aphroditepeter · 2 years
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Villains AU for Starker Bingo 2019
Slowly filling out mah squares; SIM!Tony and his bad baby boy 💖 world domination is spelled “starker”
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aphroditepeter · 2 years
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model!peter who gets a kick out of posting raunchy photos of himself
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aphroditepeter · 2 years
contemplating whether i should finish working on my drabble of tony being the cruel prince while peter is a fairy who is able to change tony's heart and make him fall in love with him or youtuber au where peter is a youtuber and he loves to post contents of his everyday life with tony especially when he is pregnant while tony is being the overly protective daddy yall help me :(
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aphroditepeter · 2 years
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“Although we're apart
You're a part of my heart
And tonight you belong to me.
My honey, I know
With the dawn that you will be gone
But tonight you belong to me ”
- Tonight You Belong To Me  // Prudence & Patience
“Not even death can do us part. Isn’t that right, dearest Tony?”
“P-Peter, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do all those things, just- Please.. Just let me go.”
“Not until you come with me. And we can live happily ever after in hell.”
Tony realizes that it is his fault. His fault for taking that stupid bet. His fault for making Peter fall in love with him while he was just pretending to date him. His fault for actually loving Peter afterward. His fault for breaking Peter’s heart after Peter found out their relationship was nothing but a stupid bet. His fault for letting Quentin and his friends took advantage of Peter while he took pictures and videos of them. His fault for making Peter commit suicide a week after.
And it is entirely his fault for promising Peter that nothing, not even death, can separate them both. 
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aphroditepeter · 3 years
Torn - Starker
Another Starker drabble because assignments are killing me and I would rather write this one :’)
Warnings: It does not end well with Peter so read at your own risk (although it is just a prompt but still).
Tags: High School AU, Non-con, Major Character Death, Slight Feminization, Angst, Peter Parker Whump, Dark but Guilty! Tony, Betrayal, Sad Ending, etc.
Tony and Peter are dating despite their differences.
Tony is the popular boy who constantly gets into trouble while Peter is the good kid with a big heart.
People were stunned to know that both of them are dating each other. Some were even jealous of Peter for "stealing" Tony from them.
Even Peter sometimes doubts his relationship with Tony since Tony suddenly confessed his love to him even though they were never close before. Tony hangs out with other popular kids while Peter prefers to stay and study in the library or school laboratory.
Nevertheless, Tony has been treating him like a lover would do and making sure that no one dares to bully or make fun of him while they are dating.
What Peter loves about Tony is the way Tony always takes pictures or videos of him. No matter what he is doing or where they are going, Tony never fails to take any memorable moments of him every time he has the chance.
To Tony, taking pictures of Peter is something that he will never get tired of and the pictures and videos he took will always be cherished memories.
One day, Peter has to stay late in the school laboratory because of a project he has to finish.
He already told Tony to go home first instead of letting him stay with him in the laboratory as he doesn't want Tony to feel bored while waiting for him.
It is 9 p.m. and there is no one except Peter there. While he is busy concentrating, he doesn't realize that a few people have entered the room.
Then someone taps his shoulder. Peter turns around and is surprised to see Quentin Beck and a few of his friends are standing behind him with dark looks on their faces.
Peter asks Quentin if there is something he can help him with before Quentin suddenly moves his hand towards Peter's skirt, groping his ass while his friends are snickering at him.
Feeling shocked by Quentin's sudden move, Peter slaps him in the face and quickly tries to leave the room but to no avail, one of Quentin's friends, Harry Osborn, grabs him by the waist and throws him onto the ground.
Harry automatically pins Peter down and makes sure that he doesn't move while the others including Quentin are laughing at him, obviously liking the way Peter is now helpless as there is no one there to help him.
The others start to chant to Harry to take Peter’s clothes off to have a better look at him. With no shame, Harry starts to take Peter's sweater off of him, leaving him completely shirtless whereas Quentin and his friends are already staring at Peter with arousal.
 Knowing that this won’t end well if Peter doesn’t have an effort to stop them, he tries to hit or kick Harry off of him, resulting in Harry giving him a hard slap on the face which makes Peter sobs so hard.
Peter prays that Tony or anyone else will arrive to stop Quentin and his friends. He prays that all of this is just a nightmare and he will wake up sooner or later.
Although he realizes that he is not dreaming and it is really happening, luckily, his prayer has been answered when another person enters the lab and that person is Tony. 
Peter screams for Tony's help while he is still struggling to get rid of Harry that is still on top of him.
Surprisingly, Tony doesn't make a move. He just stands there and stares at Peter with a blank look on his face. 
Then Peter sees Quentin move towards Tony and pat him on the back, grinning as he tells Tony that he has officially won the bet for being able to date Peter Parker and making him believe that Tony does love him until now.
Feeling heartbroken, Peter still cries for help to Tony. For sure, even though it is just a bet and Tony has been playing with his heart this whole time, he will never let the others take advantage of him just like the way Tony protected him when they were still “dating”, right?
Wrong. Tony ignores Peter and instead pulls out his camera and starts taking pictures of Peter who is still shirtless with Harry tightly holding Peter's hands on top of his head while another friend of theirs is holding Peter's legs to prevent him from moving or kicking them any further.
Peter cries even harder when they manage to take off his final piece of clothes which are his skirt and panties, leaving him naked and helpless.
At the same time, Tony, the one he dearly loves so much, is not doing anything other than taking pictures of him while Quentin and his friends are smiling and posing for the pictures with Peter.
One photo clearly shows a naked Peter who is crying with bruises starting to form on his face due to how many times the boys have slapped or punched him to shut him up. The photo even shows Quentin and his friends holding out their peace signs as well as grinning madly.
When Quentin asks Tony if he can have a taste of Peter, Tony doesn't say a word and continues his work by recording a video of Peter who is about to get raped by Quentin while he and the others watch.
Quentin and his friends cheer whenever each of them has taken their turn with Peter yet Tony doesn't stop taking pictures or videos of the event. Not even when Peter is unable to let out a scream or cry anymore due to how hoarse his voice has turned out and he just let them rape and use him for god knows how long.
When Quentin and his friends have finished, they thank Tony and tell him to send all the pictures and videos that he has taken throughout the whole time Peter has been raped and tortured.
As they all leave the room, Tony is still there with Peter, who is already unconscious with bruises everywhere on his face and body. Not to mention, there are cums all over his body especially on his face and Tony doesn't even want to look at the lower part of Peter's body that is now oozing with cums and blood.
Some of the boys even wrote words at all over his figure, describing Peter like “Whore”, “Disgusting sluts”, “A hole for everyone” and “Dirty bitch”. Tony doesn’t want to remind himself of how many times Quentin wants him to take pictures of every word they have written on Peter.
Tony can only say 'sorry' to Peter before he leaves the room to join along with the boys, knowing that Peter will never forgive him for what he did on that day.
And he surely never forgives himself when a week after the incident, the school has received the devastating news of a student committing suicide.
Peter Benjamin Parker has been found dead by hanging himself in his room. On the ground, there is a note, written in a crimson-colored ink which people presume his own blood. The note says, “Peace will never be with them”.
Might be writing part 2 if I ever feel like wanting to because I want Tony (sorry), Quentin, and his friends to suffer for the rest of their lives as Peter haunts them <3
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aphroditepeter · 3 years
the feminine urge to stop doing my assignments and instead work on writing some starker prompts that have been playing on my mind lately.
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aphroditepeter · 3 years
Pity Party - Starker
First post I guess <3
I suddenly remember reading this one fanfiction called 'Pity Party' a few years ago where the main character has Peter Pan Syndrome and he was throwing his birthday party but no one came and I immediately thought of Starker.
Please bear with me, I wrote this at 2 a.m. instead of sleeping so I am sorry if there are any mistakes.
Tags: Mentions of bullying, Feminine!Peter, Older!Tony, Dark!Tony, Underage, Whump, Age differences, Implied non-con, etc.
So feminine Peter has Peter Pan Syndrome and he is super excited to have his 16th birthday party.
A few days ago before his birthday, he already gave almost everyone he knows at school the invitation cards to his party, including his bullies, Quentin Beck, and his asshole friends who keep on harassing him mentally and physically. But, Peter being the sweetheart he is, doesn’t mind the bullying and instead has a crush on Quentin.
He knew that it is the wrong thing to do to invite them but then again, he thought that maybe they will not bully him anymore once they have come to his house and saw how amazing his birthday party is. Plus, naïve Peter thought that maybe, just maybe, Quentin will realize that Peter is not that bad after all despite him being different and he might fall in love with Peter just like the way Peter did.
Due to his excitement, Peter planned the most perfect birthday party he has ever done throughout his whole life.
He already picked all the birthday balloons, chosen a strawberry-flavored birthday cake (his favorite), and put on pink banners everywhere. Literally, everything you need for a birthday party.
He even picked his own birthday outfit, consisting of a pink sweater with a white mini pleated skirt and white knee-high socks that just scream cuteness.
Aunt May did help him to put a little bit of makeup on his face, making him look even prettier than he usually does that even Peter himself keeps on blushing when thinking of what Quentin will think of him later when he and the others arrive.
Since Aunt May has to go to work until late at night, she can’t join him and only wished him a happy birthday before she goes to work. Nonetheless, Peter is still in a happy mood as he waits for his guests to appear so that Peter can celebrate his birthday for the very first time with other people besides his aunt.
He waits and waits and waits. An hour begins to pass. Then two hours, before three to four hours pass and Peter falls asleep due to being tired of waiting.
When Peter wakes up, he realizes that it is almost night and not a single person has made an appearance outside his house or even knock on the door to surprise him.
Feeling sad, Peter cries so hard that he starts hitting himself repeatedly. He blames himself for thinking so gullible that people will come to his birthday party when he should have noticed the look on their faces when he gave them their invitation cards. Nothing but shame and disgust were shown on their faces.
He should also blame himself for thinking that Quentin will arrive here and spend time with him when he knows that Quentin and his friends might be having fun somewhere else while laughing at Peter’s naiveness and stupidity.
Peter thinks that he is at fault. Maybe it is because of his childish behaviors that are different and unlike any normal teenager at his school. And maybe it is because the way he dresses up is too feminine and how he loves to wear pastel outfits, especially pink ones.
Peter is about to go to his room and forget about everything that has been happening when he suddenly hears a knock on the door. 
Feeling relieved, Peter wipes his tears and runs towards the door. Probably thinking that someone he knows, his aunt, or even Quentin, has finally come to celebrate his birthday.
Surprisingly, when he opens the door, a man who is much older than him is standing in front of his door with a smile on his face. 
He looks like he is in his late 30s or early 40s but Peter admits that he is handsome. But he shouldn’t think of that. He only likes Quentin! 
The man calls himself Tony Stark. He tells Peter that he is one of the people that live in Peter’s neighborhood and he decided to go visit him when he heard Peter is throwing a birthday party.
Peter feels uneasy as he has never seen Tony around the neighborhood as long as he has lived here. He quickly remembers his aunt’s bits of advice of not letting strangers talk to him or letting them enter the house without his aunt’s permission. 
Yet, after Tony convinces him that he is one of the neighbors here and he looks nice (not to mention Peter wants at least one person to hang out with him during his birthday), Peter decides to let Tony inside.
Because someone is willing to spend time with Peter, Peter’s mood has become better. He happily tells Tony about his birthday cake and goes to the kitchen to show Tony where he put his cake so he can have a little taste.
What Peter doesn’t realize is that Tony has locked the door. And he is standing behind Peter with a dark look on his face.
Let’s just say, Tony prefers to taste something or someone that is much sweeter than the birthday cake.
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