aph-germania · 1 year
[sms: Bayern 💠 👑] What would you like me to say? That I am proud of how you turned out regardless of me, or that you are a complete failure.
[sms: Bayern 💠 👑] It appears the apple does not fall far from the tree. 
@aph-germania liked this post for a drunk text X
[SMS: Old man 👨🏻‍🦳] You're yje reaaon yhsr I have ossues. YYour. nrgkect mase me not trust anuine. Expllain yourself.
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aph-germania · 1 year
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grandpa germania
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aph-germania · 1 year
“i don’t even remember the last time you told me you loved me.”
It was fair to say that. He hadn't exactly been the best father when his children were younger, and he had no excuse. Resi had every right to stand there and tell him just how awful he had been. And what could he say?
"I can't apologise for it. I thought that any affection would make you weak, and I couldn't have weak children."
Because he didn't want to watch them get hurt. But he had too much pride to say that.
"I cannot change the past and give you what you want. I'm no god."
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aph-germania · 1 year
“i can’t believe you.”
“are you serious?”
“we’re not finished. i’m not just going to let this go.”
“so you don’t trust me?”
“fuck you.”
“you know me! and the fact that you still think i’d do that hurts the most.”
“i miss the old you. i don’t want the person you’ve become.”
“you never understand.”
“you said the same thing last time.”
“i’m so tired of constantly doing this with you.”
“you don’t even try to see it from my perspective.”
“i’m not apologizing.”
“hell if i care.”
“this is fucking bullshit.”
“why are you always the one who’s breaking my heart?”
“i can’t do this anymore.”
“you don’t mean that.”
“i hate you.”
“you never keep your promises.”
“out of all the things you’ve told me, what was true?”
“i can’t even look at you.”
“do you even love me anymore?”
“i’m fucking done.”
“i shouldn’t have ever trusted you.”
“you’re being unfair.”
“i’m not going to keep being your little secret. i deserve better.”
“i’m leaving.”
“just… just go.”
“i thought you’d be the one to make me happy.”
“you don’t even pretend to care about me.”
“i don’t even remember the last time you told me you loved me.”
“don’t go.”
“i never asked for this.”
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aph-germania · 1 year
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aph-germania · 1 year
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German lessons (now with inclusivity)
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aph-germania · 1 year
when romans are fighting with one another as to who is the best fighter
Doesn’t really matter in the end does it? Silly games for silly children.
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aph-germania · 1 year
[sms: Bayern 💠 👑] Because I am a terrible father who couldn’t do anything right and left his children constantly on their own. Is that the answer you are looking for? 
@aph-germania liked this post for a drunk text X
[SMS: Old man 👨🏻‍🦳] You're yje reaaon yhsr I have ossues. YYour. nrgkect mase me not trust anuine. Expllain yourself.
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aph-germania · 1 year
And just like that, the little one brightens up.
He is old and yet still so small. A fact that never bothered Joseph at all but might seem odd to some. After all, he had existed since Russia was an Empire. The boy only giggles a little bit as his hair is brushed down, smiling a little bit. It was hardly anything. He could protect himself if needed.
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“Yes! Alaska, yes!”
He was just happy to have a visitor. It had been some time since anyone had come around and he was starting to become lonely. Perhaps Germania could stay a while?
He could most certainly stay for a while. Germania held out his hand for the little one to take.
“I have plenty of food to share if you are hungry.” 
His cabin was not too far away and had been stocked up on food and it would not take long to dress the fish for cooking. Food always tasted better with company. 
Oh. It was a man!
The boy does not seem perturbed by his appearance out here at all. Many had come and gone within little Alaska’s life, some going even when they should have stayed. The child blinks owlishly before standing up and brushing away grass and flowers from his clothes, his near white hair glimmering in the light of the sun. Curiosity was still very present in a child so young and he was curious. Who was this? He wanted to know.
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“Oh? Visitor to Alakshak?”
His voice carries an inflection that sounds like Russian, but faded. As if it had been some time since the language had passed his lips but the influence remains. The word was his Native name, old and well worn. After a moment, the child smiles and shakes his head, hair flying every which way.
“It okay! Appreciate visitors, yes!”
Broken English. A consequence of his current guardian being absent, thus unable to influence him too much.
The fact he had stumbled upon a child nation in the forest brought back a flood of memories of his own children. Moving closer he set down his fish and rod to sit down in the flowers and be just a little more approachable. Even he could understand just how intimidating his large stature could be to the smallest individual. 
‘Ja. I have come to visit. It is a very handsome land.’
He couldn’t help that fatherly desire to reach out and brush the wild hair down, almost similar to a certain child of his own with snow white hair.
“I am known to many as Germania. I believe you are who they call Alaska, are you not?”
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aph-germania · 1 year
Oh. It was a man!
The boy does not seem perturbed by his appearance out here at all. Many had come and gone within little Alaska’s life, some going even when they should have stayed. The child blinks owlishly before standing up and brushing away grass and flowers from his clothes, his near white hair glimmering in the light of the sun. Curiosity was still very present in a child so young and he was curious. Who was this? He wanted to know.
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“Oh? Visitor to Alakshak?”
His voice carries an inflection that sounds like Russian, but faded. As if it had been some time since the language had passed his lips but the influence remains. The word was his Native name, old and well worn. After a moment, the child smiles and shakes his head, hair flying every which way.
“It okay! Appreciate visitors, yes!”
Broken English. A consequence of his current guardian being absent, thus unable to influence him too much.
The fact he had stumbled upon a child nation in the forest brought back a flood of memories of his own children. Moving closer he set down his fish and rod to sit down in the flowers and be just a little more approachable. Even he could understand just how intimidating his large stature could be to the smallest individual. 
‘Ja. I have come to visit. It is a very handsome land.’
He couldn’t help that fatherly desire to reach out and brush the wild hair down, almost similar to a certain child of his own with snow white hair.
“I am known to many as Germania. I believe you are who they call Alaska, are you not?”
@aph-germania liked for a Joseph starter!
Many would believe Alaska a desolate wasteland of snow and ice. And for its long and dark winter months, yes, that is what it was. But it was no longer the winter months. The lovely summer, however short, had arrived and it was fully being taken advantage of by the occupants of the land.
High, snow-capped mountains and impressive forests that rolled for miles. Fields upon fields of grass and wildflowers, running astride clear and lovely rivers that carved through the land easily. From the wild, animals great and small carried on with their lives while birds danced and darted overhead.
In the water of a lake, an otter leaves its baby briefly floating to hunt for shellfish to devour.
It is this place that he knows as home. It is this place in which he was born. And it is this place that he very much loves.
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The little state utters a soft and content sigh as he sits in the grass, looking out upon the land that was his. It was peaceful in the summer months and he much preferred that, comforted by the warmth of the sun and its warmth. Though the boy’s enjoyment and contemplation is disturbed when he hears movement, causing him to twitch and turn to look at the woods just behind him.
Was it something he would need his knife for?
Staying cooped up was something Germania had come to appreciate in his older age. When he had been young and full of vigor back in classical times then maybe the idea would have interested him. That had been pleasurable times, heading off to far off lands to protect the roman empire. Now he was content with his small farm and his own land in Osnabrück where no one ever bothered him unless he wished. That was unless you were his children, concerned that he had been cooped up for centuries. 
But a little sweet talking and some gentle threats can go a long way. His dogs would be cared for, the farm watched over, and he would be sent to destinations in which he had no say (for if he had it would be a weekend in Berlin for a Bundesliga match). His first would be a place across the globe: Alaska.
It had been a rather successful time, as he had quite enjoyed the forests, the rivers, and the hunting. How he felt alive here. The cold he could get used to but the silence was far better than anything he had at home. No faint sound of cars, no thrum of planes overhead, just the forest. The temptation to stay and pretend to be lost just to spite his children never strayed too far from his mind. He had spent the day fishing, enjoying the finer things and resting his body after a long week of hunting deer. His blond braided hair was pulled back to keep it out of his face as he walked with a handful of salmon, fresh caught and cleaned for eating. He didn’t bother to keep quite or to hide himself as he was not planning on hunting, just returning to his cabin for a light supper when he walked into a meadow where a young child had been resting. The tall, imposing German slowed his pace as to not appear too threatening, his hands up to show that all he carried was fishing gear and his catch of the day. 
“Forgive my intrusion. I did not see you there. I’m just passing through back to my lodgings.”
How was he so damn good at running into kids?
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aph-germania · 1 year
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he got in trouble
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aph-germania · 1 year
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Reductress, part 2
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aph-germania · 1 year
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Baths of Diocletian - A mother’s sorrow
“A sepulchral slab dedicated to Octavia Arbuscula by her mother Tuccia Urbana. Her daughter had lived twenty-three years and ten months. The text contains in the upper part the dedication, in the lower part a poem engraved on two writing columns. In the deceaced’s composition, after recording her young age, it turns offering words of consolation to her parents and sister and above all it asks her mother not to torment herself for the rest of her days crying for her sorrow because it did not only happen to her but even to great kings.” (museum info card)
Given her young age, it’squite possible that she died in childbirth. At least I’ve undestood that maternal death rate in childbirth was rather high in ancient Rome.   
Rome, June 2015
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aph-germania · 1 year
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Gold and lapis lazuli ring, Minoan, 1850-1550 BC
from The British Museum
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aph-germania · 1 year
@aph-germania liked for a Joseph starter!
Many would believe Alaska a desolate wasteland of snow and ice. And for its long and dark winter months, yes, that is what it was. But it was no longer the winter months. The lovely summer, however short, had arrived and it was fully being taken advantage of by the occupants of the land.
High, snow-capped mountains and impressive forests that rolled for miles. Fields upon fields of grass and wildflowers, running astride clear and lovely rivers that carved through the land easily. From the wild, animals great and small carried on with their lives while birds danced and darted overhead.
In the water of a lake, an otter leaves its baby briefly floating to hunt for shellfish to devour.
It is this place that he knows as home. It is this place in which he was born. And it is this place that he very much loves.
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The little state utters a soft and content sigh as he sits in the grass, looking out upon the land that was his. It was peaceful in the summer months and he much preferred that, comforted by the warmth of the sun and its warmth. Though the boy’s enjoyment and contemplation is disturbed when he hears movement, causing him to twitch and turn to look at the woods just behind him.
Was it something he would need his knife for?
Staying cooped up was something Germania had come to appreciate in his older age. When he had been young and full of vigor back in classical times then maybe the idea would have interested him. That had been pleasurable times, heading off to far off lands to protect the roman empire. Now he was content with his small farm and his own land in Osnabrück where no one ever bothered him unless he wished. That was unless you were his children, concerned that he had been cooped up for centuries. 
But a little sweet talking and some gentle threats can go a long way. His dogs would be cared for, the farm watched over, and he would be sent to destinations in which he had no say (for if he had it would be a weekend in Berlin for a Bundesliga match). His first would be a place across the globe: Alaska.
It had been a rather successful time, as he had quite enjoyed the forests, the rivers, and the hunting. How he felt alive here. The cold he could get used to but the silence was far better than anything he had at home. No faint sound of cars, no thrum of planes overhead, just the forest. The temptation to stay and pretend to be lost just to spite his children never strayed too far from his mind. He had spent the day fishing, enjoying the finer things and resting his body after a long week of hunting deer. His blond braided hair was pulled back to keep it out of his face as he walked with a handful of salmon, fresh caught and cleaned for eating. He didn’t bother to keep quite or to hide himself as he was not planning on hunting, just returning to his cabin for a light supper when he walked into a meadow where a young child had been resting. The tall, imposing German slowed his pace as to not appear too threatening, his hands up to show that all he carried was fishing gear and his catch of the day. 
“Forgive my intrusion. I did not see you there. I’m just passing through back to my lodgings.”
How was he so damn good at running into kids?
@aph-germania liked for a Joseph starter!
Many would believe Alaska a desolate wasteland of snow and ice. And for its long and dark winter months, yes, that is what it was. But it was no longer the winter months. The lovely summer, however short, had arrived and it was fully being taken advantage of by the occupants of the land.
High, snow-capped mountains and impressive forests that rolled for miles. Fields upon fields of grass and wildflowers, running astride clear and lovely rivers that carved through the land easily. From the wild, animals great and small carried on with their lives while birds danced and darted overhead.
In the water of a lake, an otter leaves its baby briefly floating to hunt for shellfish to devour.
It is this place that he knows as home. It is this place in which he was born. And it is this place that he very much loves.
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The little state utters a soft and content sigh as he sits in the grass, looking out upon the land that was his. It was peaceful in the summer months and he much preferred that, comforted by the warmth of the sun and its warmth. Though the boy's enjoyment and contemplation is disturbed when he hears movement, causing him to twitch and turn to look at the woods just behind him.
Was it something he would need his knife for?
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aph-germania · 1 year
who missed terrible dad jokes?
/oh no, here he comes
"What does the Eiffel Tower have in common with a tick?"
/wait for it
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/run while you still have a chance
"They are both Paris sites"
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aph-germania · 1 year
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Here's a quick sketch to celebrate Romano's victory so far in the Local Hottie Beautie Pageant poll @hetalia-club is running lmaoooo every single one of his victories make me snort XDDD he absolutely deserves it!!
Keep voting for Romano!!!! Long Live The King Bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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