apocryphi · 5 years
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apocryphi · 5 years
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As a child, Fred West could not spell and had difficulty writing. The West family rarely mixed with outsiders and for Fred’s father, Walter West, this was a situation that suited him just fine for he was an incestuous paedophile. Living with a monster that he had to call his father, it’s not unreasonable to think that Fred would have turned to his mother for extra support. But he was let down, as there are rumours that Fred’s mother, Daisy, also molested him too. There is speculation that Fred lost his virginity to her, although he always dismissed the claims about his mother saying they were false, his siblings said otherwise.
Fred would often go on long walks with his father into the countryside, but they were never the normal father and son walks that you’d expect. Fred revealed that his father would give him tips and tricks on how to stop a sheep from escaping whilst sexually assaulting it. “If you slip a sheep’s hind legs down the front of your wellington boots whilst assaulting it, it can’t run away.” With a father like Walter, it’s not surprising that Fred began to practise bestiality. 
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apocryphi · 5 years
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Pink crosses erected in the place where the corpses of eight women were found in 1996 in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. Femicide is a sex-based hate crime that involves the intentional killing of a woman or girl, in particular by a man and on account of her gender. Of the 25 countries with the highest rates of femicide in the world, 14 are located in Latin America and the Caribbean. Mexico is ranked sixth for gender crimes, with a rate 15 times higher than the global average. According to a report produced by UN-Women, cases of femicide in Mexico have seen an increase since 2007, which had recorded the lowest number of femicides since 1985, but by 2009 the number had already exceeded those recorded on 1985 by about 25%. A total of 913 women have been reported murdered since 2010. In 2017, 86 femicides were reported, up 34% from 2016.
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apocryphi · 5 years
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Mary's mother, Betty Bell, was a prostitute, and she often left Mary alone while she worked. More than once, Betty had tried to kill her child, feeding her pills as treats. Mary says from the age of four, her mother forced her to engage in sexual acts with men.
On 25 May 1968, the day before her 11th birthday, Mary Bell strangled 4-year-old Martin Brown in a derelict house.She was believed to have committed this crime alone. Between then and a second killing, she and a friend, Norma Joyce Bell, aged 13, broke into and vandalised a nursery in Scotswood, leaving notes that claimed responsibility for the killing. The police dismissed this incident as a prank.
On 31 July 1968, the two girls took part in the strangulation death of 3-year-old Brian Howe in a wasteland in the same Scotswood area.
Police reports concluded that Mary Bell later returned to his body to carve an "M" into the boy's stomach and used scissors to cut off some of his hair, scratch his legs, and mutilate his genitals.
On 17 December 1968, at Newcastle Assizes, Norma Bell was acquitted but Mary Bell was convicted of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility. The jury took their lead from her diagnosis by court-appointed psychiatrists who described her as displaying "classic symptoms of psychopathy". The judge, Justice Cusack, described her as dangerous and said she posed a "very grave risk to other children". She was sentenced to be detained at Her Majesty's pleasure, effectively an indefinite sentence of imprisonment.
In 1980, 23-year-old Bell was released from Askham Grange open prison after serving 12 years and was granted anonymity (including a new name), allowing her to start a new life. Four years later she had a daughter on 25 May 1984. The girl knew nothing of her mother's past until reporters discovered Bell's location in 1998 and the pair had to leave their home. Their whereabouts today are unkown.
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apocryphi · 5 years
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On July 5, 2012, 2 weeks before his mass shooting in a crowded movie theater in Aurora, Colorado James Holmes created an account on a racy online dating site called Adult Friend Finder, under the username “ClassicJimbo” with a headline that read, "Will you visit me in prison?" On the page Holmes listed his physical stats indicating that he is a 24-year-old male and is roughly 6’0″ in height, (not listed but known is his weight of 150 pounds.) He indicated that he is single, has an athletic build, is a light/social drinker, but prefers not to answer questions regarding smoking and drugs (although we know that he did neither). He listed his education as “some grad school.” As is common to the site, he answered questions regarding his male endowment, stating that it is “short/average” and “circumcised.” For reasons unknown he incorrectly listed his birth date as “December 10, 1987” when his actual date of birth is December 13, 1987. On the profile he posted 3 pictures of himself with his newly colored red hair. This online dating profile was one of a few that Holmes created prior to the shooting on different sites, including one on match.com where he listed his body type as “slender,” his faith as “agnostic” and stated that he “definitely” wants kids someday. Regarding his favorite food, he answered “if it’s edible, I’ll eat it” and regarding the most private thing he was willing to admit, he answered “if I admit it, then it wouldn’t be the most private thing anymore, paradox boom!” He appeared to have last visited the sites on July 18, 2012.
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apocryphi · 5 years
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From r/interestingasfuck. Age progressions of missing people compared to actual pictures of them when found. Amazing.
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apocryphi · 5 years
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“Do roses know their thorns can hurt?” JonBenét asked me that one morning. I was the landscaper at the Ramsey home during the last two years of her life. I remember how intelligent JonBenét was. That’s why I never talked to her as if she were just a little kid. So when she asked me about thorns, I told her, “They’re a rose’s shield. They keep away animals who might eat them.“
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apocryphi · 5 years
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On the morning of February 4, 1995, Consuelo Valença de Lima Vieira (35) went to her sister’s house and didn’t eat breakfast with her husband Aloísio de Lima Vieira Filho and their four children. That morning, all five were poisoned with potassium cyanide. Once Consuelo was the only one who wasn’t at home when the tragedy happened, she became the main suspect of poisoning her family.
Aloísio de Lima Vieira Filho (35) had been unemployed for six months and didn’t know how to deal with the financial difficulties — he thought the easiest way out would be suicide. He had already attempted suicide months before the tragedy. After being notified that he didn’t get the job he applied for, Aloísio decided to put an end to his suffering. The next day, he put potassium cyanide in the breakfast and served to his children Rebeca (9) Raquel (10) Renata (12) and Rita (13), besides himself. He went into a coma and Rita was his last daughter to die, on Feb 14.
Consuelo’s mental health has never been the same since Alísio took his own life and their children’s lives. Her statement didn’t convince the authorities of Pernambuco back then, and she was considered guilty for eight years. Over 20 years after the crime, the state of Pernambuco was ordered to pay Consuelo R$ 202k compensation.
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apocryphi · 5 years
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Photographs captured in one of the juvenile prisons located in Saratov, Russia.
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apocryphi · 5 years
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By the late 1940 Marie Besnard had inherited 9 houses, 3 hotels, 120 acres and a number of farms. She was a married woman but was rumored to be having an affair with a former German war prisoner named Alfred Deitz. Leon, her second husband was also suspected of having a secret lover. 
In 1947 Leon fell very ill during lunch and died a few days later. While on his deathbed Leon had a friend promise to make sure an autopsy was done. At first doctors found nothing that indicated murder. However when Marie’s mother died 15 months later, some people began to suspect Marie. 
Soon, Leon’s body was exhumed and high levels of arsenic were found in his body. Shortly after this, an employee of Marie told law enforcement that Marie suggested arsenic instead of divorce when asked for advice on her unhappy marriage. Law enforcement then decided to exhume the body of Marie’s first husband, who had died 20 years earlier; which also resulted in finding arsenic. 
Soon, 8 more of Marie’s family members were exhumed as well as 2 friends who had died years earlier. Arsenic ended up being found in all of them. By July 1949 Marie was being accused of poisoning 13 people: her parents, two husbands, two friends and a number of other family members. 
During her first trial in 1952 Marie was charged with 11 murders. Evidence was considered inconclusive and it took 2 more years to reexamine the evidence and remains. At Marie’s second trial her lawyer claimed that the cemetery  grounds contained arsenic from fertilizer in the ground. 
After 15 days of battling over evidence, Marie was released on bail. At her third trial in 1961 all charges were dropped except for 3 and then after just a few hours of deliberation, she was found not guilty. She later died in 1980 as a free woman. 
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apocryphi · 5 years
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On July 15th 1984, Kari Swenson, a highly successful US Biathlete, was abducted by father-and-son pair Don and Dan Nichols. The Nichols’ were survivalists who had planned to make Swenson the son’s bride in order to start a cult in the mountains.
After Kari failed to return home, a search party was sent out to look for her. Dozens of locals, along with family and friends spent hours combing through the woods of Big Sky, Montana, where they knew Kari had been cross-country training earlier in the day. Eventually a member of the party, Alan Goldstein, a friend of Swenson’s, stumbled onto the Nichols’ camp and was fatally shot by Don. In a state of panic, Dan Nichols slipped and his gun accidentally fired, shooting Kari in the abdomen. She miraculously survived. The duo fled, leaving Swenson chained to a tree. She sat alone with her dead friend for over four hours until she was found by rescuers.
Her surviving such a horrific injury is certainly amazing, but even more so is the fact that she went on to compete in the Women’s Biathlon World Championships in Chamonix, France. Despite having only 80% lung capacity, Swenson led the U.S. Team to win a bronze medal. Nowadays, Keri works as a veterinarian in Bozeman, Montana.
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apocryphi · 5 years
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Candice Parchment was only 15 years-old when she vanished from her family’s Forest Park, Georgia home on April 28th, 2010. According to her mother, Candice voluntarily left the home that evening. Once Candice’s mother reported her missing, she was classified as a runaway. Although Candice left the home on her own accord, her family and friends still worried about her–especially since Candice had gone through a traumatic experience in January 2010, two months before her disappearance. On an afternoon in early January, Candice called her mother and asked her to come pick her up at an abandoned house in Forest Park. Once Candice’s mother found her, Candice ran to the car and said that she had almost been raped by two older boys. Candice’s mother begged her daughter to reveal the identity of her attackers, but Candice refused.
When Candice went missing in late April 2010, it was initially unclear if the January 2010 assault and her disappearance were related. While Candice’s mother was inevitably concerned about the January incident, it appeared Candice had voluntarily left the home in April. Candice’s loved ones feared for her safety, but continued to hold out hope that she would return home alive. Unfortunately, in December 2010, the case took an unexpected turn when human remains were found underneath an old mattress in a wooded area near Candice’s home. Investigators immediately suspected the remains belonged to Candice, and those suspicions were confirmed just a day later. At that point, it was clear Candice had been murdered–she was reportedly stabbed and strangled to death. However, police did not have any identified suspects or persons of interest.
Candice’s case seemed to go cold in the months that followed. In October 2011, Candice’s mother eventually decided to move to a different home. While packing up some of Candice’s items, her mother stumbled upon a diary that Candice had been keeping in the months leading up to her disappearance. Inside the diary, Candice’s mother found the lead she had been praying for: the identities of the men who attacked Candice in January 2010.
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apocryphi · 5 years
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During the early 1900′s, 14 year old Evelyn Nesbit was considered the most beautiful young woman in America. 
In 1900 she moved to New York City with her mother and younger brother. At the young age of 16 she became an artist and photographer favorite and she soon began appearing on magazine covers and landed herself some roles on Broadway. She soon caught the interest of Stanford White, a man 30 years her senior. She soon started a relationship with him that ended up lasting a year. 
Then came Harry Thaw, a spoiled, mentally unbalanced son to a railroad and coal mogul in Pittsburgh. Thaw quickly became obsessed with Evelyn and began stalking her and sending her gifts and money. He ended up taking Evelyn on a trip to Europe where he held her prisoner in a Austrian castle, where he would repeatedly beat and sexually assault her. After the ordeal, Thaw convinced Evelyn to not only forgive, but also marry him in 1905.
Even though Evelyn had become his wife, Thaw could not handle the fact that Stanford White had taken his brides virginity, which soon brought about the events of June, 25, 1906. At the opening of a new musical called Mam’zelle Champagne on a rooftop in New York City Thaw ended up shooting Stanford White point blank during the last performance of the night.  
Harry Thaw never ended up serving prison time but he still ended up being divorced by Evelyn in 1915. 
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apocryphi · 5 years
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On 20 June, 2001, in Klando, Czech Republic, 35-year-old Helena Čermáková reported her 5-year-old daughter, Terezky Čermákové, missing. Helena  changed her story a number of times after reporting Terezky missing. According to the first story, Terezky simply disappeared from the playground. According to the second story, she claimed to have closed her eyes for a while as she sunbathed on the playground and when she woke up, Terezky was gone. Six days after reporting Terezky missing, Helena tried to commit suicide by jumping out the window. This raised suspicion in the investigation and she was made a suspect. After three weeks of an intense but futile police search, the investigation was starting to go cold when a week later, on 9 July, the body of 5-year-old Terezky was finally discovered. Her body was covered with branches, stones and fallen leaves and had been hidden in it a wooden hut. The autopsy report concluded cardiac insufficiency, more commonly known as heart failure, as the cause of death. Eventually, Helena confessed that Terezky had not disappeared from the playground as she first claimed and admitted that she was drunk at the time and didn’t actually remember when Terezky disappeared. 
On July 11, 2001, Helena Čermáková was accused of bodily harm. After a few hours of interrogation, she then confessed that Terezky was drunk and had choked to death. A witness came forward explaining how they had seen Helena carrying Terezky in her arms in Kladno on 20 June. However, investigators noted that Terezky must have already dead for several hours at that time. According to the investigator, Helena said she had returned home from the restaurant drunk at night. Terezka had woken up, got up from her crib and came to bed with her. Both of them fell asleep. After waking up on 20 June, she discovered that Terezky’s lips were blue and her body was cold. She took her corpse in her arms and walked to the wooded area where she disposed of Terezky’s naked corpse.
It was later found that Terezky had 3.2 pounds of alcohol in her blood before her death. Helena was charged with intentional bodily harm resulting in death. Before Christmas 2001 she tried to end her life again. The trial began on 11 January, 2002 and the prosecution accused Helena of intentionally giving Terezky alcohol and that she had died choking on her own vomit. In March, 2002, Helena Čermáková was sentenced to three years imprisonment.
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apocryphi · 5 years
Yuka Takaoka, The Real Life Yandere Girl
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Yuka Takaoka’s notes written in blood, it says 好き, 大好き, “suki and daisuki” (I like you and I love you very much) multiple times and お兄ちゃん大好き “onichandaisuki” (I love brother)
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apocryphi · 5 years
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May 23, 2019 - Tokyo, Japan: At around 3:50 PM, a woman by the name of Yuka Takaoka viciously stabbed her male acquaintance nearly to death at her own residence on the fifth-floor in Shinjuku Ward. Takaoka allegedly used a kitchen knife to carry out the violent stabbing targeting the victim’s abdominal area. Though there’s minimal information regarding the victim, it’s estimated that he’s in his early 20’s or early 30’s and may have worked with Takaoka. He was transported to a hospital where he remains in critical condition, according to Shinjuku police.
Officers will later accuse Yuka Takaoka of attempted murder and have learned that the violent act that transpired was likely the result of an issue in regards of the relationship between Takaoka and the victim after taking her into custody for further questioning.
“Since I loved him so much, I just couldn’t help it,” Takaoka was quoted. “After killing [him], I, too, wanted to die.”
Original reports claimed that Takaoka’s occupation was unknown, though now it has been learned that she likely works at some sort of hostess club along with the victim she stabbed. Photographs of the incident (cannot be posted due to the graphic nature) have circulated throughout the internet showing Takaoka sitting on the floor, covered in blood, talking to someone on the phone while smoking a cigarette with the victim on the floor bleeding out behind her.
Internet users from Japan and the Western part of the globe have pointed out the resemblance of Takaoka’s behavior to that of a “yandere”, which is an anime character trope where an individual’s obsession with another person is taken to extreme measures, frequently to the extent where they would either commit murder or dish out extreme violence out of love. Takaoka’s instagram account was also discovered, which contained photographs of herself in cosplay, including yandere characters. Officers are currently investigating the case and looking deeper into the circumstances that could’ve influenced this vicious attack.
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apocryphi · 5 years
Celebs Who Grew up in Cults:
Joaquin Phoenix: Children of God; he and his five siblings, including his late brother River, were involved in the cult until he was 4. His parents changed their last name to Phoenix following their departure from the cult to symbolize having a new beginning.
Patricia & David Arquette: Skymont Subud Commune; Subud is a spiritual cult founded in Indonesia that incorporates aspects of Christianity, Islam and Judaism. The Arquette family lived on a commune with no electricity or running water until the late 1970s.
Rose McGowan: Children of God; her father was a leader of an Italian chapter and the family was involved until McGowan was 5 when they left the cult after they became aware of the sexual abuse inflicted on children and adults in the group
Glenn Close: Moral Re-Armament; The MRA is a conservative extremist cult with Christian-inspired practices and believe in strict moral rules to the point of abuse. Close hasn’t revealed the circumstances around her departure from the group but her parents joined when she was 7 and her involvement continued into her teenage years. Close described the group as  “violently anti-intellectual and possibly homophobic”.
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