aoibhs · 7 years
Chapter One 
Chapter Twenty-Two
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from The Riot Club/Posh, and all OCs were beautifully crafted by @club-riot
Poppy reached for the big brown book and her hand touched off someone else's, going for the same book. "Go ahead," Poppy whispered, then looked properly at the person and instantly regretted it. She had to be polite now that she committed to it at the start of a conversation. "Thanks," Lauren gave a small smile and selected the large art history book from the shelf. "No problem," Poppy said quickly and turned away, deciding on trying to find a PDF of the book online in order to get away from her as soon as possible. "You're Miles' friend, aren't you?" So much for that plan. "Yeah, I am," She just nodded. God, how she wanted to just be rude and walk away. That might impact her friendship with Miles, it was risky. "He talks about you, it's just nice to finally meet you," Lauren shrugged, hugging the book to her chest. "Likewise," She nodded. Was that it? Could she leave? "I didn't know you studied art history too," Ugh. "Fine art," Poppy corrected her, "I have a module in art history," "One of the big lectures?" There was a slight smirk on Lauren's face that said she had figured out why they had never met before. Well done, Lauren. "That's right," Poppy nodded again, glancing over at her desk, where Imogen was working on an assignment, her back to them. She'd never notice Poppy who was on the verge of praying for a way out. "We should get a coffee sometime," Lauren smiled, "I'd love to get to know some of Miles' friends better. I'm Lauren, by the way," Yeah, she knew that long before that, but anyway. "Poppy Kensington," She answered. "Like the place in London? Do you live there?" Poppy had to obtain an enormous amount of self-control so that she wouldn't automatically cringe at how annoying her accent was. "Yes and no," She pretended to chuckle and backed away, "This was really lovely, Lauren," No, it wasn't, "But I've got work I need ready for the end of the week," "I'll get Miles to give you the book when I'm done," Lauren chirped. "Thanks," She nearly ran but her self-control kicked in again. At this point, the PDF was her only friend now. She would have words with Imogen about facing the right direction to help her out of sticky situations in the future and Imogen would be dying to laugh at how ludicrous it was. Lauren Small wanted to be her friend. "Better you than me," She snorted, then looked across the table to see Elizabeth doodling instead of writing her essay on Chaucer, "Hey, Shaw," Her friend looked up, "Quit writing your name and Guy's name in a heart and get back to work, yeah?" "Yeah, Elizabeth Bellingfield," Poppy added. "I'm actually crossing out something someone else wrote on all my notebooks," She held up a notebook that had her own name scratched out and Elizabeth Leighton-Masters written quite crudely in large, bold letters all over the rest of its surface. "That's nearly as funny as Lauren," Imogen fanned her face as if that would stop her from giggling. That's when Poppy glared and poked her in the ribs with her pen, that got her to stop laughing. "Who would do this?" Elizabeth's feelings didn't exactly look hurt but she did looked bewildered. James wouldn't have done this himself, would he? "That would be me," Harry Villiers approached the table, sitting next to Elizabeth. "Why? And how did you even get these?" She held up her copies, still confused as ever. "Lizzy, this is out of your hands now," He touched her chin and sighed in a condescending tone that had Imogen in muted stitches again, "I'm here in need of your services," "We're working here, Villiers," Poppy gestured to her notes that lay scattered on the desk. "So am I," Harry pretended to look shocked by her comment, "I need some tips for my date with Honora," "Buy her expensive stuff," Imogen shrugged. "Well other than that," Harry smiled, knowing he had something under control. "Nice dinner and then go to a club," Poppy added her own shrug. "Let her pick the wine," Elizabeth said. "Yes. Definitely," Imogen pointed at in agreement. "Ah, wonderful," Harry grinned, satisfied with the advice he had received, "You all set up for your own date, Shaw?" Harry nudged her, smirking. "What?" "With Bellend," "I...um. Pardon?" "Wait, are you telling me he hasn't asked you?" Harry creased his eyebrows, becoming confused with her. "Was he supposed to?" "I mean," He spluttered a laugh then pretended to cough before the librarian caught his eye, "He was supposed to a month ago but here we are," "Well, I'm a married woman, Harry," She held up the notebook which he had written all over with a blank expression. "Oh come on," He grinned. "I won't believe anything unless he actually tells me himself," She shrugged, putting the notebook down again, beginning to draw hearts around some of the names. "Don't be like that, Lizzy," Harry sighed, leaning in closer so that she'd look at him, "I can't help it if he's being a pussy, I'm doing all I can to help you both," "How is this help?" She pointed her pen at the notebook of names again. "You need to broaden your mind to all the possibilities this'll give you," Harry raised his hands to his temples, flicking them outward. "Her brain can't register jealousy, Villiers," Poppy weighed in, "Our Elizabeth is too nice," "I'm not jealous of anyone," Elizabeth shrugged, going back to drawing hearts again. "Yeah but Guy is," Imogen shook her head. "No, he's not," "Are you really this blind?" Harry actually scoffed at that, "He's obsessed with you, Shaw and everyone knows it except you," "Don't be ridiculous, I'm not falling for that joke again," She began to pack up her notebooks. "Again?" Poppy looked at her, now curious and concerned. "My... My brothers, um," She sighed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, "They used to tell me their friends fancied me so that I'd try to get them to kiss me or whatever. I'm not that dim anymore though," "No you've just switched off your radar for any form of male affection for you," Imogen rolled her eyes. "We're not finished here," Harry stood up to leave, "Cheers for the tips,"
Chapter Twenty-Four
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aoibhs · 7 years
Chapter One 
Chapter Nineteen
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from The Riot Club/Posh, and all OCs were beautifully crafted by @club-riot
"Stop pushing me!" Guy whined as Ed and Toby poked and prodded him. "Get a move on, Bellend," Toby shoved him through the corridor. "This is totally unnecessary," Guy's argument was pointless. He had lost before he even started. "Bellingfield," Dimitri started, lazily following them, "We're getting tired of watching this go on and on," "Just because you've got a girlfriend you think you can order me around," Guy pointed at his best friend melodramatically. "Oh please, he's been doing that for years," Ed giggled, giving Guy another push. "Look, stop that," His demands fell on deaf ears. "She should be out of class in a few minutes," Dimitri looked at his watch, "Just wait here until she comes out, "She'll think I'm stalking her!" Guy did his best to reason with them but they really didn't care. "She doesn't care," Toby just shrugged. "We'll leave you here then," Ed grinned. "On my own?" "Yes," Dimitri nodded. "But-" "You'll be twenty in a few months, man up," Toby snorted. "This is different!" "No, you're being ridiculous," Dimitri sighed, the three of them backing away. "I don't know what to say!" Guy called after them. "You'll work it out," Dimitri waved just before the disappeared around the corner. Guy sighed and sat down on the bench at the exact moment the doors to the lecture theatre burst open. From the sudden noise, Guy jumped up again from the bench and stood there awkwardly as all the English students poured from the theatre. He waited there, trying to look as natural as possible but instead gained some funny looks from the first years. Then he saw her, about to head down the corridor. "Elizabeth!" He went after her, since she didn't notice him waiting. "Oh! Jesus, Guy!" She laughed, her hand clamped over her heart as if it would leap out of her chest. "Did I scare you?" "Oh yes, you're very scary altogether," She rolled her eyes, "What're you doing here?" "..What am I doing here?" "Yes, what are you doing here?" "Well, Elizabeth..," His posture went strange, almost fluid, in his nerves, a hand going up and down from his hip, "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the park?" "I would like to go to the park, I've got a few hours to kill until rehearsals," She checked the time on her phone and then put it back in her pocket before looking up at him and smiling, "Let's go," "Really?" "Yeah, come on," She laughed, already on her way out of the building. "Wait for me, hang on," He ran after her, even though she wasn't all that far ahead of him. "Don't you have anything else today?" She asked him. "No, I only had one lecture this morning," He grinned at her. "You weren't waiting for me that entire time were you?" Her face fell, "God, you must've been bored out of your skull," "Oh no, I was with Dimitri for a while," He assured her, "And now I'm with you," "So what was your lecture on?" She reached up to tuck a longer strand of her fringe behind her ear. "Oh, um, imperialism," He only hesitated because he was surprised she was interested at all. "Oh cool," She nodded, "That sounds fascinating," "Well, not always. We've got this massive essay to write for next week and a group presentation to do and everyone in my class is ruddy useless, let alone my group..," He trailed off, noticing that she was actually paying attention, listening to his complaints. "At least your group has you, eh?" That comment and small smile of hers drove Guy to let out the most inhuman of nervous giggles. "Stop," He rubbed the back of his head, trying to hide his growing nerves. "I love the University Parks," The brunette smiled, looking around at all the greenery. "Do you come here often?" "No, I usually just go to the library during my breaks," She shook her head. "Has anyone ever told you that you're only a first year?" Guy folded his arms and smirked at her. "James did and got me to go for drinks with him," Elizabeth chuckled, fond of the memories from the previous month. "He's a bit old for you, isn't he?" He looked over to the empty cricket pitch. "He's only the same age as my brother," Elizabeth spluttered a laugh, "James is just a good friend, no need to get all protective," She spotted a bench near the pitch, walking ahead to sit down. "Am I protective like your brothers?" Guy walked quicker to catch up with her, he just ended up looking overeager. "You think you're like a brother?" She wasn't entirely sure where this was going. "I'll take that as a no," There was a significant trace of smugness in his face as he sat down next to her. "My brothers are too busy in Cambridge to be protective," She laughed, "You're not in Cambridge so you're already a different story," "Good," Guy nodded, a slight smile growing on his lips. She looked at him, at that smile, at his lips. She wondered what he was thinking. She impulsively was about to ask him that but his phone began to ring just as she opened her mouth, "Sorry," "No, go ahead," She looked at her hands. "Hello, Guy Bellingfield," He answered his phone, "Oh, is this The Bull's Head in Kidsbury? Excellent! I've been expecting your call," Elizabeth smiled to herself at how enthusiastic he was, "Yes I did have a special request for the mains," He nudged her shoulder and held up his index finger, to tell her that he'd only be a moment, "No, no, a ten bird roast.. No, no, ten.. Yes, ten." He nodded a few times as he spoke, pursing his lips. Elizabeth could tell this was something important to him, "Call again during official business hours if you have any inquiries," Then he hung up. "Official business hours?" Elizabeth grinned, "You're either prestigious or pretentious," "I'm great president material, excuse you," He grinned back. Only then did Elizabeth notice how close they were sitting together. It made her pulse go that bit quicker. He noticed her change in expression and smirked. He leaned in closer, as if he was going to whisper something to her. Just then there was a loud rumble from the sky and it began lashing rain as if on cue. "Oh! Oh dear," Elizabeth tried to cover herself up as much she could, but a dress and cardigan were no match for English weather. "Here," Guy took off his coat and draped it over her head and shoulders, "Come on!" He grabbed her by the hand and they ran through the park. "Shall we go get some coffee?" Elizabeth nearly had to yell over the heavy rain. Guy just laughed as they sprinted. "Yes, please!"
Chapter Twenty-One
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aoibhs · 7 years
Chapter One 
Chapter Eighteen
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from The Riot Club/Posh, and all OCs were beautifully crafted by @club-riot
"Rise and shine!" Toby clapped his hands several times until everyone was awake. Honora rubbed the sleep from her eyes and yawned. She had overslept. She was usually awake far earlier than ten in the morning. She went to rub her eyes again and realized she was restricted. Then the weight against her shoulder and back registered to her head. "Morning dearest," A groggy male voice peered over her shoulder. Honora looked down to see he was hugging her. She turned her head to see a shirtless Harry Villiers smirking down at her. "Get off!" She pushed his arms off her and sat up on the floor, flustered. If there weren't so many others around or if she were drinking, she definitely wouldn't have pushed him away. She didn't realize how cold the room was until she lost the contact with his warm chest. She'd never admit it out loud though. "Elizabeth's not waking up," Guy looked at the sleeping girl hesitantly. "Just wait till her alarm goes off, you could hit that girl with a chair and she wouldn't wake up," Poppy laughed, "She'll wake up when she wants," "Come on, I smell toast and I am hungry!" Ed looked as though he was about to jump down the staircase with eagerness. "Calm down, calm down," George patted his shoulder lightly. They made their way downstairs, Harry rebuttoning his shirt as they went, leaving the ones who were still asleep in their unconscious states. "Oh! You're all up!" Elena excitedly chirped from the massive breakfast table. "You look so awake," Miles marvelled at her energy. "I really love the morning," Elena basically yelled. "Mum, inside voices please," Honora sat down at the table, pouring herself some juice. "You little shit," Elena smirked as she buttered her toast, "There's fruit and toast and croissants, feel free to coffee and juice," "And Greek yogurt?" Guy smirked, waiting for a laugh. "Yes actually, right there," Elena nodded, pointing to a tray on the table. Guy awkwardly felt obligated to take one then, having mentioned it. He really brought it on himself. "Thank you for letting us all stay here," Poppy smiled at Elena, picking at a croissant. "Oh it's nothing. I'm glad to have you here," She smiled back. "Where's your dad?" Harry asked Honora. "Working," She said, "He and my uncle, Dimitri's dad, work together, he only comes home for big events," "A charity dinner isn't a big event?" Imogen shot her a sad look. "Dear, we're very grateful for all the work he does for us and the business," Elena cut in before Honora could say anything, "He makes his time off count, he's always here when it matters," "She organized the entire dinner alone," Honora looked at her mother with a small smile. "Now hang on," Dimitri raised his hand, "What about my mother?" "Your mum bought the Greek yogurts," Guy stated as he ate said yogurt. "Yes, Sophia was very good to order those in," Elena nodded, taking everything so seriously, "I knew you kids would like them," Just then the remaining members of the group dawdled down the stairs, still sleepy looking, particularly Elizabeth. "Ah you're awake," George grinned as they sat down at the table. "Elizabeth's alarm went off, scared the shit out of me," James laughed. "I said sorry," She pretended it was a life or death situation, something that made him laugh more. "Morning," Dimitri greeted Tamsin who sat next to him. "Morning," She smirked, kissing his cheek. "Get a room," Toby snorted. "Uh, this is a room," Dimitri rolled his eyes as he and Tamsin intertwined each others fingers. "It's a room in my house and I support my nephew's choices," Elena dabbed a napkin over her lips and got up from her chair, "Tamsin comes from a fine family, they may behave as they please," She touched Dimitri's shoulder as she left the room. "My family is fine," Tamsin beamed with clear smugness. "What is the plan for today?" James asked as he grabbed an apple for himself. "We get dressed," Ed almost immediately answered. "Yes, Ed, well done," James nodded, "I mean, do you need us to go at a certain time, Honora?" "I can stay as long as you like," Harry touched her arm as he spoke, sending shivers jolting up her spine. "I say we go for a walk," George spoke up, shoveling bacon and toast into his mouth as if it were his job. "Splendid," Miles nodded in agreement, "It's a lovely area," "Okay so, we're eating breakfast, getting dressed and then going walking?" Toby summed up. "But how can we?" Imogen looked genuinely concerned, "I don't have the appropriate footwear," "You're already wearing my pajamas, I'll lend you some boots," Honora shook her head. "Can you pass me the coffee please?" Elizabeth turned to Guy and asked. "Yeah, sure," He put the yogurt down and it fell on its side and he tried to put it up again but it fell over from the weight of the spoon. "Here, Lizzy," Dimitri handed her the glass jug of hot coffee, fed up of watching Guy failing to complete a simple request. "Thank you," She smiled, somewhat weakly, pouring herself a cup of the piping hot beverage. "You alright, Lizzy?" Toby asked her. "Just tired," She replied, "I didn't get much sleep," "Did you not bring your-?" "I didn't think I'd need to," Elizabeth stopped Poppy from asking her question. She already knew what she was going to ask, "It's a simple mistake on my behalf but some caffeine should fix me right up," "Sorry, what's this?" Alistair looked at her with mild interest. "They're just...," Elizabeth trailed off, noticing how everyone was paying attention to her. Guy's eyes were glued to her, unblinking, "Um.. They're just tablets that help me sleep. I left them in my dorm," "Ah, an insomniac," Alistair nodded, reaching for his juice. "It's normal," Elizabeth shrugged it off, acting like the blush on her face wasn't there and growing. "It is you know, my mum is one too," Ed pointed at her. Toby scoffed and Ed looked at him funny, "What?" "Since when is your mum normal?"
Chapter Twenty
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aoibhs · 7 years
All Dressed Up
Chapter One 
Chapter Sixteen
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from The Riot Club/Posh, and all OCs were beautifully crafted by @club-riot
"Tamsin?" Dimitri turned to her. They were just after finishing the main course and were waiting patiently for pudding, "What have you been doing all night? "How do you mean?" Tamsin was still leaning her chin against her propped up hands, gazing at him innocently. "This is what I mean," He gestured to her entire being, "Why are you acting like a crazy person?" "No, I'm not," She shook her head. It was exceedingly unconvincing and she knew it. "I'm not-" Dimitri stopped himself, and sighed, "What do you want, Tamsin?" "What?" She straighten her back, sitting upright again. "Is it money?" "No," "Then what?" Tamsin didn't reply straight away. She paused. Then picked up her glass of red wine and knocked it back. Then she placed the empty glass back on the table and reached over the corner of the table to get ahold of both sides of Dimitri's face and kissed him, full on the lips. They didn't break away or stop or anything. It just went on and on and on. "Oh wow, gosh," Elizabeth looked at the table, avoiding eye contact with anyone and blushing ferociously. "You're married, Lizzy," George laughed, "Surely, you and Leighton are used to this sort of thing," "Only every Tuesday," Elizabeth couldn't help but smirk a little at her own comment. "What do you have on Tuesdays?" James looked at her. "Well, I-" "She has two English lectures from ten until twelve, followed by a tutorial in modern English literature at three and then drama rehearsals from half six to half eight," Guy said. He said it as if he were the most clever person on earth. He said it as if he had just cured Cancer. "I'm impressed," George's eyes went wider than usual, surprise evident on his face. "I'm not," Elizabeth frowned looking at Guy, "How did you know that?" "..You're looking lovely tonight," He replied solemnly, his clever imagine of two seconds beforehand had been shattered. He was now reduced to a creepy stalker. "Guy," She didn't look impressed. Not scary. Just not impressed. And Guy had to mentally slap himself because there was a point where all he could think of was how cute she looked. "Umm..," He began to shrug. Over her shoulder, he could see James looking like he was about to burst with the containment of his laughter. Guy had really dug a hole for himself. "It was me," Poppy waved her arms slightly, getting Elizabeth's attention, "He asked where you were once and I just gave him a copy of your timetable," "What?" "I didn't think you'd mind," Poppy scoffed, both her and Alistair laughing at the situation. "Do you.. mind?" Guy looked at her so awkwardly. So awkwardly. Like a child in trouble. "I mean," She raised her hand to her burning face, "Next time don't make it sound like you follow me around," "He does," Dimitri briefly broke away from Tamsin. "I do not," The look of panic was hysterically evident in Guy's face. "God, I hope not," Elizabeth chuckled, reaching for her glass of gin and lemonade, "You'd be so bored if you did," "Don't put yourself down," George said sadly from in front of her. "Yes. I'm sure loads of people would love to stalk you," Alistair said in a very calm voice. Poppy burst out laughing. Elizabeth wasn't sure how to react. "That is not what I meant," George tapped the edge of the table with his index finger as he spoke. "It's fine," Elizabeth shook her head, wishing that would be the end of the conversation. "Dimitri dear, stop that please," Elena touched her nephew's shoulder as she entered the room again, "Or at least go upstairs," "Mum!" Honora's one word argument told her mother to stop talking. No one needed a translator for that. Not that Elena cared. "Now pudding will be out shortly. Is anyone still thirsty?" "Wine please, madam," Ed actually fell off his chair once he had finished speaking. "Are you sure?" Elena grinned at the state he was in. "It's collective wine, Mrs. Honora's mum," Toby added, "He's asking for all of us," "Very well, I'll have someone bring in two or three bottles," Elena went to leave. "Did you finally realize you've got employees?" Honora snorted. "Honora, do you want to be sent to your room without pudding?" Elena turned back around again, "I can do that. You live here, you know?" Then she left the room again, leaving the group to tease Honora about being sent to bed early at twenty years of age. "Lauren would love all this," Miles said to no one in particular as he looked around the room. After drinking quite a lot already, Poppy was fed up with listening to him rambling on about Lauren. She began to face away from him, speaking to Alistair instead and letting Hugo deal with all the Lauren talk. "He's not worth the effort, Poppy," Alistair said to her, almost coldly, "He's blinded by the commoner," "It's just annoying, Alistair," Poppy pouted, looking like she was about to cry but she wasn't, "I got all dressed up and he doesn't even care," "You do look nice though," He nodded in reference to her navy swing dress. It was different in comparison to what she usually wore to fancy dos. She generally picked brighter colours as well. The darker blue was charming to see on her. And Alistair noticed. She smiled and reached up to hold his hand lightly. She appreciated that he said it, even if he didn't mean it. Alistair was never the type to give out compliments. But he did mean it. "Ooh! Pudding!" James' face lit up when the staff put a selection of cakes, tarts and merengues. "I love chocolate cake!" Elizabeth squealed, "It's literally my will to live," "Would you like to try some cheesecake?" Guy held up his fork of Bailey's cheesecake. "Mmm hmm," She nodded, about to take the fork off him but he instinctively shoved it into her mouth, feeding her, "Mm, it's delicious!" James, George and Hugo exchanged glances, smirking, feeling it wouldn't be long till the Leighton-Masters/Shaw marriage would be forgotten about.
Chapter Eighteen
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