#feminine peter parker
angederose · 4 months
@madeforstarker posted something recently about Peter having painted nails and I agree entirely. Peter definitely paints his nails and Tony definitely loves how pretty they are.
But I was also thinking, Peter definitely paints his nails in ways that remind him of Tony, to have a bit of his partner with him constantly. Whether it's a bold red and gold manicure to match the iron man suit or a deep brown color that matches Tony's eyes almost identically.
It also made me think about that old trend where someone would paint their pinky nail to match their partner's nails and I can imagine Peter making Tony do that. Tony would protest that the polish would probably be ruined while he worked in the lab, but in the end Peter would win (because Tony is absolutely whipped and will do anything to make Peter happy). So, although some of the other avengers made some jokes about the shiny pink polish on Tony's pinky finger, Tony can't help but look at it fondly. It's something that Peter did for him out of love. He loved watching his boyfriend adorably focus on painting his nail and couldn't help but smile when Peter gently blew on his nail to dry the polish.
This is barely related to Made's post other than the fact that it's about nail polish, but it did make me think about Peter painting his nails and all the possibilities along with that
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featherofaswan · 1 month
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Maybe it’s the gender crisis/genderfluid thing, but I really love characters meeting an alternate version of themselves where they’re a different gender and practically nothing has changed
Currently thinking about that with Peter Parker, so to keep the initials the same I default to Penelope, when I’m not just ignoring gendered names and calling her Peter anyways, and I decided that to keep a nickname close to “Petey,” Harry calls her “PB” (cause “Penelope Benjamin Parker)
Harry 1: Yeah, my best friend, PB
Harry 2: You’re friends with Petey here, too?
Harry: Yeah, PB’s my closest friend!
This has devolved into Harry calling her “Peanut Butter” while she jokes that he’s “Jelly,” which then turned into wondering why Harry doesn’t call Peter “Peanut” as his own personal nickname for him while MJ has “Tiger,” and then, because I’m reading romance fics rn, it’s turned into thinking about a scenario where awhile after giving Peter his new nickname of “Peanut,” he realizes he has a crush on him while blushing and feeling sweaty around him and just goes “I think I’m allergic to you” and then never explains what he means
But anyways, back to Penelope and Peter meeting, I think the best scenario is that there’s visibly little to no difference between them, maybe one person’s hair is longer, but other than that they’re identical twins and everyone respects both of their genders and pronouns and doesn’t confuse either one for the other (yes they’re both called “Spiderman,” Penny’s confident enough in her gender that she’s okay with it, plus it rolls off the tongue better than “Spiderwoman”)
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xxcocoiiixx · 1 year
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𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐂𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜
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pussyeater8000 · 1 year
Has anyone noticed that Miles is literally a Black Widow or am I just dumb and is this a well known fact
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Funfact: Black Widows symbolize destruction
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hiiisorryimlate · 2 months
Saw a random tiktok that got me to start Dark Matter - mysterycyclone
it's good, yes.
but why do the added description of "feminine" for very normal things like writing and laughter the few times women turn up 💀
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yurishica · 1 year
Transfem Peter Parker headcanons! There are headcanons about three spideys, they all have name Penny Parker. (They're not binary mtf)
Raimi Penny Parker(2) — transfem, girlflux and female lean bisexual, going by She/he.
Tasm Penny Parker(3) — trans engirl (girlby or enby girl), pansexual, going by She/they/he.
MCU Penny Parker (1) — trans demigirl, neptunic, going by She/they
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blooming-violets · 5 months
Hear me out :
Peter is jaded after Gwen, it’s before the events of NWH, and he’s slowly starting to fall in love with a woman he’s (literally) ran into at the library. She’s intellectual, kind, but is also a little jaded like Peter. Slowly, he has seen hope in her chestnut eyes. He is starting to see a future.
One night, Peter is listening to the police scanners and hears the code for an armed break-in, and it’s library girl’s apartment complex’s address.
He swallows, angry chills run up his spine as he hears her apartment number called out.
What does he do, Katie? How would he react?
I'm With You || TASM Peter Parker x fem!Reader
Trigger Warnings: stalking, sexual assault of a woman (being masturbated over by a man and touched w/o consent), nudity, crass language, gun usage, armed break-ins with the intent to harm a woman living alone, being tied and gagged against her will, violence from Peter/Spider-Man with a tiny bit of gore
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It’s a damn cold night. 
Peter tugged his jacket close around his body as he jogged the last few remaining steps into the public library. His overdue books were hidden inside the satchel at his side. He was about a month late in returning them and the library was almost closed. He wanted to get them in before he forgot. If he waited another day, he would never remember to bring them back. 
As he rounded the corner, he tripped over someone’s outstretched legs. Being a man of his talents, he quickly corrected his fall to land effortlessly back on his feet with the elegance of a ballerina making a graceful leap. 
Quizzical eyes stared up at him. 
The woman on the floor was leaning with her back against the bookcase with an open book in her lap. She looked more annoyed at him for tripping over her instead of apologetic for having her legs across the aisle. 
“Watch where you’re going,” she grumbled. 
She lifted the book up to her face, blocking him back out. 
Peter let out a breathy laugh of disbelief at the audacity of this bitch. 
“Excuse me?” He said, agast. 
She peeked her eyes over the top of the book to stare him down, “Dude, get lost. I’m busy. Not my fault you’re clumsy.”
“You tripped me!” He read the cover of the book she was reading. The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes. “Doing a bit of light reading, I see. First it’s tripping innocent strangers and next it’s world domination? Is that it?”
He caught the smallest of smiles tug at her lips hidden behind the book.  
A singular butterfly fluttered around inside his stomach at the sight. The feeling was enough to grab his attention. He quietly admired her. Legs still stretched out in front of her. Zero regard for the space she was taking up. He kind of liked it. She didn’t give a shit. 
Peter turned and left her to her book, not wanting to bother her further, and headed to the front desk to deal with his late fees.
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A week had passed and he was back in the library. He had no real purpose for being there today other than he liked the smell of the books. They made him feel relaxed. He liked to walk down the aisles and let his fingers graze across each bump of their spines. Every book he touched, filled with another story, another world, hundreds of lives under the tips of his fingers. 
“Hey,” a feminine voice hissed from between a gap of books on the other side of the shelf. 
Those eyes. He blinked back at them, peering between the shelves, trying to place where he remembered them from. 
Then it hit him. 
Atomic bomb girl. 
“Can I borrow your height?” She whispered, keeping her voice low to be respectful to the people studying on the other side of the room. Unlike the last time he saw her, it was a Thursday afternoon and the library was full with students. 
Peter slipped into the next aisle. She pointed to the book she wanted on the top shelf, just out of her reach. He plucked it down for her and turned it over in his hands. Relativity: The Special and the General Theory by Albert Einstein.
She eyed him with an intensity he wasn’t used to, like she was seeing straight through his skin and into his soul. Her eyes were captivating. He wanted to get lost in them. 
“You’re the unbalanced, trippy guy, right?” She asked. 
Peter smiled. Last night he stood on one foot on top of the Empire State Building spire just to admire the view. He was more balanced than she would ever know. 
“You mean, am I the one you tripped? Yes.” He handed her over the book. “You’re into science, I see, atomic bomb girl?” 
“I’m into learning. Whatever form that may come in.” She took the book and tucked it under her arm. “Thanks, trippy.” 
“Peter,” he called after her as she spun around to walk away. “You can call me Peter!”
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The library became his new home. He took every opportunity to attend in the hopes of bumping into her again. Some days were a success, other’s a failure, but he found himself wanting more. Every time she had a new book and every time he would find the same one to read after her. It wasn’t weird. He was just…trying to find quiet ways to relate to someone new.
So he told himself. 
Peter had forgotten how to talk to women after Gwen. It had been so long since he even attempted to date anyone.
“Are you stalking me?” She asked one evening when she walked into the room to find him sitting on his laptop at one of the tables. 
He glanced up and shrugged, “I was here first this time. Maybe you’re stalking me?”
She smiled and slid into the seat across from him, “I already have one stalker. I don’t need another. If you’re into me, you better just grow a pair, and ask me out now.” 
Peter grinned, “I’m…wait…okay.” He ran a hand through his hair, sitting up straighter, completely letting the stalker comments fly over his head as he got flustered. “Would you like to go on a date with me? Right here. Right now. If you say ‘yes’ then it’s already starting.” He closed his laptop to give her his full attention. 
Her eyes widened and she settled happily back into her chair, “Alright, Peter, was it? Nice to meet you. This is an interesting choice of restaurant for a first date. Not what I would have chosen for our dinner and a movie night. I didn’t see a kitchen when I walked in but I chose to trust you.” 
“This is the finest establishment the borough has to offer,” he feigned a gasp. “Don’t you insult my choice of restaurant.” 
He raised a finger in the air, pretending to call over an imaginary waiter, “Hello, yes, I will take your finest bottle of wine for the table to start. The more expensive, the better. And I will take a big, giant steak for myself and, perhaps, a nice, small salad for the lovely lady?” He shot her a cheeky wink as she let out a laugh. 
“Fuck you,” she giggled.
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Fucking him was exactly what she did. 
They continued their imaginary dinner date in the library until it closed, the librarian kicking them out and shooing them out the front door. They walked into the chilly night air, stopping at a bodega at the street corner to grab a few snacks, as they made their way to her place. 
He had slept with other women since Gwen passed but this time was different. There were feelings involved. Feelings that were still in their infancy. Ones that were just sparking to life. But they were there. He didn’t just want to fuck her and run. He wanted more than that. He wanted to stay. He wanted to grow and cultivate whatever path they were headed down. He wanted this to be something. 
He was ready to try dating again. 
She rolled over in the bed, naked and relaxed, staring up at the ceiling, “That was amazing. You really know how to use that tongue of yours for more than just being a dick. I’m impressed.”
Peter chuckled, “Oh, please, your tongue was nothing to scoff at either.”
It really had been one of the best blow jobs of his life. 
He leaned on his side, propping his head up with his hand, and gazed happily down at her, “I want to take you on a real date. Saturday night. To an actual restaurant.”
She hesitated. A shadowed sadness darkened her eyes which she quickly pushed away, “Okay. I think I can do that.”
Peter frowned, “Something wrong?”
She shook her head, leaning over to kiss him as a distraction, “Nope. When you leave, can you leave through one of the side doors? Don’t walk out the front of the apartment.” 
That was his cue to leave, apparently. He chewed anxiously against his bottom lip. Maybe he was misreading whatever he thought was going on between them. Maybe she wanted a quick fuck and nothing more. Come to think of it, when they entered here, she had snuck them in the back door, too, making him walk a few feet behind her like they weren’t together.
Maybe she was in a relationship and cheating on her partner with him?
“I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?” She offered, casually urging him to get out of the bed. “Text me. I stuck my contact in your phone earlier.”
Peter left feeling more confused and unsure than when he entered her place. 
He lifted his phone as he walked through the streets, searching the contracts until he found her under ❤️Atomic Bomb Girl❤️, and he smiled down at it. A heart. Maybe he was overthinking things. Maybe her front door was just broken. He always went straight to assuming the worst. 
Someone slammed into his shoulder, jostling him out of his thoughts, and he glanced behind him. A large, buff man glared back at him. He looked to be in his late fifties and was balding. His massive arms bulged under his tight fitting, worn down leather jacket. He reached out to clamp a hand down around Peter’s upper arm.
Peter frowned and tried to jerk away, “Dude, it was an accident, chill.” 
“Did you fuck that girl up there?” That man asked, nodding his head back to her apartment building. There was a crazed desperation in his voice. “I saw you following her home. Did she spread her legs for you and whore herself out? Did you get a good look at that tight, little pussy? Tell me, what did it look like? You take any pictures? I’ll pay you for them.”
Peter jerked his arm out of the man’s grasp, scowling in disgust, “What the fuck? I have no idea what you’re talking about. I wasn’t following anyone. I was meeting a friend who lives there. Fuck off.” 
The man leaned forward and inhaled his scent causing Peter to jump back. 
“I can smell her on you,” he growled as his eyes rolled back into his head. “That’s her perfume. I know because I bought it for her. You were fucking her.” 
That was enough. 
Peter shoved the older man off of him and jogged around the corner, waiting until he was out of sight before throwing himself up onto her building roof, peering over the edge to keep an eye on him. 
He was just pacing back and forth outside the apartment door, mumbling to himself and fidgeting with something in his pocket. 
“Freak,” Peter muttered under his breath. 
He pulled up her contact and sent her a text: Some crazy old dude just ambushed me outside your place. Asked about you. Maybe don’t go outside tonight. I think he’s not right in the head.
He saw three bubbles appear as she started to text back but then they disappeared again, leaving him hanging. 
Peter shrugged it off. He stayed and kept watch until the man finally wandered off down the street.
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The night before he was supposed to take her out on a date, Peter was laid over his bed in his Spider suit sans mask. His police scanner let out more static of nothing as he waited for something, anything, to happen. He was bored but it was too cold to hang around on a rooftop somewhere. He would stay in the warmth of his bedroom unless something exciting came his way. They had been texting back and forth nonstop for the last few days and calling each other every night to talk for hours. He liked it when she sent him pictures of things she was doing around her house during the day. She was adorable and he looked forward to whenever his phone would buzz. 
As if on cue, it vibrated across the mattress next to him. 
He lifted it up in a gloved hand to read the text. A frown settled over his face as he read it. 
Atomic Bomb Girl: ha ha ha i win u lose dontever touch wat is mine again 
Right as he was attempting to decipher what she was talking about, taking note of how drastic of a change of text from her usual ones it was, the police scanner lit to life.
“All available units to Linden Boulevard, Oak Ridge Apartments, floor three. Multiple calls of gunshots heard and one reported casualty of a security guard. Suspect is wearing dark clothes, caucasian older male, considered armed and dangerous. Approach with caution.”
His senses exploded in a panicked wave of tingles. That was her place. Her floor. The image of that strange man assaulting him on the street after he left came back to hit him like a ton of bricks. Peter looked back at his phone as the pieces fell into place. 
Oh, fuck. 
Quiet, controlled anger replaced the panic. His heart rate steadied as a calm chill fell over him. His jaw locked in determination. He reached for his mask, tugging it over his stone cold, deadly expression, and he leaped out of his open window. 
Peter Parker no longer fucked around when it came to protecting the one’s he cared about. This was personal. 
He arrived at the scene in record speed, landing directly on top of a black S.W.A.T truck as it pulled up. He rapped a fist down on the hood to get their attention.
“Feel free to sit this one out, boys!” He called down to them. “Spidey’s got you covered! I’ll be in and out in minutes. No need to worry. Focus on crowd control. I’ve got a date with a balding fucker. If all goes well, it’ll end up with a quickie in the back of a cop car, as I ride his ass straight to prison.” 
Peter threw himself up onto her building, scaling to the third floor and around to find her window. He knew exactly where he would find his perp. His masked face popped up in her bedroom window. It was empty and quiet. He slammed his fist through the glass, slipping his hand inside to find the lock, and shoved it open wide enough for him to shimmy through. 
From inside, he could hear muffled cries. Whimpers. They were different from the whimpers he had been able to elicit out of her the other night but he knew them all the same. 
Silent as a shadow, Peter crept around the corner. With her hands tied behind her back, her shirt ripped open so her bare chest was on display, and thrown against the couch was his girl. The gun man stood above her. A pistol was aimed directly at her forehead. From this angle, he couldn’t quite make out what was going on, but it looked as if the man was masturbating over her. Trails of mascara ran down her cheeks and she let out muffled cries against the heavy amounts of duct tape blocking her mouth as she struggled to break free. 
His anger flared but he tried to push it down to manable levels. He had learned over the years that getting too angry made him sloppy. He needed to control it. Work with it. Tame it into something he could use as a weapon instead of making it a weakness. 
Peter crawled up her wall and onto her ceiling, prowling towards the man. Up here, he had a clear view. His dick was out and he was frantically jerking it as fast as he could at her breasts. Her eyes widened in fear but then flashed with hope when caught sight of Spider-Man crawling across her ceiling. 
He hadn’t even done anything yet and he already felt pride. She felt a sense of safety around him…even if she didn’t know it was him behind the mask. It made him cocky. Made him want to show off. 
When he was directly behind him, he silently lowered himself upside on a web until his face was hung directly behind the assailant. 
“I’m actually surprised you can even get it up,” he quipped, keeping his voice light, despite the rage eating at his stomach. “I didn’t know something that small could get hard.”  
The man whipped around, his dick flopping against his leg, as he sputtered in shock. His pistol went off, firing aimless at the wall behind Peter’s head. 
Peter held up his hands in mock surrender as he jumped to his feet, “Whoa, there, tinycock! Don’t go blowing your load so soon! You’ll miss out on all the fun.”
There was no doubt this was the same man he had met outside the other day. His eyes were crazed with an unhinged, desperation that reeked of a man off his meds. Peter made sure to keep the man’s eyes on himself, holding his attention, instead of on her. 
“What’s a sad sap like you doing out of the psych ward? Were you a good boy and managed to snag yourself a day pass?” Peter clasped his hands together like he was excited for him, voice dripping with sarcasm. “And you used it to visit your daughter? Aww, that’s so sweet. Wait a minute.” He pretended to just now notice the man’s cock hanging out of his pants. It had gone soft and shrunken up like a scared little mouse. “Is she…not your daughter? But you’re so old. And she’s so young. I guess I don’t see any resemblance. She’s really pretty and you’ve got-” He motioned a hand around the man’s face. “-all that. Something tells me that there’s more going on here. Wanna tell your pal Spidey all about it?” 
The man was silent, blinking in a shocked awe at the masked hero, before finally snapping out of it. Spider-Man always excelled at talking his bad guys into circles with his stream of conscious babbling. The gun raised towards his head but, quicker than the man could even process, Peter had latched his hand around the barrel and crushed it in his grasp with the same ease as one might squish a can of soda after they finished drinking.
“Whoopies,” he joked. “Looks like your gun broke! I wouldn’t pull that trigger if I were you. It’ll explode right back into your face there. On second thought, maybe give it a go! It might improve what you’re working with!” 
The man faltered, looking confused and baffled down at his crushed gun. He clearly wasn’t the brightest bulb in the box. That was okay. Peter didn’t need him to be intelligent. He just needed him to be unarmed. 
Which he now was. 
Peter grabbed him by the scruff of the collar and turned him around to face her, “Do you see that girl there?” The man’s eyes glazed over as he stared down at her exposed breasts. Peter quickly threw a hand over the man’s eyes to block them, manhandling him around like he wasn’t twice his size. “I take that back. Don’t see that girl there. Use your imagination. Remember her face. You know that girl? Yeah, that girl. The one you tied up and assaulted? The one sitting in front of us, scared out of her mind and traumatized. I want you to remember her. Because if you ever, and I mean ever, even think about her again, if she ever crosses your pathetically shriveled up mind, if you ever say her fucking name, speak about her, think about, look in her direction, or ever come near her again…” 
Peter dragged him over to the living room window where the slew of police were barricaded outside. He could hear the S.W.A.T crew moving up the stairwell now towards them and knew they only had a few more precious minutes of alone time. He shoved the man up to the window, raising his arm to force him to wave limply at all the cops down below. 
His voice lowered to a dangerous growl. Any playful, sarcastic essence it once held in the presence of his girl disappeared so only the man could hear him. 
“If you ever fucking touch her again,” he breathed. “I will toss you off of the Empire State Building and laugh through your entire fall down to your grizzly end.” 
With his hand still clutching the man’s collar, he jerked him back and smashed his face directly through the glass window. He heard her muffled scream of shock behind him but he knew she would be alright. 
A shard of glass stuck out of the man’s forehead, blood dripping down over his half closed eye, and Peter flicked it off down onto the street below. 
“That was for trying to taunt me over text,” he whispered in the dazed man’s ear. “I don’t play nice with men like you. Want to see what it would feel like falling to your death? Here’s a little preview so you’ll be sure to know exactly what you’ll be in for if you ever even think about my woman again.” 
Peter reeled back and tossed the man straight out of her window, head first, sending him down to the cops below. If he let his anger win, he would have never set a web straight after him, but she was watching and he didn’t want to be that person. She had gone through enough without having to see her Saturday night date murder a man in front of her.
The web latched onto his back at the final moments to break his fall. His legs may have crumpled against the ground…just a little bit…but he was alive. It was more than he deserved but the cops could deal with him now. 
Peter spun around to look back at her. She was quietly sobbing, muffled by her gag, but held a look of relief on her face. She brought her teary eyes up to meet his, or where she thought they would under the mask, and gave him a short nod of thanks. 
The S.W.A.T team was nearing her door. He could jump out the window and allow them to help her get free or…
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She clung onto him, her head buried in his shoulder, as he soared them down the street and away from the commotion below. She cried softly. He wasn’t sure if it was from fear or the trauma or that fact that New York’s very own Spider-Man had just stolen her from her home but he kept a firm hold on her and kept whispering reassuring words in her ear. 
Eventually, he landed them on top of his own apartment building, setting her down gently onto her bottom. 
She gasped for breath, reaching up a hand to wipe the tears from her eyes, “I always…wondered…what it would be like…to fly…” Her chest was heaving between each gasping word. “Turns out, it’s terrifying. Still, thank you, Peter. For saving me.” 
He shrugged, “It’s no problem. I was just doing my- hey, wait!”
She gave him a sneaky smile, still shivering and teary, but proud of herself for figuring it out.
“What?” She asked, innocently. “You think I wouldn’t know your voice? I’ve been listening to it for hours every night over the phone for the past few days.”
Peter reluctantly reached a hand up to pull off his mask, “You’re good.” 
Despite having already guessed his secret identity, she still looked surprised to actually see him without the mask on. He squatted down in front of her to seem less intimidating. 
“So that was your stalker, I take it?” He asked. 
She nodded, giving a sad sigh, “The one and only. He’s a joy, isn’t he?” 
He plopped onto his ass and crossed his legs, giving her a shrug, “I don’t think he’ll be bothering you again. I may have had some, ahem, choice words to encourage him to find new hobbies.”
She smiled again, blinking back her tears, “Thank you, Peter. Or, should I be calling you Spidey from now on?”
He laughed, rolling his eyes, “Look, this is a big deal! You better not go running your mouth or else I’ll have to have some choice words with you, too.” 
He liked hearing the sound of her laugh, especially after everything she just went though, and he knew she would be okay. 
“I have a date with Spider-Man tomorrow,” she giggled. “How exciting.”
Peter chuckled, “The excitement wears off quickly, trust me.” 
She scooted closer to bring her mascara streaked face inches from his, “Somehow I doubt that.”
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lillotus17 · 6 months
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SYNOPSIS: After being dead for two minutes and then brought back to life thanks to your coworker you start to get these weird visions of future events just minutes before they happen. During a train ride you witness the murder of three teenage boys in broad daylight and then suddenly the next second they're sitting back down in their seats, alive and breathing. Despite the want you have to keep your peace and leave it alone, you can't help but get a very bad feeling and it only intensifies when you recognize the man that murdered them in your vision three train carts away and walking in your guys' direction. Shoving the three boys off of the train, saving their lives, risking your own, and being accused of kidnapping was not on your bucket list after surviving death. You don't have any clue what is going on or what in the hell you're gonna do to help these three boys but thankfully the four of you bump into some help along the way.
PAIRING: EnhaHyung!Line X Fem. Reader, Spider-men!EnhaHyungLine x Madame Webb!Reader, Superhero!EnhaHyungLine x Clairvoyant!Reader, Spider!EnhaHyungLine x Paramedic!Reader, [ft. Enha Kim Sunoo (Anya Corazon), Yang Jungwon (Julia Cornwall), and Nishimura Riki (Mattie Franklin); TXT Yeonjun (Ezekial Sims), Choi Soobin (Ben Parker), mentions of Choi Beomgyu (Richard Parker); Shin Ryujin (Mary Parker); more to be added].
GENRE: Superhero AU, Romance, Action, Comedy, Angst, Strangers to Allies to Friends to Lovers, polyamorous relationship, (let me know if I forgot anything) more to be added!
WARNINGS: profanity, sexual/suggestive content (intercourse, oral, masturbation, phone sex, sexting, etc) ONLY WRITTEN FOR HYUNG LINE, MINORS DNI (you WILL be removed/blocked), poly relationship, drinking/consuming alcohol, feminine pronouns/terms used for reader, MADAME WEBB SPOLIERS!!! If you haven't watched it already! This is based on the MADAME WEBB MOVIE with some twist added into it! Let me know if I forgot anything at all!
DISCLAIMER: This is purely a work of FICTION! This is not meant to portray any of the Enhypen Members or other mentioned idols in any way or shape or form.
P.S. if you haven't already, you should definitely check out @artysse (credited) on TIKTOK! If you already have, then you know that it's an ENHA Fan Art Account of Spider ENHA! It's really fucking awesome! Go show some love!
NOT PROOF READ: Apologies for any grammatical errors, my loves!
AUTHOR'S NOTES: This takes place in New York, with mentions of South Korea and Japan. Reader is the same age as Jay, Jake, and Sunghoon. Jungwon, Sunoo, and Niki are the same age, in high school, and have a slightly bigger age gap between them and hyung line. Time gaps, mentions of MCU universe events/milestones. Slight spider-verse au, hyung line are all from different universes! Also note that maknae line don't have their spider powers (yet) because they develop it in series. ENHA hyungs already have their powers when they meet Y/N and the other boys.
Y/N L/N as Cassandra (Cassie) Webb/Madame Webb
Yang Jungwon as Julia Cornwall (Carpenter in the Comics)/Arachne/Spider-(Wo)man
Kim Sunoo as Anya Corazon/Arana
Nishmura Riki (Niki) as Martha (Mattie) Franklin/Spider-(Wo)man
Lee Heeseung as Peter Parker (Tom Holland Universe)/Spider-Man
Park Jongseong (Jay) as Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield Universe)/Spider-Man
Sim Jaeyun (Jake) as Miles Morales (Spider-Verse)/Spider-Man
Park Sunghoon as Gwen Stacy (Spider-Verse)/Spider-Gwen/Ghost Spider
More to be added!
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flower1622 · 8 months
For the Percy Jackson Fandom, Annabeth is the Lois Lane to her Superman. The Mary Jane to her Peter Parker. The Juliet to her Romeo. Iris to her Barry. Padme to her Anakin. A feminine version of Patroclus to her Achilles.
They literally can't stand different opinions because Percabeth, like the other couples I mentioned here, belong together and that's final! If someone doesn't see this way, so the problem is the person...not them.
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nowayspidey · 11 months
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The beetle x The spider.
(Peter Parker x Male!Reader!blue beetle.)
Your ass was on fire. Literally. Burning sensation all over your back along with a throbbing pain that only intensified more and more as soon as you got to the room. Or better said; fell on the room, rolling on the cold floor. Chest rising and falling with no signs of stopping a frantic breathing. Or maybe because Peter let go of you to run and close all the windows in the apartment.
'What's all that sound?' A feminine voice followed Peter steps as he returned with a panicked expression to the room, standing next to you.
That's when you experienced one of the most embarrassing moments in front of your mother-in-law's figure. Peter had slipped the suit off his body, and you.... almost the same. Peter was in his boxers while your's were revealed on the part of your butt. You had gotten up and were on your back checking for injuries. Peter's hand hit your back, catching your attention.
"WHAT?!?!" You snapped angrily.
And yes, you were angry with him. But your anger had blinded you the fact that you were showing your ass to May Parker and Happy Hogan who were now standing at the door-room frame.
'What's going on....? (M/n)..? Can you-- can both of youput on some clothes right now and explain to us what's going on?'
'Yes. May.' Both of you said in unision.
'I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing that beetle embedded in your back (M/c).' Happy had an expression between disgust and curiosity.
'I know. It's unpleasant. But she's sensitive so let's try not to say it out loud.'
But nevertheless, you spoke again first.
'Peter decided to trust a complete stranger on the trip to Italy and NOW after trying to kill us, he revealed our identities!'
'(M/c)!' Peter hissed. He had heard your complaints since you boarded Happy's jet in that tulip field that day on the netherlands.
The two of you had a complicated "relationship."
'Just telling the truth.' You answered, almost eating him with your eyes as you remembered everything that happened in Italy and London.
You spat out the words like venom as you dressed in blue pajama pants and a Hello Kitty shirt you found in Peter's closet.
Helicopters surrounded the building. You ran to the living room in your Hello Kitty pajamas to find every news channel the revelation that Quentin Beck had recorded.
'This is bad. Really bad.' You murmured.
'This is a shithole.' The voice of the beetle responded.
'Yes it is.' You ran a hand through your hair.
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Authors note: i know i took a looong break from writing. But im better (mentally) now and back on trying to write more m/c fics!♡
This is a small series i have planned base on no way home movie x blue beetle movie!!! Also, If you want jaime reyes fics you can drop request at my box ;)
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kenchosaikuo · 1 year
This is my first ever one-shot, fanfic, sort of post so bear with me if it is really bad.
The idea for this is how I think the Across the Spider-verse characters would react to you kissing them with lipstick on. Be warned it will probably be horrifically ooc or maybe it won’t, never tried writing from another characters perspective before. Tried to be gn!Reader but might lean a little more to the feminine side. It’s also not in any particular order.
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Miles Morales
This boy would be a mix of nervous and flustered at the same time. Bonus points if you grab his face while you kiss him, he would short circuit in a second. He’d bounce back after a minute but still be pretty flustered, would definitely stumble over his words while trying to act like he’s ok. Would try to hide how red his face is by covering them with his hands, if you pull them away from him. Oh boy. Prepare for the rebooting process. May or may not take longer than 5 minutes. Would probably wash the mark off, y’know because of his parents and all.
“I- Uh- um. T- thank you f-for um.. that. Um. It felt n-nice” “You good baby?” “Y-yea I’m good.” “You stuttering a lot. You sure you’re good babe?” “Yea. Just need a few minutes to reboot”
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Gwen Stacy
Would have a more controlled reaction. She would be flustered but wouldn’t show it as much as Miles would. She’d probably get a little red on the ears and on the cheeks but other than that she’d be ok. She might stumble over her words a bit and look away as to hide some embarrassment. Would definitely tell Hobie about what happened and talk about how life is going. Bonus points if you use her own lip stick. Would probably wash the mark off so her dad doesn’t know.
“Dang you got rizz like that” “If it’s making you smile like that, then I guess I do” “Wait is that my lipstick though” “Sure is” “Rizz 9000”
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Peter B. Parker
(This is before MJ and Mayday)
I feel like he’d get slightly flustered by it but not so much so to where he would stumble over words. Almost like Gwen. He would pull you in and give you kisses in return too. Whether it be on the forehead, the lips, or anywhere else expect a kiss in return. Would probably tell you to do it again. After a few minutes of sitting on the couch and exchanging little pecks I imagine it would turn into a little movie night with just sitting there and exchanging kiss while the movie plays. Might get distracted when the movie gets good though. Would probably forget about the mark and just leave it there.
“Wait hold on I’m lost. Is she dating him or is she dating the other guy” “Wait what, I thought she was with him and she cheated on him with other guy. Dang it P now I’m confused” “Oh well this movie was confusing anyway. Now where were we?”
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Miguel O’Hara
Would enjoy it. Hands down. Would let you do it. Depending on where you kissed him he would have different reactions. So like on the forehead or cheek, the more sweet areas I feel like he’d kiss you back in the same place. If you did it on the lips, depending on the time and place, it could potentially turn into a little make out session. Now, should you do it on the neck you better prepare yourself for when he’s done working. He’d also probably do it back to you as well. I mean he would get his fangs out and bite you, should you wish. He’ll mark you just like you marked him. Depending if the relationship is known or unknown to others depends if he’ll keep the mark there. If the relationship known he’ll keep the mark there until he showers (if even takes a break from his work). If the relationship is unknown he’ll try to keep it there as long as possible but if he’s gotta go that lipstick stain is coming off.
“Hermosa, what did you just do?” “Nothinggg?” “Sure. Come here Hermosa” “Yes?” “*Bites down on readers neck* Now we are even” “How is that anywhere near even”
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The Spot
Would probably get real giddy and happy about it. Cause you know like after he got turned into the spot he’d get turned down by a lot of people cause they mean so it would make him happy to know he’s still loved and not considered a monster in one persons eyes. Anyways, he’d be really happy and would make sure to keep the mark on there just in case he runs into the Spider-Man’s so he can show that he’s loved by someone. Would probably look at Miles and flaunt it. Would make sure the mark stays there. If it rubs off he’ll tell you to kiss him with lip stick on again.
“Guess what Miles, I pulled a girl before you ever could, HA, take that. I’ve got more rizz than you and I ain’t even human no more”.
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Jessica Drew
(Before the baby and getting married)
Would get a bit embarrassed about it. I feel like she would like it though. Bonus points if you use her lip stick. She’d probably do the same thing though. Just at a different time to catch you off guard and see you get all flustered and embarrassed. She also seems like the type to not just give one kiss but multiple. Kind of like Peter in a sense. If she were to do it back she would do it multiple times in multiple different areas. Would probably keep the mark there for as long as she could.
“My turn!!” “Wait what Jess hold on” “Mwah and mwah” “I was supposed to be the one to catch you off guard” “Haha, nope”
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Pavitr Prabhakar
Would be almost as flustered as Miles but be able to handle said flusteredness better. He’d blush and maybe stutter slightly but he’d be able to cope. Would probably also grab a drink of chai so to calm himself down. He would also definitely get romantic when you do kiss him. He’d probably kiss you back too. Definitely get expect everyone to know. Gwen, Miles, Hobie, Peter, Jess, Miguel even. Everyone is gonna know. Would probably keep the mark there for most of the day too.
“Pav did you really need a cup of Chai to calm down” “N-No, I just like the taste of it” “Sure, but you got it just at this moment in time, can’t be a coincidence hmm??” “Anyways so how’ve you beennnn”
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Hobie Brown
He’d probably do it right back. He’d take the lip stick and kiss you all the same way you did him. Alongside Pav and Spot he’d flaunt it everywhere he goes. He would not get flustered either, he’d be surprised but not flustered. I’ve the feeling he’d tell you to do it again and again until his face is peppered in lip stick marks. Would definitely leave the lip stick marks there. May or may not avoid taking a shower just so they stay on longer.
Oi!! Whatcha doing there” “Just giving you a little kiss” “Well you’re doing it in the wrong spot mate. It’s supposed to be on the lips not on the cheek” “Or I could not do it at all??” “Alright point taken, go on”
The End :D
It you enjoyed reading that let me know. OH and give me suggestions too and any critiques you might have. Anything that’s helpful to my writing is gladly appreciated.:D
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xxcocoiiixx · 1 year
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𝐇𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐞
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hobiebrownismygod · 11 months
Alright, I know a lot of people are headcanoning Gwen as trans, but what if her Peter was actually the trans one?
Gwen's entire story is a trans allegory. I'm pretty sure a lot of people in the ATSV fandom have already established this, but I'm just gonna go over it again in my own perspective.
Peter Parker was Gwen's best friend, and the two of them were so close that Peter and his aunt May would often eat dinner with Gwen and her dad, Captain Stacey and close enough for Captain Stacy to feel a very deep connection towards him.
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I couldn't find a gif, but this scene showed Gwen, Peter, May and Captain Stacy eating dinner together MULTIPLE times, one of those times being Gwen's birthday and another time being Halloween. They are obviously very close family friends.
One could go as far as to say that their closeness could mean that Captain Stacy may have seen Peter as a son to him. Him dying had a huge impact on both Gwen's and Captain Stacy's mental health, which shows that Captain Stacy had as deep of a connection to Peter as Gwen did.
Losing Peter was like losing a son. Later in the movie, Captain Stacy finds out that Gwen is actually Spider-woman. The person who he believed killed his son.
Get it?
He found out his daughter killed his son and doesn't want anything to do with her after that. Exactly like how some fathers feel when they find out their son is transgender. Because they lost their son. Does that make sense?
This seems to be the reason as to why a lot of people are headcanoning Gwen as trans, which is honestly a pretty valid headcanon to make, except-hear me out- what it wasn't Gwen who was trans? What if it was Peter?
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This Peter looks very different from all the other Peters we see. Its not just him being slightly scrawnier thats different, but its also a lot of his facial structure. He looks more feminine. Now don't come for me for saying this, but he looks like he could definitely be a passing trans man.
It would explain why he was getting bullied by "Ned" at school and why he felt the need to become something more (The Lizard). He says he wants to be more like Gwen, like Spider-woman. What if he said that because he too felt like an outcast? He told Gwen that he didn't think Spider-woman was a bad guy, despite Captain Stacy constantly preaching that she was. Spider-woman is a vigilante, who isn't at all liked by the police. She's an outcast. A trans male thats being heavily bullied would relate to that. He would've related to being singled out because he's different.
It would explain Gwen's "Protect trans kids" poster in her room.
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It would also explain Captain Stacy's trans flag pin on his uniform.
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Peter Parker was trans and Gwen and her father supported him and protected him. But it wasn't enough to prevent him from becoming the Lizard.
Hopefully this all made sense! Once again, I'm not saying anything against the Gwen Stacy being trans headcanon, I'm just providing another perspective on the situation <3
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~~intro post~~
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heyyy!!! i assume you know by know… that i am the amazing, one and only…
sirius orion black!!!
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pronouns>>> he/they/she - genderfluid
sexuality>>> gay (remussexual, aka taken)
age>>> 17
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i am originally from france, but i live in london with the amazing james, (most of the year im at school with my amazing boyfriend remus <333) im gendurfluid and gay as a leprechaun!!! my fav colours are black (obvi) brown, and navy blue ;) my fav food is (again, obviously) anything that the wonderful effie cooks!!! she truly is amazing… my fav movie is howls moving castle, or harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban, and my fav book is the echo room by parker peevyhouse (ik what a weird name… almost as bad as rowling)
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my amazing friends!!!!!
the loml, @rj-mo0ny-lupin 🌕
my platonic soulmate, @heres-ur-daily-dose-of-prongsie 🦌
our little rat, @wormtail-pete ! 🐁
@ur-fave-rockstar-girl, said to be a female me 💋
@mary-macdonald1, the female prongs fr 🦌
@lily-pad-love, the best feminomenon out there 🌸
@aunty-emms-emporium >>> the best childhood bff 👧🏻
@reggieblackthepoet , little bro and bff’s bf??? 🐈‍⬛
@barty-not-bartemius crouch jr, a slytherin me 🔪
@driedoutrose prevents barty from killing me 🥀
@pandadoraa, my divination buddy <3 🔮
@cassie-meadowes, fashion partner in crime 💅
@sybilances, pandoras amazing friend 🪐
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fav singers/bands :)))))
queen, bowie, conan gray, abba, arctic monkeys, pink floyd, led zeppelin, taylor swift, lana del rey, masie peters, the smiths, blondie, mott the hoople, acdc, billy joel, avril lavigne, marina, sex pistols, t. rex,
the list could go on foreverrr
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additional info (abt the role play)
this is 100% for funsies, i’d seen many rp blogs, and i want to act as sirius for a bit, so why not. i have a lot of different opinions/headcanons with sirius that might be uncommon??? (idk) if u don’t like mine, remember that there is plenty of other rp blogs out there, and they might have what you’re looking for. pls no hate, as i said, this is all for fun, and most likely only a temporary thing. if you want to join the rp, just dm me on @im-ur-sleep-paralysis-demon with the character u want to be <333
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my headcanons>>>
gendurfluid sirius for life!!! he, she, they, sirius is all of them in one
feminine sirius <3 ik it’s similar to gendurfluid sirius, but it’s way different at the same time
short sirius :) that man is at most 5, 5” oml and remus is about 69 feet tall
drama queen omfgggggg!!! if being a dramatic baby was a sport in the olympics, sirius would have a diamond medal omg (ofc affectionately)
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ty for reading, and if u want, go check out my main, @starsandmarsbars!!!!!
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yurishica · 1 year
I didn't see enough transfem peter parker stuff. So I gonna do it myself.
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