Life is worth living
Take a moment to think about this. What if you were never born? You wouldn’t even know life exists. You wouldn’t get to go through all the good things in life. Yes there may be rough patches, but everyone faces them. I’m 13 and I had some rough times. I thought about suicide. I got through the rough patch and I’m moving on with my life. You need to accept life as it is and continue doing you. Just please don’t forget that every life is precious and you shouldn’t ruin it by focusing on all the rough patches you run into~M (10:17pm 10/15/17)
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We pick apart other people. We point out their flaws, but not our own. Why? Why can’t we accept the fact that everyone has flaws. Instead of picking out others flaws pick out your own. I have to admit I point out others flaws because I hope it will distract them and make them not point out mine. I am trying to fix this. I started finding my flaws and slowly fixing them. ~M (8:40pm 10/15/17)
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