appcogroupasia · 6 years
Pitch Perfect
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Image via imdb.com
To be successful in anything, you have to start with an end goal in mind. In a pitch, my end goal is to get a ‘yes’ - or to make progress in the conversation, like securing the next meeting to talk about my products or services. In real life, it’s like building a relationship. I want to impress the person, get a second date, or progress to the next stage.
Perfecting your pitch is a 3-part harmony made up of 70% body language, 20% tone of voice, and 10% of words.
Body language
This is the most important part of a pitch because this is how I can create the most impact. What you see - my facial expression, my hand gestures, me pointing to the visual aid - leaves a more lasting impression than what you hear.
Even when pitching or conversing on the phone, my hands are moving, my eyes are expressive. When I talk with a smile, you can hear the difference, even if you can’t see it.
Body language has a ripple effect that impacts the way I deliver my words. Which brings me to my next point.
Tone of voice
Be careful not to come on too strong. Slow down. Articulate. Pause.
You sound better when the other person has time to process what you’re saying.
Tone of voice plays a strong support role that complements the impact of body language. It communicates energy, sets the pace, conveys emotion, and reinforces the authenticity of your message.
Most people think that using the right words means using big words, because they assume that that is going to impress their audience.
Remember, if your customers don’t understand what you’re saying, they feel dumb, and if they feel bad about themselves, most of the time, it isn’t going to go well.
For example, if you’re talking to me about global warming, and after 5 minutes, I have no idea what you’re talking about - I will feel so low that I won’t want to step up and help. Instead, I will find a way to excuse myself and step away from the conversation.
“This is interesting but I need more information.” What I’m really saying is, “I feel terrible and I want to move on.”
But if you use words that are simple, and I understand what you’re saying, there’s a higher chance we can have a meaningful conversation about the kind of world I want my children to grow up in.
Final note
For a pitch to be successful and effective - you want to either get a yes, or make progress in the conversation.
Whatever your pitch is, say it with passion. When you say something with passion, it shows in your body language and tone of voice, and when customers can feel your passion, they will move - and that move can be signing up, saying yes, or agreeing to meet again.
Vishnu Annapareddy Organisation Head & Country Head of AppcoGroup PH
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appcogroupasia · 6 years
8 habits to keep beyond Chinese New Year
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Image designed by Freepik
Some traditions could help you get ahead.
Chinese New Year or the Spring Festival marks the start of the lunar calendar, and is rich with many important customs that are meant to bring you prosperity, happiness and good luck. Even if tradition isn’t really your thing, there’s wisdom in these practices that could help you ‘up’ your game at work, and perhaps even in life!
1. Spring clean
The state of your work space can affect your state of mind. Take time to declutter every once in a while. You’ll feel more comfortable and at ease when you’re not surrounded by mess or unnecessary items. Little things like keeping your desk clear and organised can have a positive psychological effect on your headspace, and help you be more efficient too.
2. Wear red
It may not be everyone’s best colour, but the general principle of wearing something bold that commands attention (in a good way) has proven to be especially helpful in important work situations like presentations or sales, especially when you need to captivate your audience.
3. New clothes
This is related to wearing red, but we are going to go a little deeper here. While looking sharp at work is an effective way to get your game face on, nothing quite boosts your confidence from the inside out like new underwear. It gets you feeling good about yourself from the moment you start your day, and feeling good about yourself far outweighs any compliment anyone can give you.
  4. Eat oranges
Vitamin C! And that’s not all, oranges are also a great source of fibre and antioxidants, as well as Vitamins A, B and D, calcium, iron and magnesium. It’s great for your complexion, and a glass of fresh orange juice in the morning is a great wake-me-up alternative to coffee, thanks to its tangy twang - with no caffeine crash after. Like everything else in life, consume in moderation.
5. Be social
Visiting family and friends is a crucial part of Chinese New Year, the way networking is a crucial part of work. Make time for the human connection - whether it’s with your colleagues, your boss or manager, other people in the business, or people in other industries. It shouldn’t always just be about making a sale or trying to get that promotion. It’s also an opportunity to learn from others, support one another, build a stronger team or network, and gain new experiences.
6. Be generous
Traditionally red packets with money in them are given out during Chinese New Year as a way to share blessings and happiness with each other. At work, giving your team a treat to appreciate their effort can be a great way to boost morale and motivate them to achieve their goals.
7. Firecrackers and lion dances
When the occasion calls for it, make some noise! Celebrate successes, big or small - whether it’s hitting an ambitious target or mastering a new skill - and don’t be afraid of a little fanfare. Acknowledging your team’s achievements is one of the most important things you can do as a leader; just ensure you are being fair and tactful, to promote healthy competition.
8. Play games
Those who celebrate Chinese New Year take time off from work to spend time with family and friends - and a lot of that time is typically spent playing card games and mahjong, etc. As a general rule, it’s important to keep a balanced life by taking time off work to play too, whatever play means to you - going to the gym or the park, hitting the dance floor, or trying to beat your friends at video games. Having fun makes you happy, and being happy makes everything better - including Mondays.
Which of these work best for you? Comment and share!
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appcogroupasia · 6 years
How cultivating sales is a lot like dating
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A Valentine’s special on the different stages of wooing customers.
You could be giving your all on the field, but are your prospects feeling it? Here’s a fun parallel on how cultivating sales is a lot like dating, and how to adapt your approach to different people.
Stage 1: Acquaintances
What to do: Get to know each other
Critical tool: Elevator pitch
Time to impress: 10 seconds (or less
You’ll be surprised - more often than not, the people you meet may not have  heard of your brand, let alone know what it offers. What’s the single most important thing people need to know about your product or service, and how is it relevant to their lives? You won’t hold their attention for long, so keep it tight. Also, they’re likely to walk away at this stage, so be ready to give them something that will allow them to find out more.
Stage 2: Friends - or more than friends?
What to do: Build trust
Critical tool: Proof of impact/results
Time to impress: 30 seconds
They’ve heard of your brand? Great! Now wow them by putting your best foot forward. Be authentic - support your pitch with  strong data or evidence to show that your product or service really works, preferably in pictorial form. Also, be romantic - the art of storytelling is key here, so paint a picture for them, and make sure they’re in it. Still, they may not feel ready to seal the deal at this stage, so don’t be disheartened - find a way to follow up.
Stage 3: Ready to go steady
What to do: Make your move
Critical tool: Simplest possible process
Time to impress: 1 minute
If you catch a customer at this stage, you’re really lucky because someone has done all the work for you. Multiple exposure to the brand through advertising, word-of-mouth or media has prepped them, and now all you have to do is pop the question, right? Wrong. Customers can still drop off at this stage if the conversion process is not user friendly. Make sure you’ve tested it yourself and know the best way around it.
Just like with dating, desperation can be a deterrent. Be confident, be yourself, and remember to treat prospects like people, not sales!
What are your go-to tools on the field? Comment and share!
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appcogroupasia · 6 years
Time-saving hacks for February
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Make the most of the shortest month in the year.
It’s February, and you might feel the pressure of having fewer days to reach your monthly target. Or, you could turn it into a great opportunity to develop some time-saving habits that could make 2018 your most efficient year ever.
Here are a few small changes that could make a big difference.
1. Plan your outfit the night before.
Your morning routine may be like clockwork, and perhaps you’ve got getting dressed for work down to a pat. Even if you think you’re on autopilot, putting an outfit together does take up more headspace than you think - headspace that could be put to better use, like bracing yourself for the day ahead. Try putting your outfit together the night before, and leave nothing out - down to the details like your underwear, watch, and sunnies. Doing this the night before also gives you extra time to iron your clothes, or be more thoughtful about how you match your socks and shoes, for example. You’ll soon find you won’t just be looking sharper on the job, you’ll also save precious minutes in the morning which will leave you with a clearer head, and more breathing room for breakfast.
Time saved daily: 10 - 15 minutes
Time saved in February: 3.5 hours
Time saved in a year: 42 hours
2. Commute instead of drive.
Who knew being eco-friendly could also save you a significant amount of time, money, and not to mention, your sanity. Trade the stress of traffic for extra time in the mornings to get a headstart on your tasks while in the train, or extra time in the evenings to plan your next day. Alternatively, you could allocate commuting time for non-work tasks instead, like responding to texts or catching up on news and social media. That way, you can minimise distractions at work and really focus on knocking things off your to-do list.
Time saved daily: 60 minutes (round trip)
Time saved in February: 20 hours
Time saved in a year: 240 hours
3. Read emails after lunch.
While this works differently for different people, sometimes checking your emails first thing in the morning can really derail you from the tasks you’ve set out to achieve that day. Try doing your toughest task first - it gives you a sense of accomplishment, and makes everything else seem easier! Reading and replying emails in the afternoon can help you ease back into work mode post-lunch. You might also find that you get faster responses, because that’s also the time other people are likely to be reading and replying their emails too.
Time saved daily: 20 minutes
Time saved in February: 6.5 hours
Time saved in a year: 78 hours
4. Standing meetings.
Spend less time in meetings! Long meetings can be one of the biggest productivity-killers in a work day. The average meeting takes about 60 minutes - standing can cut that by 25%. How? Physically, standing keeps you alert and attentive. Psychologically, you feel ready and purposeful. Habitually, you might feel like you want to sit down, which could make you discuss things more efficiently. It’s also a welcome bit of exercise, which we’ll get to in the final point.
Time saved daily: 15 minutes
Time saved in February: 5 hours
Time saved in a year: 60 hours
5. Integrate exercise into your daily tasks.
Walk to the train station. Take the stairs. Pause for quick 1-minute plank breaks. Sit on exercise balls. Stand during meetings! Integrating exercise into your daily tasks will not only make you feel more energised during the day (and increase productivity) - you could also skip the gym if you incorporate enough cardio into your routine.
Time saved daily: 20 minutes
Time saved in February: 6.5 hours
Time saved in a year: 78 hours
It all adds up!
Total time saved daily: 2+ hours
Total time saved in February: 41.5 hours
Total time saved in a year: 498 hours - that’s almost 21 days
What are some of your time-saving hacks? Comment and share!
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appcogroupasia · 6 years
11 Ways to Excel in Sales
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Sales – buying or selling something – is at the heart of every business.
 To succeed in sales, you need three components: numbers, a positive attitude, and a quality pitch.
 To progress from being good at basic sales to truly excelling as a salesperson, I find the following eleven points useful:
 1.    Be a true believer
Famous CEO and entrepreneur Patrick Bet-David said, “If you want to excel in sales you need to be a true believer”. When you truly believe in your clients’ products or services then passion and energy for selling them comes automatically.
 2.    Be a master asker and a magnificent listener
Tom Hopkins, one of the all-time famous sales trainers, said, “Be a master asker and a magnificent listener when you are with a customer”. When you listen, you can ask good questions. In sales, listening and asking questions go hand in hand.
 3.    Find a competitive partner
Sports teams perform because they are always competing with other teams. Can you imagine if Manchester United only played football with its own team? Without competition, there would be little incentive to work harder, and there would be no serious preparation by the team. In sales, having someone to compete with can motivate you to be better.
 4.    Relatability
According to Tom Hopkins, the number one quality of any great sales professional is being relatable. It is crucial to make it easy for others to relate to you and trust you, so you should spend more time developing your interpersonal skills, rather than your pitch.
 5.    Abundance mentality
A sales professional needs to have faith in their territory and should have an abundance mentality. Put simply, a person with an abundance mentality knows there is enough of everything for everybody – there are enough sales in your own territory and in every other territory. By adopting such a mentality, you will believe that no matter where you go, you can always find customers to approach and build your sales numbers.
 6.    Pressure to perform
I can confidently tell you that everyone has personal problems. We are always balancing or managing something, and we all feel pressure. As a sales professional, instead of letting pressure stop you from performing, channel it and help it guide you to hit your peak performance.
 7.    T.C.Y.
Do not forget to take care of yourself (T.C.Y). It is important to invest in your image and well-being by getting enough rest and eating healthily. When we are busy speaking to customers, sometimes we forget about ourselves. By taking care of yourself, you will feel positive and energetic, which helps when approaching potential customers.
 8.    Challenging your thinking
As humans, we can have natural tendencies towards negative thinking. Take this opportunity to challenge your thinking by asking yourself these questions:
 “Is this the right approach?”
“If my team feels strongly about this, will I be happy with the decision?”
 When you challenge your thinking, you are giving your mind permission to look for other solutions.
 9.    Sell to kind-hearted people
I sometimes find that we try to sell to people who are not interested, or who are rude or disrespectful. But I find it so much better to approach kind-hearted people with whom I can have a decent conservation, share a few ideas and listen to their feedback. Having a good laugh and sharing stories puts a smile on my customer’s face, and also strengthens my positive mood. So, save your energy and time, and do your best to try to approach a kind-hearted person.
 10.    Strengthen your greatest weapon
According to Patrick Bet-David, your greatest weapon is your mind. Find the time to read books, articles, listen to podcasts and watch educational videos to nourish your mind. Can you imagine having the world’s most powerful computer, but not using it because you don’t have time? Remember that your mind is your super computer, and your greatest tool.
 11.    Expand your comfort zone
As a sales professional, you should not have limits or boundaries. You should be able to move in and out of your comfort zone because you believe you can. When you believe in something, you will push yourself to succeed.
 Boosting your sales numbers is easy if you understand the above simple points. Happy selling.
Written by  Vishnu Annapareddy, Organisational Head, Centurion Marketing Group, Malaysia.
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appcogroupasia · 6 years
Five common myths about sales and sales professionals
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Myth1: Sales is for extroverts
This is the most commonly believed myth. Yet, research shows that both extroverts and introverts are generally not good at sales. If one has an extrovert personality, it is easy to put off a customer while introverts are too shy to approach a customer and give a sales pitch.
On the other hand, an ambivert personality who has both extrovert and introvert traits in equilibrium will be able to connect with customers as they are assertive and show enthusiasm to engage and persuade customers whilst listening and not being overly confident. In reality, there are more ambiverts’ in the world, which makes sales a universal skill that everyone inherently possesses.
Myth 2: Who you know, matters the most in sales
This is a common myth and excluding certain circumstances, it might have an ounce of truth. Most of the time, it is not who you know but how many people you converse with that makes a difference.
I have been in the face-to-face sales and marketing industry for 10 years, and I can confidently state that sales is a numbers game. Someone who speaks to a high volume of customers generally tends to make more sales.
Myth 3: Sales is not for everyone
This is just a general theory. If we generalise things, nothing is for everyone. But everyone, irrespective of their professional life or personal life is selling something.
Think about it. In our day-to-day lives, we are all involved in sales in some shape or form. Whether it’s selling a new idea to friends about an activity or a new concept to work colleagues or a plan, product or a service to strangers or persuading our loved ones about the best restaurant to go for dinner! If we like it or not, we are all engaging in sales at some level, no matter what our background is or what we do.  
Myth 4: A sales professional has to be two-faced
This is absolutely untrue. However, I have seen sales professionals with a smile on their face as they chat with the customers and then as they turn away they have a moody face and talk negatively, once the customer has left. This is not ethical behaviour.
In our organisation, we train our sales professionals to have the best customer service at all times, even when we do not make a sale. We believe that there are no bad customers and sometimes we meet good people who are having a bad day. It’s that simple.
Myth 5: Your sales pitch is everything
This is 100% untrue. I have seen new sales professionals spend their time diligently practicing their sales pitch, which is full of words and they find it difficult to strike meaning with what they are saying.
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While a sales pitch is important, our research shows that words only make up 10% of achieving a sale while 20% is from the tone of your voice. The other 70% comes from your body language. People are visual creatures and body language is the first thing that we see. This reinforces the fact that body language is what makes or break a sale.
“Never in the history of the world has there been such abundant opportunity as there is now for the persona who is willing to serve before trying to collect.”– Napoleon Hill
Organisational Head Vishnu Annapareddy, Centurion Marketing Group in Malaysia
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appcogroupasia · 6 years
5 Direct Marketing Mistakes You Should Avoid
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Although direct marketing can be incredibly rewarding and profitable as certain tenets dictate marketing success, there are certainly mistakes any marketer can make for their business. If you’re looking to start or even revamp your business, it is definitely best to be aware of the common mistakes made by marketers alike and start avoiding them. Here are the five common direct marketing mistakes you might be making:
  1.       Going too broad
The number one rule for successful direct marketing is to have a target audience. Not drawing up a targeted list will put you at a higher risk of landing your business in jeopardy. When you identify and target your ideal customers, your messages will be delivered. Take the time to do research to help you draw up a highly targeted list, because this method allows you to get better responses for your business.
  2.       Not prioritizing customers
Here’s a truth that is often overlooked – direct marketing is not just about achieving your sales target. The most essential part about your business is your customers. If you don’t prioritise your customer needs, chances are your business won’t grow. The thing about understanding your customer is not through fancy marketing messages, it’s always about what your product or service can benefit them. Surprise them. Be engaging rather than just telling what your product/service is about. Conversation is key to success.
  3.       Not knowing your value proposition
When a prospect asks what you do, you should be able to respond quickly that describes the value you create. Be clear, concise and know your value proposition. Once you put that into account, it should be a breezy process for you from here on out.
  4.       Constantly offering discounts
Sure, everybody loves discounts but consistently offering discounts can be bad for your business. Not only it can lower your value in the eyes of prospects, it also takes away your opportunity to engage with customers. You should know that customers care about value, not price, and that should be your top priority. Thus, instead of rushing to offer discounts, you should focus on your value and offer a solution on the market.
  5.       Poor follow up
The very essence of direct marketing is that you need to be constantly proactive in your business. Poor follow-up will only cause your business to crash and burn. Establish your lead qualification, sales conversion plan, fulfillment and better yet, prepare a sales team for yourself before all else.
  It sure takes a lot of commitment when you take part in direct marketing, and that should be a good thing. It teaches us perseverance in the face of adversity. The ability, coupled with humbleness to admit your mistakes will actually save you a lot of pain because it is always important to remember that you can’t just climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets.
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appcogroupasia · 6 years
10 Ways To Make Better Decisions
Making decisions is easy but coming up with better ones isn’t. At times, in our desire to rush things, we fail to consider significant components that would have made our decisions more meaningful. Here are some tips on how you can make choices that have a lasting impact.
 1. Don’t be paralysed by your fear of consequences
Thinking too much about the outcome of your choices is not always good. Instead of focusing on what you should do, think of how people will react to your decision. Always remember that whatever the future holds, people will have something to say that can displease or hurt you. If you know you did something for a worthy cause, then there’s nothing to be bothered about.
 2. Trust your gut
While it is a common notion that good decisions require time, an instinctive choice is just as good. Sometimes, your reasoning can be clouded when you’re bombarded with information. Pay attention to your instincts for they might be telling you a significant yet overlooked story.
 3. Consider your emotions
You may think that emotions are the enemy of decision-making but, in fact, they’re integral to it. Our brains store emotional memories of past choices which we use to inform present decisions. If you’ve already made a particular decision before, recall how it made you feel. Did it leave you satisfied or were you remorseful after making that choice?
 4. Play the ‘devil’s advocate’
It’s easy to defend and justify a favoured opinion and use all the evidence to support it and ignore anything to the contrary, but one must learn to look at the other side of the coin. There are times when we fail to be objective, that’s why it’s important to assume a different role and assess your situation from a different point of view.
 5. Keep your eye on the ball
Steer clear of irrelevant facts and figures that can ruin your focus. If what you’re after is a sound decision, concentrate on the things that truly matter.
 6. Beware of social pressure
If you suspect that you’re making a choice because you think it’s what your boss would want, think again. If you’re a member of a group, never assume that the group knows best, and if you find everyone agreeing, play the contrarian. At the end of the day, it is you who’s responsible for your choices; make sure that these choices are things you can stand up for.
 7. Look at it another way
Our choices are skewed by the way the alternatives are presented because we prefer options that seem to involve gains and are averse to those that seem to involve losses. One helpful step is to write down the pros and cons of a particular decision.
 8. Don’t cry over spilt milk
It is understood that the more we invest in something, the more committed we feel towards it. However, always remember that what’s past is past and we should accept the result of our decisions. Don’t waste your time wallowing in regrets. Channel your energy into things that require more attention.
 9. Limit your options
Don’t be trapped in the paradox of choice – that having more choices is the best. Even in situations when a choice seems far too important to simply satisfy, try to limit the number of options you consider.
 10. Have someone else choose
If you continue to have misgivings, never hesitate to ask for someone’s help. Sharing your woes with someone you trust can sometimes do wonders.
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appcogroupasia · 6 years
How To Stay Motivated?
2017 has ended, and we've already entered the mighty 2018. If you’re feeling a little lost, you might have a case of the post-holiday blues. We know, all the good food and drinks are slowing you down, but let not your hearts be troubled. It’s important to always stay ahead of the curve. S, how do we do that?
 1.       Read books
There’s nothing wrong with welcoming the new year with some good books. When you read on a consistent basis, your vocabulary and your ability to think will improve. When these aspects have enhanced, your motivation to perform better will increase. After all, the most well-rounded people love reading books so if you have been a frequent reader or just thinking to start, let’s say you’re on the right track. 
  2.       Get fit!
When in holiday, we tend to overindulge ourselves with tasty foods and drink to fill our emotional needs. But sometimes, even doing so can reduce our energy levels. Of course, we don’t want to start the new year feeling bloated and negative so how do we work it out? Fitness! Exercising for as little as 30 minutes will help increase your energy levels, sending you all the good vibes. 
  3.       Be with people that you’re comfortable with
Often times, we forget that getting motivated by the people we’re comfortable with can give us the motivation we need. So, take this time to free yourself from the negative vibes and greet the positive vibes instead. Spend time with your family and friends. After all, what’s more important than being with the people you cherish the most? 😉
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appcogroupasia · 6 years
The importance of brand promise
Appco Group Asia Executive Director James Greaves explains what makes our brand promise stand out from the crowd Appco Group Asia over the last 20 years has evolved from selling calculators and pens out of big bags on our backs to representing some of the largest blue chip companies in the world. We have helped companies to double digit growth, massively increasing their sales and their value. We have literally launched brands like Domino’s Pizza who opened stores only when they knew we were available to sell in their area. We have long-standing partnerships with clients such as Telekom Malaysia, SingTel, UNICEF and WWF. An important part of retaining and growing our partnerships with clients is down to our brand promise. A brand is defined by how people perceive you. For example, Nike's brand promise is one of innovation and inspiration for athletes. Walt Disney stands for wholesome entertainment filled with magic and wonder. McDonald’s promises a minimal standard of quality combined with great service and convenience. Brands that consistently keep their promise in every aspect of their business can be very powerful. When customers trust that a brand will meet their expectations, not only will they become repeat customers but more often than not, they are more likely to talk about the brand, creating powerful word-of-mouth marketing that money can’t buy. In other words, keeping your brand promise leads to brand loyalty, repeat customers, increase brand awareness and new customers. We place our clients at the centre of everything we do. We make a commitment to them through our brand promise of risk-free customer acquisition, guaranteed return-on-investment, and brand enhancement.
Risk-free Customer Acquisition Our clients only pay for the customers or donors we deliver, ensuring risk-free customer acquisition. This is our key differentiator as most advertising and marketing companies require upfront investment; where there is little guarantee that it will work.
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Guaranteed Return on Investment Quality interactions, creates quality customers and donors resulting in high value returns for the companies and charities we represent. In addition, working with Appco creates a return on investment, anything from four to 12 times, depending on the customer or client we work with.
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Brand Enhancement We insist on the highest possible standards of integrity and accountability at all times. We deliver unrivalled brand enhancement and superior quality customers and donors for our clients. We are without doubt the best company in the world at delivering high volume sales, while still leaving every customer we interact with positive, regardless of whether they become a customer/donor or not.
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Our commitment to these promises has made us the industry leader over the last 26 years and our continuing commitment to them will ensure an incredibly bright future for all of us at Appco.
James Greaves is Executive Director for Appco Group Asia.
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appcogroupasia · 6 years
4 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones has been hailed as one of the most successful TV shows in history. But what does it have to do with business? Although it may seem like an unlikely source to refer to, some of the lessons in this epic show are actually relevant for entrepreneurs and business people alike. Let’s take a look back at the key entrepreneurial lessons that we can derive from this show.
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1.       Know who to trust
Eddard Stark’s life was cut short when he put his trust in Littlefinger, a master manipulator who jeopardized Eddard’s grip at leadership and his family’s only chance of survival. Eddard’s mistake in trusting the wrong people cost him his life. Had he known his true allies, he would have had a good chance in ruling the kingdom.
In business, the greatest battle of a leader is putting trust in the right people. As a leader, knowing who to trust is essential when it comes to building a company because trusting the right people gives the leader a powerful strength to keep their businesses on track. Thus, relationships are important. If you come across a person who believes in everything that you are, that is the kind of person you should surround yourself with because this kind of trait will bring a positive influence on your career.
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2.       Cultivate wisdom
Tyrion Lannister is the archetype of wisdom. Although he is the least respected member of the Lannisters due to his size, one cannot deny that he truly is the brightest of them all. A lover of books, Tyrion uses his wit to influence people and defeat his enemies.
In business, the key to finding your success is to never stop learning about your competitors, potential customers and most importantly, your industry. You don’t have to be an industry giant to shape the landscape because even the smallest business can produce a profound impact. You can start by attending workshops and industry events to gain knowledge and access in networking with minds alike.
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3.       Have the courage to achieve goals
Daenerys’ rise to power is not attributed to one event but a combination of factors. From the naive wife of Khal Drogo she was, she eventually rose up from the rank to the powerful leader she is today with her own armies, allies and even dragons.
Her success serves as a reminder that if you set big goals for yourself, you are on the route to a business success. It takes a long time to reach there but once you have the determination and you stay true to your goals, you’ll be heading in the right direction and may even end up conquering the whole industry. Keep challenging yourself and perhaps learn a new skill. This way, you will be able to create a “game plan” that ensures a great road towards your goals.
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4.       Prepare for the challenges ahead
There is no question that this show is also known for its iconic line “Winter is coming” and believe it or not, it does carry a powerful meaning. The line translates to the potential threat that the kingdom might face in the long winter.
This serves as a valuable lesson for every entrepreneur that being prepared for challenges and threats is important. In this sense, preparing yourself for hard times makes it easier to manage when they come, and with proper measures in places to foresee such events you can ensure a smooth process, you will meet good results and your business becomes even more desirable.
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appcogroupasia · 6 years
4 Inspiring Quotes from Self-Made Entrepreneurs
As an entrepreneur, we constantly need inspiration. But how so? We find that one of the easiest ways to be inspired is to learn from the best, and what we mean by that is to listen to what they say about success because the world’s richest entrepreneurs went through trials and tribulations to get to where they are today. By emulating the thinking of these successful people enables us to understand the very essence of being successful. Therefore, we’ve compiled a list of 10 inspiring quotes from the most successful entrepreneurs out there:
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 "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower."
- Steve Jobs
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 “We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.”
- Bill Gates
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 "The biggest risk is not taking any risk."
- Mark Zuckerberg
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 "Turning feelings into words can help us process and overcome adversity."
- Sheryl Sandberg
All photos are taken from Getty Images.
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appcogroupasia · 7 years
These 5 Apps Are Proven To Be Useful for Entrepreneurs
Technology has changed work habits everywhere. The way we manage our daily goals, and accomplish tasks are a lot easier compared to the past. This progress has definitely been beneficial for many, especially entrepreneurs who are always on the go.
 Fortunately for them, technology helps entrepreneurs become more productive and efficient in their work. There are many apps out there to choose from, but how to choose the right one? Here’s our list of the best apps for entrepreneurs.
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1)      Evernote Scannable 
Get it on App Store. Unfortunately, this app is not available on Google Play.
If you’ve heard of Evernote before, be ready to be amazed by yet another invention by them. One word: digitization. Evernote Scannable saves you from all the trouble of keeping receipts, business cards or any paper that comes your way using nothing else but your smartphone and its camera. All you need to do is just take a photo of the document and the app quickly stores the data on your phone.
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 2)      Quotes: Daily Quotes
Get it on: App Store or Google Play
Sometimes, we need a bit of a pick-me-up before we start our work. You want to be inspired and motivated to go about your day. Consider having Quotes: Daily Quotes. This app provides you with a brief daily moment to reflect, or in times of desperation, the inspiration to persevere. 
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  3)      Trello
Get it on: App Store or Google Play 
There are many apps that help us manage our tasks but our best bet is Trello. Not only it is free, it is also a project management tool that allows you to collaborate with your colleagues or even family when it comes to planning out tasks together. The best part about this app is that you can play with emojis and colours too while you happily organize.
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 4)      Slack
Get it on: App Store or Google Play 
If you’re working remotely, you can consider using Slack. Although the name doesn’t sound convincing but we promise you that this is yet another technological invention that you should explore. Slack brings team communication into one place so you can get more work done. But how is it any different that normal messaging apps? You get to integrate your workflow with tools and services that you already use like Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.
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5)      Wally
Get it on: App Store or Google Play 
As entrepreneurs, we always need to keep track of what we spend every day and sometimes, if we don’t, we may not be able to monitor our expenses very well. If you like colourful user interfaces, Wally is the answer. This app is the fastest way to track your expenses, income, set a savings target and even scan receipts! Not only it is a convenient app, it is free too so what are you waiting for?
 Are you tempted to download these apps? If you happen to have them all on your phone now, then you’re on the right track 😉 Or, do you have any other app that you would like to recommend? If so, let us know and share with us why.
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appcogroupasia · 7 years
Essential Books for Every Entrepreneur
You are what you read, and if your goal is to build a successful business, you might want to start with the following books.
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1.       Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
A great read for young entrepreneurs out there. Robert Kiyosaki is truly a gem of wisdom. Rich Dad Poor Dad explains you everything that you need to know about financial education in the simplest ways. When we are young, our knowledge about finance is small, thus you may not understand much about it. This book will help you realize your entrepreneurial dreams and make it happen. Kiyosaki shares examples from his own life experiences. Kiyosaki emphasizes that every entrepreneur needs to adopt a wealthy mindset, and that it is our thinking that is important instead of our educational qualifications.
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2.       How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
How to Win Friends and Influence People focuses on interpersonal relationships and is an important book to read for people in all stages of life. Carnegie gives out all the techniques you need to be aware of in order to make friends with everyone you meet. This book doesn't just teach you all the rules of the social life, but it also teaches you how to be a good entrepreneur. The ability to be influential is something that every entrepreneur should consider and practice, thus this book teaches us the right way on how to win over people and face your competition. This book is guaranteed to change your life forever.
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3.       7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
This book presents a principle-centered, holistic approach to solving personal and professional problems. With insights revealed by Covey, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People shares the steps to adapt to change, make full use of the opportunities that the change creates, and do it with principles such as fairness, integrity and dignity. If you’re looking for a pick-me-up, this book is it.
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4.       Rich20Something by Daniel DiPiazza
Written by prominent digital marketer and influencer, Daniel DiPiazza, Rich20Something is a guide that takes you wherever you desire. A book packed with lessons, DiPiazza shares his own story of being in his twenties, unsure about his future and later built a brand around his name for young entrepreneurs looking to kickstart any business. Rich20Something empowers us in a way where we can learn and understand the important techniques for building businesses with our own set of skills.
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5.       The Miracle Morning for Entrepreneurs by Hal Elrod and Cameron Herold
If you’re looking to change your old habits, The Miracle Morning for Entrepreneurs may be able to save your life. For entrepreneurs, this book is known to effectively encourage them to create and sustain positive change in their lives – both professionally and personally. As entrepreneurs, sometimes it seems difficult to balance between juggling your business and having to take care of yourself. This book teaches the right principles that would be able to help entrepreneurs alike to have a balance in their lives, which would benefit them.
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6.       The Entrepreneur Mind by Kevin D. Johnson
As entrepreneurs, it’s important to keep your mindset positive despite the ups and downs of building a business. Kevin D. Johnson thinks that having negative thoughts can lower your confidence and he wants to change that attitude. In order to be successful, we have to change our mindset and that is exactly what The Entrepreneur Mind is all about. Kevin D. Johnson shares the different ways to have a positive mindset when starting a business, and how to make it last. Being an entrepreneur means being able to go through life’s storms and this book is just the right one to help you get back without too much pain.
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appcogroupasia · 7 years
5 Important Steps To Build An Effective Team
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When it comes to building a team, the first thing that comes to every potential leader’s mind is performance. What really constitutes an effective team? Without team building skills, a leader will have a higher risk of limiting the capabilities of every employee. However, if one fosters team building, it opens a window of opportunity for the team to achieve goals. Here are five steps to building a productive and effective team.
1.       Establish leadership
The key to building a team is to have the right kind of leadership skills. When you establish leadership, your employees will be able to trust your judgment and work effectively. However, it is also important not to take this for granted. Being a leader does not give us the access to assert authority. Instead, it enables us to foster trust with each other through transparency and honesty, especially in larger organisations.
2.       Establish relationships with your employees
When you become a leader, develop the curiosity to know more about every member of your team. This is important because when you learn about them, you get to understand how they stay motivated, their skill sets and what they like and dislike. To be able to acknowledge these aspects makes your leadership experience invaluable as you get to match their expertise and competencies to specific issues that will help their productivity.
3.       Foster teamwork
Once you have established a bond with your employees, it becomes easier to work together effectively. When you work in a fast-paced environment, fostering teamwork is key. Encourage your team to communicate, and once they feel comfortable, they will not only share information amongst themselves but within the organisation as well. Communication does not only happen in the office, it goes beyond it. Organise more team building activities or even take out your team for lunch. Do everything you can to communicate clearly and honestly with your team.
4.       Celebrate successes and failures
Celebrating your success brings your team together. It allows everyone to see the result of their teamwork and make them realize what great things they can achieve when they work together. Do not delay your happiness and instead, celebrate with your employees and give them a shout-out in front of the team to value their efforts and make them feel valued. This goes the same when you encounter team fails. Instead of throwing anyone under the bus, come together to discuss and turn it into something positive. As Henry Ford once said, “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently”.
5.       Set rules
Once you set up everything, it is recommended to set ground rules for your team. These are the norms to ensure efficiency. But, rules don’t have to be strict. General guidelines should be sufficient enough as every team member is given every right to offer ideas or suggestions. Whenever a team comes with a suggestion, you should be prepared with an open mind and listen.
Team building is not an overnight thing, and once we come to that understanding, we will be able to pick up our responsibilities and start assembling a team. It is an ongoing process that we need to monitor, facilitate and most importantly, guide. As this process continues to flourish under the right leadership, every employee will begin to trust and support each other.
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appcogroupasia · 7 years
How to stay calm under pressure?
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In the words of Publilius Syrus, “Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm”. What do you do when you’re under pressure? Remember these simple tips and know when to stand your ground even in the face of adversity.
Focus on one thing at a time
It's so easy to get distracted, especially when we have too much on our plates. The best way to handle this is to stay focused on one thing at a time. You should not multitask as it won’t leave you any room to fully engage in each task and that only means one thing: lower performance. Slow down and make a schedule rather than engaging in spontaneous cues.
Play music
If you know you’re easily overwhelmed, you should consider learning some calming practices. When under pressure, listening to music can have a relaxing effect on our minds. A calming song is highly effective in strengthening the calming muscle. Music preference varies between individuals, so only you can decide which song works best for you. What are you waiting for? Put on your earphones and turn that music on.
Write down the tasks you wish to accomplish
Sometimes, we may be swamped with a handful of projects and it’s normal to feel overwhelmed. The best technique to go through this is to break down your tasks, from larger projects to smaller ones. This allows us to manage our time and make it easier for us to really work on the projects with confidence. When you are able to manage your tasks, it helps you stay motivated and focused.
Avoid toxic people
In the words of Hans F Hansen, “people either inspire you or drain you”. You just have to choose them wisely. Toxic people create unnecessary strife and stress. When you’re surrounded by these people, it’s much harder to stay calm as they spread bad vibes like wildfire. It is best to stay away from these people because you are in control of yourself, your emotions and your thoughts. Once you learn to let go of these people, everything else will be easier to deal with.
Mastering how to stay calm under pressure is the key to handling all the various stresses that life can throw at you. That way, we are able to see life from a different perspective. How do you stay calm?
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appcogroupasia · 7 years
How to overcome the Monday Blues?
If there is one thing that all of us don’t want to look forward to at the start of the workweek, it’s definitely the Monday blues because let’s face it, even if we love our jobs, Monday blues can sometimes slow us down due to the lack of enthusiasm. But fret not, this shouldn’t be a cause for concern.
We all experience it once in a while, but we shouldn’t let it consume us inside. Believe it or not, there are so many things that we can do to make our Mondays better. We would like to help you start your day feeling more energized and confident, so follow these five steps to kiss the Monday blues goodbye.
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Plan out your week
To help combat the Monday anxiety, you can start planning out your schedule on the weekend. But before you can do that, be sure to leave work on Friday only when you complete your work because if you procrastinate, you will end up thinking about it over the weekend and that would ultimately trigger the Monday blues.
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Don't sleep too late
As the week starts, you need to have a fresh mind. It is true that when you have the entire weekend to yourself, you tend to take advantage of it like watching late night movies or playing video games for hours, but often these things come with a price like lack of sleep, so ease into your weekend by doing more chores, go out with your family and friends, and sleep early.
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Plan your breakfast
They say your eating habits determine your mood. So how should you change your diet if you want to get out of the Monday blues? Start your Monday morning with a healthy breakfast to give you energy and boost your concentration. You can make your own bowl of oats with some other toppings such as chia seeds, raisins, fruits and even honey because it is known to reduce stress levels and fight off anxiety.
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Wake up with a positive mindset
As clichĂ© as it sounds, waking up with a positive mindset does help you combat the Monday blues. When you take time to organize your routine and appreciate the things that you have done, you’ll be able to wake up to a good morning. You can even get some music to help you prepare for the day, as long as it makes you happy. Consider subscribing to Spotify where you can create your own playlist based on what you like. You can even get new music recommendations too, based on your listening history.
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Dress to impress
If you wake up feeling heavy and out of place, there is no reason to get back to sleep. Instead, take the time to do a light meditation once you’re up and proceed to get dressed to the nines. Putting on your favorite dress or shirt can light up your mood and you’ll be able to beat the Monday blues in no time. They say blue and green make you calm, so try adding these colors into your wardrobe and be happy!
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