'm getting better at them.
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I then studied the pelt colorations. I simplified the patterns in order to properly view them. Almost all lions have spots, even well into adulthood. They simply get fainter with time. These spots are used as camouflage.
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I then focused closer on the face colorations. With the colors all being similar, I made sure to create a version that showed the separation clearly.
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I moved onto manes next. All models shown have full and dark manes, I forgot to include models with lesser manes. I wanted to focus on the color gradients that can appear.
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paws paws paws paws. This is the one I needed to practice the most. I love the shape of paws, and how versatile they can be when it comes it expression.
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finally, I revisited lion faces. Instead of characteristics, I focused on how the facial muscles and skin move when expressing. As I was doing these, I realized I've been drawing the teeth wrong for years. I always drew four teeth between each set of canines, but there are actually six. Maybe my lions just have poor dental.
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anonymitysblog · 2 years
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You see, Ranach has half a white face, for his goodness, and half a black face, for his badness. It’s like… totally symbolic.
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