aphmontreal · 6 years
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Nostalgic of a simpler time where I tried to run a dumb Hetalia oc blog
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aphmontreal · 6 years
So I haven’t been on this blog since a looooong time. 
HAHAH ALSO Montreal’s  birthday was like three days ago and turned 376 ayyyyy
I was like the only one in this whole wide world who knew that rip.
URGH ok anyway I had a post for Canada day and the St Jean Baptiste in the summer but for some reason they never got to send??
And then I had one for Valérie Plante, Montreal’s new mayor but that one never sent either. So um yeah. Gonna make another post on this.
I got my ipad stolen so now I can’t really draw whenever I want. But don’t get me wrong, I’m always doodling on paper!
Funny how this blog sort of became just an opinion blog on Montreal tbh. Idk I should really start using it like an actual oc blog but UUUUUUUUU I have stuff to say. Oh well.
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aphmontreal · 7 years
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(( I am very happy to find out that the city of Montreal changed their flag! I first heard about that project a while ago, but I wasn't sure if they were actually going to do it. But they did and it's awesome!! They added a white pine straight in the middle of the cross to represent the importance of indigenous people in Montreal's foundation, being the first one to ever live on the island of Montreal. The white pine is also a symbol of peace for native Americans. By the way, notice the red circle in the middle? That represents a council fire that many indigenous chefs use to have discussions with their people or with other chefs. Once again, mostly to talk about peace and democracy. Finally, I think it adds a nice touch to the flag. I always thought Montreal's flag was pretty nice, but now it's even better. Really fills up the empty space in the middle. They also changed their coat of arms as well the same way! So not only is it symbolic and a nice gesture, but it's also aesthetically pleasing. Way to go, Montreal!
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aphmontreal · 7 years
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(( I was bored today so I drew Monty. Probs circa 1820. Hormones and humidity gives you that frilly curly messy hair look, man. Enjoy! ))
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aphmontreal · 7 years
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(( long corny speech ahead
I just want to say, on this sunny day of May ( yes, sun for the 17th!! ) That every church in the city rang their bells just for you, Montreal.
Before I knew about Hetalia, Montreal was to me, yes a city, but you know, an ordinary city. I mean, to me, it seemed common in the US to have a city in your state that has a few skyscrapers, a few malls, people from every corners of the world, snowy days, sunny days, festivals, etc.
To me, the Canadiens was just another team in the NHL.
Of course, the moment I started watching Hetalia, I was so fascinated by the concept, like the cringy 13 years old self I was, made an oc. I started with Montreal, since it’s the place I know the most.
I am so proud of the progress I made, considering how it was my first oc. Because of this cute lady over here, I found out about how Montreal wasn’t like the other cities. No. Montreal is truly unique.
I’ve hardly seen in a city, more than a half of its population to be able to talk in English and French.
I’ve hardly seen unique recipes, famous meals, spices known to be made in their city.
I’ve hardly seen any other city greet people with a “bonjourhi!”.
There are so many examples, but my point is that Montreal is really special.
Even with the recent events, corruption, the comission Charbonneau, Montreal came off as strong and did what it do to, to fix it. Yes, there is endless construction everywhere, but it’s extremely necessary.
Once all of the current projects , construction, the full installation of the new metro will be done, Montreal is going to be awesome. I mean, even more awesome than it already is.
And did I mentioned that it is becoming the international hub of artificial intelligence? YEEEEEE
I am so proud of my city, I love it so much and it will always be my favorite place in the whole world.
I hope every Montrealer will get the chance to enjoy the many things organized for the celebration of the 375th
With that, I wish to Montreal,
Un joyeux anniversaire!
Bonne fête, Montréal. Je t'aime.
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aphmontreal · 7 years
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It always breaks my heart when my most precious team loses.. even though I have to admit the chances of actually winning the Stanley cup were relatively low. BUT IT STILL BREAKS MY HEART, OKAY? It’s a normal way to feel, because us Montrealers like to believe it will happen, no matter what.
Call me a hopeless dreamer, but perhaps next year will be our year :,)). Though people have been betting that the maple leafs will win a Stanley cup before we do with their Auston Matthews.
The unwritten rule of hockey in Canada is to always support the Canadians teams that are the most ahead in the game , even if they are not the team you usually root for. When the Canadiens lost, I was honestly hoping the Maple Leafs would win at least against Washington, but meh they were not ready for that yet.
But I’ve started to like hockey a lot, recently. And to the point where I don’t watch the games the Canadiens play only. ))
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aphmontreal · 7 years
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(( So I’ve been working quite a while on aesthetics with some of my other ocs, though I only finished this collage now, since I couldn’t find a well-functioning app for that until now.
@manabombs ,who makes those beautiful hetalia aesthetics, inspired me a little. I think using the motto of the country/city is a really brilliant idea. ))
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aphmontreal · 7 years
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For anyone living in Quebec, you know how we have the office québécois de la langue française. It’s really just created for people to enforce French in our everyday lives.
As much as I love French, they sometimes go a little too… hardcore. So hardcore they inspect restaurants and verify if there aren’t any WORDS that might trigger THE fr Ench. Such as pasta. Or cupcake.
People can make complaints and that will make a certain establishment, etc, pay a bill and then they will change by themselves the problematic sentence or word by a cute French traduction :)). Anyway, even some people make funny things out of it. Like Sugar Sammy did.
You know it’s getting pretty serious when there’s the same thing. But for English. ITS SO TRIGGERED THIS OFFICE WAS CREATED IN ORDER TO GET RID OF THE FRENCH OFFICE.
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aphmontreal · 7 years
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(( SO MANY STUFF I FORGOT TO POST BUT DID A WHILE BACK For anyone living in Quebec, you know how we have the office québécois de la langue française. It's really just created for people to enforce French in our everyday lives. As much as I love French, they sometimes go a little too... hardcore. So hardcore they inspect restaurants and verify if there aren't any WORDS that might trigger THE fr Ench. Such as pasta. Or cupcake. People can make complaints and that will make a certain establishment, etc, pay a bill and then they will change by themselves the problematic sentence or word by a cute French traduction :)). Anyway, even some people make funny things out of it. Like Sugar Sammy did. You know it's getting pretty serious when there's the same thing. But for English. ITS SO TRIGGERED THIS OFFICE WAS CREATED IN ORDER TO GET RID OF THE FRENCH OFFICE. THATS HONESTLY SO GLORIOUS ITS 1759 ALL OVER AGAIN :)))))) ))
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aphmontreal · 7 years
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(( HONESTLY DON'T EVER GET YOUR NEWS FROM NARCITY BLOGS OR STUFF LIKE THAT im )) SO apparently a few weeks ago, there was a huge yellow smoke covering the city of Toronto. People thought it was aliens. Disappointment. It was just the soccer stadium.
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aphmontreal · 7 years
As a fellow Montréalais, I accepted and praise all headcanons and the personality that you gave Montréal. (I love your blog
(( thank you very much! It means the world to me. I hope to be able to post more!
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aphmontreal · 8 years
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Interesting Meanings Behind 13 Major Canadian Cities
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aphmontreal · 8 years
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(( So I decided to adjust her official look!)) I still included the fleur de lys, it's just the perspective of the drawing that hides her right shoulder. Can't tell if I like the background, but why not give it a shot. So I put a maple leaf pin on her left shoulder to represent the west island, where most of the population has English as their first language. Also, it is much closer to the border of the United States and Ontario. The fleur de lys represents her more " Québécois" side. It also represents the population to the east and the suburbs surrounding the island. It is much closer to central Quebec. She wears a brown leather jacket as a sign to when she was founded. She was for a long time a fur trading post. It also represents the money put into civil aviation. She wears working clothes in her official look to simply represent the major economy of Montreal based on tertiary economy ( services, entrepreneurial, marketing and so on) She wears grey-black boots to represents her impact on fashion and the worldwide industries or companies of shoes based in her city. Finally, her skin is a little tan ( not too much though) to represent her multicultural population. There you go! Voilà!))
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aphmontreal · 8 years
((So hi there! It’s been a few months, almost a year since I’ve created that blog! I’ve loved Hetalia since two years now. I made this oc, simply because I never made one before and I love history. Maybe I could explain my perspective of my birthplace, I really love the concept of Hetalia and let’s just say that history, well, inspires me!
So this blog doesn’t have too much and I’ve mostly deleted a lot of stuff because they were bugging me and you sometimes change a lot in a short period.
But I seriously tried to change it a little bit. There were some aspects that were, how do I say this, unnecessary. It was my first oc ever and I would see more and more posts of standards of ocs. I just grew a little insecure, so I stopped posting for a while to think.
I am aware that I don’t have many followers, I mostly do this blog for fun. I make lots of headcannons and I’ve read a lot of books on my city to make it even more historically accurate. I’ve grown tired of the blond bangs. At first it was cute and all but then it got unnecessary . One color is just much more natural and aesthetically pleasing.
And accurate.
So I made a new description, that is shorter but is a lot more pleasant to read and with a hint of psychology ( looking at you, myers Brigg personality types , my love)
So without further ado, let’s go!
Height: 5'6 (168 cm) 
Age: 20-21( appearance) real age: 374 ( birthday on May 17th)
Languages spoken: French and English ( about 60% of her population can speak both French and English and is also the most bilingual city in Canada)
Physical description:
 She is a somewhat tall young woman with an olive-caramel skin tone that lightens a little in winter due to the rigorous season in this region. She has green eyes and has dark red hair. Her hair is somewhat wavy. She has a cowlick on top of her hair separation that represents the Mount Royal. her hairstyle seems to be a little wild at times. She has a beauty mark in between her lips and her nose a bit to the right.
Personality: (mbti style)
Ne: Montreal is a person who’s brain is completely scattered. Creative and innovative, she always find something new to talk about. Imaginative and hyper, she’s quick at hitting people with puns and enjoys sharing her ideas. She hopes they will make a difference and relies on her ability to improvise and talk her way out of anything. Charismatic and outgoing, she’s fun to be around.
Fi: although she grew up to have different values from, the rest of her province, she still tries to keep their relationship not too harsh. When the two most important ethnics groups at the time couldn’t get along, she knew she couldn’t please everyone. That’s why she always tries to do what she feels is best to her. She knows that if she does what is right to her, she’ll stay authentic and true to herself.
Te: although she’s isn’t a very organized person, not very punctual, somewhat passive aggressive and is most likely to get bored of something quickly, she is still able to hold on the position of a leader. She is able to encourage and inspire others to keep on going. Being the former largest city in Canada, she needed to have a minimum amount of logical thinking. If fact, she’s not shy to say what’s on her mind and make a clear and blunt statement.
Si: Montreal has bad times and good times like everyone else. It’s obvious that no one’s perfect, but she tries to learn from her mistakes very hard. She can turn a little nostalgic thinking about her golden times, but through analyzation, she realizes that they were all not completely good. Montreal knows that if she focuses on what she can do to improve, she can lean towards a better future. She knows her past mistakes and knows she has to get up. The show must go on.
Montreal has a wide range of interests and hobbies. Of course, her favorite sports are ice hockey, ice skating and skiing, although she had tried other sports before, like baseball. She also likes biking and mostly gets around with it. Recently, she’s been trying really hard to be ecological. Her hobbies are painting and drawing, playing video games, cooking, going out and stand-up comedy. Montreal is a also a place where research and civil aviation is important.
Style :
Montreal is a bit of a hipster, she can seem like some kind of student who shares an apartment in the Plateau with their friends and spend their days at indie coffee shops. Since she is the second biggest Canadian city, she still wears mainly working clothes. Recently, she developed a liking for vintage and bohemian style clothes. Likes bracelets a lot.
outgoing, optimistic, nice to be around, relaxed, assertive, has a witty sense of humor , is a friendly and warm person.
Not so great things about her:
can be a little too boastful, selfish and can be passive aggressive when she’s not in a good mood. Like said earlier, Montreal lacks organization and can be lazy and that results in her having unfinished and neglected projects ( CONSTRUCTION OMG).She has trouble sometimes to focus on the right things and tend to target herself unrealistic goals. That results her having too many debts or simply not the result wanted. Also, being punctual is not her biggest perk.
( obviously, her favorite sports are winter sports. The first hockey game that was ever recorded was played in Montreal! Also, with the Canadiens and their 24 Stanley cups, it’s no wonder Montreal is a hockey city.
Also, the first team of baseball outside of the United States was a Montreal team. That’s why it’s mentioned. Ah, we all miss the expos. )
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aphmontreal · 8 years
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(( hi there! It’s been a while!
I don’t really take this blog seriously and my oc is more of a living breathing meme right now, which is the case of the city she’s representing.
Construction, “weird Christmas tree”, problems with slippery roads. I really consider my city a freaking meme.
It doesn’t really help the fact that I’m a Montrealer.
But anyways, here’s a dead meme for you, based on a guy I saw today riding his unicycle. In the snow. Okay wow I love this guy.
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aphmontreal · 8 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY1!!1 To the weirdest dude I know... 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
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aphmontreal · 8 years
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