anythingwithanabv · 2 years
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Lazy Sundays 🥰
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anythingwithanabv · 2 years
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anythingwithanabv · 2 years
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joe with long hair 😵‍💫 I WOULD LIKE TO SEE IT
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anythingwithanabv · 2 years
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anythingwithanabv · 2 years
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and nothing else matters.
red carnation — my heart aches, pink carnation — i’ll never forget you, forget-me-not — true love memories, nasturtium — victory in battle
prints available here
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anythingwithanabv · 2 years
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"I woke up. The moon is full, so I send my wishes to the universe", 2021
Sung Hwa Kim
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anythingwithanabv · 2 years
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STRANGER THINGS S4 Chapter Nine: The Piggyback
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anythingwithanabv · 2 years
Hey, Duffer Bros🙂I just🙂Want🙂to🙂talk🙂
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anythingwithanabv · 2 years
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Chrissy, this is for you
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anythingwithanabv · 2 years
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they are together now
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anythingwithanabv · 2 years
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anythingwithanabv · 2 years
dustin endlessly pestering eddie to get together with robin until eddie tells him he’s gay, and then dustin just blinks, takes a second and then starts pestering him to get together with steve
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anythingwithanabv · 2 years
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it was indeed THEIR year!! 🎓🎉 suck it principal higgins
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anythingwithanabv · 2 years
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'86, baby!
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anythingwithanabv · 2 years
i have a very simple wish, at least i think it is. one small smidge of a hope.
i just wish that i could find at least one single person that could align with me mentally.
they don't have to have the same things i do. they don't have to have synisthesia or autism or ptsd. they don't have to have ehlers-danlos and the early onset arthritis that comes with it. no crazy latex or any of the foods that come with it. nothing.
i just want someone who understands. what it means to be alone for most of your life, not just romantically but family and friend wise as well. but also how those brief moments of connection with those around you mean /so fucking much/
i live in an isolated bubble. my family doesn't understand, they've always written my physical and emotional pain off as "a product of the times". being the only living person on both sides of the family with diagnosed ehlers-danlos means that no one can relate. even though it's what took my grandpa out, even though it's whats put those before him in chairs. even though on my mom's side it's a long line of hemophilia and heavy ovarian/intestinal cancer. my last obgyn appointment, i didn't have cancer but the cysts were so bad it was recommended i get a full hysto before they become rotten inside of my body.
I was told that every time I get pregnant I will continue to loose every child.
I've had one abortion in my very early 20s before I got my diagnosis.
I've had six miscarriages since.
I've been told that with management and living in the hospital on bed rest and hooked up to machines and multiple surgeries to expand my uterus that maybe I could have a family of three, if I could find a partner willing to have only one child and see me through all of that pain
But I can't. I can't put myself or my potential future partner through the pain they would see me in. My body is literally just not meant to have babies. And that makes me afraid for where I'm at right now.
Ive had miscarriages on the four month mark. Earlier as well, obviously. But it's at the point where I would be a convicted murderer in certain states.
I would have six children if my body allowed it. Seven if I hadn't have gotten that potentially life saving abortion when I was 19.
Most of them with my ex "husband", who is still my best friend and I love very much. But he was and still is not at a point to raise a child.
Two with the man who beat me almost daily, drug me through the mud to where I didn't know who I was anymore, and tried to kill me multiple times. Every night I would come home and cook and clean for him and maintain a space for him and his children, and I would get kicked out to the street when they would come over because he was trying to make things right with his ex wife - and I wanted what was best for their family. Oak Grove concrete and surrounding forest is nice and warm july-october.
Luckily I didn't have any babies with either of them but at the same time it was because I can't.
Without strict medical care and someone monitoring me and taking care of me. As well as taking care of myself. Working hard right now to save up money for maybe sometime I can take time off and grow a family without physical stress literally doing it's worst.
augh. i just wish that someday i could meet someone on the same level as me and want to make the same kind of life as i want. a small life out in the boondocks with a couple of kids we could raise to be decent people. surrounded by music, art, life, love. where they never had a doubt in their minds that momma and dad ever loved each other. where pops from my side showed love, hopefully from your side too. maybe gramma instead, pops from me and gramma from your end.
i have a much more tender heart than i'd like to lead on. i think of you constantly, and there's a part of me that thinks you'd round out my other side. i dream of kissing you constantly. it's ridiculous.
ok but yeah i should figure my shit out. goodnight.
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anythingwithanabv · 2 years
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So apparently men’s crop tops were a thing during the 80s…
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anythingwithanabv · 2 years
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bunch of steddie doodles for your soul
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