aoibhs · 7 years
Chapter One 
Chapter Twenty-Five
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from The Riot Club/Posh, and all OCs were beautifully crafted by @club-riot 
"I am going to buy shots," Ed got up, "Come with me," He tried to pull Elizabeth out from around the table, which including George who was already half asleep. "We have college in the morning," She argued. "Have you skipped a class ever, Shaw?" Alistair weighed in from the far side of the group as Ed led her to the bar. "No," "What would five hurt?" He shrugged innocently. "The great sum of knowledge that I could be gaining," She looked as though she were about to perform a monologue, her arm raised lightly, her feet in that classic L shape. If she had been bought more drinks, she might've broke into her favourite Hamlet piece. "Come on, I want shots," "Just bloody buy them, don't wait on me," Elizabeth didn't really care, she didn't want anymore drinks. She found herself standing at the side, in front of the table, somewhat awkwardly. After looking around the table she finally saw Guy giving her a little wave. He laughed when she did, and he didn't stop as she sat down beside him. "I was doing that a while," He pretended to look irritable but he wasn't much of an actor. "Sorry that I'm not aware of every single little thing you do," She rolled her eyes, much better at the false irritability than him. "How are you? It's been a while," He felt okay, managing some ordinary conversation. "Yes, it has been a total of two hours since you last saw me," She chuckled. Her sarcasm stopped him for a moment. Maybe he hadn't mastered ordinary conversations just yet. "Two hours is a while," He finally managed a smirk. She laughed. "Maybe, maybe," She reached over for the nearly empty cocktail glass which she had been sipping at until Ed dragged her up. "So, how are you?" He leaned forward, confidence just beginning to kick in again. "I'm fine," She shrugged, "Surviving all the assignments," "It only gets better," He chuckled, turning his torso towards her so he could lean his arm against the back of the chair. "They're coming along okay," Dimitri nodded, him and Poppy observing. "Come on, they'll do nothing if they catch you both staring," Tamsin tapped on his shoulder, "Drink?" "Yeah, Poppy, you're more than capable of doing this without me," He got up and left for the bar with Tamsin, an arm hanging loosely around her waist. "You're very protective of her," Alistair said to Poppy, still watching Elizabeth intently. "She's our child, our baby," She smiled at him, "Guy seems harmless but I'd gut him if she even shed a tear," "Would she do the same if Richards hurt you?" He asked, slow. He didn't smile or smirk. He just wanted to know how she would react. "Well, Miles isn't really a suitor," She shrugged after a brief moment. "But you admire him, and he's neglecting you," Alistair tilted his head. "He has priorities and that's fine. We're just friends and I think I'm old enough to deal with that," Poppy shrugged again. She wasn't sure where he was going with this, "Where are you going with this, Ryle?" "I just want to know if Elizabeth is as protective of you as you are of her," He shrugged a little himself, nonchalantly. "We all have each other's backs, Alistair," She stared at him with serious eyes, "Elizabeth would do anything for any of us," "I see," He said, casually turning back to the bowl of nice crisps on the table. "Wait, where is she going?" Poppy looked at Elizabeth getting up and walking towards them, "Why are you leaving?" "I'm just going to the ladies," She laughed at how ridiculously engaged Poppy was with her social life, then walked past the bar to the bathrooms. "Let her go, Kensington," James said, gathering a few empty glasses and standing up, squeezing past George and Guy to get to the bar, "You'll only scare her off," He placed the glasses on the counter and waited for the barman to serve him. Elizabeth returned from the restrooms a few minutes later and stopped when she saw him at the bar. "You getting more to drink?" "Yes, would you like one?" He offered, smiling slightly. "Oh, no," She shook her head, "No, I'm fine, thank you, James," "No? Are you sure? You know I don't mind," He creased his eyebrows. "James, I am totally sure, thank you," She laughed, raising a hand to guide her dark hair back from her face. "Alright alright," He raised his hands in defeat. Just then the barman reappeared behind the counter, "Could I have another pint please? Oh, and a Sex On The Beach for her?" "I hate you," She shook her head, smiling and heading back to sit with Guy. "What was that about?" He sat up, clearly having just watched them talk. "He's just being silly," She chuckled. "How so?" "I think you should've said thank you, but you'll learn," James walked over with her cocktail, leaving it on the table and going back to his own seat, smirking. "This is how so," She raised the glass, an unamused look on her face, "I swear, it's like you all want me drunk and want to spend all your money," "We clearly don't mind," Guy tried not to grimace. "Don't you remember the last time?" She snorted, "Seven glasses of rosé didn't do me any favours," "Well, I enjoyed that night," He said, somehow forgetting all the bitterness he had towards Leighton that night. Dimitri would've scoffed had he have been listening. "No," She smiled once she had taken a sip from her pinkish drink, "The best was one of the first nights out, at the start of October," She paused but he held an expression that said he was trying really hard to recall which night she meant but couldn't, "The night I met most of you, the night you walked me home the first time," "Oh, yeah.. I liked that night too," If he was one to blush, he would be at that point. They were quiet then. Both content and awkward. Contently awkward, awkwardly content. Either they were smiling like kids. "I'm doing this play..," She broke the silence and then regretted it, knowing she had to continue talking, "Come, if you want," "I'd love to," He was delighted, a personal invitation from her, only for him. "I'm inviting everyone," Or maybe it was only for everyone. He had to control the slight disappointment, "I mean, you can go with the group or on your own, I don't mind, just come, if you have time," "I will make time," He grinned, she beamed back. He just glanced over at the bar to see Dimitri and Tamsin grinning at him too, although he wasn't sure why.
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aoibhs · 7 years
Arranged Situation
Chapter One
Chapter Twenty-Four
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from The Riot Club/Posh, and all OCs were beautifully crafted by @club-riot 
"Perfect," Poppy squeaked once she had applied the last bit of dark cranberry lipstick to Elizabeth's lips. "Are you sure about this?" She twirled, looking at herself in the mirror, "I usually just wear dresses," "I know, and you always look lovely," Poppy slipped her heels on, "But wear something a little different and you'll be turning more than just Guy's head," "I don't want attention," Elizabeth shook her head, already feeling the heat on her face just thinking about it. "You're lying," Poppy laughed, grabbing her coat and opening the door, "You look great. You're my favourite creation," "I'm your little Frankenstein now, am I?" Elizabeth grinned, turned back to the mirror to look at the shiny black leggings and the tight Burgundy top with patches of black lace here and there. Her hair had been curled in random places and then brushed out, giving it a sort of messy look. Her eye makeup was dark and sultry, a look she wouldn't usually go for. "It's alive!" Poppy enthused, running out the door dramatically. "Hey, wait! I need to lock up," Elizabeth called after her, rushing out the door and locking it so she could follow the blonde down the stairs. It was a clear night. The sky a mesmerizing Prussian blue with stars dotted around it in clusters of light. It was chilly and it would only get colder from then onwards. A dry, but freezing, winter's night was on its way. "Ooh! Poppy and Lizzy are here," George's face lit up as he turned to wave at them. "Lizzy!" Toby got up to attack her with a hug. "Toby, get off her," Poppy swatted him away as she took Elizabeth's coat, and at a pace far too slow for Elizabeth's liking. Now she felt bare, "I need to admire my handiwork," "You're making a show of me," Elizabeth blushed, looking anywhere but at the table of friends in front of them. "Good," Poppy pushed her forward and folded their coats. "Come sit with me," James smiled at her. For the sake of familiarity and sitting down as quickly as possible, she swiftly took the empty seat beside him. "How's Shakespeare doing?" Ed asked her from across the small table. "He's good, still writing away hour-long monologues and the like," Elizabeth humoured him. It wasn't particularly funny in the slightest but Ed burst out laughing. "Brilliant," He sighed, shaking his head. "How's third year?" She turned to James again. "Aha, let's not talk about that," He laughed nervously, "I had another interview yesterday though," "Oh! How was it?" Her face glowed with anticipation. "Fine," He shrugged, taking a sip from his beer, "It was fine," "Did they ask about your dad again?" She asked him in a sort of hushed voice. Ed looked at George then. How did she even know that was happening during interviews? How did they miss him telling her that? Maybe they had been spending more time together than they realized. James only nodded and she touched his arm, in comfort. He looked up and gave her a small smile. "So, Elizabeth," Ed brought the attention back to him again, "What's new?" "Nothing, just essays," She shrugged. "Elizabeth, would you like a drink?" George asked her. "Tell them about the play!" Poppy basically yelled from the opposite side of the table, where she had been chatting to Imogen. "You're in a play?" James smiled at her. "You're amazing," Toby somehow managed to gasp and sigh simultaneously, Elizabeth couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous it sounded. "Plenty of people are in plays," She waved her hand dismissively and then noticed that George was gone. "Getting you a drink," James explained. "I never said... He doesn't even know what I drink," She laughed. "A surprise never hurt anyone, dear," Imogen sent her a wink. "If he gets me absinthe, I swear to God," She shook her head, chuckling. "Would you die?" Toby asked in a strangely melodious voice. "Yeah, probably," She pulled her best thoughtful face, as if it were a genuine situation. When George returned with some cocktail that she had never heard of, Dimitri walked into the pub with Guy. "Right, there's Tamsin, bye mate," Dimitri was about to walk away but Guy stopped him. "How does he do that?" Guy looked at James, annoyed that this had happened yet again, not knowing that Dimitri had purposely arranged it this time, "I'm leaving, tell them I'm sick," "No!" Dimitri pushed him back into the pub again. "If she wants to hang out with him, that's fine, but there's no need for me to be here," Dimitri didn't care and pushed him back further until Guy had been noticed by the group and it was literally too late to turn back. "Bellend!" Toby cried upon seeing him. He turned around and was about to say some form of cheeky greeting but Dimitri pushed him again. He nearly fell over. In that moment, he thought he might die. He was obviously wrong. "Hello all. Darling," Dimitri glanced at the group before kissing his girlfriend. "Sit down boys, there plenty of room," George moved further into the table, getting those beside him to do the same, squeezing Elizabeth closer to James. "We're still waiting on Milo and Ryle and Louisa," Ed said, "Hugo's not coming, Harry's not coming and Honora's not coming," "Still a nice big group," Guy said slowly as he sat down, audibly uncomfortable. "How was the British politics lecture?" Elizabeth leaned forward as far as she could so she could ask. No matter how many times she would ask about his course, he would still be taken aback that she was actually interested. "Oh.. Yeah, it was long," He laughed, thinking back on the hour that he had spent thinking about her and not his essay titles. He felt his heart beat race on and on, quicker and quicker as he looked at her, at her face, at her hair, at her clothes. She looked different. He liked it but he wasn't going to tell her. "By the way, I like the sudden change of style," But obviously Leighton had no problem telling her. "I think we can all agree on that," Ed stared at her, grinning from his side of the table, cheek in his palm being propped up by his elbow. "Yes, it's delightful," George nodded, eating from the container of food that had appeared in his hands. Guy sighed, frowning. He leaned back in the seat, sinking with defeat. "Oh god," Poppy groaned, observing their friends with Dimitri. "Fuck's sake," He shook his head, "We just made it worse,"
Chapter Twenty-Six
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aoibhs · 7 years
Chapter One 
Chapter Twenty-Three
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from The Riot Club/Posh, and all OCs were beautifully crafted by @club-riot
"Come on! It's slightly sunny, we need to go outside!" Poppy tugged on Elizabeth's arm. "But it's freezing!" Elizabeth already felt her teeth chattering as they made their way down the building's staircase. "You need a warmer coat," Poppy looked at her in such a way that could only be described as motherly. "Big coats don't flatter me," She basically whimpered, "The boys hardly ever wear heavy jackets, how on Earth do they keep warm?" "They're just too hot," Poppy giggled at her own joke as they left the main exit that would lead them back into the college green. Somehow, a casual winter walk turned into a childish battle of throwing dead leaves at one another. They had finished classes for the day but there were plenty of students still bustling around the campus looking at them like they were insane. "I say," The one and only Dimitri Mitropoulos approached them with great enthusiasm, accompanied by his highly amused best friend, "What's going on here?" "Oh leaf it out!" Elizabeth held up a singular leaf and grinned at how awful her pun was, getting a shove from Poppy. "Good one," Dimitri shook his head, not impressed with the humor. "And what are you gentlemen up to?" Poppy asked, getting some of her blonde hair out of her face. "Taking a leisurely stroll before our final lectures," Guy shrugged with a small smile. "Yes," Dimitri added. "Observing all the nature within our great university walls," "Yes," "What are you doing after class?" Elizabeth asked, trying to look at both boys even if she was more interested in what Guy had to say. "What were you thinking?" He spoke quickly before Dimitri could say anything, not realizing that Dimitri wasn't going to say anything anyway. "It would be nice if we could all go for drinks," She beamed at him with such joy that he almost missed it. "..All?" Immediately Dimitri and Poppy shared looks, rolling eyes and resisting the urge to face palm. "Yeah, us, George, Harry, Louisa, James, everyone," She still smiled, "We haven't all been together since Honora's," "I suppose, I haven't seen Tamsin in a few days," Dimitri stared vacantly, "I'll call her on the way to my lecture," "We'll text the girls, will you both let the boys know?" Poppy just rolled with it, accepting that Elizabeth's idea was actually happening. "Certainly," Guy nodded, returning to the smile he had on arrival. "Come on, we'll walk you to your lecture," Poppy linked arms with Dimitri but lagged him back slightly so that they could walk behind Guy and Elizabeth and observe them. "What module is it?" Elizabeth asked. "British politics and government since 1900," Guy couldn't help but feel smug as he said it, he felt smart just saying it to her. "Ah," She nodded, "You? Dimitri?" "Quantitative economics," He replied from behind them. "Ugh," Poppy wrinkled her nose slightly, earning an amused look from Dimitri, "Sorry, numbers just aren't our forte at all," "Not at all, at all," Elizabeth sighed, shaking her head in agreement, "I will stick to deciphering the average medieval scripture," "Well, I could never do that," Guy smile down at her. "I know, that'd be hilarious," She scoffed slightly, getting an overdramatic gasp as a response from him. "Fuck, why won't he hold her hand?" Poppy muttered to Dimitri through clenched teeth. "I'm texting Leighton now, I'm not putting up with all this la-di-da shit," Dimitri said while he typed, "Not anymore," "Is this you?" Elizabeth nodded towards the building in front of them. "Yeah, we're both in here," Guy nodded. "I guess we'll see you all later," Dimitri unlinked himself from Poppy's arm and headed into the building. "See you later," Elizabeth smiled and turned away only to have her arm linked by Poppy, leading her away. "Bellend, come on," Dimitri called him, as he was standing in the middle of the path, "I'll not put my qualifications in jeopardy for the sake of your love life," "Wouldn't I do it for you?" He trotted up the steps as they disappeared into the building. "Of course you would, you fucking idiot," Poppy was both excited and annoyed about the whole group going for drinks. Elizabeth had avoided the opportunity to be alone with Guy yet again. "You're letting me do your makeup if you're stupid enough to invite me along on your dates," She teased as they walked back to their dorms again, phones in their empty hands. "It's hardly a date, Poppy," Elizabeth snorted, sending a text to Honora. "Exactly! You need to take control of this, you both clearly want more than group activities," Poppy expressed her point with her aggressive pushing of buttons, sending a text to Louisa. "There is nothing wrong with group activities, that's what the clubs are," Elizabeth shrugged, her point good but not good enough. "I'm picking your outfit too," Poppy looked away as a text sent to Tamsin. "Fine, you're welcome to," Elizabeth shook her head, amused by her best friend reading too deeply into things. She actually wasn't, but Elizabeth couldn't see that, "Honora wants to know if Harry's going," She read the reply as they went through the old wooden doors to the building. "Well, he's invited," Poppy shrugged. Elizabeth texted her to say that he was going and almost straight away Honora answer, saying that she wouldn't be going. "Did you text Imogen or shall I?" Elizabeth asked. "You can do it," Poppy told her, then her phone buzzed in her hand, "Oh, Dimitri's just after messaging me, he wants to know if Honora's going," "Why?" "I dunno," Poppy send a quick reply, keeping it short since she knew he was in a lecture. But he replied at lightning speed, and she read it with amusement, "Yeah, Harry won't come if she's not there," "That's cute," Elizabeth smiled, "There seems to be some sort of progress with them," "Yeah avoiding the progress is always step one," Poppy smirked, "You should know,"
Chapter Twenty-Five
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aoibhs · 7 years
Chapter One
Chapter Eleven
"Will you give me a hand with this?"
"Yeah sure, no problem," Eddie got up on a wooden chair to aid Nora in pining a white sheet over one of two windows in the Denbrough's garage. He wasn't very pleased about being there.
"Eddie, can you set up the projector?" Beverly approached them, hands in her pockets, "I'll help you out, Nora,"
Eddie just nodded and jumped down from the chair. So, he was getting the projector ready, the girls were blocking one window, Stan the other and Bill was pining up the map of Derry. Richie was the only one who wasn't doing anything to help them set the room up.
Once Ben had arrived, Mike pulled down the door and they could get started. Ben waited for Bill to finish putting the map up and then handed him the slides of Old Derry. Once the projection was correctly aligned with the map, the group of youngsters sat down, except for Bill. He remained standing so that he could control the slides. And then there was Nora and Mike, who were neither standing nor sitting. They were leaning against the boxes stacked behind where Richie and Stan were sitting.
"Look," Bill pointed to the make-shift screen, "That's where G-g-georgie disappeared," Their eyes all found the markings he had made on the map, namely one that said 'Storm Drain'. It was only down the road from the very house in which they were sitting, "There's the ironworks, and The Black Spot," The boy continued, "Everywhere It happens, it's all connected by the sewers. And they all meet up at the-"
"The well-house!" Ben exclaimed.
"It's in the house on Neibolt Street," Stan said, looking around at the group.
"You mean that creepy ass house where all the junkies and hobos like to sleep?" Richie asked nonchalantly as Eddie quickly began hyperventilating and searching for his trusty inhaler.
"I hate that place," Beverly spoke just after the loud puff of his inhaler was heard, "It always feels like it's watching me,"
"That's where I saw it," Eddie's frightfully uneasy voice said, "That's where I saw the clown,"
"Th-th-th-that's where It lives," Bill's words just spurred Eddie into taking another rush of medication from his inhaler.
"I can't imagine anything ever wanting to live there," Stanley mumbled.
"Can we stop talking about this?" Eddie jumped up, blocking everyone's view of the map, "I-I-I-I can barely breathe. This is summer. We're kids. I can barely breathe- I'm about to have a fucking asthma attack!"
"Eddie, calm down!" Nora reached out to him, as some form of comfort. But the Kaspbrak boy quickly shook his head.
"No, I'm not doing this!" He tore the map down from its place.
"What the Hell? Put the map back," Bill said, not angry, just a little pissed off. Eddie just shook his head in refusal again, almost in sync with the slides that had began to change on their own volition. A sight most discomforting to all present. Particularly once the picture of Georgie Denbrough and his father came up in the projection, "What happened?" Bill looked down at the contraption below him in puzzlement. The machine just continued to show more family memories of the Denbroughs with their youngest son still alive, "What's going on?"
"I got it," Mike stepped forward to try and fix or switch off the projector. Eddie, Stan and Ben had moved well away from the wall at that point, "Guys," Nothing he was doing was getting the slides to stop. Then one photo showed up and showed up again and again over and over, but it moved. It altered slightly every time it showed up. It was an image of the four Denbroughs, happy as ever, but Bill's mother's face was obscured by her hair. Each time the slide moved on, it was moving closer in on Georgie's face.
"Bill?" Nora could hear Stan's voice but she couldn't tear her eyes from the projection. Once it had moved in close enough to Georgie, the slides began to focus on the masked face of Mrs. Denbrough. And this time around, her hair started to shift with every slide. Suddenly, the grotesque face of the clown emerge from the windswept hair in place of Mrs. Denbrough's. That's when they allowed fear to take ahold of them again.
"What the fuck?!" Richie yelled, "What the fuck is that?! What the fuck is that?!" He grabbed Eddie's arm, shaking him for answers that he obviously did not possess. Eddie yelled back words that were not words to the human ear, as far as Nora was concerned.
"Turn it off!" Bev just about managed to remain calm, outwardly anyway. But that only lasted a second, "Turn it off!" She shrieked when nobody responded. Mike rushed in from behind the group of cowering boys huddling together and kicked the projector, sending it to the ground and the slides scattered across the floor. The tilted image on the far wall of the garage was blurred and Stan was standing right next to it. But the projector didn't stop there. The next image was the clown, all distorted and up close. Nora felt almost catatonic. The entire situation was far too surreal for her to actually react to any of it. She could just about feel Richie's hands clinging to her torso. But the slides keep moving and the image of the clown got closer. Two, three slides later it had disappeared and the image was empty. A beat passed and next thing the clown was back, but jumping out of the projection. That's when Nora finally screamed. Stan sprinted what felt like a dangerous trek to join his friends. But the scattered once the enormous clown was bounding across the room on its knees. It was going for  Beverly. Bill managed to pull Ben out of the way, but it was going for Beverly who could only take some quick steps back till her back collided with the door to the garage. It's giant claw of a hand reached for the terrified girl, and just as she covered her face with her hands, the boys lifted the steel shutters up again, flooding the garage with light. Everyone was trying to breathe deeply, trying to rationalize what had happened. It wasn't much use. They were all terrified.
"Thanks, Ben," Beverly sighed with total relief before going to hug Bill.
"I think It saw us," Eddie's voice trembled as he went for another puff of his inhaler, "It saw us and it knows where we are,"
"I think It always knew," Nora said softly, barely able to hear her voice over her dense heartbeat.
"S-s-so let's go," Bill moved outside.
"Go? Go where?" Ben said it, but the entire group looked at him dumbfoundedly. Not Nora though, she wasn't looking at anyone.
"Neibolt," He answered strongly, "That's where G-g-g-georgie is,"
"After that?" Stan looked at him as if he were insane.
"Yeah.., it's summer," Richie voice was weak and lacked the usual enthusiasm he always had, "We should be outside,"
"If someone says it's summer one more f-fucking time," Bill grimaced. But he didn't finish his sentence, he didn't wait on anyone to speak up and got on his bike.
"Bill!" Beverly called after him, but he was already on his way, "Wait!"
"Fuck," Eddie whimpered to himself, knowing they would all have to follow suit.
"Nora," She didn't hear Richie the first couple of times, so he made contact with her properly, "Nora, you okay?"
"I.. um," She shook her head to try and wake herself up from such a messed up dream. If only it were a dream, "I'm fine, Rich, we better go after him before he dies or something,"
"Okay okay, move out!" He went back to annoying-ringleader-mode and lead the way to where the rest of them had left their bikes.
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aoibhs · 7 years
Chapter One 
Chapter Twenty-Two
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from The Riot Club/Posh, and all OCs were beautifully crafted by @club-riot
Poppy reached for the big brown book and her hand touched off someone else's, going for the same book. "Go ahead," Poppy whispered, then looked properly at the person and instantly regretted it. She had to be polite now that she committed to it at the start of a conversation. "Thanks," Lauren gave a small smile and selected the large art history book from the shelf. "No problem," Poppy said quickly and turned away, deciding on trying to find a PDF of the book online in order to get away from her as soon as possible. "You're Miles' friend, aren't you?" So much for that plan. "Yeah, I am," She just nodded. God, how she wanted to just be rude and walk away. That might impact her friendship with Miles, it was risky. "He talks about you, it's just nice to finally meet you," Lauren shrugged, hugging the book to her chest. "Likewise," She nodded. Was that it? Could she leave? "I didn't know you studied art history too," Ugh. "Fine art," Poppy corrected her, "I have a module in art history," "One of the big lectures?" There was a slight smirk on Lauren's face that said she had figured out why they had never met before. Well done, Lauren. "That's right," Poppy nodded again, glancing over at her desk, where Imogen was working on an assignment, her back to them. She'd never notice Poppy who was on the verge of praying for a way out. "We should get a coffee sometime," Lauren smiled, "I'd love to get to know some of Miles' friends better. I'm Lauren, by the way," Yeah, she knew that long before that, but anyway. "Poppy Kensington," She answered. "Like the place in London? Do you live there?" Poppy had to obtain an enormous amount of self-control so that she wouldn't automatically cringe at how annoying her accent was. "Yes and no," She pretended to chuckle and backed away, "This was really lovely, Lauren," No, it wasn't, "But I've got work I need ready for the end of the week," "I'll get Miles to give you the book when I'm done," Lauren chirped. "Thanks," She nearly ran but her self-control kicked in again. At this point, the PDF was her only friend now. She would have words with Imogen about facing the right direction to help her out of sticky situations in the future and Imogen would be dying to laugh at how ludicrous it was. Lauren Small wanted to be her friend. "Better you than me," She snorted, then looked across the table to see Elizabeth doodling instead of writing her essay on Chaucer, "Hey, Shaw," Her friend looked up, "Quit writing your name and Guy's name in a heart and get back to work, yeah?" "Yeah, Elizabeth Bellingfield," Poppy added. "I'm actually crossing out something someone else wrote on all my notebooks," She held up a notebook that had her own name scratched out and Elizabeth Leighton-Masters written quite crudely in large, bold letters all over the rest of its surface. "That's nearly as funny as Lauren," Imogen fanned her face as if that would stop her from giggling. That's when Poppy glared and poked her in the ribs with her pen, that got her to stop laughing. "Who would do this?" Elizabeth's feelings didn't exactly look hurt but she did looked bewildered. James wouldn't have done this himself, would he? "That would be me," Harry Villiers approached the table, sitting next to Elizabeth. "Why? And how did you even get these?" She held up her copies, still confused as ever. "Lizzy, this is out of your hands now," He touched her chin and sighed in a condescending tone that had Imogen in muted stitches again, "I'm here in need of your services," "We're working here, Villiers," Poppy gestured to her notes that lay scattered on the desk. "So am I," Harry pretended to look shocked by her comment, "I need some tips for my date with Honora," "Buy her expensive stuff," Imogen shrugged. "Well other than that," Harry smiled, knowing he had something under control. "Nice dinner and then go to a club," Poppy added her own shrug. "Let her pick the wine," Elizabeth said. "Yes. Definitely," Imogen pointed at in agreement. "Ah, wonderful," Harry grinned, satisfied with the advice he had received, "You all set up for your own date, Shaw?" Harry nudged her, smirking. "What?" "With Bellend," "I...um. Pardon?" "Wait, are you telling me he hasn't asked you?" Harry creased his eyebrows, becoming confused with her. "Was he supposed to?" "I mean," He spluttered a laugh then pretended to cough before the librarian caught his eye, "He was supposed to a month ago but here we are," "Well, I'm a married woman, Harry," She held up the notebook which he had written all over with a blank expression. "Oh come on," He grinned. "I won't believe anything unless he actually tells me himself," She shrugged, putting the notebook down again, beginning to draw hearts around some of the names. "Don't be like that, Lizzy," Harry sighed, leaning in closer so that she'd look at him, "I can't help it if he's being a pussy, I'm doing all I can to help you both," "How is this help?" She pointed her pen at the notebook of names again. "You need to broaden your mind to all the possibilities this'll give you," Harry raised his hands to his temples, flicking them outward. "Her brain can't register jealousy, Villiers," Poppy weighed in, "Our Elizabeth is too nice," "I'm not jealous of anyone," Elizabeth shrugged, going back to drawing hearts again. "Yeah but Guy is," Imogen shook her head. "No, he's not," "Are you really this blind?" Harry actually scoffed at that, "He's obsessed with you, Shaw and everyone knows it except you," "Don't be ridiculous, I'm not falling for that joke again," She began to pack up her notebooks. "Again?" Poppy looked at her, now curious and concerned. "My... My brothers, um," She sighed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, "They used to tell me their friends fancied me so that I'd try to get them to kiss me or whatever. I'm not that dim anymore though," "No you've just switched off your radar for any form of male affection for you," Imogen rolled her eyes. "We're not finished here," Harry stood up to leave, "Cheers for the tips,"
Chapter Twenty-Four
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aoibhs · 7 years
Chapter One 
Chapter Twenty-One
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from The Riot Club/Posh, and all OCs were beautifully crafted by @club-riot 
"It rained..," Dimitri sighed with audible disappointment. "You can't control the weather, mate," Guy said, "It's a worldly phenomenon, can't be explained," "The weather is irrelevant," Dimitri sighed again. "I'm just saying, it was better to leave it," Guy put out his hands in front of him in defense, "She could've caught a cold," "You could've caught Elizabeth!" Honora called as she made her way down the stairs, "But no, you decided to get coffee," "Well, actually that was her idea," He smiled, remembering the day. "That really doesn't surprise me," Honora rolled her eyes. "Well, mate... mates," Guy corrected himself as he got up from the table, "I have a great deal of work to do, so I will bid you adieu," "Toodle-loo," Honora waved, not even looking at him as she poured herself a cup of tea. Once he had left the apartment, Dimitri let out a long, exhausted sigh. "He's so thick, sometimes I wonder how he gets himself into these situations," He held his face in his hands, chuckling in disbelief. "Viva el presidenté," Honora winked at him. "Stop, he has no clue what he's doing," Dimitri got up, bringing his empty cup with him. "Neither does she," Honora shrugged. "Neither do you," He added, earning her attention. "What?" "What exactly are you and Villiers doing?" Dimitri was smirking, much to his cousin's annoyance. "Nothing," She answered all to quickly. "What about all the arm stroking and staring and Oh Honora, you're so pretty and Oh Honora, I want to fuck you," "Hey! He never said that, not that last one, no!" Honora looked as though she was about to attack him. "Does he really need to?" Dimitri chuckled, "You know what he's like," "Yeah, so does everyone," Honora shrugged. "Is that why?" "Why what?" "You're not doing anything," Dimitri shook his head, feeling he was putting words in her mouth for her. "Yeah,.. yeah, I suppose," She looking down with another shrug. "Have you seen him trying to get with anyone else in the club?" Dimitri had a certain look in his eyes, that said he was aware of something that she was not. Once that had registered to her head, Dimitri's lips broke into a dangerous smirk, "Or at all?" "What are you saying?" "I'm just going to leave that there," His smirk did not falter as he walked away. "Dimitri!" She followed him. "Yes?" He mimicked her tone, amused. "Has he said something to you?" "He has," "And?" "And what? He's my mate, we talk all the time," Dimitri laughed as if it were any other conversation. "Look, I've only kissed him five times, you know that's not a lot," She made a good argument but it wasn't enough to keep Dimitri from smirking. "Yes, but have you snogged anyone else since?" "Has he?" Her question was only greeted by a light chuckle before Dimitri tried to walk off again, "No, you have to tell me," "Why? Is he your boyfriend now?" Dimitri looked back at her as he walked to the stairs, "Keeping tabs, hmm?" "Shut up and tell me," "Which one? Do you want me to shut up or tell you?" "You're so annoying, you're like Guy and Elizabeth's nonexistent relationship," Honora ran a hand through her dark hair, getting frustrated. "I may be annoying but I'm in a relationship," He said in a tone that insinuated that he had automatically won the argument. "So? I can snog whoever I want, I don't care about Harry," Honora snorted, folding her arms. "Go on then, Bellend's apartment is around the corner," "I know," "Yeah go on then," "I will," Then there was a gap of silence. They stared at each other until Dimitri began smirking again. She wasn't moving. "Go on then, Honora," "I don't want to," She cringed slightly at the mere though of going to kiss Guy. "Thought so," Dimitri smiled to himself in his moment of self-justice. "Fuck off, that doesn't mean I like Harry," She rolled her eyes, "It just means I don't like Guy," Dimitri burst out laughing at that. "Alright, alright," He took a step towards her again as he breathed the laughter out his system, "I will tell you that Villiers hasn't been with anyone since you snogged him and he's been asking me questions about you constantly but you didn't hear that from me," He paused then added, "You heard it from Guy," "What sort of questions?" She asked straight away, not giving herself a chance to laugh at the blame being put of Guy. "Just basic information really," Her cousin shrugged, "Favourite food, favourite brand, favourite colour. Stupid questions really," "So nothing personal?" "Not really, only whether or not your parents would be arranging your marriage or not," Dimitri shrugged again, earning himself a slap on the shoulder. "That's not funny," "I'm serious," He laughed, "He genuinely asked me that one night," "What did you say?" Honora's eyes widened at the thought that Dimitri could've made up something about her. "I told him no," He shook his head, still smiling, "I told him you'd go out with whomever you wanted," "Good," She nodded, turning around to sit back down at the table again. "I could've made up a long winded story about your engagement to a Greek farmer called Stavros but I didn't have time to text and ask you," He smirked slightly. She just laughed a little, then they were quiet. "So, Elizabeth finally admit it," Honora said after a minute, "Not that she needed to," "It's something," Dimitri rubbed his eye tiredly, "They'll get together, if it's the last thing I do, they'll get together," "What are you going to do for Guy?" "I'm not doing anything for Guy," Dimitri scoffed, "I'm doing it for me. Have you any idea how hilariously infuriating he's become since he met her?" "It's likes they're scared of each other," Honora shook her head, not understanding how they hadn't made any sort of move yet, "But what are you going to do?" "I'm not sure yet but it'll be something," Dimitri turned back to walk out again, "I might have a private meeting with Leighton and see if we can move his project along a bit," "Alright then," She chuckled, "Anything else I should know about Villiers?" "Ah yes," Dimitri looked over his shoulder just as he was about to ascend the staircase, "He wants to take you out on Friday night,"
Chapter Twenty-Three
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aoibhs · 7 years
Tea Party
Chapter One
Chapter Twenty
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from The Riot Club/Posh, and all OCs were beautifully crafted by @club-riot 
"Thanks for coming over," Sunniva smiled, "We need to get discussing the plan for the club dinner," "Ah! Finally," Victoria basically cheered. "So, New Year's day?" Poppy smiled. "We'll be so hungover," Louisa looked at her as if she were crazy. "I'll be in Cambridge for all the holidays," Elizabeth added with a sad shrug. "Not if there's a club dinner," Tamsin warned her. "Well, when is the boy's dinner?" Imogen asked. "December 6th, the first Saturday of the month," Sunniva tapped her pen against her notes. "Should we wait till after the holidays?" Josephine got up and looked at the calendar Sunniva had pinned on the neat notice board. "We'll have to if little miss Cambridge is going home," Meredith snorted. "Don't you have a castle to go back to?" Poppy raised an eyebrow, picking up her cup again from its saucer. "What about the first weekend after the holidays?" Josephine pointed to the calendar. "That could work," Tamsin nodded. "Yeah, everyone will need a lift after college starts again," Poppy chirped. "Ours is going to be so much better than theirs!" Victoria beamed into her cup of tea at the thought of out besting the boys. "I'll drink to that," Tamsin raised her cup. "Here here," Louisa followed suit. "Okay," Sunniva scribbled some notes on the paper in front if her, "So, any preference regarding venue?" "The Belfry?" Imogen suggested. "Don't be ridiculous," Meredith gave her a funny look, "We've already eaten there," "She's got a point," Josephine made her way back to the soft red sofa, "Shouldn't we make our mark somewhere else?" "Would anyone be opposed to dining outside of Oxfordshire?" Sunniva tapped her pen of the paper again, looking to the group for opinions. "If it's worth it," Honora shrugged. "Yeah, not some pub in Kidsbury," Elizabeth joked. "Hehe.. What?" Imogen tilted her head. "That's disgusting, Elizabeth," Meredith looked so shocked she was only short of gasping. "What on Earth made you say Kidsbury?" Tamsin scoffed, brushing some imaginary dust from her floral skirt. "...It just popped into my head," Elizabeth gulped and shook her head. "Oh yeah?" Poppy already started smirking. "That's right," Such an epic fail. Her voice creaked slightly. It was awful. "Okay, what's in a pub in Kidsbury?" Sunniva sighed, grinning. "I didn't mean to, I'm talking nonsense," "Elizabeth, I think we know what's best for you," Tamsin leaned over to touch her hand. "Guy Bellingfield! That's it, isn't it?" Poppy basically hopped up and down. "What?" She sounded far too unsure to be convincing. No one said anything. They all just started at her with knowing smirks and smiles, "I.. may have hung out with him on Tuesday after class," "Oh my Gosh!" Imogen's drawn out vowels was only one of the outbursts from the room. "Tell me everything!" Elizabeth was surprised Poppy didn't just leap onto her lap. "He just asked me to go for a walk and then he got this phone call from some gastro-pub and went on about this thing called a ten bird roast... Why are you all smiling like that? Nothing happened between us," "We'll come back to you and Guy, don't you worry," Tamsin chuckled. "But I think you just told us where the Riot boys are having their dinner," Honora had a smile on her face that said she could burst out laughing at any time. Elizabeth looked at all their knowing grinning at after a moment of sinking dread, she squeezed her eyes shut, cringing. "Oh God!" She hit herself on the cheek a few times as the others laughed, "You won't tell anyone, will you? He'll kill me!" "Ha!" Tamsin rolled her eyes. "I'm serious, I don't want him to hate me..," She trailed off a little, knowing that by the time she had finished, it was too late to take it back. "Now why's that?" Victoria looked at her with amusement. It wasn't a real question. "I think you all know why," Elizabeth went to pick up her cup but her hand was shaking so much she just gave up. "So you admit it?" Louisa had leaned forward slightly. "She never really had to," Honora sniggered. "Yeah, I admit it," Elizabeth had to restrain herself from letting out a little huff. She didn't want to look like an angry child. "Well, it only took you three months," Sunniva winked at her, handing her the cup of tea herself since she had stopped herself. "I don't think you have anything to worry about," Josephine giggled a bit. "Yeah, he'd do anything for you that didn't absolutely terrify him," Poppy added. "Unless the boys bullied him into it by saying it would make him look like a better president than Leighton," Louisa finished. "Here here," Honora raised her cup. "So, gowns then?" Sunniva grinned, reminding them all why they were there, "I am unopposed to everyone having different styles as long as we're all in the same colour," "When do designs have to be discussed with the tailor?" Meredith asked. "Early December at the latest but as soon as possible really," Sunniva nodded, looking back down at her notes, "People get stuff ordered in for Christmas and I don't want to be presumptuous," "We're everyone's priority though, aren't we?" Louisa smirked. "I think we should have the same skirt, but maybe a differently styled neckline," Poppy suggested, Sunniva immediately writing it all down, "But you should have a longer skirt, like a proper gown"
"Me?" Sunniva pointed to herself. "Well, you're the president," Imogen shrugged, smiling, "You're like royalty," "Yeah no, sorry but Meredith lives in a castle," Sunniva laughed, "She's the one true princess here," "Thank you, de Saint Claire," Meredith nodded in respect, sipping at her tea with pride. "What?" Elizabeth looked at Poppy who was grinning at her like some madwoman. "You admitted it!!" Poppy clapped her hands with pure joy. "Has nobody else updated their romantic status since Tamitri?" Victoria asked as though it were a genuine question. "Tamitri, who made that up? That's incredible," Tamsin seemed to be actually impressed by that. "No more gossip then?" Josephine looked up from her tea with hope. They were silent but then they noticed how Poppy was glancing at Imogen in a funny way. "Charmount, have you something to tell us?" Honora already felt the corners of her lips twitching into a smirk. "I snogged Toby in your garden last Saturday!" She blurted out suddenly. "Ah well, its got nothing on Kidsbury now, does it?" Louisa shrugged casually, the stares returning to the one, embarrassed, Elizabeth Shaw.
Chapter Twenty-Two
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aoibhs · 7 years
Chapter One 
Chapter Nineteen
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from The Riot Club/Posh, and all OCs were beautifully crafted by @club-riot
"Stop pushing me!" Guy whined as Ed and Toby poked and prodded him. "Get a move on, Bellend," Toby shoved him through the corridor. "This is totally unnecessary," Guy's argument was pointless. He had lost before he even started. "Bellingfield," Dimitri started, lazily following them, "We're getting tired of watching this go on and on," "Just because you've got a girlfriend you think you can order me around," Guy pointed at his best friend melodramatically. "Oh please, he's been doing that for years," Ed giggled, giving Guy another push. "Look, stop that," His demands fell on deaf ears. "She should be out of class in a few minutes," Dimitri looked at his watch, "Just wait here until she comes out, "She'll think I'm stalking her!" Guy did his best to reason with them but they really didn't care. "She doesn't care," Toby just shrugged. "We'll leave you here then," Ed grinned. "On my own?" "Yes," Dimitri nodded. "But-" "You'll be twenty in a few months, man up," Toby snorted. "This is different!" "No, you're being ridiculous," Dimitri sighed, the three of them backing away. "I don't know what to say!" Guy called after them. "You'll work it out," Dimitri waved just before the disappeared around the corner. Guy sighed and sat down on the bench at the exact moment the doors to the lecture theatre burst open. From the sudden noise, Guy jumped up again from the bench and stood there awkwardly as all the English students poured from the theatre. He waited there, trying to look as natural as possible but instead gained some funny looks from the first years. Then he saw her, about to head down the corridor. "Elizabeth!" He went after her, since she didn't notice him waiting. "Oh! Jesus, Guy!" She laughed, her hand clamped over her heart as if it would leap out of her chest. "Did I scare you?" "Oh yes, you're very scary altogether," She rolled her eyes, "What're you doing here?" "..What am I doing here?" "Yes, what are you doing here?" "Well, Elizabeth..," His posture went strange, almost fluid, in his nerves, a hand going up and down from his hip, "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the park?" "I would like to go to the park, I've got a few hours to kill until rehearsals," She checked the time on her phone and then put it back in her pocket before looking up at him and smiling, "Let's go," "Really?" "Yeah, come on," She laughed, already on her way out of the building. "Wait for me, hang on," He ran after her, even though she wasn't all that far ahead of him. "Don't you have anything else today?" She asked him. "No, I only had one lecture this morning," He grinned at her. "You weren't waiting for me that entire time were you?" Her face fell, "God, you must've been bored out of your skull," "Oh no, I was with Dimitri for a while," He assured her, "And now I'm with you," "So what was your lecture on?" She reached up to tuck a longer strand of her fringe behind her ear. "Oh, um, imperialism," He only hesitated because he was surprised she was interested at all. "Oh cool," She nodded, "That sounds fascinating," "Well, not always. We've got this massive essay to write for next week and a group presentation to do and everyone in my class is ruddy useless, let alone my group..," He trailed off, noticing that she was actually paying attention, listening to his complaints. "At least your group has you, eh?" That comment and small smile of hers drove Guy to let out the most inhuman of nervous giggles. "Stop," He rubbed the back of his head, trying to hide his growing nerves. "I love the University Parks," The brunette smiled, looking around at all the greenery. "Do you come here often?" "No, I usually just go to the library during my breaks," She shook her head. "Has anyone ever told you that you're only a first year?" Guy folded his arms and smirked at her. "James did and got me to go for drinks with him," Elizabeth chuckled, fond of the memories from the previous month. "He's a bit old for you, isn't he?" He looked over to the empty cricket pitch. "He's only the same age as my brother," Elizabeth spluttered a laugh, "James is just a good friend, no need to get all protective," She spotted a bench near the pitch, walking ahead to sit down. "Am I protective like your brothers?" Guy walked quicker to catch up with her, he just ended up looking overeager. "You think you're like a brother?" She wasn't entirely sure where this was going. "I'll take that as a no," There was a significant trace of smugness in his face as he sat down next to her. "My brothers are too busy in Cambridge to be protective," She laughed, "You're not in Cambridge so you're already a different story," "Good," Guy nodded, a slight smile growing on his lips. She looked at him, at that smile, at his lips. She wondered what he was thinking. She impulsively was about to ask him that but his phone began to ring just as she opened her mouth, "Sorry," "No, go ahead," She looked at her hands. "Hello, Guy Bellingfield," He answered his phone, "Oh, is this The Bull's Head in Kidsbury? Excellent! I've been expecting your call," Elizabeth smiled to herself at how enthusiastic he was, "Yes I did have a special request for the mains," He nudged her shoulder and held up his index finger, to tell her that he'd only be a moment, "No, no, a ten bird roast.. No, no, ten.. Yes, ten." He nodded a few times as he spoke, pursing his lips. Elizabeth could tell this was something important to him, "Call again during official business hours if you have any inquiries," Then he hung up. "Official business hours?" Elizabeth grinned, "You're either prestigious or pretentious," "I'm great president material, excuse you," He grinned back. Only then did Elizabeth notice how close they were sitting together. It made her pulse go that bit quicker. He noticed her change in expression and smirked. He leaned in closer, as if he was going to whisper something to her. Just then there was a loud rumble from the sky and it began lashing rain as if on cue. "Oh! Oh dear," Elizabeth tried to cover herself up as much she could, but a dress and cardigan were no match for English weather. "Here," Guy took off his coat and draped it over her head and shoulders, "Come on!" He grabbed her by the hand and they ran through the park. "Shall we go get some coffee?" Elizabeth nearly had to yell over the heavy rain. Guy just laughed as they sprinted. "Yes, please!"
Chapter Twenty-One
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aoibhs · 7 years
Chapter One 
Chapter Eighteen
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from The Riot Club/Posh, and all OCs were beautifully crafted by @club-riot
"Rise and shine!" Toby clapped his hands several times until everyone was awake. Honora rubbed the sleep from her eyes and yawned. She had overslept. She was usually awake far earlier than ten in the morning. She went to rub her eyes again and realized she was restricted. Then the weight against her shoulder and back registered to her head. "Morning dearest," A groggy male voice peered over her shoulder. Honora looked down to see he was hugging her. She turned her head to see a shirtless Harry Villiers smirking down at her. "Get off!" She pushed his arms off her and sat up on the floor, flustered. If there weren't so many others around or if she were drinking, she definitely wouldn't have pushed him away. She didn't realize how cold the room was until she lost the contact with his warm chest. She'd never admit it out loud though. "Elizabeth's not waking up," Guy looked at the sleeping girl hesitantly. "Just wait till her alarm goes off, you could hit that girl with a chair and she wouldn't wake up," Poppy laughed, "She'll wake up when she wants," "Come on, I smell toast and I am hungry!" Ed looked as though he was about to jump down the staircase with eagerness. "Calm down, calm down," George patted his shoulder lightly. They made their way downstairs, Harry rebuttoning his shirt as they went, leaving the ones who were still asleep in their unconscious states. "Oh! You're all up!" Elena excitedly chirped from the massive breakfast table. "You look so awake," Miles marvelled at her energy. "I really love the morning," Elena basically yelled. "Mum, inside voices please," Honora sat down at the table, pouring herself some juice. "You little shit," Elena smirked as she buttered her toast, "There's fruit and toast and croissants, feel free to coffee and juice," "And Greek yogurt?" Guy smirked, waiting for a laugh. "Yes actually, right there," Elena nodded, pointing to a tray on the table. Guy awkwardly felt obligated to take one then, having mentioned it. He really brought it on himself. "Thank you for letting us all stay here," Poppy smiled at Elena, picking at a croissant. "Oh it's nothing. I'm glad to have you here," She smiled back. "Where's your dad?" Harry asked Honora. "Working," She said, "He and my uncle, Dimitri's dad, work together, he only comes home for big events," "A charity dinner isn't a big event?" Imogen shot her a sad look. "Dear, we're very grateful for all the work he does for us and the business," Elena cut in before Honora could say anything, "He makes his time off count, he's always here when it matters," "She organized the entire dinner alone," Honora looked at her mother with a small smile. "Now hang on," Dimitri raised his hand, "What about my mother?" "Your mum bought the Greek yogurts," Guy stated as he ate said yogurt. "Yes, Sophia was very good to order those in," Elena nodded, taking everything so seriously, "I knew you kids would like them," Just then the remaining members of the group dawdled down the stairs, still sleepy looking, particularly Elizabeth. "Ah you're awake," George grinned as they sat down at the table. "Elizabeth's alarm went off, scared the shit out of me," James laughed. "I said sorry," She pretended it was a life or death situation, something that made him laugh more. "Morning," Dimitri greeted Tamsin who sat next to him. "Morning," She smirked, kissing his cheek. "Get a room," Toby snorted. "Uh, this is a room," Dimitri rolled his eyes as he and Tamsin intertwined each others fingers. "It's a room in my house and I support my nephew's choices," Elena dabbed a napkin over her lips and got up from her chair, "Tamsin comes from a fine family, they may behave as they please," She touched Dimitri's shoulder as she left the room. "My family is fine," Tamsin beamed with clear smugness. "What is the plan for today?" James asked as he grabbed an apple for himself. "We get dressed," Ed almost immediately answered. "Yes, Ed, well done," James nodded, "I mean, do you need us to go at a certain time, Honora?" "I can stay as long as you like," Harry touched her arm as he spoke, sending shivers jolting up her spine. "I say we go for a walk," George spoke up, shoveling bacon and toast into his mouth as if it were his job. "Splendid," Miles nodded in agreement, "It's a lovely area," "Okay so, we're eating breakfast, getting dressed and then going walking?" Toby summed up. "But how can we?" Imogen looked genuinely concerned, "I don't have the appropriate footwear," "You're already wearing my pajamas, I'll lend you some boots," Honora shook her head. "Can you pass me the coffee please?" Elizabeth turned to Guy and asked. "Yeah, sure," He put the yogurt down and it fell on its side and he tried to put it up again but it fell over from the weight of the spoon. "Here, Lizzy," Dimitri handed her the glass jug of hot coffee, fed up of watching Guy failing to complete a simple request. "Thank you," She smiled, somewhat weakly, pouring herself a cup of the piping hot beverage. "You alright, Lizzy?" Toby asked her. "Just tired," She replied, "I didn't get much sleep," "Did you not bring your-?" "I didn't think I'd need to," Elizabeth stopped Poppy from asking her question. She already knew what she was going to ask, "It's a simple mistake on my behalf but some caffeine should fix me right up," "Sorry, what's this?" Alistair looked at her with mild interest. "They're just...," Elizabeth trailed off, noticing how everyone was paying attention to her. Guy's eyes were glued to her, unblinking, "Um.. They're just tablets that help me sleep. I left them in my dorm," "Ah, an insomniac," Alistair nodded, reaching for his juice. "It's normal," Elizabeth shrugged it off, acting like the blush on her face wasn't there and growing. "It is you know, my mum is one too," Ed pointed at her. Toby scoffed and Ed looked at him funny, "What?" "Since when is your mum normal?"
Chapter Twenty
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aoibhs · 7 years
Chapter One 
Chapter Seventeen
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from The Riot Club/Posh, and all OCs were beautifully crafted by @club-riot
"Why did that Hugo fellow leave?" Elena asked, carrying pillows and a blanket in both her arms, leading the group of youngsters upstairs to a large lounge. "He has college tomorrow morning," Louisa told her, a few pillows under her arms. "It's a Friday night," Elena shot her a confused look. "Only Hugo would be in university on a Saturday morning," Poppy chuckled, skipping a few steps ahead to open the door for Elena. "Is everyone else staying the night too?" Elizabeth asked as they poured into the lounge. "What? Oh no. No no no no no," Elena laughed, shaking her heads, "It's just a long way back for you kids to trek back to Oxford at this time of night, and it'll be good for the house to have some youth to liven up the place," "I'm lively," Imogen grinned, pleased with herself. "Make way! Make way!" Guy yelled as he and Ed barged into the room with a duvet draped over their heads. "Are we all in here then?" Harry had a great look of smugness in his smirk, "Together?" "Yes, I thought it'd be cozy," Elena said with a warm smile. "Nice," Louisa rolled her eyes at her enthusiasm. "I'll be over in the East wing if you need me," She said, placing the pillows and the blanket on the couch nearest to the door and then leaving the fifteen youngsters alone. "Well, isn't this nice?" Alistair looked around at everyone. "We're getting changed," Honora gestured to the door, "Come on, ladies," The six girls trotted out of the room and down a flight of stairs, to Honora's room where they quickly changed into their various sets of expensive pajamas. Most of them were Honora's. Louisa was the only one who was aware that she would be spending the night. She was well used to Elena springing surprise sleepovers on them. "What are you doing?" Dimitri looked at Miles who was kneeling in front of the fireplace. "Lighting the fire," He answered, placing wood and coal inside it, "Has anyone got a light?" "Mate, they've got people here who can do that for us," Harry laughed, handing him a lighter. Miles just shrugged and lit the fire, getting up and collapsing on one of the couches once he was finished. "Oh well, can't complain. It's a lot warmer now," James rubbed his hands together to warm them up before taking off his suit jacket and laying back against the back of the red leather couch. "So, you and Tamsin then?" Ed looked at Dimitri mischievously. "What was your first fucking clue?" Dimitri rolled his eyes but laughed at the obvious question. "They only spent half the night snogging," Guy snorted to himself in amusement. "At least I got my girl to snog me," Dimitri smirked at his best friend, knowingly. The rest of the boys laughing or joining in with Ooohs. "Now hang on a moment-" "We can get Leighton to do it for you if it's too difficult for you, Bellend," Harry cut him off with a proposal that gained more laughter. "It's all a part of my plan," Guy said, the signature awkward smile growing on his face. "Well we know that's not going ahead," Alistair smirked. Guy just huffed, not able to think of any words for recovery. Then the door swung open again and the six girls came back in. Honora was the only one with anything over her pajamas, her pink silk robe. "What're you boys chatting about?" Tamsin made her way over to Dimitri. He automatically put his arm around her once she had sat next to him. "Just the difficulties of marriage," James said casually as Poppy and Elizabeth sat on the couch next to him. Everyone was trying to mute chuckles while Guy just rolled his eyes, staring into the fire, moody. "Is there something going on with your parents?" Elizabeth asked him, genuinely worried and genuinely not getting his joke. "No, but oh my God, you're so sweet. Come here," He hugged her, "All is fine," "Good," She smiled. They had stopped hugging but James lazily left arm around her waist. "Is Milo already asleep?" Imogen looked up at him from the floor. His eyes were closed, his breathing even, he was unresponsive to a comment that addressed him. Yeah, he was fast asleep. "Yeah, he's gone," Ed laughed, looking at Miles very closely, poking him a few times just to be sure. "I don't think I would've been able to handle anymore pointless sentences about Lauren," Poppy pretended to swoon from the thought of her. "We could just cut his tongue out," Alistair said as if it were normal. Poppy went into a laughing fit. As did Harry and Toby. Everyone else looked at each other weirdly, unsure if Alistair was genuinely planning on violence. Guy felt something nudging his arm then and looked over to see George nodding towards Elizabeth and James. Guy just shook his head and went back to staring at the fire. George just nudged him again. "Go," He mouthed to him. Guy rolled his eyes and got up from the duvet covered floor, approaching them on the couch. "Hey," Elizabeth looked at him, smiling. "Hi," He sat down beside her, hoping that everyone else was too busy talking amongst themselves to care. He asked a few stupid questions, just conversation starters. He asked her how she was, if she enjoyed the evening, if the pajamas were Honora's. Toby was rolling around on the floor, giggling to himself. Which caught everyone's attention. At the same time, nobody was surprised. "Excuse me," James removed his hand from Elizabeth's waist and got up, going over to Toby and forcing him to take his suit jacket off, "This is really difficult to get stains out of," "Are you saying my floor is dirty?" Honora looked at him, her back leaning against the couch on which Dimitri and Tamsin had gone back to kissing on. "It will be by the morning," Harry grinned, sitting next to her. "Fuck off, Villiers," She shoved him over on his side, him laughing like a child. "I've got a room like this in my house," Guy said to Elizabeth, ignoring the other conversations. "Same, I think most of us do," Elizabeth nodded, chuckling slightly. "Ah, well my house is so old, you wouldn't believe how old it is," Guy shook his head not-so-humbly. "When was it built?" She asked, knowing that he just wanted to brag but also genuinely interested. Her family were very into heritage and history. She had been raised to ask questions like that. "1699," Guy answered proudly, "What about yours?" He was preparing himself to say that it didn't matter if her house wasn't as old, that we couldn't have it all. "In between 1333 and 1336," Elizabeth answered, "We can't be one hundred percent sure," "..Ah,"
Chapter Nineteen
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aoibhs · 7 years
Patrick! She's not your real Nana!
How is it that I can drink vodka no problemo but white wine has somehow ruined me? 
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aoibhs · 7 years
She jumped slightly, almost falling over the ledge, "No worries, I can go if you like," She went to get up from the ground.
Evie sat alone by the quarry, letting her legs dangle limply over the ledge. She was considering jumping into the water beneath her.
The sound of clattering metal filled the air. Richie Tozier had tossed his bike roughly upon the ground and now was trotting up to the ledge. “Oh shit! Didn’t think anyone else would be here.”
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aoibhs · 7 years
Crossing Territories
Chapter One
Chapter Ten
"Are you... are you wearing platforms?" Beverly looked at Nora's feet as soon as she snuck out of her apartment. She was the only one who had noticed so far. None of the boys had thought of it.
"They were my mom's from the seventies," Nora said proudly, flexing her ankle to show off the shoe without getting off Stan's bike.
"Are you making all this effort for me, Sheridan?" Richie placed a hand over his heart.
"Speak for yourself," Nora snorted in response, "You're wearing so much cologne, I can barely breathe,"
"Come on, let's go meet Mike," Beverly said between laughs, mounting her own bike.
"I think I should turn back, my mom could wake up at anytime," Eddie spoke but his words were next to unheeded.
Mike was on his bike, waiting outside the butcher shop. He was pretty excited about the night ahead, so they didn't waste any time and the gang headed straight for West Broadway, where Marcia Fadden lived. That's where all the rich people of Derry lived. None of their so-called Losers Club lived there.
"Okay, stick together and make sure he doesn't die," Nora pointed at Eddie, getting off the bike.
"This was your idea!" He would've shrieked if there weren't so many other teenagers hanging about. A few of them found empty seats in the living room, Beverly chose to stay outside for a smoke before settling down. As if by routine, Nora headed for the kitchen for a drink.
"There she is!" She was engulfed in a bear-hug before she could even find an empty cup, "Our honorary gang member,"
"Belch, put her down," Vic appeared at the doorway.
"Hello boys," She attempted her most charming smile after Belch had set her back on her feet, "How are you both on this fine evening?"
"Better now," Belch grinned at her, leaning against the counter.
"Seriously dude, just go," Vic shook his blonde head at his best friend, who sighed, rolled his eyes and begrudgingly left the kitchen.
"He seems to have taken a liking to me," Nora joked, turning back to the table to fill herself a cup full of soda.
"Well, you're one of us, right?"
"..What?" Nora turned back around, "What does Henry think about this?"
"You can ask him yourself, he's upstairs," Vic nodded his head to the floorboards above his head.
"Vic, I like you and Belch but Henry scares me," She lowered her voice, "I want to be your friend, not his,"
"He won't hurt you," He placed a hand over hers. His pale fingers were trembling.
"He will as long as I'm with my friends,"
"We're your friends, aren't we, Nora?"
"I don't know, Vic," Her face held no expression but her heart was racing, "I did throw a rock at your face,"
"I don't care about that," Both his hands went to her upper arms, holding her there.
"...I need to bring my friends some drinks," She nodded, more to herself than anyone else, "They're waiting on me,"
"You brought them?" His eyes hardened, "Why would you bring them here?"
"You wanted me to come," She shrugged, pouring a few extra cups of soda and carefully adding a dash of vodka to one of them.
"I wanted you to come alone," He said, almost with desperation.
"But I didn't," She said nonchalantly before walking out of the kitchen. Of course, someone had followed her after she took far too long and was watching her from the doorway to the living room.
"Why were you talking to him?"
"Not now, Richie," She shook her head, handing him a cup, "Sorry I took so long guys," She plastered her face with an apologetic smile, handing everyone their drinks.
"Are you sure this is sanitary?" Eddie looked at the plastic cup with mild disgust, "You know reusable cups-"
"Drink!" Beverly leaned in to tipped the cup to his mouth.
"Gah! That tastes horrible!" Eddie hissed, squeezing his eyes shut.
"Shit! That one's mine," Nora gasped, switching cups with him. Beverly and Mike were already laughing, seeing what had happened.
"There's vodka here?" Beverly looked towards the kitchen in interest.
"You gave me vodka?!" Eddie looked at her in horror, "Do you understand what kind of damage you might've done to my liver?!"
"It was an accident," Nora rolled her eyes, taking Beverly by the hand and leading her to the kitchen.
"This whole night is clearly just an 'accident' to you, Nora!" Eddie huffed.
"I think you were an accident, Eds," Richie ruffled his hair while staring after the two girls who were already pouring more drink for themselves.
"Look who's here?" Unbeknowst to them, Henry had come down the stairs and was now in the kitchen, grinning at the girls, "If it isn't my two favourite sluts,"
"Hello Bowers," Nora gave him a bitter smile, acting like he was just any other person. But Henry Bowers would hardly like that, would he?
"What you both did," He grabbed her wrist, causing her to drop her cup, "Back at the river," Nora was partially only worried that Marcia hadn't even invited her and she had already dropped vodka on the floor, "That wasn't very nice, girls. Don't think just because you're girls that I won't hit ya,"
"Henry-" Beverly started.
"You won't touch her," Nora said as calmly as she could. Beverly looked at her in slight horror. What was she doing?
"What's stopping me?" He raised an eyebrow and lunged an arms towards Beverly's throat. Nora was quick though and intercepted, taking ahold of his hand and swiftly leaning in to kiss him. With whatever free hand she had, she pushed Beverly towards the door and then she shoved Henry back before the moment to do so had passed.
"Me," She answered his question before running out the door with her ginger friend.
"We have to go now," Beverly pulled Richie off of the couch.
"We've been here five minutes," Mike looked up, disappointment evident in his eyes.
"Bowers," Nora gasped, completely out of breath. The fact that she had actually kissed Henry Bowers hadn't caught up with her yet.
"Shit, I knew this was a bad idea," Eddie got up, he and Richie pulling Stan towards the front door. They quickly got back on their bikes.
"Happy 4th of freakin' July," Nora laughed as she retook her spot on the back of Stanley's bike.
"Not anymore," Richie looked up as a burst of fireworks went off. Colours spreading across the black sky. It must've been midnight.
"I can't believe you did that," Beverly looked over at her.
"Yeah, I saw that too," Richie mumbled while sending Nora suspicious looks.
"What'd she do?" Mike smirked over at the brunette. The group was just getting out of West Broadway. With hope, Henry wouldn't make Belch drive after them.
"Henry cornered us and she went and kissed him to distract him," Beverly was giggling just by saying.
"You did what?!" Stan nearly went flying over the handlebars, he had pulled the brakes so abruptly.
"I did it for love!" Nora gestured to Beverly dramatically, helping her feel a little less embarrassed.
"He would've pummeled us if she didn't," Beverly grinned at her friend as Stan began to cycle once more.
"Rinse out your mouth with some mouthwash when you get home," Richie joked.
"Yeah, you don't know where he's been," Eddie chimed in. Laughing, the group kept on going. Mike parted ways with them first, going back to his granddad's. Beverly was next. They all waited outside, making sure she was okay climbing back up the balcony on her own. Once they were sure that her dad hadn't noticed, they planned on getting Eddie back to bed without his mother waking up. It was as surprisingly easy as getting him out of his house. Soon, it was just Richie, Nora and Stan.
"What was it like?" Stanley asked her after a long silence.
"What was what like?"
"Kissing Bowers!" Richie said.
"I didn't feel anything of importance," She shrugged with a slight scoff, "I just needed to get Bev out of the room,"
"The most honourable of sacrifices," Richie burst into what sounded like a terrible English accent.
"Go home, Richard," Stan rolled his eyes as the Tozier boy turned in at his junction.
"Later homies!"
"You really didn't think he was a good kisser?"
"Stan..," The girl laughed at his curiosity, "I literally kissed him for half a second, rating his kissing skills was not my priority,"
"Right,.. yeah, of course," He shook his head of curly hair and pulled in outside her house.
"Thanks for the ride," She smiled, getting off the bike, "See you tomorrow, yeah?"
"Tomorrow," He nodded. And he came back the next day to find that she wasn't there. Obviously that was odd. She said she would be there. But then her parents' car pulled up at the garage, with Nora in the back with her circular sunglasses over her eyes. And wearing a pretty dress.
"Hey!" She got out of the car and went over to him, "Sorry, I know I'm late. I completely forgot that my mom had plans for us to go for brunch with my aunt and uncle,"
"Don't worry about it," Stan just nodded, not knowing what else to do.
"Mom, Dad, this is Stan, he's one of Beverly's friends," She turned back to her parents.
"So this is the earnest young man who's been giving you lifts everyday," Joan Sheridan smirked at them both. But that's what Nora did too.
"Who's Beverly again?" Rob looked to his wife, not a little befuddled.
"We'll be inside, come in Stan," Joan smiled at the boy after an eye-roll to her husband.
"Please never call me earnest," He muttered to Nora who simply giggled.
"Just give me a few minutes, I need to change out of this thing," She said rushing upstairs.Stan nodded, nervously looking around the neat house. Everything was very clean looking. It was a nice house, undoubtedly.
"Now, Stanley," Rob Sheridan sat down at the kitchen table and folded his hands together in front of him, "What are your intentions with my daughter?"
"..Oh God,"
Chapter Twelve
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aoibhs · 7 years
Chapter One
Chapter Nine
Milkshakes and burgers calmed them down a little. Of course, it didn't stop Bill from bringing it up, but most of the others carried on as if they were having fun, as if it were a regular summer outing for them all. They all knew that feeling would go away. They had all agreed to look at the maps of Derry at Bill's house the following day. Until then, the group needed a break from it all.
"What're you doing tonight?" Richie asked Nora, a silly grin on his face.
"I'm not sure yet," She took a moment to think about it, "I might be going to another party, but I have no idea where it's going to be," She finished with a laugh.
"Another?" Beverly partially looked shocked and confused but her lips still held a teasing smirk, "Have you been busier this summer than you're letting on?"
"I mean,.. yeah?" Nora shrugged the most awkward shrug ever, "But I'm older than you so it's okay,"
"Haha, very funny," Eddie rolled his eyes, "If my mom knew I was at a party, she'd have a fucking stroke,"
"What if she doesn't know?" Nora looked at him and then at Beverly, who began to smirk that bit more.
"What do you mean by that?" The boy noticed straight away, looking frantically between the two girls.
"Oh, I am so down for this!" Richie exclaimed, hands up in midair to signify that he was counting himself in.
"We'll get you home early, we swear," Nora shook her head innocently and bat her eyelids at the boy in question.
"Please have my children,"
"Okay, just shut up, Richie," Eddie snapped, clearly catching on to what they had begun to plan, whether he wanted them to or not, "No way. Not happening. Not a chance."
"My parents know I'm going out already. Other than Eddie, is there anyone else who has strict parents concerning the curfew," Nora looked around the table, genuinely acting on the fleeting joke that wasn't so fleeting anymore.
"Probably mine, I guess," Stan raised his hand, "I should be studying,"
"Do some when you get back home and ask them if you can stay at Bill's tonight," Nora shrugged, "If it comes to it, any one of you can stay at my house. My parents won't mind,"
"My parents probably won't notice I'm gone so I'll be fine," Richie grinned a little too much for the words he spoke.
"..We'll circle back to that, but anyone else? Mike? Ben?" The girl smiled over at them.
"I can try but my mom probably wants me at home," Ben said sadly, "Since I was out all day, she'll want some quality time with me. Sorry guys,"
"No worries," Beverly gave him a smile that made him look like he forgot how to speak English.
"I can probably go, as long as I'm in for work at my granddad's tomorrow morning, he won't mind," Mike nodded.
"Beverly? What about you?"
"I'll have to be careful, my dad is pretty strict," She said, "But this is too good of an opportunity to miss out on,"
"Yes!" Nora basically squealed, initiating a high-five between the two girls.
"I can't believe this, you're all terrible friends," Eddie huffed and folded his arms.
"Oh stop, we know you can't wait," Stan smirked at him.
"Shut up, Stanley," The Kaspbrak boy made such a sour expression that Nora and Beverly both burst out laughing.
"Okay, I am going home," Nora got up, "I better start getting ready,"
"It's four in the afternoon," Stan glanced at Eddie's watch from across the table.
"Have you never met a girl before, Stanley?" She winked before going to leave the diner, hearing Richie's explicit reactions to her words.
She walked home and had dinner with her parents. Thanks to her mother sticking up for her sudden burst of social interactions, there would be no awkward conversations where she would ask them for permission to go out. The only issue was that she had no idea where the party was going to be. She had a quick shower and started on her makeup before drying her hair. As usual, the girl chose to wear shorts to the party, much to her father's dismay. This time around he didn't even comment on it.
"You look lovely!" He had called out, too scared to pull his eyes away from the television screen to see the state his daughter was in.
Nora was just starting on her makeup when she heard a light tapping on her window and naturally went to inspect it.
"Hey there," Victor Criss looked up at her from the lawn at the side of her house.
"Hi," She smiled, leaning out the window, "Can I help you?"
"Marcia Fadden is having a party tonight," He simply said.
"Friend of yours?"
"Eh.. she's dating my friend Peter, so kinda but not really," Vic made a funny face that made the girl laugh.
"I'll see you there then," She smirked, going to close her window again.
"She lives on West Broadway!" The boy called up to her.
"Thank you!" She called back, then disappeared back into her room again.
Vic just laughed to himself as he left her to continue getting ready.
"See you later!" Nora called to her parents, grabbing her leather jacket and heading out. Waiting outside her house was the first step of the evening. Seeing Stan approach her on his bike was step two. Hitching a lift on said bike was step three.
"Well, I lied to my parents for you, Sheridan," Was the first thing he said to her, "I hope you're happy,"
"The happiest ever," She grinned, "Who are we meeting first?"
"Richie and then Eddie and Beverly," He said, "Then Mike and onto the party,"
"What about Bill?" Nora creased her eyebrows.
"He didn't want to come, he wanted to be fully prepared for tomorrow," Stan glanced back at her, "Sorry, I tried to convince him,"
"Don't worry about it, it's not for everyone," She tried to sent him a comforting smile, but she was pretty sure his eyes were  on the road. They found Richie not far from Eddie's house, a cheeky grin all over his face. He was so ready to sneak his best friend away from his protective mother's hands. They left the bike a short bit away from the house and snuck around to the side of the house, where Eddie's room was.
"If I'm killed tonight, it's all your fault forever, Nora," He angrily whispered as he clambered out his bedroom window.
Chapter Eleven
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aoibhs · 7 years
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Alistair Ryle has no idea what a girl is
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aoibhs · 7 years
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the only prayer candle I need
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aoibhs · 7 years
She chuckled slightly, “I just keep getting lost is all. Thanks though,” She held up her hand in front of Vic, “I’m Evie, by the way,”
Evie sat alone in the school cafeteria, staring at the singular red apple on the table, inwardly debating whether or not she was going to eat it.
“"Hey, hi.” Victor smiled sitting down across from evie. Patrick sat down a second after with Henry and belch. “"Your the new girl right?” Belch asked.
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