anothersirius-blog · 6 years
I'm feeling better and am going to get caught up with replies tomorrow! I'm behind on work things, so have to catch up on that first. I should be able to get to replies tomorrow though.
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anothersirius-blog · 6 years
I'm sick and will be delayed on replies for a bit. Sorry about that!
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anothersirius-blog · 6 years
Send 💙 to put a blanket on my muse
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anothersirius-blog · 6 years
When Harry looks at Sirius to tell him whether dying hurts or not is beautiful. Despite the fact that both his parents and Remus are there he looks to Sirius. The one person who has always told him the truth.
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anothersirius-blog · 6 years
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S I R I U S   A N D   R E G U L U S   O F   T H E   P R O U D   B L A C K   F A M I L Y
B r o t h e r s…              T w o   s i d e s                                o f   t h e   s a m e                                                                 c o i n
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anothersirius-blog · 6 years
Tagging: @proditeur​ @youngestginny​ @femmeveined​ @xragaire​
Tagged by @heroicintention
LAYER 001: THE OUTSIDE. NAME. Sirius Black
 HAIR STYLE / COLOUR. Black. It can be shorter ish but also quite long. He also has very nicely styled hair (it comes across as effortlessly elegant, but there’s definitely some styling there.). HEIGHT. 6’1” (He’s described as being much taller than Snape by like a head or something. He is a tall man.)
 CLOTHING STYLE. Leather jackets, decidedly muggle influences (some punk rock), and casual. The antithesis of a pureblood “practically noble” wizard. 
BEST PHYSICAL FEATURE. Definitely smile, although he has nice eyes, and a great build. LAYER 002: THE INSIDE. YOUR FEARS. Biggest fear: death of his friends (and eventually Harry as well). Also not living up to his ideals (He was committed enough to the Order to miss Harry’s first birthday party.) Later in life he’s more insecure as well. I think that the things he perceived as failures really affected his sense of self since he’s not nearly as haughty. Well, that and spending 12 years with dementors…)
 YOUR GUILTY PLEASURE. Going far too fast on the motorcycle. 
YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE. Traitors and people involved in the dark arts. More little annoyances: having to wait around. He’s not fond of planning, but if you’ve made actual plans then you better not be late because what’s he supposed to do in the interim? 
YOUR AMBITIONS FOR THE FUTURE. “An auror? I dunno if I can deal with the idiots in charge though. Maybe a cursebreaker… No matter what I want to fight dark wizards and witches.” Other notable ambitions: protect Regulus and keep him from joining up with the Death Eaters, always be loyal to his friends, keep James & Lily safe, avoid his mum and Grimmauld place forever. You know- all of the things that he SADLY FAILED TO DO. LAYER 003: THOUGHTS. YOUR FIRST THOUGHTS WAKING UP. “What do I get to do today?” (Super spontaneous and interested in doing as much as he can) 
WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT MOST. “How do I make things right and make the world better?” (I think he’s super devoted to his ideals, the Order, and his friends) 
WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT BEFORE BED. He tries not to honestly and he’s pretty successful with it. (If he’s not, as in OOTP, he’s probably a bit prone to the slight alcoholism that’s implied in canon.) 
YOU THINK YOUR BEST QUALITY IS. Loyalty. (He TRIES HARD.) LAYER 004: WHAT’S BETTER ? SINGLE OR GROUP DATES. Single, but group dates aren’t bad! He’s a people person. TO BE LOVED OR RESPECTED. Loved (especially after Azkaban- he’s just so alone?)
DOGS OR CATS. Both– “I like dogs, but James and Lily’s cat is nice.” Also Crookshanks. Hippogriffs are also awesome. LAYER 005: DO YOU … LIE. Yes. 
WANT SOMEONE. Yes LAYER 006: HAVE YOU EVER … BEEN ON STAGE. No, but totally would
 DONE DRUGS. A few spliffs with some muggles 
FAVOURITE COLOUR. Red (95% because it’s a Gryffindor color)

FAVOURITE ANIMAL. It depends? Dogs, deer, hypogriffs, owls 
FAVOURITE MOVIE. My taste in movies is so different than what Sirius’s would be that I absolutely have no idea even after looking through five lists of popular movies of the 1970s. I’m just going to say A Clockwork Orange even though I hated the book because he has issues with authority. … I actually kind of think Star Wars might be his favorite tbh since it meshes better thematically. 
FAVOURITE GAME. Quidditch. LAYER 008: AGE. DAY YOUR NEXT BIRTHDAY WILL BE. November 3rd (which makes him one of the oldest in his year and caused a headache figuring out timelines lol. So he’s in 5th year, but probably 16 when the whomping willow incident happens, and he’s “about 16” when he runs away so he probably left home the summer after the whomping willow incident. Also it’s just days after Oct 31 when Lily&James die for added angst) 
HOW OLD WILL YOU BE. Depends. (I’ll play him in AU’s after his death so however old, but that’s going to be rare.) 
AGE YOU LOST YOUR VIRGINITY. 18 (Depends on what I’m rp-ing though- for the most part he’s actually got too much going on in his life to be close enough to someone to do that before then) 
DOES AGE MATTER. No ((I feel a little odd playing super extreme age differences though without it being apparent that there’s something a bit wrong with it. There’s a cut off for sure)) LAYER 010: FINISH THE SENTENCE. I LOVE. James, Remus, Lily, and Peter. And other friends. 
I FEEL. Very intensely- mostly happy, sometimes bored (later in life very sad.). 
I HIDE. Things very poorly. 
I MISS. All of my friends. 
I WISH. Everything had turned out differently.
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anothersirius-blog · 6 years
“They do make a good excuse to kiss you,” he teased, leaning in again to kiss him. This time he playfully nipped at his lip. Kissing him around anyone else was still incredibly new. “At least I know what to get you for Valentine’s Day then.”
“What do we want to do now?” he asked, tugging at James’s hand as he held it to lead him along. They had already been inseparable, but being able to hold his hand like this just solidified everything more.
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anothersirius-blog · 6 years
“It is your fault,” he mumbled nearly inaudibly in response. Regulus wasn’t bored. Regulus wasn’t restless. Where, then, was Sirius’ reason for being so? There was a disconnect between the brothers, surely. Sirius simply wasn’t understanding something that Regulus had already figured out for himself. How strange—being the older brother it should have been Sirius’ job to pave the road of understanding. The older sibling explained himself and Regulus wasn’t buying it. He planted one fist on his hip and twisted his face into pitying disbelief. Sirius would say anything, wouldn’t he? “So you are more interested in my secrets than you are in me. I understand. Fascinating thing, though—if you were more interested in me then there might not be any secrets at all. You’d know everything because I’d be more than willing to share.” Perhaps that was not… entirely true. Regulus had one or two things that he kept close to his chest but there was a time, once-upon-a-time, when the brothers were teamed against the world. Sirius had found a new team, now. “You keep talking and explaining yourself and the more you do so, the less I believe you. Do you know why, Sirius? Because I don’t think you’re capable of being genuine. Not anymore. Your only real talent is rubbing a dog the wrong way—and riling it for your own entertainment.”
“Is not,” he insisted even knowing that it was immature, but unwilling to let Regulus get the last word on that particular topic. It wasn’t his fault. He couldn’t comprehend any other way to deal with their mother. “I’m not more interested in your secrets than you,” he said stubbornly, although he found it hard to defend. He didn’t talk to Regulus as much as his friends because he was in Slytherin and believed everything that their mother told him. “I do care about it believe it or not, you idiot. If you weren’t so soft in the head and obstinately wrong about everything then we’d be out playing Quidditch or something instead of arguing over secrets.” It would be easier that way, but Sirius didn’t have a clue how to get there again when there were more pressing matters at hand. Even if he would rather do that (and likely lose), he was still more intrigued by what exactly Regulus could be trying to hide. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Sirius snapped suspiciously. He had a long while before he would be successful at an animagus transformation, but he was deep enough into the research to know exactly what animal he would be. “‘Rubbing a dog the wrong way? ‘What are you getting at? Have you been snooping?”
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anothersirius-blog · 6 years
She shrugged. “My parents made a choice to have alot of kids and that meant that we didn’t have alot of money. I don’t blame them for that, but that’s also because i’m number 7 and the youngest. If they stopped i wouldn’t be here.” “Transfiguration? Really?” She almost laughed. He was good he could turn into a giant dog after all. She smirked. “Really? You like to watch them or date them?”
“Seven siblings? I thought dealing with one brother was hard enough,” Sirius said. “No wonder you’re wicked good at dueling. You’d have to be wouldn’t you?” He’d never exactly been mean to his younger brother, but Regulus wasn’t great at standing up for himself. “Transfiguration is my favorite subject. Some of it is really easy, but I like the more challenging complex transfiguration too,” he said. He grinned at her directness. She was bold. “Both. Although, I haven’t been lucky enough to date a Quidditch player yet.”
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anothersirius-blog · 6 years
“I didn’t know,” he said, still stunned that both Regulus and Narcissa had actually missed him.
“My mother doesn’t actually miss me. She only misses an idea of me– who she wanted me to be. That’s not me,” Sirius said a trifle bitterly. “You’re right though, I don’t want her knowing where I’m at.”
Sirius looked over at James, hesitating over his answer. “I’m… Regulus is dead,” he told him quietly, not wanting to distract James’s parents from tending to Narcissa. He blinked rapidly a few times, trying to quell a fresh set of tears from talking about it. “Killed.”
“Son’t worry dear- we’ll be able to take care of that,” Euphemia told her reassuringly, very gently moving the fabric of her sweater out of the way to examine her shoulder. “I think a very strong healing potion will even prevent scarring. If you have any, it’ll just be a small amount, right?” She looked up at Fleamont hopefully.
“No, I think I have a potion that will work. The scarring will be minimal. Be right back,” he said, heading to his study.
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anothersirius-blog · 6 years
“You’re right about that. He’ll be fine,” Sirius said, mostly to reassure himself.
“Good point! I wouldn’t want that. No hexes then,” he said, leaning across the table and pecking his lips. “Moody does seem to genuinely enjoy scaring the shit out of people. I think he may have made Peter cry at the last meeting.”
“It sounds like it could be funny. Did you know that I’ve heard that muggles are afraid of ghosts? I think only first years at Hogwarts were afraid of those,” Sirius said with a grin. “I suppose they can’t help it since they get a bit jumpy about anything they don’t know much about, but it should make for some hilarious horror movies. We’ll take a look and find one to go to this week.”
He finished off his fries and reached over to steal a couple of James’s.
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anothersirius-blog · 6 years
@femmeveined  College AU: 
Even though he had excelled in his coursework he had never considered himself particularly academically minded. His knowledge had come easy. Sirius did have the extroverted disposition needed to be good at teaching. However, it wasn’t always easy to remember to show up to class exactly on time. Now that his name was cleared and he was finally a registered animagus (he’d managed to scrape by without punishment for that) he was teaching an advanced transfiguration course. It gave him a sense of purpose to be able to be doing something useful– most of the time students wanted to learn and if they didn’t (or were too busy with other things), well, he had a bit more understanding and leniency with them than some of the other professors. He was busy picking up a couple books in Flourish in Blotts to consider on the syllabus for next semester. “Rachel?” he said when he spotted her. Sirius tried hard to avoid showing favoritism, but she was one of his favorite students. “How is your weekend? Picking up a few books?”
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anothersirius-blog · 6 years
“It probably took your mom a while to get used to owls instead of phone calls,” Sirius said. He was glad that he called now. He spent so much time talking to James over their two way mirror that he never felt too lonely over the summers, but Remus didn’t have that.
“Of course I could,” Sirius said, trying to figure out exactly how he was going to pull that one off. If he had to he could always sneak out to see him if he had to– but if he was lucky Walburga might want him out of the house and out of her hair. “I don’t want you to have to be alone during the moon. It’ll be really fun to get to visit you too. We’ll just have to be careful that your mom doesn’t take too many precautions so that I can transform and be with you.”
“No, it’s okay, I don’t really expect it. Just throws mum a bit off now, she was used to it when I went to the primary school here,” he hummed. Even though his father had known he’d be going to Hogwarts, his mother insisted on him going off to learn maths and some basic muggle history. “Almost, yeah. Nicer than a letter… and I doubt she’ll know, don’t worry on it.”
“Yeah, you think you could..?” Remus asked hopefully because he missed the others. The wolf in him missed the pack he’d become used to. 
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anothersirius-blog · 6 years
“It does,” she said. “But you have money. So i get that you don’t think about it.” The Black family had alot of money. She wasn’t going to be upset that she didn’t have something. Even here when she had less then nothing. Ginny smiled. She wasn’t sure what was happening here. Sirius Black of all people. She was talking to him and not just talking but… flirting? She couldn’t believe it. “So… well me something about you?”
“I don’t think about it much, no,” he admitted. “I only had to worry about money for a little while after being disowned, but I have an inheritance now so… Sorry if it was a bit insensitive.” “About me? Hmm,” Sirius said, smiling at her. “I’m exceptionally good at transfiguration. Really good at charms. I have three best friends and we’re all going to fight against You-Know-Who after we graduate. I’m not the best at Quidditch, but I like watching it and I like Quidditch players.” He grinned at her then, more blatantly flirting now.
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anothersirius-blog · 6 years
@heroicintention Continued from here.
“That was entirely to make the annoying squeaking stop for a moment,” Sirius teased before pecking his lips again. “I can still hear your teeth squeaking. Tastes nice though.” He slipped James’s hand in his, interlacing their fingers. “We’ll come visit Honeydukes after we finish school, right? If we go too long without coming back, I might end up actually missing your ice mice habit.”
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anothersirius-blog · 6 years
“This is my boyfriend, James, and his boyfriend, Sirius.”
Lily Evans at some point probably
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anothersirius-blog · 6 years
Regulus: Ever since I was a baby, people always said I looked like Mum.
Sirius: That's a TERRIBLE thing to say to a baby.
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