#dare to dair
ao3-fanfic-rec · 1 year
people look well in the dark by mysteriesofloves
Fandom: Gossip Girl
“I care about Henry. I care about how he does in my class. But more than that, I want him to like it. I want him to find a poem that makes him feel like each line is being etched into the inside of his ribs. Have you felt that, Mrs. Waldorf? Do you know what I mean?”
“No,” she says tightly. “You sound ridiculous.”
Humphrey laughs. The sound echoes. It makes her shiver.
“Yeah, I know,” he says. “But have I at least convinced you to let me try?”
  or, blair finds an unlikely friend in her son’s english teacher, mr. humphrey
Blair Waldorf x Dan Humphrey, <50k words, Alternate Universe, Emotional and physical infidelity, Mutual pining
Ongoing as of 2023 - 04 - 28
Thoughts: If you're not someone who reads stories with cheating - this is the one I'd make the exception for.
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packerfansam-blog · 5 months
This deserves to be shared again:
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blairwaldcrf · 6 months
WIP Wednesday
i'm late so I'm taking the open tag of @nontoxic-writes @kiwiana-writes, sorry!
1. Chapter 2 of Nocturno (firstprince au)
"Us elder sisters like to meddle, especially when we see opportunities to prove ourselves right."
Henry can't help but laugh at Bea’s misguided positivity, blindly viewing things more idyllic out of hope for his love life than they could ever be in actuality. "So your true motivation is to determine he isn't straight?"
"I think it would be pertinent information to have before a marriage, yes." She primly responds, playfully annoyed he dared laugh at her genius.
"Does it matter that I simply don't believe you?"
"Not in the slightest."
He shakes his head and ignores her grin. When he considers how miniscule the chance is that Mr. Claremont-Diaz is anything more than supportive of those not heterosexual despite being glaringly so himself, he gives in. There's a good chance the ever-protective Bea won't deem her suitor worthy of the information this early to begin with. "I suppose I can trust your judgment."
"With pure intentions?" She asks in jest despite knowing the real answer.
He haughtily turns back to his book with faux anger, although there is a part of him he doesn't want to entertain that does feel irritated at someone else chasing the man. "Not remotely. I simply think it will be fun to witness you being wrong for once."
2. Chapter 5 of Set it Up (dair au)
But Dan's sitting here, letting her bark orders at him while only giving back minimal snark, and she didn't bully him into being here. There's no bribe, no ulterior motive, not even suggestions that they shirk the duty onto interns. He's just... helping. Like they're friends.
It makes her feel restless with some feeling she can't name, so she weaponizes the restlessness into irritation and snaps. "Why do you have an insufferable need to help people?"
Dan startles a bit, then watches her carefully only to end his search with a casual shrug and small smirk. "How else am I going to take the moral high ground?"
tagging @takaraphoenix @terrainofheartfelt @strideofpride @hydesjackiespuddinpop @laufire and whoever else!
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carrotcouple · 6 months
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"In Izar Palace gold jewelry is the sign of special status and royalty. Even though His Royal Highness, Prince Vlad, could not wear gold jewelry until his sister became Queen, he freely gives. Each member of his circle is gifted gold jewelry by Prince Vlad himself. Even though none of them are nobles. Even though, His Highness, Prince Vlad, hardly adorns himself."
Fun lore here we go! For those that do not know, Vlad is one of my antagonists in The Ashen Magus. He's a bit of a personal fave. He grew up in Izar Palace as the second in line to the throne. He and his older sister Hypatia were the only of the many royal children that actually carried royal blood. However, they were neglected by his father as his mother, the rightful queen, started to lose her mind. He was neglected, abused and bullied. He never got to wear any gold jewelry until his older sister, Hypatia, murdered their father and then took the throne.
Who are each of the characters here? So they're part of Vlad's personal circle. A mismatched group of people who ended up serving him willingly or unwillingly. It should be fairly obvious who Vlad is, so lets go in order from the top.
With a large bangle on his wrist is Kalei. He's young, though not the youngest member of the group. He is first because he is the latest addition to the circle. Kalei was born in the Gray Class, a group of humans with no magic and unable to even perceive magic. This makes their lifespans incredibly short in a world that basically runs on magic. He was a slave who was then trained to be an assassin and kill Mehr, another one of Vlad's circle. Mehr ended up catching him and deciding he actually liked him and so asked if Vlad could keep him. Vlad ended up agreeing. The members of the Gray Class are not looked upon well and so Vlad gave him a gold bangle that stood out a lot so that no one in the palace would ever dare to look down on him. Kalei is a bit shy and soft spoken. He likes makeup and mostly blends in the the background.
Second in line is angry boy with the eyebrow piercings, Daire. He's the youngest of the group. He's 14 years old. Daire comes from a fairly normal background. But the only problem was that despite having so much magic inside of him, he was unable to use any of it. Vlad found him picking a fight with people on the streets and took him in because he decided to test and see if he could get Daire to use his magic differently. Daire is loud, very opinionated. He can and will cuss you out. He is somewhat best friends with Kalei and will yell at people for Kalei because Kalei will not. He gets into trouble for being rude a lot.
Third is Brinley. half human, half dura (@maddyisenough's oc). She ended up joining Vlad's circle against her will. She gets arrested for attacking a corrupt noble and Vlad notices her unique magic and decides to convince her to join him. When she refuses, he ends up learning that her lover snuck into Izar Palace to try and save her. So he ends up holding her lover's life hostage and ends up managing to get both of them to work for him (although her lover ends up a death mage in the general army instead). Brinley is hot headed and full of naive justice. She's not a fan of Vlad or his circle, but eventually ends up seeing way too much of who they really are to actually hate them. She struggles a lot as a result. Especially with Aruna. WHO IS NEXT.
Aruna started out as a noble and she was actually against the Vlad Order. She planned on running away with her best friend in order to join the rebel army and fight the Vlad Order. Her family ended up being moved to a city on the outskirts of Ignosi and although they were kind and benevolent, people who said they were part of the rebel army raided their residence and killed, tortured and paraded them like war prisoners. Aruna ended up being the last of her family alive and then as she was on her last legs, Vlad and his circle arrived to quell the rebellion. He looked at her and then asked her "are you going to die? just like that?" and then she realized that he was asking her if she was going to fight back. The entire time she had been trying to beg for mercy and prove her innocence. And Vlad told her to fight back and save herself instead. So she ended up using her magic to murder everyone in the area and then joined the Vlad Order instead. Being a parallel and opposite of Brinley, Aruna and Brinley struggle to get along. In another universe they would be best friends though.
Then is Zal. Zal's super fun. He's carried a one sided love for Vlad for a very very very long time (in another universe vlad finds out and decides to reciprocate but not in this one). He's very quiet and straight laced. He's kind of Vlad's personal bodyguard. (Prince and bodyguard romance anyone?). Zal is a mix of various different races. Kind of a rare one of a kind. His mother tried to kill him a bunch of times as a child and when Vlad was much younger he came across Zal who was escaping a murder attempt and then took him in because he could tell that he would be quite the useful addition to his trusted personal circle (which at the time only consisted of Lamya and Mehr).
Mehr is a personal fave. He's one of the fire folk but he has night folk blood in him too. Well tbh, mostly night folk. He's like a fourth fire folk. The Night Folk are a closed community (the result of almost being completely eradicated in wars). So when Mehr was born with both fire folk magic and night folk magic (which involves their voices), his family decided he could only have one. and since he looks like one of the fire folk they decided he couldn't be allowed to have his night folk magic. So when he was 12 his family held him down and cut out his vocal chords. That's why Vlad gave Mehr a choker like necklace, to cover the scars. Mehr is a feral and absolutely terrifying fighter. If you cut off his arms, he'll use his legs to kill you. If you cut off his legs, he'll bite you to death. He's the strongest in hand to hand combat and no magic combat of the group. But he's also the mom of the group. He makes sure everyone has had their food, he stops fights, he protecc, he makes sure if anyone's hurt they go get treated. This is also why Vlad has Mehr take care of his son, Prince Einar.
And lastly is Lamya, Vlad's right hand and most trusted. She's been with him the longest. Her mother was bribed by a noble to poison Hypatia. She was caught and Hypatia murdered her brutally. Lamya who was a budding spellcaster at the time was horrified. Vlad tricked her into thinking that Death Magic would save her mother which turned her into a Death Mage. This resulted in Vlad having control over her. She's a human and so should have died over a century ago, but because of Vlad's control she has remained alive and still looks youthful. Lamya is loyal and steadfast. There was once a time where she resented Vlad. But since she was his first loyal servant she ended up seeing that this child who was younger than her was treated like dirt even by his own servants, she realized that he had used whatever he could to make sure he didn't die. Even if it meant using her. Lamya eventually comes to understand and value Vlad deeply. Although it certainly didn't start out very well.
And finally, one small character who isn't in the art but deserves an honorable mention. Vlad has a son named Einar who isn't even a teenager yet in canon. Einar rarely receives Vlad's direct attention and always only does as he's told to do. The general consensus is that Vlad is a horrible parent to Einar. I'm not going to lie, he isn't a good parent. But Vlad has had a very interesting life and so the way he views family is interesting. He made sure everything Einar ever needed would be provided for. He assigned Mehr, one of his strongest men and yet most caring to take care of Einar. He gave Einar a sappy-as-hell middle name. He made sure Einar was always fitted with gold jewelry, no matter how quickly he outgrew them. I could write a whole essay about Vlad and Einar's relationship but not here. Yeet.
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queersrus · 3 months
hello! may i ask for masc/neu middle names for the first name kye? thank you so much! :D
kye auden kye apri kye arpi kye andie
kye berwick kye buell
kye claron
kye dair/dare/daire kye dever
kye eric kye eber
kye finn
kye guy
kye kilburn kye karver kye kiegan kye keon kye kastle
kye lonny kye landell
kye metha
kye royal kye ron
kye tirus kye tyree kye taelin kye tallon/talon
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selfdiagnosedeyemotif · 11 months
In the darkness of a house, there was a soft glow from underneath the crack in a door. Inside the room that door led to sat a man. The man had messy red hair and an even messier outfit, and a maddened gleam to his eyes that could be written off as manic determination. 
That man was named Drikha Elvenglen, but despite his name he was not related to elves. 
Instead, he was a Wild Thing, born with the ability to change his shape into any creature he desired, big, small, or human sized. 
His blood also held a curse. It was a terrible curse, one that he struggled to manage on the regular, but was made easier by the presence of his dear friend Hellenath Reidan. It was a wonder to Drikha how his friend simply existing beside him helped him handle the curse that tainted his blood, but he never dared question it, lest he jinx it and ruin his streak of good fortune. 
Inside that room sat Drikha Elvenglen, son of Daire and Menomir. Inside that room sat a man with a hope that flickered like the flame on his writing desk. 
Drikha scrawled something in his notebook, splotching ink on the yellowed paper in his hurry to imortalize the threads his mind was tying together. He swore quietly, continuing to write. Never mind the ugly blotch on the page, it didn’t need to look pretty- it barely needed to be legible. Only his eyes would ever be reading it again- with the ever-present exception of Hellenath. 
Speaking of, he had been gone for a worryingly long time. Drikha could feel the familiar pit of dread start to open in his gut, and he quickly downed the last of his cold tea and shoved his chair away from his desk, making up his mind at once. He would find Hellenath, and they would share the idea together. 
the tolkien inspiration in this one is so vivid i can feel it seeping into the air, 10/10
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terrainofheartfelt · 10 months
20 Questions Game for fic writers
tagged by @ernestonlysayslovelythings -- thank you friend!!!!
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 90 (lol what the fuck)
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? 840,737 hahahhahahhahahahahah what THEE fuck
3. What fandoms do you write for? Gossip Girl fairly exclusively, but I have been coaxed to write some Nancy Drew & some The Shadowhunter Chronicles drabbles, and I am currently in a will-she-won't-she with firstprince and RWRB
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? - somewhere you feel free  - (the more you say) the less I know - gladly beyond any experience - mercurial high (a goddamn blaze in the dark) - as long as there are stars above you 
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to! if somebody takes the time to tell me they liked the thing i made, I want to say thank you! I often fall months behind, but theoretically, every comment gets a response.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? oh it's probably my Last Five Years derena au, twin flame bruise. i'm usually a fluffy ending kind of writer, but ofc my source material demanded something different, and it was weirdly satisfying in a way! 
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I think most of my fluffy happy endings end on the same level....but if I had to pick just ONE, then I'll go with my The Holiday AU, a snowfall kind of love, just for that NYE cozy closing scene. just thinking about it is making me smile
8. Do you get hate on fics? it's only happened a few times, most people are total sweethearts, and since i've locked my fics the hate has disappeared, people aren't nasty when they have to sign their username to it. I remember one commenter on my p&p au who complained about how I was structuring the story but like....it's jane austen's pacing, I was just plugging in my blorbos, like. girl.
another one that made me and the discord laugh a lot was some hate I got on a dan/nate fic that was offended that I wrote dan as a bottom, which....have you seen that boy?
and there was hate because i dared make any characters queer at all. none of the van der humphreys are straight, sorry not sorry. they all bewildered me at the time, but in hindsight they're all just hilarious.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind? the smutty kind? the horny kind? I tend to gravitate towards romantic smut, like, they're so in love they've gotta fuck nasty about it, but that's not always the case. I guess the classification I could give to all the smut in my collection is that I always try to work in Character Study into my porn. like, yes, they would be into that, and here's my persuasive essay as to why. like dan humphrey is a Bottom.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written? no, not into crossovers, just not my cup of tea. I like doing aus with preexisting stories (see: p&p, l5y, the holiday, little women), but I don't like mixing characters from different worlds. just doesn't appeal.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? oh yikes i hope not. i don't think anyone cares enough for my smutty writings on a show that's been off the air for a decade to steal it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? it is an honor I dream not of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? i have not. I have many many wonderful writer friends that i've met through this hobby, but my life is so hectic that I feel like I can't really guarantee my time and attention to write with someone else, and I don't want to let my brilliant beautiful writing friends down by making promises that I cannot fulfill. maybe when i marry rich and retire.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? going off the data, I'd say it's Dair.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? ummmmmm at this juncture....any of my unfinished ones.......just know that if desire and will was enough....they would all be finished.
16. What are your writing strengths? my strength is really filling out a universe. i like digging in and making those decisions of why things are the way that they are, why would this character choose this path, or that path. if i'm making an au from scratch, it's building the world, or if i'm doing an au of a preexisting recipe, it's connecting the dots and making the gg world fit into the auverse
17. What are your writing weaknesses? other than actually writing? loooooool no but i think right now i get stuck in the "it has to come out perfect" and that slows me down a lot. and that leads to editing as i go and that slows me down even more and......blah. also descriptions. descriptions get me. dialogue is fine, and the choreography of action that plays out in my head makes sense, but putting it into prose? it's embarrassing! maybe i just need to get back to slapping up words, leaving them alone, and coming back to revise later.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? um scared? my singer education gave me a little bit of working knowledge of romance languages, but my grammar is trash. and poetic singing language is different from how people speak. so i avoid it as a whole because i'm scared of getting it wrong and looking foolish, or worse, offending someone. a little French and Italian will sneak in from time to time, if it works for a character, and lucky for dair it does, but i cling to word reference dot com whenever I do.
19. First fandom you ever wrote for? in middle school when we had free writing in english class, i wrote twilight fanfiction that i am SO glad has been lost to time. rip to little me on the day i realized mrs maddox read everything in that notebook for a GRADE (it was all very chaste and sfw, i was just mortified on principle)
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written? it changes with the tides!!!! and with recency bias! for the past week it's been the miloverse - I know a place where your heart can be safe - maybe because I wrote it in the fall, but it does feel so cozy and autumnal.
tagging: @strideofpride, @blairwaldcrf, @windowsandfeelings, @scabopolis, @mysteriesofloves if you are so inclined to do it!!!! <333
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duskwoodgirl4life · 2 years
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⚠️Trigger warning contains alcohol and overdose ⚠️
Chapter 4
Later that night MC had gone home early. Jake had offered to take her home but she told him she would be fine. When MC got home she closed the door behind her and sank down to the floor. Every kind of emotion was rushing through her head not knowing what to do or think. MC got up off the floor and went and grabbed a bottle of vodka from her drinks cabinet.
Half way through the bottle MC picked up her phone and dialed Jake's number, stumbling about as the phone rang.
Jake: MC? Are you okay?
MC: You hss to come. walk. ibg into ,y life you and youe hottness, now I find out what happenEd tjat night. Why did you a ll have ti tell me? I was doing perfectly fine
Jake: MC are you drunk?
MC: UE. S!! I'be haad it with all of uouu I can't dO tgis annymore goodbyr Jake
Jake: MC!! NO!!!
MC dropped the phone to the ground and went into the bathroom, Jake could still hear her trying his best to get her attention. Nothing was working so he raced over to her apartment and kicked down the door. Jake went into the bathroom and found MC lying on the floor next to an empty bottle of pills. Jake pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed 999.
The ambulance soon arrived and they took MC to the hospital, they pumped her stomach and gave her something to help keep her comfortable. Jake sat by her bedside all night holding her hand not letting go for a second as he watched her sleeping.
The next morning Jake had fallen asleep with his head on the bed still holding MCs hand, MC started to wake up not knowing where she was. As she started to wake Jake's eyes opened sitting up he held onto her hand stroking her face.
MC: Jake? Where am I?
Jake: it's okay MC, your in the hospital
MC: What happened? I don't remember much
Jake: You called me last night in a pretty bad state, you dropped the phone on the floor. I could still hear you but nothing was working. So I rushed round and found you on the bathroom floor
MC: oh god, Jake I am so sorry I never meant to….
The tears started to fall. Jake sat next to her on the bed and just held onto her until she calmed down. Jake stayed with MC until she was allowed to go home but before she was allowed the doctor had set up some appointments to see a psychiatrist. Once that set up Jake took MC home.
MC: Jake? Can I ask you something?
Jake: sure, you can ask me anything
MC: can you stay with me for a little while I don't think I can handle being on my own just yet
Jake: sure, I can do that don't worry MC I'm always here for you
Jake and MC arrived back at her apartment luckily the door had been fixed, the apartment was a bit of a mess but at this point MC didn't care. Jake suggested ordering Chinese for dinner and watching a movie which MC jumped at.
Hannah's POV
What am I going to do? I can't risk everyone finding out what really happened, the accident was 10 years ago. The more I think about it the more part of me is glad MC found out the truth but the other part wished she never had found out.
I need to think of something and quickly I pull out my phone and send a text to Amy so we can come up with a plan. She agrees to meet up at the dare house, my mind is racing a million thoughts are running through my head.
I arrived at the dair house a little early. I think I have finally come up with a plan, I just need to run it past Amy and if she agrees maybe this whole mess will finally go away.
Amy: Hannah, are you okay? I am not okay with MC finding out
Hannah: I think I've got a plan we pretend to be the man without a face and kidnap MC
Amy: How are we going to do that? Jake is always with her these days
Hannah: I've thought of that while he's at work we grab MC on her way to work
Amy: But won't people see?
Hannah: Okay how about this, I've got a burner phone I can send Jake a text pretending to be MC. We ask him to meet up with us but we won't be there we will be getting MC
Amy: I like that plan a lot better
Hannah and Amy finished putting the finishing touches to their plan before they headed back home. They agreed to meet back up at the date house again tomorrow morning so they can go over the plan one more time.
The Chinese takeout had just arrived MC grabbed the plates while Jake took out the food from the bag. The movie was all set up so all the MC had to do was press play. They both sat back and enjoyed their food and the movie.
The next morning Hannah and Amy arrived back at the dair house and went over the plan one more time. The plan was set Hannah pulled out the burner phone and sent a text to Jake.
Hannah: hey Jake, can we meet up later there is something I would like to talk to you about MC xx
Jake: Hey MC, sure I can meet you after work around 4pm?
Hannah: That's perfect see you then
Hannah put the phone away and went to start the next part of the plan, Amy had been watching MCs apartment so she knew she would be in at this time. They both entered the building and went to MCs floor knocking on her door. She opened the door and was grabbed by both of them and a sack put over her head.
MC tried to fight to get out of their grasp but nothing worked, MC felt her body fall to the ground she was losing what little vision she had. When MC woke she was tied to a chair. She was in a dark room with only one candle as light.
She tried to break free but it was no use the rope was tied to tight, there was nothing she could do. The door started to open and in came Hannah and Amy still wearing their masks.
Amy pulled MCs head up and gave her some water, Hannah had pulled the burner phone to check the text from Jake. Hannah made a video call to him when he answered he was shocked to see MC had been taken.
Jake: MC!! Are you okay? Please say something I will get you out of there I will find you
Hannah: You think you can save her? Nothing and nobody will save her!
Jake: What have you done to her? Who are you?
Hannah: I am the man without a face your worst nightmare hahaha
Hannah ended the video call and put the phone back in her pocket, MC looked on with tears in her eyes knowing that she is trapped with nowhere to go.
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Daniel "Bleeding Heart" Humphrey: A Playlist
1.) Call Me a Dreamer - Kings Elliot
Overall, this song is entirely Dan. Almost every lyric sticks out as dan-coded, and I feel this song really works for him because of its idealism and dreaminess.
"Call me a dreamer // Call me naive // Like a gun to my head // Caught in a fever // Tryna deceive myself // That you'd stay // When you left"
2.) Arms - The Paper Kites
S5-6 DERENA!!!
"What can I give that is all for you? // My heart's no good 'cause it's split in two // What can I give that is all for you? // These arms are all I have"
3.) Gone - Blake Rose
"So don't tell me when it's over // I don't want to know // I'm done carrying the weight of the world // So heavy on my shoulders// I just wanna feel this love"
4.) So Far - Ólafur Arnolds
S6 Dan is honestly my poor little meow meow. Like, he is pure evil, but he is still my tragic little guy.
"So far from who I was // From who I love // From who I want to be // So far from seeing home // I stand out here alone // Am I asking for too much?"
5.) Call It Fate, Call It Karma - The Strokes
This is kind of playing into the idea of Dan and Serena never truly being able to leave each other, or at least, they have put so much effort into their relationship, that it has to mean something for them.
"Can I waste all your time out here on the sidewalk? // Can I stand in your light just for a while? // I've waited around to wait in a room // Having a hard time watching you"
6.) Mystery of Love - Sufjan Stevens
"Oh, oh woe-oh-woah is me // The first time that you touched me // Oh will wonders ever cease? // Blessed be the mystery of love // Now I'm prone to misery // The birthmark on your shoulder reminds me"
7.) THAT’S WHAT I WANT - Lil Nas X
Bisexual baby just wants love.
"These days, I'm way too lonely // I'm missing out, I know // These days, I'm way too alone // And I'm known for giving love away, but // I want someone who love me // I want someone who needs me // Cause it don't feel right when it's late at night // And it's just me in my dreams"
8.) Wilderness - Jon Bryant
4.17 & 5.17 KISS!
"Stay with me tonight // Let your senses lose this fight // In the open wilderness of love // Let me show you how // You will never be without // So lay your weary hand on mine // And I'll show you who this heart beats for"
9.) Back to the Old House - The Smiths
AAAAHHHH!!! The fact that the loft was once a refuge for the Humphreys and the UES kids, and it became essentially a haunted house; filled with memories of a past life that Dan can never go back to because so much damage has been done.
"I would rather not go // Back to that old house // There's too many bad memories // I would love to go // Back to the old house // But I never will"
10.) Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Tears for Fears
"Acting on your best behavior // Turn your back on Mother Nature // Help me make the // most of freedom and of pleasure // nothing ever lasts forever // Everybody wants to rule the world"
11.) O Children - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Alright, this one might be a stretch, but I still see this as a Dan (+ NJBC) song. Something something their parents left them in a world that was unknowingly built to destroy them.
"Hey little train, wait for me // Was held in chains but now I'm free // I'm hanging in there, don't you see // In this process of elimination"
12.) when was it over? - Sasha Alex Sloane
post s5 dair!
"When was it over for you? // When was it over? // When was the moment you knew // That you were going to walk out eventually // It's still not over for me"
13.) Safe & Sound - Taylor Swift (ft The Civil Wars)
I read this song two different ways: Dan's relationship with Blair, and Dan's relationship with Milo. Honestly, I think I'm more partial to S&S being a Milo&Dan song because of @terrainofheartfelt milo!verse hcs about Dan fighting for custody over Milo, and it makes me want to cry.
"Don't you dare look out your window, darling everything is on fire // The war outside our door keeps raging on // Hold on to this lullaby even when the music's gone, gone // You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now // Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound"
14.) I Wanna Be Your Slave - Måneskin
Everytime I hear this song, I think of Dangina. Specifically speaking, this song gives off the s6 Dangina dynamic and I'm living for it. You and I both know that there was a lot of fucking going on during that summer.
"I love you since this morning // Not just for aesthetic // I wanna touch your body // So fucking electric // I know you scared of me // You say I'm too eccentric // I'm crying all my tears // And that's fucking pathetic"
15.) In the Woods Somewhere - Hozier
post!s1 derena/s5 dair breakup
"My head was warm // My skin was soaked // I called your name 'til the fever broke // When I awoke // The moon still hung // The night so black that the darkness hummed // I raised myself // My legs felt weak // I prayed my mind be good to me"
16.) Fourth of July - Sufjan Stevens
Listen, I think about them more than I should. But, like... the sheer amount of PAIN that these two share is bizarre. They love each other, but with Alison leaving and Dan taking up a maternal role for Jenny, the resentment built between the two is so fucking sad. And the show never elaborates on it! They go from having a delicious story full of bitterness and resent and love, and then just say "oh, them? nah, they get along." LIKE WHAT?
Anyways, I have strong opinions on Dan and Alison and how alike they are, and I will gladly talk to you about them.
"Did you get enough love, my little dove // Why do you cry? // And I'm sorry I left, but it was for the best // Though it never felt right // My little Versailles // Make the most of your life, while it is rife // While it is light"
17.) Sinking Ship - Wild Child
"Feel like wasting time // Feel like wasting time // Feel like wasting time with you // See the rising tide // Know it's only a matter of time"
18.) Until You - AHI
Much like #1, this song is, in its entirety, a Dan Humphrey song.
" There ain't much I can give // But I'll give you everything // You helped me believe in something // I was one of the wandering // I was empty, lost without a clue // Until now // Until you"
19.) Two Men in Love - The Irrepressibles
I'll give you guys three guesses as to who I am referring to.
"If I asked you now // Will you be my prince // Will you lay down your armor // And be with me forever // Gonna build you up, gonna help you believe honey // We're just two men in love"
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ao3-fanfic-rec · 1 year
Flappers and Philosophers by bookishandbossy
Fandom: Gossip Girl
Dan Humphrey first meets Blair Waldorf at a party he's not invited to. He doesn't mean to write a story that's all about her, but somehow it happens. Blair Waldorf has every intention of giving an aspiring writer a sharp talking-to about the character he's based on her. She doesn't mean to get fond of him, but somehow it happens
Dan Humphrey x Blair Waldorf, <5k words, 1920s AU
Thoughts: I've never really cared about the 1920s aesthetic (i like my period dramas, just not this period), but the 1920s setting works so well for Dair, and as a commentary on how little things seem to change in the UES (I may be reading too much into a one-shot but i digress)
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Falciette Story Chapter 10
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Following Daire out of the Ballroom into the corridor he looked worried in general.  Eventually he stopped at one of the couches to sit down with you and speak up. 
"It's good you made it… I currently feel like the dorm is breaking apart… Tesa forces herself to be unhappy to please her parents… I see the dorm leader often hide her curse acting up… Sister is aggressive since the tournament was announced and her condition is getting worse… and Andrew still won't share about his dealings with Rachel… Sylvi tried to cheer me up and keep me distracted but… I feel like everyone is suffering and I can't do anything about it." 
He looked up at you yet suddenly you both heard the door burst open and Andrew stormed right at Daire, holding him by the collar and pinning him against the wall.
"W-what are you talking about?" 
"Tesa just told me she wants to cancel our arranged Marriage… and I did see you dance with her before… You told her these things, right?" 
Daire for once seemed less nervous like he was before … instead he suddenly punched him right in the face… looking down at him.
"I didn't say anything to her aside from thinking about what she wants… and given how less you know about her and how you only care about her status I think she made the right choice…" 
"How dare-"
"Then tell me… what is her favorite flavor of tea?" 
Andrew sighed a little. 
"Of course I know… it's Pomegrenade." 
"False… Pomegrenade is Gabrielle's favorite… Tesadella is Green tea."
The Noble stepped away and held his hands, falling to his knees… Daire only spoke the truth but before he could say another thing, Despoina stormed in and threatened Andrew with one of her flames, picking him up by his neck. 
"I think most of this dorm is sick and tired of you being here… you are just worms that only make trouble." 
She wasn't the only one catching the previous anger of Andrew, Gabrielle,  Tesadelle and many other members walked into the room concerned…yet as they did Despoina shifted her anger away from Andrew, looking at Gabrielle.  
"Calm down, Despoina… we know how he is sketchy and a bother to many but he is still a dorm mate and should be judged properly."
"Oh? I see much more problem than this pathetic worm here in this room… a indecisive spoiled little princess, A dorm leader that only suppresses her dorm members for her own benefits, telling everyone to shut Up… and I so called Hero by the school while all they do is relax like they are on vacation. " 
Daire looked away from his sister as she gave him a slight glare… probably because he seeked out your help. 
As she continued to Talk you noticed red marks showing up on Gabrielle's body… her eyes glowing and some dust surrounding her.
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Daire and Despoina by @terrovaniadorm​
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darwinquark · 2 years
to the girly who asked about the dair inspired moments in tkof— how dARE YOU fuel my impulse to re-read that angsty, sad smut-filled, hurts sOO GOOD fic??? i mean, bestie i was going to already but you giving me a reason to swift through and find little moments like that?? we stan aN ENABLER
hahaha it was honestly really fun to skim over the chapters from a dair-lens! didn't realize just how many interchangeable moments they had (and how much humor I'd snuck into this fic despite the angst lol), especially in the first few chapters - hard to choose, actually! thanks for enabling, y'all 🤓
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Don't mind the man whose new PC arrival was delayed due to problems with the builder installing the OS, because of which he missed the beginning of the many October art challenges, and just check out these Awkwords generated words he thought were rather cool.
ba bada badallë bade bafüllë bai baifessë baikuú baim baimmë bainn bairass bais baisilë baisüssë baiwul baiwö baiwörë baizürr bakoin ball balë balö balönë bam bamo banau bane baner bann banuúss banë bapeussë bapeél bapö bapü baro barusë bas baseäs basë basö bau bauduú baufaá baufe baull baulörr baumm baun baunnë baupi bauri bausë bausö bautö bauwer bauwim bauwo bauzinn bazinn bazo bazömmë bazönnë baá baálarrë baálein baállë baán baánn baánuúlë baápaunë baásaá baátuúmë baáwosë baáze baázi baë baëfaámë baël baëno baëpo baëpoómm baërr baërë baëssë baëzi be beba bebann bebim bebuúmmë bebü bebürr bedüs befimm befos befoós befoósë befü befüm bei beibölë beil beilissë beini beiran beitaun beiwusë beizuúmmë beki bekuú bekö beküm bel belalë belaërr bell bellë belo belë bem beme bemmë bemuúr bepe bepuúl ber beran berr berrë bes bess bessë bete beudou beulon beumüm beunn beuru beusu beusössë beutaurë beutüss bewus bewü bezussë bezuú bezönë beä beäduúnn beäkei beämm beänuú beänë beäpülë beär beé beéko beéluú beémmë beénn beénnë beénoumm beésë beésölë beéwö beézess beézuú bi bibüss bida bidarr bido bidoó bidü bifunnë bifur bikimmë bikü bil bile bilinë bilis bill billë bilu bilë bimaá bimilë bimm bimmë bimuú bimuúmë bimë bimürr bimürë binn binnë binu binë binörë bipo bipommë bir biraánë biroim birr birrë birë birö birös bis bisau biseémm bisi biss bissë bisë bisü bisürë bitai bitausë biti bituú bitönnë biwa biweérë biwuú biwö biwürrë bizaámë bizeimmë bizir bizoi bizuú bizörrë bizümmë bizürr bo bobai bodeurr bodö bodürë bofai bofaë bofö boi boiba boibi boikeumm boim boimü boinn boinë boinöm boira boisimmë boisë boitainë boitei boiwu boiwö boiwü boizuú boizü bol bolaë bollë boluú bolë bolössë bom bomm bommë bonn bonë bonö bopaurr borasë boreä borë borörr bosaár boss bosuú bosuúl botö bou boufoórr boull bounö bounüm boupelë boupourr bourë bous bousë bouwö bouzuú bowi bowoi bozörrë boó boókü boólu boólöl boóm boómmë boón boóss boótü boówou boózannë boózeéll boózönn bu bubannë bubuú bubö budim bukel bukeé bull bulë bulö bum bumaá buminë bumur bumuú bumöss bun bunnë bunuússë bunö bunü bupann bure buri burösë bussë busë busön butas buto buweusë buweés buwü buzö buú buúbuúrë buúbö buúfimm buúfünë buúke buúki buúkommë buúkünnë buúli buúlin buúll buúmei buúmes buún buúnaá buúni buúnn buúnnë buúpillë buúpis buúraá buúronë buúrrë buúrë buús buúsi buúss buússë buútou buútusë buútuúnn buúwöl buúzan bö böbi böboumë böbunn böbur bödenë bödur böduú bödöm bödü böfe böfunë bökeérr böki bökis bökö böl bölirr böll böllë bölolë bölë bömeénë bömo bömum bömë bömü bönell böneä bönirrë bönn bönnë bönoó bönullë bönë bönö bönöll bönü bönümë böpoómmë böpoón böpö böpössë böpüllë böreém börimmë börr börrë börë bös bösimë bösou bössë bösuú bösë bötainn bötei bötemmë böteu bötill bötuúl bötö böwaum böwer böwolë böwuú böwör bözei bözeé bözin bözüss bü bübeis bübeä bübonnë bübö bübü büdaurrë büdö büdöss büdüsë büfaë büfoó büfuú büfö büfür büka bükaë bükissë büku bül büll büluú bülë büm büme büminë bümm bümu bümë bümü bün bünn bünnë bünoi bünë büpir büpirr büpöllë bür bürainn büreämm bürr bürë bürö büs büss büssë büsuúllë büsë büsünë büteäll bütoi bütu bütö bütüssë büwa büwaim büwaummë büwill büwurr büwus büwö büzuú büzö büzüsë
da dabamm dabeunë dabü dadin dadös dafi dafösë dafü dai daidon daidüsë daikü daillë daimo daimë dair daireä dairë daiwi daiwo daizo dakaë dallë daluúllë dalë dalürrë dameu dammë damuúllë danë dapeés dapunë dapö dapümë dar dare darillë darrë daru das dasennë dass dassë dasörr dataëmm datemë dau daullë daulë daulö daulösë daumir daumm daumë daunë daupeu daur daurrë dauwa dawan dawann dawöm dazi dazirr daá daáfai daáfe daállë daálë daánë daárummë daáruúm daásuú daásuúnë daátoó daáwannë daázö daë daëmm daëmuúllë daëmë daënerë daërr daëtan daëwaë daëzoirë de debaissë deboi deduúrrë dedür defim defuúr dei deikurrë deikömm deila deilë deisill deisürë deitau deitönë deitün deize deizüssë deka del dell delë dema demelë demë demö demü dennë denör depei depoó der derr deruú des desa desi detimm detoi detuú deu deubimë deulë deumörrë deuneénnë deunn deur deurrë deutullë deuweér dewerë dewi dewuúlë dewörrë deä deäfaá deäfirrë deäll deälë deämë deän deänüllë deäpi deäs deäsurr deäsö deé deédi deédö deéfi deéfö deékaëllë deél deéluúlë deémaull deémünn deémünë deénnë deépu deér deéroi deérë deéwei deézoillë di diboórr dibül dideé didi didö difaur difoólë difö difümmë dikünë dil dilem dilisë dill dillë dilë dim dimemm dimm dimmë dimoóllë dimö dimü din dinaus dine dineis dino dinor dinussë dinö dinönn dipann dipar dipas dipell dipoórrë dipuú dipürr dir diraëll direumm dirr dirrë dirë dirü disei disoilë disommë disu disë disö disülë dita diterr ditinnë ditiss diwenn diwömm diwül diwünë diwürr dizau dizesë dizi dizilë do dobass dodalë dodell dodi dodor dofuúll dofü doi doidö doika doil doill doillë doimuú doimö doineérë doinë doise doissë doisö doitö doizaáss doizuúmm doizössë dokeusë doler doll dollë dolë dom domau dommë domë domö domü don donir donis donn donö donü dopi dopo dopoi dopouss dopü dopüll dor dorarrë dorinë dos doss dosurr dosuúmë dosü dosüsë dotoummë dotuúrrë dou douboill doulerë douli doull doumm doumuúss doupirë doupull douraá dourr dourë doussë douwoi douzei dowörrë doza dozuúmë doó doóboum doóki doólum doólë doómil doónö doór doóra doóteé du dubal duball dubiss dudar dudim dudö dul dulei duleirrë dull dulë dumë dunauss dunillë dunn dunü durr durë dus dusoi duwi duzarr duzelë duzoómm duzuú duzuúnnë duú duúbo duúbümm duúdann duúdi duúdo duúdom duúfin duúll duúlë duúlürë duúm duúmi duúmunn duúmunë duúmuúllë duúmë duúmö duúneu duúnnë duúnë duúnömm duúpau duúpei duúpinë duúpoónnë duúpö duúpüssë duúr duúrau duúruús duúrë duúrö duúss duússë duúsë duúti duútü duúwilë duúwun duúwümë duúzaus dö döbi döbo döbu döbönn döbülë döbüss döda dödö dödöl dödön döfennë döfou döfuú döfö döfü döfülë dökei dökimë döko dökur dökusë dökön döl döle döli dölimm döllë dölon dölonnë dölë dömeé dömm dömmë dömunn dömë dömöm dömörë dömöss dön dönë döpu döpömm dörr dörrë döruú dörë dörö dörü dös dösou döss dösuún dösë dötorrë dötouss dötu dötuúmë dötöll döwa döwau döwaurë döwi döwoó döwössë dözeullë dözi dözö dözörr dözü dü dübarrë düboul dübumm dübuúsë dübü düdallë düde düdunn düdü düfill düfuúm dükasë düke düku dükuúmmë dükörr dükössë dül dülassë dülirë düll dülë dülö dülör düm dümm dümoó dümürë düneén dünn dünnë dünö düpeill düpemë düpillë düpo düpör dür düraárr düri dürirë dürr dürrë dürü düs düsi düss düssë düsë düsü dütarr dütilë dütul düwellë düwi düwisë düwuúrë düwüsë düza düzinë düzom düzourë düzuú düzör
fa fabo fadounë fafi fafü fai faibainë faidö faifeä faike faim fainë fainö faipör fairr fairrë faissë faiwürë fali faloó falu falü falünë fam famm famë famü faneu fani fann fannë fanönnë fapü faran farinnë faro farrë farë farör fas faseé fassë fasë fasün fataurrë fati fato fatössë fau faudaásë faukoón faumm faupo faupoó faurim faurë fawinë fawu fazolë faá faámm faánë faár faás faáss faássë faáti faë faëkenn faëlë faëm faëmm faën faënë faëram faëri faëwuúr fe feboó febös fedau fefa fefeu fei feibö feili feilö feimë feinn feirr feis fekau fekö fekü feliss fell felorr felosë felë felü femeämmë femm femmë femülë fen fenellë feneumm fenn fenuúr fenë fenö fepaisë fepi fepim fepö fepön fer feroólë ferr ferrë feruú fes fesü fetö fetönnë feu feudounn feulirrë feupoi feurrë feurë feus feusoó feutisë feuzuú fewellë fewuúrr fezerë fezirr feä feäfi feäll feämm feänë feärr feärrë feäsö feätü feäweé feé feéka feékimë feéku feékuú feéllë feéme feémmë feén feérr feérü feéwönn feézerë feézo feézou fi fibi fibimm fibirë fibo fibu fibuú fibö fida fidaámë fide fidi fiduú fifas fifi fifuú fiföm fikann fikemmë fiki fiköllë file fillë filë filü fim fimi fimm fimmë fimë fimö fin finallë finaëlë fineä finn finörrë finü fipi fiponnë fipu fipö fipüssë fireémmë firi firo firr firrë firë firü fis fisau fisell fiseurë fisir fisoull fiss fissë fisö fisönë fisüss fite fiti fiwo fiwünnë fizirrë fizuú fo fobuú fobü foda foduúlë fofin foi foiduúmë foikissë foil foim foimollë foimou foimë foin foineurr foinnë foinö foipeä foipoumë foipü foirr foiss foissë foisuú foiti foku fole folë fomainnë fomam fomi fommë fomoi fomunn fonaim fonaus fonnë fonu fonë fopaárr fopö fopümmë fosë fotuú fotuúsë fotönn fou foubö foudam foudemm foufün foulë foum foumoi founn foupoinë fousi fouss fousë fouwu fouwüsë fouzoó fowoi fowül fozo foó foóll foólë foólön foómürr foónö foópeälë foópi foórrë foós foósü foówa fu fuboó fudammë fudourr fudoónn fufu fufumë fufü fuleä fullë fummë fumë fumö fun funonnë funë fupe fupi fupo fupü fur fureä furr furrë furumë furü fus fusoull fuss futö futüll fuwoi fuzill fuzuúnn fuzö fuzösë fuzümmë fuzümë fuzünnë fuú fuúba fuúbi fuúbisë fuúbo fuúboó fuúdounn fuúfuúmmë fuúfü fuúkall fuúke fuúki fuúku fuúl fuúlau fuúlaël fuúlemm fuúll fuúlë fuúlö fuúma fuúmannë fuúmassë fuúmaë fuúmaëmmë fuúmeuss fuúmimmë fuúmm fuún fuúnaár fuúnn fuúnorë fuúnu fuúnuú fuúnü fuúperr fuúpü fuúrannë fuúru fuúrë fuúrö fuús fuúse fuúseän fuúsë fuútö fuúwa fuúwuú fö föbe föberr födai födass födi födoirr födül föfu föfönë fökanë fökeé fökuú fökünnë föl föliss föllë fölë fölö fölömm föm fömirë fömiss fömm fömmë fömoi fömë fömönn fömörrë fön fönaë fönn fönnë fönolë fönoó fönu fönulë fönüss föpa föpam föpo föpö föpöll för föra föraëllë föraër föraërë förirr föruúnn förü förüs föseumë fösou föss fössë fösuúmmë fösölë föte föti fötoi fötorr fötöllë fötölë fötümmë föwa föwis föwö föwü fözaussë fözoss fözusë fözö fözönn fözösë fü fübaëll füboórrë fübuúmmë füdo füdoirr füdüss füfaá füfoó fükammë füke fükemmë fükömm fükümmë fülaá füli füllë fülë fülü füm fümai fümi fümm fümmë fümo fümë fün fünaá fünerrë fünn fünnë fünörrë füpoól füpü für füri fürr fürrë füruú fürë fürö füs füsaimmë füseä füsi füso füss füssë füsu füsuúnn füsë füsö fütaëmë füti fütou füwü füze füzö füzöllë
ka kabi kabu kabüll kafaisë kafeu kafin kafus kafömë kai kaibö kailoi kain kainn kaira kairr kaiss kaiti kaitum kaiwi kaka kakil kakö kaküsë kal kaleum kalir kallë kaloón kalurë kalë kalünë kammë kamë kana kanerr kaninn kann kapau kapö kapöll kar karaë karirrë karë karünnë kasi kassë kasë kateä katünë katüs kau kaudöll kaufe kaufeällë kaufonë kauku kaul kaullë kaummë kaupeé kauroó kaurr kazö kazüssë kaá kaáfuú kaákunnë kaál kaánu kaárr kaárë kaás kaáwuú kaë kaëbelë kaëfu kaëll kaëllë kaëmuúnn kaëmë kaënnë kaërrë kaës kaësaárë kaëtoumë ke kebi kedem kedi kedu kefe kefi kefömm keibo keikei keilemm keilüm keim keimoó keimë keinë keirr keirrë keirö keisolë keiturrë keizu keke kekerrë kelarë kelinë kellë kelu kemilë kemm kemoi kemollë kenill kenn kennë kenonë kenoss kenuúmm kepo kepuú kepü kerir kerrë kerë kerö kesa kesë kesün ketaëssë keti ketuú ketös keu keullë keum keumirr keummë keumë keun keuwi keuwo keweulë keweä kewömë kezel kezinnë kezuúsë keä keäbuúmm keäbö keämm keäna keäno keäs keäss keäsü keäwe keé keédem keéll keémë keén keépü keéreurr keésess keétuú keéwü ki kiba kibaál kibeussë kibi kibo kiborr kibourë kibu kibü kidai kidi kidö kife kifo kifö kiföll kikaun kike kikeé kikurr kikurrë kikörr kikü kil kila kilaël kill killë kilu kiluúllë kilë kilü kim kimeé kimuú kimuúl kimë kinau kinimë kininë kinn kinnë kino kinuú kinë kipe kipeurë kipu kipü kir kirau kirauss kiri kirr kirrë kirë kirömm kirü kirümm kis kisarr kisennë kiseär kisos kisoumë kiss kisu kisë kisü kisün kitalë kitem kiteu kituúllë kitör kitösë kitünë kiweu kiweä kizil kizirrë kizo kizö kizönë ko kodaá kodunnë kofe kofönn koi koibo koibomm koibuúmm koibömmë koifei koilu koim koimösë koinë koipi koipimm koirr koiserrë koisi koizi kokönn kokü kokür kol koleé kollë kolu kolë kolön kom komirr kon kona kono konoi konë kope kopü kor koraël korr korrë kosein kossë kosë kotaë kote kou koubar koubürrë koukus koul koulimë koullë koulo koulö koun koupörr koureél kourrë kourë kouzi kowi kozaë koó koóbisë koóderr koófe koón koónë koóteé koóti koówü koóze koózinn ku kudau kude kudei kudil kudon kudümë kudürr kufa kukaissë kuki kullë kuluúmm kumeä kumë kun kunaë kunnë kupai kupe kuporë kupönnë kureé kuronn kurr kurrë kuröll kus kuso kuss kussë kusë kusü kusürrë kute kutö kutüss kuwummë kuwüssë kuza kuzi kuzull kuzuú kuú kuúbo kuúbuúr kuúbö kuúfürë kuúkei kuúkuú kuúkünë kuúl kuúla kuúll kuúlö kuúmassë kuúmirr kuúmmë kuúnn kuúnnë kuúno kuúnë kuúnölë kuúpuú kuúpö kuúpüs kuúr kuúras kuúrr kuúrë kuúröll kuús kuúselë kuúsusë kuúsö kuútaárë kuúti kuútössë kuúze kuúzoi kuúzoll kö köbal köbei köbirrë köbüm ködamë ködesë ködeé ködeéss ködul köduú ködö köfeä köfil köfuú köfö kökiss kökuúnnë köl köllë köloum kölöll kölösë kölürrë köm kömei kömm kömmë kömoimmë kömou kömuss kömë kömönn kömünë kön könn könoi könë köpeim köpill köpül körail köreisë körr körrë körë körönn kös kösa kösi kösillë köss kösu kösuú kösë kösö kösönë kösüllë kötönnë köze közi közin közü közümm közünë kü küberrë küboó kübüs küdi küdu küfau küfe küfeilë küfoi küfü küke kükei kükü kül küleé küll küllë külonë külorë külë külürr küm kümaurrë kümemm kümiss kümm kümmë kümo kümuú kümü kümülë kün künaán künaës küneél küni künn künnë künë künö küpaënnë küponn küpu küpulë küpuú kür küraumm küri kürinnë kürrë kürë küs küsissë küso küsomm küsou küss küssë küsë küsölë kütirrë kütu kütü küwai küwaáss küwinë küwoll küwonnë küwummë küwö küwü küwüss küze küzeu küzi küzoss
la labu ladei laduúss lafellë lai laifeul laikö laimenn laimm lain lainnë laiwe lakaë lake lakemë laki lal lale lalö lam lamm lammë lamu lamë lannë lanë lapi lapuú larr larë lasann lasaëmm lassë lasuúrrë lau laull laullë lauloisë laumm launn launë launö launösë laur lausass lausi lawuúnn lawuús lawö lawörrë laza lazimmë lazoó lazüssë laá laábü laádou laále laáll laám laámë laánü laárë laássë laátuss laáza laë laëkü laëlë laëmimë laënn laësuúnn laëtümë laëwöm laëwörr le leboó lebus lebülë lefü lei leidi leilou leim leinömë leiwür lekal lekuú lekö leli lelil lem lema lemm lemmë lemorr lemuúr lemë len leneä leninë lenn lennë lenoinë lepi leposë ler lereé lerim lerr lerrë lerë lessë lesë leto letö letömmë letüssë leu leudas leudo leuke leul leulü leunuú leurë leusen leuso leusoóm leusuúllë leutü lewosë lewousë lezeé lezu leä leäfü leäfürë leäl leällë leämi leämöss leärë leäso leäss leätoinn leé leéfuúnn leél leéleärrë leéll leéminn leémörrë leémü leépess leérumm leérë leétonnë leézaárrë li libellë libör libü lidommë lidoun lidoó lidö lifill lifoimmë lifü likö likü lil lili lillë lilum lilë lilörë lim limeinn limerr limeunnë limm limmë limonë limuúnn limë lin lineé lini linn linoó linë linö linü linüllë lipe lipu lipö liress lirr lirrë lirë lirö lisemm lisoussë lissë lisë lisö lisörr liteérr liti litör litümë liwa liwuúm lizanë lizuús lizö lizön lo lobinë lobou loda loduú lofail lofi loför loi loibu loikau loikur loimü loinn loissë loitü loiweé loizömm lokaunnë lokim lokoi lokoó lokuú lol lolannë lolu lolë lom lomall lonarrë lonn lonö lopir lopö lorrë los losa loss lossë losü lotaá loti lotoi lou loubenn loufoórrë loukirr loukönnë louma loumeé loumm loumommë lounn lounoómmë lourö lous louto loutu loutuúnë louweumm louweénn louwü lowa lowoó lowössë lozömm lozömmë loó loóbü loóde loódi loódöss loóföllë loól loólou loómeä loómmë loómö loómörrë loóno loópulë loópünë loórö loóss loóssë loótörë loótü loówurë loózo loózuú lu luboilë lubunn ludaë ludoiss ludö lufuúss luku lukö lukü lul lulel lull lullë lulo lulol luluss lum lumainnë lumm lumü lun lunnë lunulë lunë lunö lupeu luroónë lurr luruúrr lurë lurösë luseu luseém lusou luss lusë lutoóllë lutuúllë luzeéll luzurr luzuú luzuúss luú luúdi luúdummë luúfi luúfoi luúl luúlaárrë luúll luúlo luúlë luúm luúmeä luúmiss luúnn luúnnë luúnë luúnün luúpoó luúpösë luúpü luúr luúrr luúrrë luúrü luúse luússë luúsë luúti luútuúnnë luútölë luúwa luúwin luúwoi luúzaánnë luúzeä luúzi luúzu luúzö luúzünnë lö löbin löbir löboó löbü lödirrë lödömmë lödü lödüss lödüssë löfü lökulë lökö lökü lökünë lölinnë löllë lölumm lölë lölö lölöl löm lömu lömum lömuúll lömë lön lönnë lönu löpalë löpe löpeummë löpimmë löpuús löpö löpönë lör löra löreullë lörö lörün lösirrë löss lössë lösu lösë lösü lötö löwi löwuú löwü lözi lözirë lözo lözoimë lözü lü lübau lübeé lübi lübiss lüboinnë lübos lübönn lübü lüdell lüdillë lüdirr lüdu lüduú lüduúlë lüdö lüdöllë lüdü lüfisë lükamë lüke lükou lüköss lüküsë lül lüler lüllë lülo lüluúmm lülë lülönë lülü lüm lümaënn lümeummë lümeurrë lümeé lümirë lümm lümmë lün lüni lünnë lünur lünë lüpe lüponë lüpö lüpürr lür lürai lürairrë lürassë lürennë lüri lürill lürrë lürë lürü lürümm lürümmë lürürr lüs lüsell lüsemm lüseu lüss lüssë lüsë lüsö lüsü lütannë lütöm lütömm lütüsë lüwaunë lüwaussë lüwi lüzaël lüzo lüzuússë lüzö lüzönë
ma maboi maboll mabu maderë mafi mai maibö maiduú maikörr mainnë mainuú mairrë maiwo maki mal malin malis mam mame mamimm mamiss mammë mamë mar marallë marenë marr maru marë marösë mas masümm mau maufi maulummë maunnë maunë maurrë mausë mawi mawul mawunnë mawür mazi maá maáfai maáfö maáki maámau maámimm maámmë maána maánnë maánou maánë maáss maásölë maáto maáwe maáwul maë maëbis maëfü maëna maërrë maësei maëweullë me mebü medaëlë medi medu medümmë mefeärrë mefuúmë mefössë mei meidammë meidoll meifölë meikoó meinn meir meirë meiwiss mekoóm melemm mellë memeimmë memm memmë memoimm memölë memüssë menelë menn mennë menë mepussë mer merr merë mes meseäss mesoi mesë meu meubo meufö meuka meukinn meukinë meulü meusë meuti meutu mewu mewümm meä meäbörë meämömm meäpösë meärünn meäs meäsirrë meäte meätirë meätünë meäwö meé meéki meél meélümë meémoi meémë meénis meénnë meérë meérö meéss meéto mi miba mibaulë mibö mibü midau midaë mideill mideinë midoin midössë midü midürr mifoimmë mifuú mifö mikeéss mikö mila mili mill miloll milë milö mimaumm mime mimm mimmë mimö mine minnë minoilë minuúlë minë minö minürrë mipaë mipuúnn mipürë mir miri miroumm miroó mirr mirrë miruúm mirë mis miseérë misis misoósë miss missë misurr misöm miti miwa miweä miwoi miwu miwö mizinë mizoussë mizö mizönn mizü mo moba mobi mobim mobourë moboóllë mode modö mofi mofuú mofü moi moidimmë moifaë moikil moikül moiloórë moimi moimü moinaáss moinömm mois moisann moisoss moissë moisuú moiwaë mokaá mokirrë mol mole moluú molë mom momau momaámmë mome momimë mommë monoómmë monö mopoullë mopoónn mopuúmmë more moroól morr moröll moss mosü mosümm motaáll motö mou moulall moullë moulö mouminn mounoi mounë moupünn mourarrë mourr mourrë mousannë moutorrë moutoórr mouwö mouzi mowinnë mowö mozerr mozeurrë moó moófe moókaánë moól moóluú moólü moómeurr moópü moóres moóreuss moórë moós moóseä moósol moóss moótu moówi moózü mu mubö mubüsë muda mudeé mudosë muka mukaë muli mullë mumai mumaáll mumeä mumö mumü munn munnë munö mupaë mupeä mupo mur murrë murë mus musaëll musaënnë musuúrrë musö mutö muzeélë muzi muzou muú muúbilë muúbo muúboirrë muúbuúl muúbuúlë muúbö muúda muúdi muúdö muúdü muúfi muúfiss muúl muúllë muúlë muúlü muúm muúmirr muúmisë muúmm muúmü muún muúnei muúner muúneu muúnn muúnnë muúnoó muúnü muúpa muúpai muúpous muúreém muúro muús muúsarr muúsou muússë muúsu muúsü muúsüss muútiss muútollë muútü muúzu mö möbi möbissë möbu möbünn mödai mödeäs möfu möfö möfüssë mökirr möko mökoussë mökoónë mökunnë mökü möl möla möli möll mölë mölö mölü mölünë möm mömanë mömei mömmë mömë mömö mömü mömülë mönammë möne mönn mönnë mönuú mönö mönü möpuússë möpö mör möra möri möroun mörr mörë mörü mörüm mörümmë mös mösaë möse möss mösë mösü mösüll mötü möwau möwessë möwoi mözi mözommë mözuú mözümm mü mübainn mübeimm mübeirë mübo mübull mübö müböll mübü müda müdarë müdömë müfai müfemm müfoi müfollë müfu müfuúlë müfönnë müfünë mükaë mükil müko mükö mükü mül müllë mülou müloómë mülu müluú müm müma mümaár mümeällë mümm mümo mümorr mümë mümös mün münaim münn münnë münë münö mün�� müpa müpen müpeummë müpuú müpü mür müri müroul müroólë mürrë mürönnë mürü müs müsa müsausë müss müssë müsuúnë müsë mütaá müti mütim mütirr mütoi mütoós mütuú müwa müwölë müzer müzeä müzi müzillë müzimë müzör müzü
na nabol nadeu nado nadu nadürë nafun nai naiboum naibu naile nainuúll naipüsë naiwö nako nakömë nakü nalöll nama namallë namm namosë nan nann nape napim napo napö napü nar nareu narrë nas naseu nassë nasö natall natun natuú nau naudesë naudimë naufü naukü naulë naumollë naunn naurall nauri nausi nauwömm nawi nawülë nazo nazoilë nazuú nazüsë naá naáfü naálün naámë naápa naás naásirr naássë naásummë naásöllë naáta naázammë naázörë naë naëbu naëdonnë naëlar naëloi naëmm naëmmë naëni naërrë naërë naëssë naëtei naëwur naëzö ne nebemmë nebi nedorë nedörë nedü nefinnë nefösë neil neill neilü neina neinë neiri neirë neisou neisuúmm neiwillë nekoll neköll neleäss neli nell neloll nelë nelö nemai nemaá nemmë nemë nen nenë ner neraá neres nerou nerrë nes nesüll netö netömmë neu neukuú neukö neuli neunö neupümmë neusë neutau neute neuti neuzimm neweä newi newoi newöm nezi nezö nezü neäfall neäkaë neälüs neämmë neärë neäses neäwuú neé neébo neébussë neélë neémoó neémë neénn neénnë neénë neérr neérë neétü neéwoómm neézi ni nibeé nibü nida nidü nidüssë nife nifirrë nifö nika nikaimmë nikemë niki nikirr nilemm nill niloi nilol niluúrr nilë nim nima nimainnë nime nimell nimuú nimë nimüss nin ninessë nineér ninn ninnë ninë nipann nipaë nipenn nipö nir nireäll nirr nirrë nirë nis nisessë niss nissë nisë nitail nitarrë nite nitenn niti nitoórr nituún niwaám niwo niwol niwö niwömm niwü nizinn nizoó nizu no nobu nobul nodau nofoll noi noifoi noikoi noil noill noillë noima noimm noimmë noimou noimë noinill noireä noisoó noisë noiti noitorrë noiza nola nollë nolë nomm nommë nomuú non nonall nonn nonnë nonë nopumë nor noranë noraunnë norrë nos noss nossë nosö notunë nou noubeä noudaësë noudümmë noull noullë noulöll noum noumm noummë nourr nourrë noussë nousë nouwün nower nozuú nozüssë noó noóbö noódal noódu noóll noóllë noólë noómell noómm noómë noóni noónossë noópenë noóri noórö noósoiss noóss noóssë noówinë noówu nu nubau nude nudum nudö nufiss nuföllë nukeurr nukö nul null nullë nulo nulë numillë numm nummë nun nunnë nunë nupi nupünnë nurass nurrë nuruú nurö nus nusa nusi nusë nuto nuwi nuwö nuzuúl nuú nuúbe nuúbömmë nuúbül nuúdi nuúduú nuúdü nuúfosë nuúfoó nuúfuússë nuúkaumë nuúku nuúkönë nuúl nuúlesë nuúli nuúlirë nuúll nuúlomë nuúloónë nuúlë nuúlü nuúlünn nuúm nuúme nuúmi nuúmm nuúmmë nuúmü nuún nuúneénë nuúnirë nuúnu nuúnë nuúpau nuúpi nuúraimë nuúre nuúrou nuúrr nuúrë nuús nuúsir nuússë nuúsummë nuúsë nuútannë nuútu nuútunnë nuúwa nuúwei nuúwoó nö nöbi nöbinn nöboi nöbön nödorrë nödö nöfe nöfissë nöfuú nöföm nökai nökeinë nöki nöküsë nöl nölaull nölimë nöll nöllë nölë nölö nöm nömaásë nömaëllë nömemë nömm nömusë nömë nömössë nömü nönai nönn nöno nönë nöpö nöpönë nör nöreu nöri nöro nörrë nöruúsë nörë nörü nös nösa nöso nöss nösuú nösö nösü nösümm nösünnë nösür nötan nötuú nöwir nözillë nözu nözuúmmë nözö nü nübair nübassë nüboósë nübü nüdeurr nüdeänn nüdoi nüdoómë nüdü nüfa nüfaisë nüfasë nüfur nüka nükeämm nükuú nükü nül nülennë nüles nüll nüllë nülummë nüluú nülë nümes nümi nümm nümmë nümë nünn nünnë nünë nüpi nüpo nüpö nüpörë nür nürr nürrë nürürrë nürüs nüs nüsom nüss nüsë nüsörrë nüsüllë nüta nütanë nütasë nütö nüwamm nüwaërr nüwillë nüwürrë nüzamm nüze nüzemm nüzuú nüzö nüzöl nüzön
pa pabaám pabümmë pabürë padör pafi pafössë pai pailë paimë paireur pais paisom paki pakuú pal pall palörrë pam pamm pammë pamuú pamë pamönn panalë pano panë panöllë papa papirë par parr parrë paruú paseésë pass passë pasö pati patoó pau paubö paullë paumeis paumm paummë paunn paupelë paur paurr pausuú paá paába paáfai paál paámourë paánë paár paárrë paás paásö paë paëbo paëboó paënuúsë paëse paësilë paëzeé pe peboi pebussë pebö pebürrë pefa pefai pefimm pei peiba peimaërr peinü peiss peiwi pekaá peköss pekü peleälë pellë peloi pelonnë pem pemmë pemu pemë pemöl pen pene penill penn penë pepuússë pepö pepü pepüsë pera perrë perös pes pesë pesünn peu peul peull peuloi peulünë peumellë peurë peus peuso pewo pewö pezi pezo pezuúsë pezö peä peädirr peädösë peäkü peämi peämmë peäpin peärö peäs peätai peäwau peäwei peé peédösë peél peélo peémmë peéno peétun pi pibaë pibi pidaáss pideä pidilë pidirë pido pifau pife pifuú pifönn pifösë pikarë pikirë pikollë pikoórr pikuús pikuúsë pikösë pilaárë pile pili pill pillë pilussë pilë pilö pime pimeä pimm pimmë pimuú pimë pimö pin pinem pineässë pinn pinnë pinounnë pinuús pinë pinö pinü pipa pipin pir pirammë piri pirr pirrë pirë pirö pirömmë pis pisa pisess piseu pisi pisinnë pisiss pisoó pissë pisuúnn pisë pitas piteälë pitinn pito pitullë piwa piweuss piwirr piwö piwül piwünn pizeänë pizirë pizo pizö pizü po pobü podeim podu pofaá poi poibinnë poifou poiki poiluú poimë poimön poin poipei poir poirrë poiruúrrë poiruúrë poise poisi poissë poiti poiwüsë poizal pol pollë pommë pomo pomoó pomuúrë pomë pomünë pon ponn ponë ponü popi popöll poraëmë porennë poreäll poroumm poroóssë porr porrë porë pos posa posennë possë posuún posë posö poti poto potü pou pouke poull poulë poun pounossë pounou pounë pounö poupeémmë pourürrë pousou pouss poutössë pouwolë pouzo pouzuúnë powö poó poóba poókoól poókürë poóloósë poólö poómüss poópi poópü poórë poórömmë poósürr poózoir pu pubirrë puborr pubü pubürr puderr pudu pudö pula pulilë pulirr pullë pulë pum pumm pummë pumou pumuú pumë pun puniss punnë punë pupa pupo puraumë purelë puri purr purë pussë pusë putall putoimmë putoólë putü puwa puwe puwö puzuúnë puú puúbeär puúbom puúbourë puúbüs puúdi puúduúnn puúdü puúfi puúkill puúkomë puúkü puúl puúlaá puúlaánnë puúli puúll puúllë puúluúrë puúlë puúmirrë puúmmë puún puúnnë puúnü puúpa puúpü puúrrë puúrönnë puús puúsaá puúsoun puúss puússë puúsë puúwa puúweirr puúwer puúwoóllë puúwuú puúwöllë puúzau puúzou puúzü puúzümë pö pöbaá pöboul pödail pöde pödu pödö pödöm pödü pödüsë pöfei pöfeämm pöfi pöfo pöfunn pöfö pöko pökoómmë pökuúrrë pökü pölaimm pölarrë pöllë pölo pölou pöloum pölus pölë pölö pölü pöm pöma pömassë pömm pömmë pömo pömë pömü pönass pönaullë pöne pönirrë pönnë pönu pönuss pönuú pönë pöpeimmë pöpir pöpo pöpoimë pöpu pöpuú pöpuússë pöpömë pöpü pör pörasë pörilë pörr pörrë pöruúrr pörë pös pösoirë pöss pössë pösuú pösë pösümmë pöti pöto pötuú pötü pötürr pöwuú pöwüs pözaá pözuú pözünë pü pübo pübos pübür püdaur püdi püdussë püduú püdön püfa püfarë püfi püfil püfu püfuúmë pükau pükem püki pül pülassë püll püllë pülömmë püme pümim pümm pümmë pümu pümömm pümünnë pün püneu püneénnë pünillë pünirë pünum pünuú pünö püpau püpiss püpo püpu pür pürain püralë pürarr pürinn pürrë pürë püs püsaiss püse püsë pütaumë pütaá pütir pütuúm pütü püwaá püwe püwu püwü püwüss püza püzaëm püzoórrë püzuú
ra rabo rabu rabuúss radai rafaunnë rafe rafü rai raibölë raifö raika railë rainë rainö raipaë rairr raisë raizi rakeärr rakillë rakurr raköl rakör rall rallë raluú ralë ralü ram ramm ramë ramül ranei ranelë ranirr rannë ranoós ranü rar rarailë raroósë rarr rarulë rarë ras rasaárrë raseirr rasoi rati ratirr rato ratoór ratöl rau raubaárr rauda raufösë raull raumeärrë raunë raupaánnë raupuú rauruú rautül rautülë rauwoi rawo rawüss raá raábö raádurr raál raámell raánuúnë raánö raáreinn raásirë raásurrë raátu raátünë raë raëbi raëbuúllë raëfül raëlö raënn raëzi raëzö re rebein rebimmë redosë redussë redö redös rei reibuúm reidi reillë reimuú rein reinil reis reiwünë rekaëlë rekeä rell rellë remi remm remmë remom remoórrë remöl remümmë renei rennë renë renü repaállë repeä repu rerr reruúnë rerön resim ress ressë retöl retür reu reudaësë reumë reuna reunn reunë reus reuzoi rewoi rezei rezüm reä reälilë reälë reämö reän reänai reänn reärinnë reässë reäsë reäteä reäzollë reé reébu reébö reéfau reénul reépi reépö reéraássë reérrë reérümm reés reéss reéssë reétamë reéti reézül ri riba ribe ribeé ribi ribou ribu rideä ridimmë ridünë rifo rifoss rifuúrë rifön rikölë ril rilaussë rilaë rili rillë rilë rim rimm rimmë rimoi rimë rin rina rinirë rinnë rinë rinü ripa ripissë ripunë rir riram riraë rireil rireéllë riri rirr rirrë riruú rirörë risi risilë risonnë riss rissë risull risë risö risü risüsë rite riteunë riteé ritu ritö ritüll riwaëss riwö ro robe robi robö rodöll rodüll rofe rofo roi roidö roifi roin roinn roirr roirrë roiruúr roirünë roisilë roisö roiwuúl roka rokaá rokenë rokin rokou rokö rokömm roll rolössë romeä romm rommë ron ronnë ronö ropomm ropü ror rorar roraá rorein roreu roreénnë roroi rorr rorrë rorömmë rosa rosimmë ross rosumm rotünnë rou roube roufi roukonn roull roullë roum rounn rounu roupe rour rouronn rourr roussë rowü rozai rozur rozön roó roódess roódümm roókem roókü roóleumm roóllë roópu roór roótemm roówe roówü roózuúll ru rubönnë rudeärë rudörë rufamë rukaë ruke ruki rukinn ruleä rullë rulu rum rummë rumo rumoir rune runnë runumm runuss runuún runë runö rupa rupai rupau rupe rurau rurrë rurë rusuússë ruta rutaëlë ruteu rutü ruzeiss ruú ruúbeu ruúbosë ruúfömm ruúku ruúliss ruúllë ruúlö ruúmm ruúmö ruúnn ruúnnë ruúnu ruúnë ruúpe ruúpuúl ruúpü ruúpüll ruúr ruúro ruúrr ruúruúllë ruús ruúss ruúsuú ruúsë ruúsöllë ruútisë ruútös ruútü ruúwau ruúwö ruúzaurë ruúzem rö röboó röbö rödam rödussë rödömmë rödüllë röfaár röfess röfonnë röfö röfümm rökö röl röle röll röllë rölë rölöll rölürr rölürë röm römei römm römmë römünnë römürrë rönennë rönerrë rönn rönnë röpeärrë röpoór röpö röpürrë röpüsë röron rörr rörullë rörün rös rösa röss rössë rösë röterr röti röwil röwiss röwöm röwürë rözaimm rözill rözummë rözuú rözü rü rübin rübö rüda rüdaëll rüde rüdoó rüduússë rüdö rüfe rüfeémmë rüfilë rüfurr rüfuú rüfuúmmë rükirrë rükuúlë rükörr rül rüleärë rüllë rüloi rülë rülü rüm rümeun rümilë rümmë rümoussë rümuúllë rümë rün rüna rünn rünnë rüno rünoó rünë rünölë rüpei rüpeil rüpissë rür rüral rüre rüri rüronnë rüroós rürr rürrë rüs rüsoó rüsoórrë rüssë rüsë rüsörr rüsü rütaá rüti rütö rütü rüwaunë rüwaëllë rüwe rüwillë rüwo rüwü rüzei rüzö rüzü rüzümm
sa sada saderr sadi sadoól safeissë saforr saför sai sail saillë sailë saimë saipü saireé sairrë saitisë saiwin sakell sakoil sakü sakürë saküssë salaunn salös san sannë sanü sapun sarimmë sarr saruú sas sasorrë sasu sasë sasürrë saudömë saudü saufaá saufi saukill saul saulë saumaimmë sauneä sautou sauwas sauwoll sauzor sauzü sawoóllë sawuúllë sawö sazo sazuú saá saábairrë saábis saádu saám saánöm saár saárrë saásoullë saáwümm saázall saázaá saë saëdi saëdis saëfimmë saëlarë saëluú saëm saëmun saëpurë saëteä saëwirë se sedö sefüss sei seibenë seikonë seileénë seillë seimeénn sein seinn seinoi seipe seipinnë seipoórrë seir seiro seitö seizu seka sekaá selaál selaë sele sellë selou selë semm semoó semuú semë semüllë senn senoó senë sepoummë serrë serë ses sesi sess sessë sesë seti setoi seu seufuúrë seulë seum seunurr seunë seupi seupö seur seuroi seurrë seuzü sewomm sezi sezirë sezö seä seäboómm seäfe seäfi seäl seälü seäm seässë seé seébeél seéda seémöm seén seérö seéröl seésös seézussë si sibarr sibaulë sibe sibimë sibuú sibünn sidess sideé sideémë sidiss sido sidomë sifiss sifömm sifü sikomm sikoó sikö sikü sil silenn sili sill silë silö silünn sim simeu simi simm simmë simoi simë simörrë simörë sin sini sinn sinnë sinuúmë sinë sinü sipann siposë sipöl sirr sirrë siru sirë sirönë sirümë sirün sirüs sis sisi sisillë sisin siss sissë sisuú sisë sisör sito sitomm situú sitö sitü sitümë siwillë siwis siwö siwönnë sizeé sizoinë so sobi sodis sodö sofa sofö soi soim soir soiro soirë soirö soisis soiss soissë soituúmm soizi soizül soki soll sollë soloi solü som somm somö son sonn sonnë sonë sonü sor sore sorrë soru sorë sosinë soss sosö sosönn sosü soteénn sotö sou soubau soubössë souke soukoi soukö soul soulim soullë soulü souni sounnë soupe sour sourimë souru sourü soussë soutu sowe sowem sowö sozinn sozönnë soó soóbü soófaurë soómoinn soón soónaë soónn soónö soówell soózuús su subömë sufuúl sufuúr suki sul sula sule sull sulo suloónn sumaá sumeirë sumirrë summë sumomë sumë sun sunenë sunnë sunë supau supi supirrë supönnë sur surr surë suse sussë susuúrrë susü sutim sutöll sutöllë suze suzeu suzürrë suú suúba suúbi suúdü suúfoónnë suúfönë suúkarë suúkörr suúl suúllë suúloó suúlë suúm suúma suúmenë suúmu suúmull suúmë suúmö suúnau suúnnë suúnu suúnë suúpi suúpü suúpül suúr suúrarr suúrarë suúraë suúri suúrr suúrrë suúruú suúsuúss suútö suútü suúwe suúzö sö söbeum söbi söboissë söbuú söbö söbössë söde södoil södu södüss söfir söföl söki söl sölenn söli söll söllë sölu sölumë söluú sölömm sömm sömmë sömë sömümm sömün sön söne söneäsë sönn sönou sönuú sönë sönösë söpi söpur söpös söpüsë sör söress sörimë sörou sörr sörë sörö sörü sörülë sörümm sörürr sös sösaunn sösell sösi sösë sösü sösürr söta söti söwa söza sözarrë söze sözeu sü sübei sübo südau südinnë südu südö süfimm sükuúnë süla sülei süll süllë sülo sülë süm sümemmë sümm sümmë sümë sümö sün süni sünnë sünömmë sünü sünül süpaárr süpeumm süpö sür sürellë sürilë sürr sürrë sürë sürö sürü sürümmë sürüssë süs süsi süso süss süssë süsë sütauss süteä sütuúnnë sütün süwa süwasë süwinn süwö süze süzi
ta tabi tadois tadörr tafa tafoi tai taibaëllë taidu taiki taiko tailë taim taimë tainu tainë taipaill taiwerr taiwü takaá takuú takö talarrë tall tamm tamoi tamë tamö tan tane tann tannë tanuúll tapall tapi taraáss tarilë taro tas tasau tasous tassë tasë tasömë tatün tau taubünë taufasë taukauss taukenë tauli taulë taum taumi taummë taunnë taurass taurë tauwannë taweusë tawirr tawu taza tazu tazur taá taába taákan taákoi taál taáleénnë taálü taánn taánnë taápeisë taárrë taárulë taáss taásë taázai taázalë taázurr taë taëde taëlarr taëlë taëmaë taëpaimm taërümm taësömmë taëtöll te tebi tefass tefou tei teibi teibosë teikürrë teilullë teimaárrë teir teiwa tell tellë telë tem tema temeä temm temmë temë temömë tenaá teni tenn tennë tepoimmë ter teri teross terr terë terü tes tesoó tess tesë tetiss tetü teu teuböss teullë teur teusi teusilë teusuúllë teusü teuza teuzuú tewu tewönn tezeéssë tezoullë tezu tezöl tezü teä teäl teänn teänü teäpöm teära teärosë teäs teäwau teé teéll teénë teéra teésë teétö ti tibal tibimm tibois tibuúnë tibö tibörrë tibü tidi tifoó tifoósë tiföl tikuúl til till tillë tilë tim timi timim timm timmë timüs tini tinillë tinn tinnë tinë tipaë tipel tipelë tipi tipimë tipissë tipu tipuss tipö tipüm tira tirirr tirolë tirr tirrë tiru tis tisa tisai tisemmë tiso tiss tisë tisüss titi titill titöllë titümm tiwaënn tiwu tize tizerrë tizömë to todillë tofas tofeu tofoisë tofuú toi toiba toibausë toibi toibuúl toiböll toifüm toil toilin toilë toimm toimmë toimë toin toinë toipilë toipo toir toirrë tois toisuú toitou toitüm toizu toka tokenë tokö tol tola tolirë toll tollë toluúlë tolë tomau tomm tommë tomoimm tomuú tomö toni tonn tonnë tonu tonuú tonë topullë topö tor torr torrë torüllë toseé tossë toteä toti totoissë totu tou toubo toubuú toubuúmm toufe touki toulurr toulë toumm toumë toumüm touna tounë toupömmë toupü tourr toutö touworrë touzim toweu toweurrë towuúmm tozainnë tozaë tozeämm toó toóbö toókönnë toólaummë toópönnë toóri toósül toówaum toówou tu tubi tubu tubö tudeämë tudu tudü tukönë tul tule tuliss tullë tulë tuma tumi tune tunnë tunon tunünn tupaumë tupauss tur turr turu turë turös tus tusei tuss tusuú tusë tusör tuwö tuwön tuú tuúbi tuúdaë tuúdir tuúdou tuúfer tuúfi tuúfö tuúl tuúleu tuúli tuúlusë tuúmm tuúmmë tuúmuú tuúmë tuúmöll tuúne tuúneé tuúnnë tuúnë tuúpairë tuúpü tuúra tuús tuúss tuússë tuúsë tuútuú tuúwöl tuúze tuúzull tuúzur tö töbill töbuú töbö tödamm tödi tödirr tödirrë töduúnë tödörë töfa töfamm töfi töfoóm töfö töfümm tökau tökü töli tölill töll tölullë töluú tölë töm töma tömaë tömm tömmë tömu tömü tön töneä tönill tönn tönnë tönö töpeu töpimë töporr tör törais töro törr törrë törë törür tös tösaá tösaámm tösaárr tösi töss tössë tösu tösë tösürr tötömmë tötönnë tötümë töwau töweésë tözainë töze tözinn tözo tözömmë tözü tözüllë tü tübaimm tübirrë tübou tüdessë tüdunë tüdüllë tüfe tüfi tüfirë tüfuú tüfuúrr tüfö tüfü tüka tükellë tükimmë tükü tüküm tül tüle tüllë tülö tüm tümeim tümmë tümo tümölë tümü tümümmë tün tüna tünaë tünellë tünn tünnë tünë tünö tüpaë tüpe tüpö tüpönn tüpü türiss türoi türë türöm tüs tüsam tüsoum tüsoósë tüss tüssë tüsuú tüsë tütai tüwi tüworrë tüwülë tüzis tüzull tüzöm
wa waboi wabü wadasë wafamm wafü wai wail wailë waimi waimmë waimë waimüllë wain wainn wainö waipir wairairr waire wairörr waitannë waito wakö wal wall walë walönn wam wamm wammë wamosë wannë wapurë warr warrë warë warö wase wasorr wassë wasë wataumë watoó watömmë wau waubü waudö waufü waukinë wauku wauleu waull waummë waur wauwin wauzimm wauzo wawaë wawinë wawu wawuúrr wawönnë wawürr wazamm wazi wazu waá waábü waádil waáfal waála waámmë waárus waárë waássë waátö waáwölë waë waëbilë waëfeurrë waëmö waëni waënn waërr waërë we webe webül wedeä weduúsë wefi wefommë wei weibaë weiför weilirr weilë weim weimoummë weini weir weirr weise wekair wekau wekuú wekö wel well wellë welumm welü wem wemam wemm wemmë wemünn wen wene wenn wenö wenür wepeinnë weraá weri weroul werr werü wesen weseu wessë wesö wetoll wetu weu weubi weufeärë weukollë weule weunürr weusis weuss weä weäbaëssë weädill weäli weämis weän weärus weärë weäziss weédi weéfeumë weél weén weénnë weénë weénö weézi wi wibo wibonë wibuú wibö wibü wideällë widönnë widü widüllë wifum wifömmë wikainnë wiki wikoóssë wikuú wiköll wil wilo wilë wilö wim wimainnë wimimmë wimin wimmë wimou wimü wimümë win wina winn winnë winoórë winuú winë wir wirannë wiro wirou wirr wirrë wis wisoi wiss wisë wisümmë wito witu witurë witümm wiwi wiwuú wiwü wiwüs wizeé wo wobö wodir wofuú woi woibe woida woideé woimmë woina woirrë woisë woitö woitöl woitürr woll wolö womaá womeu womm wommë womoi womunn womö won wonau wonn wonuús wonösë wopoi wopö wopöss wor worr worë wos woseäll wosuúmm wosül wotei wotirr wou woube woukö woukü woullë woumim woun woupi wousinnë wouwinnë wouzuúnnë wowarë woweu wowour wowö wozuú woó woódirr woódumm woófaá woókossë woókul woókü woóli woón woóraá woórr woórö woós woóssë woóta woóti wu wufi wufissë wukaim wukassë wukö wukör wul wuli wull wullë wulo wum wuma wumm wummë wumoisë wumë wumö wuninë wunn wunë wupö wurr wurrë wus wuselë wusoirë wuss wutannë wute wutu wuweu wuwos wuza wuzurr wuzuúnë wuú wuúbü wuúbümë wuúdö wuúdölë wuúfeä wuúkunë wuúl wuúle wuúli wuúllë wuúlossë wuúlë wuúlö wuúm wuúmal wuúmm wuúmu wuúmë wuúmö wuún wuúni wuúnn wuúnnë wuúnoón wuúnu wuúpörrë wuúr wuúroó wuúrr wuúrrë wuús wuúsa wuúsou wuússë wuúsë wuúsüm wuútai wuúteä wuúti wuútö wuúwi wuúwisë wuúwö wuúwü wö wöbil wöbirë wöborr wöbü wödamë wödass wödaur wödil wödin wödo wödomm wöfes wöfossë wöfu wöfö wöförë wökess wökir wökoi wökorë wökoólë wökölë wöküm wöl wöll wöllë wöluúm wölülë wölünn wöm wömoillë wömüllë wön wönirë wönn wönnë wönoi wönol wönou wönuú wönölë wönössë wöpais wörr wörë wörörrë wös wöseä wösirr wöso wöss wösu wösü wöta wötaá wöto wötuúnë wötönë wötü wötüsë wöwellë wöwo wöwö wözeém wözöllë wözösë wü wübil wübo wübü wübüsë wüde wüdu wüduú wüdö wüdü wüfa wüfi wüfönnë wüken wüki wül wülasë wüle wüli wüllë wüloinnë wülë wülüsë wüm wümm wümmë wümuss wümuúllë wümë wün wünn wünou wünë wünöllë wüpi wüpo wüpuúll wüpös wür würallë würr würë wüserr wüseé wüseém wüsu wüsë wüsü wütaë wütem wüten wütenë wüti wüturrë wüwour wüwu wüwuún wüwör wüza wüzai wüzalë wüzi wüzö wüzü wüzüss
za zaboll zabosë zaboó zadil zadul zafus zai zaillë zaimi zaimil zaipe zairrë zaisinn zaisümm zaitirrë zaiwannë zaizüsë zakeä zaki zakossë zaku zal zall zalorr zalur zaluú zalömm zalürrë zam zamm zammë zamü zana zane zannë zar zarilë zarimm zarö zas zasa zasissë zass zasuú zasuúrrë zasü zato zatö zatümmë zau zauferë zaufuúllë zaumeällë zaunnë zaunömë zaunül zaus zauwü zauzal zauzoi zawannë zaweénë zazaás zazoi zazö zaá zaádai zaáfoó zaáfuúmë zaákösë zaákürrë zaáli zaár zaáruúnë zaás zaë zaëdes zaëfö zaëki zaëmë zaënë zaësum zaësö zaëzassë ze zedasë zedü zedünë zefi zefuú zei zeidü zeifö zeil zeilellë zeilë zeilöm zeimi zeimë zeini zeinn zeipönn zeirim zeisairr zeita zekeér zekou zelesë zeleu zell zeme zemes zemi zeminë zemë zemönë zemürrë zen zenu zenë zer zeraá zerirrë zeronn zeruú zesai zeso zesoissë zess zessë zesu zesurr zesurrë zesus zesë zeteänë zetuúll zeu zeufur zeupü zeusess zeusë zeuzaëmm zewu zeä zeädennë zeäfir zeäfuúnë zeälei zeälë zeämmë zeännë zeätün zeäwuú zeé zeéll zeélë zeélüs zeéna zeéri zeéso zeésuú zeésë zi zibe zibuú zibür zide zidimmë zido zidoóssë zifeälë zifeé zifu zifuú zika zikümm zill zillë zilu zilö zilüll zim zimaunn zimem zimi zimm zimmë zin zinau zineummë zineunn zini zinir zinn zinnë zinümmë zipe zipulë zipuúnë zipösë zir zira ziri ziroi zirr zirrë ziruúrrë zirë zirül zirür zis zise ziseä ziso ziss zisë zisörrë zisüm zitam zitenë zitousë zitö ziwi ziwuú ziwuússë ziwö ziwöl ziwönnë ziwü zizinë zizo zizou zizuússë zizönn zizü zo zode zodemm zodeä zodou zodumm zofa zofai zofo zofö zofün zoi zoiba zoibe zoiberrë zoiböl zoike zoikei zoilem zoillë zoimë zoipön zoiraá zoirö zois zoiss zoissë zoitu zoki zokomm zoküss zola zollë zolë zolörë zolü zomull zomë zomölë zon zonn zonnë zopo zor zorail zoraë zori zorë zorürrë zos zosaimm zoss zosë zoteér zotüm zou zoullë zounn zourr zourö zous zousorrë zoussë zouwü zouzaë zowu zowuúnnë zozo zozun zoó zoóbeämmë zoóbeé zoóllë zoómo zoómü zoór zoórai zoórr zoórrë zoósill zoósoó zoótissë zoózussë zoózünn zu zuboó zubus zudü zufussë zufö zukaál zuki zuko zukö zullë zulë zuma zumm zumë zun zunn zunnë zunë zupommë zupüssë zureär zuroill zurr zuruúnn zus zusi zusinnë zuso zuss zutüm zuwu zuwöll zuza zuú zuúboórrë zuúbömmë zuúdoullë zuúdü zuúdür zuúfin zuúfuú zuúfö zuúfü zuúkai zuúkouss zuúl zuúlimë zuúllë zuúloiss zuúluú zuúluúlë zuúlössë zuúm zuúmes zuúmm zuúmë zuúnill zuúnn zuúnnë zuúnou zuúnus zuúpai zuúposs zuúpu zuúpör zuúrillë zuúrë zuússë zuúsu zuúsör zuútö zuúwi zuúwu zuúwümm zuúzi zuúzör zuúzü zuúzürë zö zöbi zöbin zöbö zöbü zöda zödai zödausë zödu zödöss zöfoó zöfu zöfurrë zöfurë zöföss zöko zökonn zökönë zökümm zöküss zöl zölaárrë zöli zöll zöllë zölo zöluú zölë zömaillë zömaurr zömausë zömi zömm zömmë zömu zömë zömöllë zönai zönë zönü zönüm zöpa zöpau zöpi zöpoun zöpullë zöpünë zöpürë zör zöraë zöre zöroull zörr zörrë zörë zös zöseärrë zöss zössë zösumë zösuúnn zösö zötaum zöti zöto zötoó zötunnë zötörrë zötü zöwi zöwou zöze zözi zözirrë zözümmë zözümë zü züba zübu zübuú zübö züdoóss züdörë züdür züfar züfeérr züfinn züfinnë züfoórrë züfu züka züke zükörë zül züloó zülu zülullë zülë zülöllë zülü zülümm zümi zümm zümmë zümou zün züne zünë züperrë züpi züpoó züranë züraá züri zürimë zürr zürrë zürum zürë züröss zürü züs züsinnë züsommë züsossë züsë züsür züti zütu züwa züweän züwo züwommë züwö züzü züzür
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blairwaldcrf · 1 year
okay but. thinking about dair and the Grand Staircase Entrance that happens during s6 and how it literally mirrors the big cinema trope.... and how the "staircase" moment for derena happens with Serena unaware she's being seen. how she's looked at from afar, still an unknown to dan. how the moment for🪑is blair on a stage, performing sexually as a self-imposed dare in the same night as her break up with Nate. I just.
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jonismitchell · 29 days
5x23 mostly a mess of an episode. how dare the writers sabotage dair!!! blair and serena!!! chuck bass you are nothing to me
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dtba · 4 months
Art Hearts Fashion Kicks Off Miami Swim Week 2024
Words by Shirley Reynozo
Miami Swim Week is the ultimate fashion extravaganza, where the hottest swimwear trends take center stage against the backdrop of Miami's vibrant culture and stunning beaches. This annual event showcases an array of innovative designs from renowned and emerging designers, highlighting everything from daring bikinis to elegant one-pieces to fashionable cover ups. 
It's not just about the runway; Miami Swim Week is a celebration of creativity and inclusivity, with events that bring together fashion enthusiasts, influencers, and industry professionals. With over 30 designers, this week was filled with inspirational moments. On Friday May 31st, Designers Gyv Me Body, Bad Sisters, Pink Melon Swim, Asola Swim, Ca Rio Ca, Willfredo Gerardo, Xbqini,  Chavez Inc, and many others showcased their collections at the iconic venue as well. Each designer brough ingenuity to their swimwear collection, more than just bathing suits they represented a culture around body positivity. Breaking from the traditional expectations of what is considered beautiful on the runway. From plus size models, to middle aged models, trans, non binary, to even destigmatizing plastic surgery, Art Hearts Fashion worked tirelessly to represent the multiplicity of our existence. One may say to themselves, it’s just swimwear- how can you make an entire week of shows around bathing suits. Well clearly Art Hearts Fashion has it figured out!  
Art Hearts Fashion is the leading platform dedicated to bringing innovative designers and artists to the forefront of fashion week. Their coast-to-coast contemporary events get the most renowned designers and the sharpest up-and-coming emerging designers to the runway in New York, Los Angeles, Miami, and beyond. Founded in 2010, AHF has become a driving force for fashion, art, and entertainment. 
Art Hearts Fashion is more than just a fashion platform; it’s a thriving, inclusive community. From the moment I stepped into their vibrant world, I felt the warmth and genuine camaraderie that defines their team. The environment is less about competition and more about collaboration, creating a familial atmosphere where everyone is welcomed with open arms. Whether a model, a publicist, events staff, photographer, influencer or editor, everyone joined collectively to orchestrate a phenomenal runway experience.  
I felt embraced when I met team members such as Timur Tugberk (PR), Tara Gaines (PR) and Erik Rosete (Art Hearts founder). The space didn’t require code switching, if anything they encouraged you to show up as your whole self. This differs from my NYFW experience, as there are different rules for social conduct and etiquette. At Miami Swim Week those unspoken norms go out the window. You’re encouraged to yell at the models at the top of your lungs, which I’m sure gives them the momentum to keep strutting down the runway. This sense of belonging and support fosters creativity and innovation, making Art Hearts Fashion not just a place to showcase talent, but a home where designers, models, and fashion enthusiasts can truly thrive together.
As models strut down the catwalk, the atmosphere buzzed with excitement, setting the tone for the swimwear styles that will dominate the season. Whether you're looking for high fashion or beach-ready comfort, Miami Swim Week is the place where summer fashion dreams come to life.
Special Thanks
Thank you to Art Hearts Fashion, the king of Miami PR - Timur Tugberk, Tara Gaines and to The Gabriel Miami South Beach, Curio Collection by Hilton. 
Thank you to our stylish sponsor, Kendria owner of Dria Dair for uplifting women of all backgrounds. 
Thank you to our phenomenal sponsor, Snatched Plastic Surgery, who has truly made Miami Swim week a phenomena experience. The Founder & CEO Claudia Borges, is a dynamic and accomplished professional experienced Medical Executive with a demonstrated history of working in the medical practice industry. Skilled in Analytical Skills, Sales, Medicaid, Spanish, and Managed Care, Claudia is a lovely example of a Latina entrepreneur with beauty, brains, and community oriented philosophies. Thank you for making this Miami Swim Week Season memorable for us all!
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Paula Callejas
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Cody Chris Collection
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Caroline Derpienski
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Giannina Azar
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Pink Melon Swim
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Asola Swim
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Ca Rio Ca
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Chavez Inc.
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