antodavtheabuser · 6 years
Good information!
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antodavtheabuser · 6 years
Hey Friends
We are back. Got any info? DM it to us. <3 
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antodavtheabuser · 6 years
Idk if you are still even active but they're fucking pregnant.
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antodavtheabuser · 6 years
what do you think about the latest development in their "family"?
The only thing we know is that Cassie found out she was pregnant after she was trying to leave him
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antodavtheabuser · 6 years
Y’all wanna make a comeback?
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antodavtheabuser · 10 years
*You're. And yes, spreading hate is always a GREAT response to frustration. If you cared a bit about me at all, you would actually ask how things are and look for signs of "abuse" outside of the Internet. Your efforts are pathetic. I'd say give it up, but then you'd have nobody to pick on and nothing to do.
Trust me. I go out of my way to do this shit. Well, WE go out of our way. But don't worry. Tried plenty of times. Doesn't work. This is the only thing that gets a reaction.
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antodavtheabuser · 10 years
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Anthony Davis. The guy who talks shit to everyone but likes to talk about fucking other women while his wife is in the hospital after she tried to commit suicide.
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antodavtheabuser · 10 years
No one sends me mean messages anymore. How disappointing.
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antodavtheabuser · 10 years
Hate is a strong word, but I really really really don't like you.
Why don't you go back to wanting to leave your wife while she's in the hospital and do us all a favor and free her.
You think making my wife cry is a way of demonstrating the "love" you supposedly have for her?
You are the only “abuser” to be found here, not me. You’re a hypocrite and a liar if there ever was one. Telestial glory is too good for you.
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antodavtheabuser · 10 years
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Thus continued.
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antodavtheabuser · 10 years
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What a wonderful husband. Wife has a suicide attempt and he spends the day talking about cheating on his spouse.
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antodavtheabuser · 10 years
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Want to know what is so funny about Anthony Davis saying people deserve apostasy? Wait for my next post. ;)
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antodavtheabuser · 11 years
Do you think this is a classic case of Stockholm Syndrome?
I think it very well could be something LIKE Stockholm Syndrome. I know her very well, and I just don't understand how she could have fallen so hard like this. I think he is a very persuasive and manipulative personality that's wrapped up with indoctrination and self-obsessive pride and masochism and topped with a bow that says "I'm endowed, therefore I must be all-knowing"I think that HE is very lost. I don't know what his issue is, but he's super self righteous and realistical doesn't have any reason to be. He has some interesting opinions, and I don't understand how people with SUCH different opinions on important things could want to be with each other eternally. It's a huge flaw in both of them that shows they just don't want to be lonely. I think she doesn't realize how inherently bad he is for her, and she is very blinded by lust-turned-church-advised-eternal-marriage because of their sexual transgressions together.xoxo,A.
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antodavtheabuser · 11 years
I do like how she thinks I (kaseyagogo) is you & you are me. For the record, I don't have enough time to maintain 3 blogs LOLZ
Hahahaha. No kidding. O.o
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antodavtheabuser · 11 years
So how much hate mail are you getting from randoms? Any threats of "I'll find out who you are blah blah blah!!!11!"?
Not too much. I've gotten a few messages from people I love saying this is hurtful. I'm not the original owner of the blog name. But I do plan on using it to showcase how hatred and hypocrisy can turn a wonderful young lady to a vile and unchristlike example of why bad relationships hurt everyone.
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antodavtheabuser · 11 years
So, making a blog attacking my marriage (and my husband, mainly) and gossiping passive-aggressively about it/us TOTALLY doesn't make you look like a hypocritical jerk yourself? All right then. Hope you lot are proud of yourselves for attacking someone else's marriage and encouraging them to commit suicide like you all are. Keep it classy, Tumblr Stake.
You know I didn't actually encourage suicide. I do literally disapprove of a marriage that creates contention and creates the idea within themselves "it's us against the world" No one attacked you both to begin with. Your aggression towards people who you disagree with sparked the dislike amongst the community of people. You claim to be so in love with a gospel that proclaims love and acceptance and redemption, but you yourselves offer no reception or heartfelt empathy towards anyone but an elite few that is constantly changing. The issue lies in the fact that you attack those who struggle, with you yourself struggle immensely and act like you're better than others even though you are the same. This blog isn't meant to be a hate blog towards Cassie and Anthony. It's here to address a relationship that has created contention among itself in an unhealthy way, and who strikes to hurt others who are supposed to be your brothers and sisters.
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antodavtheabuser · 11 years
You know what's worse? The archives of the things that antodav says to tstake people.
when (married) couples air their arguments/disagreements on a social media site. that’s what text messaging & kik is for; if you can’t do it in person or over the phone. it’s childish & attention seeking. congrats on looking like a…
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