Damn it’s been a hot second since I last checked this blog
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Hey! I saw the fic where Melli faked his death and I loved it a lot,so I was wondering if I could request it with L instead?thank you!!
Escaping a shinigami
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The Task force had watched him die
And yet, here he was, standing at your doorstep
You didnt question it. That could happen later.
Instead, you yanked him inside
"Thank god.." You had never doubted his intelligence, but he took some big risks with this case
You admitted, you didnt look your best at this moment because you had been grieving, but you doubted he could care less
You plopped down on the sofa, needing a moment to process everything
L made his way to the kitchen and began raiding your pantry for anything sweet
After he was done, he joined you on the couch, explaining how he had managed to outsmart Kira once again
You told him that Kira had been caught and he didnt need to worry about the case any longer
L contacted Wammy's not long after he showed up at your doorstep, but was informed that his successors had already taken on his role
That meant he could retire
He was hesitant to do so, but finally caved when you began begging him to, unable to handle any more close calls
He doesn't blame you if you're more clingy with him after he gets back, he was convinced he was going to die too
But now that hes back and retired he can spend much more time with you
He has money that wasn't given to Near and Mello, so he offers to spend it with you
You could travel the world, you could settle down in any house you could dream of, you could do anything you want
Just as long as you do it with L, he doesn't mind
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i binged soul eater in less than 2 weeks while doing online school and im obssessed with crona so im here to request hcs for if they had a male (or gender neutral if you prefer) s/o who is very affectionate and loves hugging them and playing with their hair n stuff like that. dont worry if you dont wanna do it tho! have a good day :)
Crona and an affectionate male S/O!
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A/N: LOL I FEEL YOU! When I first found Soul Eater a few years ago, I binged it as fast as humanly possible on one of my three day weekends! It was just too good to stop watching.
Also, you better have a good day too. This is a threat.
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We all know how they were treated by Medusa as a child. I doubt they've had much positive touch :(
They were hesitant at first, but slowly warmed up to the extra affection
They can and will melt when you give them any affection
You're hugging them? They slouch and hug back.
You cup their cheeks and give them kisses? They smile a goofy grin and blush.
You play with their hair? They die right then and there.
Cuddling becomes a common occurrence between the two of you
You put on a movie and within a minute or two, you're in some comfortable position, holding each other
Ignore Ragnarok squirming in between the both of you while you're cuddling.
They're not big on PDA, but they like holding your pinky in public
They'll also hold onto the back of your shirt/bag/strap of your bag if they can't hold your pinky
They dont think they deserve someone as good as you to be their S/O
They just love you so much-
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Would you do a soul x kenshin reader?
I'm sorry nonnie, I've been thinking about this for days now, but I'm unable to come up with anything
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could you do bakugou, izuku, todoroki, and aizawa with a reader who has a snake quirk?
Sorry anon, but I don’t do My Hero :/
My main masterlist has all the fandoms I write for!
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Helloooo can I request some headcanons of Naomi with a fem kuudere reader? Like the reader is mostly cold, emotionless but she slowly starts to open up to her? C:
I’m terribly sorry, but I don’t do Naomi
All the characters I do are listed under the fandoms in my main masterlist!
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Any headcanons for a relationship between Rin Okumura and a bi male reader?
Rin and a bi male reader
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A/N: you didn't specify a specific scenario, so I'll go with you coming out and being together! My apologies on how short this is, I couldn't think of much
I swear y'all only send these right before I turn off my phone for the night lol
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Coming out:
You like boys? And girls??
He finds it super cool that you're brave enough to come out
Honestly, he's just impressed by you in general, this makes you even more epic
He's a good partner
This man is just so positive and happy, it's almost as if nothing bad will happen
But you forget you live in a world with demons and he's literally the son of Satan
Demons come after him often because of this, and you're either gonna have to move around a lot with him, or you're going to have to stay and wait for him to come back
Hopefully you already have your temptate (please tell me that's how you spell it) or your house/dorm/room is going to seem haunted
He worries for you because of all the demons who are after him
You'll be fine though, because if anything happens to you, whoever did it is going to have a raging half demon out for their blood
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What about near with a chaotic s/o hehe
Near with a chaotic S/O
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A/N: I wasn't exactly sure what you meant, so I kept it kinda vague, sorry if that's not what you were looking for
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Why is he dating you again?
"Y/N, please refrain from doing th-"
Even though he doesn't show it, you're making him stressed
The only sign you're actually affecting him is the hand that's furiously playing with his hair
Pls, for both your sakes, don't do anything too chaotic around him-
You make him lose brain cells that he can't afford to lose
He eventually sends you out, unable to keep focused and slightly irritated
Only slightly though
After he's done, you're allowed to come back in
He will give you a kiss, and apologize for sending you out so suddenly
If you're upset with him, he'll try to explain what you did that made him upset so you can both work it out
He's actually good with communication like that
"In the future, would you please try to halt your distracting actions while I'm working?"
He will cuddle with you while he's working if it will keep you still
At the end of the day, he still loves you even if he can't stand to be in the same room as you for longer than five minutes
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Mello when his s.o unexpectedly sends him nudes?✨
Unfortunately, with the way Mello behaves, I'm almost certain it would be NSFW in one way or another right away. As it states in my rules, I do slight spice, but that was referring to heated make out sessions
Sorry nonnie, but I can't do this one
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Hi! Can you write some fluffy Mello x Reader after the events of the story, like after Kira is caught? thank you :)
It's finally over
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A/N: this is an AU where he doesn't die btw!
I accidentally added a little angst there in the beginning, oops. This also got kinda long because I was trying to make up for the angst lol
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Mello was back
That's all you could think of when you saw him again
He had told you what his plan was and you had told him it was a suicide mission
This caused an argument between the two of you right before he left
Typical Mello..
You saw on the news what had happened to both him and Matt later that evening and had been distraught
It had been months since you had last seen him and since the news was usually right, you assumed he was dead
He was not dead.
He showed up months after Kira had been caught and you couldn't help the relief you felt
Once he's back you refuse to let him go, and begged him never to do anything like that again
You've almost lost him twice now, you didn't want to actually lose him one of these times
He's extremely cocky about your clinginess, but totally loves it
Lots. Of. Affection.
You're smothering him and he's torn between telling you to stop and asking for more
Please kiss his scars and tell him how handsome and badass he looks, he really needs an ego boost even if he won't admit it
Now that the mafia and general public thinks he's dead, he can take you on dates
He still covers up and only goes to slightly public places just to be safe tho
You better like them, because he's taking you on his bike whether you like it or not
All in all, you're both happy he's back and you better cling to his leather clad ass as tight as you can or he might do something reckless again
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I wonder if you do Seven deadly sins
My apologies, but I don’t, if I did, I’d be biased and only write for Ban lol
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Guys, please never feel shy or hesitant to send in a request!
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Can you do a soul x reader where Soul let his S/o handel him in weapon form but she just don't know what to do
Soul with an uncertain reader
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A/N: I was actually a little uncertain of what to do with this and how to end it, I hope you enjoyed regardless though!
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Lucky you, your soul wavelengths were compatible enough for you to not get seriously hurt while handeling Soul in his weapon form!
You both agreed to try it outside of actual combat just in case something went wrong
While he transformed, he obviously showed off and did it as 'cool' as possible
When you pick him up, you can't help but wonder what to do now
Should you swing him? Practice?? What happens if you accidently get hurt or hurt someone else?
You took a step back, pondering to yourself, as you wondered what to do with your boyfriend
"Hey Y/N, what's wrong?"
He saw the look on your face and noticed your hesitation
When you explain to him that you're unsure of what to do with him, he let's out a laugh
He guides you through a few basic moves so you'd get used to handeling him
Agreeing on working up to more advanced moves at a later date, you both called it a day and went home
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(feel free to ignore if you dont write stuff like this lolol)
Would you be willing to do hc's for Saiki and a demigirl s/o?
Drink lots of water and be sure that you dont overwhelm yourself <3
Saiki K with a demigirl S/O
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A/N: No worries! I'm bigender so I dont have an issue with genders.
Also thank you! You're talking to an extremely dehydrated gremlin so the sentiment is appreciated! <3
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You started acting different around Saiki
This was obviously picked up immediately by the teen, but he didnt comment on it.
He doesn't want to pry, but your thoughts are hard for him to ignore and it was starting to get on his nerves
'Should I tell him? What if he doesn't like it??'
For the sake of these hcs, we'll say you already know he has powers
This is a big issue for you, so whenever you slip up, you try and distract yourself by thinking of anything and everything else you can think of
Saiki finds this annoying and wishes you would just say whatever is on your mind already
'Good grief..'
When you tell him, he gives you a blank stare for a few seconds before saying:
"That's all?"
He can switch back and forth between genders, remember?
He honestly thought you were hiding something worse, like murder.
He's a supportive boyfriend, you can fight me on this.
You wanna go to an pride parade? Sure, just be sure to bribe him with coffee jelly in case something crazy happens (something does, like always)
You want some pride flags? They mysteriously appear in your room.
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Could u do Saiki with a normal reader? like Satou kind of normal.
Saiki K with a normal reader
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A/N: You didn't specify what gender so I'll put this as a GN reader!
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He hears about you from everyone's constant chatter
"Did you hear there's a new exchange student?" "Another one?!"
At first he thinks you're going to be another freak
Imagine his pleasant surprise when you're just a normal person
'Even their thoughts are normal.'
You're so normal, that if the other students hadn't been talking about you, he wouldn't have known you existed
As soon as he knows you're normal, you have a secret guardian angel watching over you
You dont have a pen in class? Oh look! You must have misplaced it.
You trip in the hallway? No you didn't. You're still standing up???
He probably won't approach you unless he really can't avoid it, so it's probably you who talks to him first
He really enjoys spending time with you even if it doesn't exactly seem like it to you
He uses you as an excuse to get out of hanging out with other people
"Sorry, me and Y/N were going to do homework today."
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I wish this was just a dn blog🥺..
There's multiple definitions but the main one was Deez Nuts-
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curly haired anon, who do you write for in tbhk? I’m trying to find where your list of characters are but I can’t seem to do so.
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NO YOU'RE OKAY! I should have made who I wrote for more clear.
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