antisemitism-eu · 1 day
When antisemites get angry - you know you're doing the right thing.
You know who you can trust to continue supporting dictatorships and armed militias whose entire goal is to wipe out Jews.
When people all over the region finally dare hope that they'll be free of Hezbollah and Assad, you know who you can trust to be on the wrong side of history.
Scores of fighters from the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah were seriously injured on Tuesday, when the pagers they used for communications unexpectedly exploded.
In what appears to be a widespread attack on part of the militant group’s communications system, the explosions took place in Beirut’s southern suburbs where Hezbollah has offices and in the south of the country. [...]
One video posted on social media showed a man falling to the ground injured in a vegetable market after a loud bang.
It is unclear what has led to this series of explosions. Citing security sources, Reuters news agency reported that pagers that detonated were the latest model brought in by Hezbollah in recent months.
Kind of a neat trick by Mossad, but Israel also just indiscriminately detonated hundreds of bombs in public, civilian areas. (When other people do this sort of thing it's frequently called "terrorism".) Don't hold your breath for it to be reported this way!
They really, really, really want to go to war with Lebanon is the thing.
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antisemitism-eu · 1 day
A Syrian refugee allows himself to imagine a world without Hezbollah
A world where Lebanon is free of Hezbollah and will return to be the jewel of the Middle East. The Lebanese people will live in a free society and lead in their creativity.
A world where Syria is free of Assad. The refugees will be able to return home, and the criminals who butchered this nation will pay for their deeds. There will no longer be a dictatorship, and killings and forced deportations
A world where Iraq and Lebanon and Yemen and Syria will be free of Iran.
This is not the result of the world standing by and doing nothing.
It's not the result of negotiations with Hezbollah.
This is the result of Israel finally standing up and protecting itself.
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antisemitism-eu · 1 day
We want a ceasefire now!
In 2006, the UN accepted resolution 1701
The resolution calls for the disarmament of Hezbollah south of the Litani River
UNIFIL and the Lebanese army were supposed to enforce it.
It has been hailed by the Israeli gov't at the time as the most important document ever that will finally bring peace (in our times)
Did anybody enforce it?
No. It's too scary.
Did we make demands when Hezbollah spent the years since then re-arming and putting missiles in people's living rooms?
No! Of course not!
Did we make demands when Hezbollah prepared to invade Israel?
No! Of course not!
We're not stupid.
And then came October 7th, 2023, and the Hezbollah started attacking Israel. Thousands of Israelis were forced from their homes and have spent the past year as refugees.
Did we call for an immediate ceasefire?
Why should we? It's only Jews. Nobody cares.
Did we demand that UNIFIL and the Lebanese Army enforce 1701?
No, of course not.
We did try to negotiate with Hezbollah. We know they're reasonable people who just want their people to live happy, meaningful lives.
It's true that Hezbollah wants to kill Jews, and Jews don't want to be killed.
But they agree on almost everything else!!!
An agreement is within reach.
After almost a year, Israel has had it.
Obviously, the world isn't going to do anything.
Across the political spectrum there were calls to put a stop to it. The head of the Israeli left demanded Israel invade Lebanon.
In addition, Hezbollah has fired at more and more villages and towns. Israel cannot stand by while more and more people become refugees or live in constant fear.
Dozens of Israelis have been murdered.
So Israel will do what nobody else is willing to do and force the Hezbollah north of the Litani River.
Israel will enable the Jewish refugees to go back home.
Hezbollah has waited for this moment for 18 years. It has an arsenal of hundreds of thousands of rockets and tens of thousands of fighters.
Israelis have been warned of a war that would mean attacks on Israeli infrastructure and thousands of dead.
(as an aside - this is what we call solidarity. I'm not personally suffering from Hezbollah attacks, but I care for my brothers and sisters who live up north)
In the past week, Israel has managed to surprise and half-cripple Hezbollah. Taking out thousands of commanders, attacking its communication network and then wiping out its top commanders.
For the past few days, Israel has systematically been blowing up arm caches: missiles, rockets and drones - all aimed at murdering Jews.
It's not that Hezbollah doesn't want to respond more forcefully. IT CAN'T.
Do you know what time it is?
That's right!
It's time to ensure that Israelis will live in fear for years to come!
It's time to ensure that Hezbollah lives!
It's time to demand an immediate ceasefire now!
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antisemitism-eu · 2 days
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antisemitism-eu · 2 days
This is what happens when Israel directly hits a weapons depot in Lebanon
A full minute of weapons exploding.
Who's responsible for killing the neighbors?
You guessed it.
Because antisemites are never responsible.
They want to murder Jews so much, they can stockpile weapons in their living rooms - and if the Jews dare prevent them from firing at Israel and killing Jews?
Well, that's all the Jews fault, ain't it?
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antisemitism-eu · 2 days
kozyliving Hezbollah is a terrorist organization and human rights activist describe it as such. I love Zionists' double-thinking: Israel is both a beacon of democracy and civilization and at the same time anything, everything justifies its constant crimes and abuses. Btw killing tens of people to target a single individual is not in any way complying with international law, and if Hezbollah started doing the same you'd recognize it for the crime it is. Fuck you.
Can you feel the love?
Israel is not "killing tens of people to target a single individual"
Israel is fighting Iranian-backed militias which are fully supported by the local population and whose entire goal is to wipe out Jews.
And you support them.
"if Hezbollah started doing the same you'd recognize it for the crime it is"
If only.
I cannot believe that you're stupid enough to actually believe what you're writing.
Especially since it's a response to my saying that nobody cares about Hezbollah attacking Israel for 11 months.
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antisemitism-eu · 3 days
A lot of pro-Israel activists tend to complain about the state of Israeli "hasbarah".
And the thing is, they're right.
The Israeli gov't can do a lot more to explain their side.
But on the other hand, they're wrong.
They think that if the gov't would only have a one-stop place for questions, or more gov't support or something, then it would be easier to convince people that Israel is only doing what it has to do to protect its citizens and prevent another Holocaust.
But the thing is... data and logic will not convince the Jew haters.
The people who say "educate yourself", would rather be educated by people who want to murder Jews.
Even the people who love Israel but "understand the protesters" or think that "too many people are dying" - aren't missing information.
They just prefer to close their eyes to antisemitism and prefer to believe the Nazis when they say Jews are committing genocide.
(Remember Charlottsville and "Jews will not replace us"? It's as if it was suddenly hip to believe those people)
I really don't see what could Israel possibly do to convince them.
We often say that if there was an Israel during the Holocaust, the Nazis wouldn't have murdered 6 million Jews.
And I think that's true.
But we see now what would have happened instead.
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antisemitism-eu · 3 days
If you are actually comparing Netanyahu (a politician that you might disagree with) and Hamas (a Nazi ideological group that committed genocide against Jews in the most horrible way possible)
Then you are not informed enough to comment on Israel and Palestine.
Of course there's Palestinian opposition to Hamas.
It's called the Palestinian Authority.
They want to kill Jews on their own terms.
But is there really opposition to the massacre of Hamas?
You must be kidding.
Mahmoud Abbas tried to say something about it after October 7th, and he was so condemned by the Palestinian people, that he took it back.
Support for Hamas swelled in the West Bank after the massacare.
Pretending that didn't happen is not "being informed".
Creating a peace movement that doesn't exist, is not "being informed".
Staying silent about the toxic antisemitic Palestinians society that honors, celebrates and teaches to murder Jews, is not "being informed".
It will only ensure that for generations to come, Palestinians will continue to try and commit genocide.
Yes, there's very few Palestinians who condemn the massacre. They're very few, and they don't usually live in Palestine.
You know why?
Because people like you who prefer to pretend there's a peace movement in Palestine, rather than support the people who actually want peace.
Hot take but if you're unaware of either the Israeli opposition against Netanyahu or the Palestinian opposition against Hamas (and especially if you're unaware of both), you are not informed enough to be commenting on Israel and Palestine
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antisemitism-eu · 4 days
world4end Oh poor Israelis. Nevermind the many more Lebanese who’ve been forced to leave their homes. But as typical for Zionists, no lives matter besides Zionist Jews.
Typical antisemites.
You hide missiles in your house, aimed at killing Jews, and then you cry when the evil Jews destroy it.
Normal people will not bother notifying you in advance.
Normal people will not tell you that you'll be able to return home.
But that's Jews for you. Too merciful for their own good.
You did not say a word for 11 months, when Hezbollah fired rockets at homes and schools and synagogues.
You did not say a word for 11 months when a hundred thousand Israelis were forced out of their homes.
Because we're not really talking about the Zionists who care "only about Zionist Jews"
Your problem is Jews who want to live.
How typical.
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antisemitism-eu · 4 days
here's why your comment was absolutely tone deaf
Here's why
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antisemitism-eu · 4 days
The Syrians who suffered from Hezbollah are not like the Western antisemites.
They might hate Jews, but they don't hate Jews so much that they're going to protect the monsters who made their life a living hell for years.
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antisemitism-eu · 5 days
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“Whether it’s on the street, whether it’s at work or whether it’s in your place of worship,” he yelled. “It could be at a synagogue. Everyone will be held accountable when you stand for the oppressed. Join us children. Join us for a little bit and head on back.”
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antisemitism-eu · 5 days
The Syrians can't forget how this Hezbollah journalist was eating and laughing while they suffered from Hezbollah-induced famine and attacks.
Remember how you protested against this?
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antisemitism-eu · 5 days
The internet is full of Syrians celebrating the pager attack on Hezbollah
See, while the so-called "liberals" of the world are crying over the Nazis, the people who suffered from their murder and torture are celebrating.
The Syrian explains: they say you should feel schadenfreude for the dead... but in this case you should be happy for their deaths.
In the background - the Lebanese emergency response teams
And the people who did nothing to stop the Butcher from Damascus and his murderous thugs - suddenly realize that doing anything to stop them is actually a violation of international law.
Especially when you can blame the Jews.
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antisemitism-eu · 5 days
See, this is why I tell people that I don't buy the "useful idiot" claims.
You're not supporting the people who want to kill Jews because you're stupid.
You're smart!!!
You know how to use words like "ethnostate".
(Completely incorrectly, but you still know the term.)
You're supporting the people who want to kill Jews because you hate Jews and want to kill them.
You think Jews are the Nazis and the people who want to kill them are the good guys.
You're the kind of guy that a hundred years ago would have been excited about Nazi propaganda. Because those evil Jews are ruining everything, aren't they?
And nobody would have called you a "useful idiot" then.
When you have grandchildren, remember to tell them how you supported the Nazis when they wanted to kill Jews. I dare you.
The innocent civilians Israel killed yesterday
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Out of 36 people who were killed by the pager/walkie-talkie attacks - 34 were Hezbollah fighters.
One was a kid in Hezbollah's scouts (think Hitler Jugend)
And one was a girl. The lone "innocent victim".
(She was an innocent victim because someone in her life let her hold a pager that is only given to military commanders.)
That means Israel had a success rate of 99.97%
And still that's not enough.
And that's assuming you believe Hezbollah. According to some claims, Hezbollah lost many more commanders, which means that Israel's success rate is even higher.
But even if it would be 99.999999999999999999999%
Israel will be condemended.
If you're sharp-eyed - you will notice a few kids in the picture. There's a 16yo and 19yo who are both SOLDIERS.
When you quote Hamas figures about how Israel is killing children, remember that a significant number of those children were holding guns while they were killed
Does the UN or US democrats care about Hezbollah giving weapons to young kids and sending them to the battlefield? Of course not.
Banning weapons is only a thing in the US. If those same weapons can kill Jews? Why would anybody be against it?
Because there are important things: encouraging the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Jews.
And there are non-important things: child soldiers, using hospitals as military HQ, civil wars that kill millions, teaching your children to kill Jews, famine and floods etc. etc. etc.
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antisemitism-eu · 5 days
An Israeli journalist wrote that the pager attack on Hezbollah was "a win for human-rights activists" because Israel managed to directly target Hezbollah commanders and almost no-one else
Little does he know.
Meanwhile, Hezbollah is shooting rockets at hundreds of thousands of civilians (both Jewish and Arab), claiming that they're aiming for military installations.
Human-right activists: *crickets*
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antisemitism-eu · 5 days
antisemite who supports genocide and ethnic cleansing of Jews discovers that other antisemites don't trust them because they're Jewish.
Unexpected turn of events.
Note: Being an anti-Zionist in the 1920s and being anti-Zionist today are two VERY different things.
In the 1920s - you were just stupid. No anti-Zionist plan for the resettlement of Jews worked long-term, and there are actually reasons for this.
In the 2020s - you're supporting the genocide and ethnic cleansing of millions of Jews. Establishing Israel in the historic homeland of Jews worked. And there are actually reasons for this.
I need to talk about this because it's making me feel insane.
Last week, my white leftist goyisch friends sat me, a wholeass antizionist Jew, down for a "talk" because they "needed to check in about Palestine" and make sure "our values aligned before we hung out again". They apparently needed to "suss out" where I stood on Palestinian rights, despite having had several conversations about Palestine and them being some of my closest friends. They needed to check, to search for and uncover my true values, because I had said some "disturbing things" that had made them "suspicious".
Disturbing things included:
Supporting IfNotNow which is a "liberal zionist organization" because it normalizes Jewish heritage in the Levant
Not bringing Palestine up enough, despite them also not bringing it up (this was apparently a test)
Mentioning that the Houthi's flag talks about cursing all Jews
Saying Stalin was antisemitic because of the "all the paw-grihms"
...and apparently other things they wouldn't specify, but had been tracking for months.
To clarify, I am an antizionist Jew from three generations of antizionist Jews. I have been vocal in my support of Palestinian liberation and in my condemnation both of Israel's actions and its violent founding as a state, and of zionism in many of its forms. I am a regular donor to Palestinian and Jewish NGOs and advocate for Jewish antizionism in person, at temple, and online. I have been talking about Palestinian liberation before they could point to Gaza on a map. But they needed to make sure, they needed to "suss out", they needed to check. And it's notable that the majority of moments that made them suspicious of me were times where I talked about antisemitism: not about Palestinian liberation, not about Israeli decolonization, not about anything actually relevant to Palestine. It was talking about antisemitism that made them check to see if I was a cryptozionist.
One of the most pervasive and insidious forms of antisemitism is the idea that Jews are inherently untrustworthy and suspicious. You have to constantly be on guard, track what they say and do, "suss out" the real truth. You have to keep them in line and and watch them carefully because they're liars and sneaks, and if you're not looking closely they'll return to their real values (and drag you down with them). This is where the idea of "cryptozionist" comes from and what it's directly building off of: the inherent untrustworthiness of Jews and the need to check. Because no matter how close you become you can't actually trust them, and any upstanding gentile should make sure to avoid associating with Jews before "sussing out" their real allegiances and intentions. You have to make them turn out their pockets, just in case.
I'm the first and only Jew they actually were friends with; I know because they've told me (strangely proud of it in the way white Americans are proud of that kind of thing). They've asked me questions about Judaism and fawned over how beautiful and unique it was for me to be connected to my community and culture. Pre-October 7th, one of them had even mentioned being interested in coming to services at my temple. She still has my copy of our siddur. But now she needed to "check" before she could be seen with me in public. Which is what it was: it wasn't a "you're my friend and I need to give you some feedback because you're fucking up" kind of intervention (which is normal and important to have), it was a trial. It was a last chance for me to prove to them that I'm clean-enough that they could afford to risk being seen with me in public, just in case someone noticed them fraternizing with a hypothetical Enemy and their leftism was compromised. It was a test to make sure that I behave properly when required to, that I'd play along and do what I'm told and turn out my pockets if asked (because any refusal would validate the notion of having something to hide). And above all it was an opportunity for them to reaffirm their own cleanliness by putting my imagined immorality in its place.
I did what I needed to do: I smiled. I apologized. I "didn't know that". I "appreciated the feedback". I turned out my pockets because what else could I do? They'd decided who I was and what I believed, regardless of what I said or did, so there was no point in explaining that they were wrong about me. If I had told them they were being antisemitic, it would just have been proof that they were right. Caring about antisemitism is a dogwhistle in the spaces they've chosen: it's not a real form of oppression, it's a tactic for sneaky, lying Jews to weasel out of admitting their true alliances. There was nothing I could say.
Nothing's really changed for me. I'm going to continue my activism for Palestinian liberation rooted in my culture and my faith. Antizionism is still not antisemitism. But I got a reminder that many white goyisch leftists fundamentally just don't trust Jews, and that the activist spaces they're in not only exacerbate their antisemitism in an increasingly insular echo chamber, but also allow them to finally vent their internalized bigotry in a socially-acceptable way. In my former friends' eyes, what they did was activism—disavowing a Jew (and making me feel humiliated, scared, and unclean in the process) as a cathartic stand-in for doing fucking anything for actual Palestinian liberation—but for me it was a grief that I'll be feeling for a long time: not only over losing friends I loved and trusted, but also over my sense of belonging and security in leftist spaces.
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