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The Value of Investing in Bespoke Mobile Apps for Your Business
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Investing in bespoke mobile apps for your business can be a great way to stay ahead of the competition and maximize your ROI. With the rise of mobile technology, more and more customers are using their smartphones to access information and services. By investing in bespoke mobile apps, you can provide your customers with a convenient and personalized experience that will keep them coming back for more. Bespoke mobile apps are tailored to your specific business needs and can help you reach a wider audience, improve customer engagement, and boost your bottom line. With the right mobile app development team, you can create an app that will give your business the competitive edge it needs to succeed.
Leveraging the Benefits of Investing in a Bespoke Mobile App for Your Business
Investing in a bespoke mobile app for your business can provide numerous benefits, including increased customer engagement, improved customer loyalty, and increased revenue. A custom-built mobile app can be tailored to your specific business needs, allowing you to create a unique experience for your customers.
A bespoke mobile app can be designed to meet the needs of your customers, providing them with an easy and convenient way to access your products and services. By creating a mobile app, you can provide customers with a more personalized experience, as well as a more efficient way to interact with your business. This can help to increase customer engagement and loyalty, as customers are more likely to return to your business if they have a positive experience.
A bespoke mobile app can also help to increase your revenue. By providing customers with a convenient way to purchase products and services, you can increase your sales and generate more revenue. Additionally, a mobile app can be used to promote special offers and discounts, as well as provide customers with information about upcoming events and promotions. This can help to drive more customers to your business, resulting in increased sales and revenue.
A bespoke mobile app can also help to improve customer service. By providing customers with a direct line of communication to your business, you can quickly respond to customer inquiries and provide timely assistance. This can help to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, as customers are more likely to return to your business if they have a positive experience.
Overall, investing in a bespoke mobile app for your business can provide numerous benefits, including increased customer engagement, improved customer loyalty, and increased revenue. By creating a custom-built mobile app, you can provide customers with a unique and personalized experience, as well as a more efficient way to interact with your business. This can help to drive more customers to your business, resulting in increased sales and revenue.
Understanding the Impact of a Custom Mobile App on Your Brand
Custom mobile apps have become an increasingly popular way for businesses to reach their customers and increase brand recognition. A custom mobile app can help your business stand out from the competition and create a unique experience for your customers.
The impact of a custom mobile app on your brand can be significant. It can help you build customer loyalty, increase brand recognition, and improve customer engagement. With a custom mobile app, you can provide customers with an easy and convenient way to access your products and services. This can help you increase sales and generate more revenue.
Custom mobile apps can also help you reach a wider audience. By making your app available on multiple platforms, you can ensure that your customers can access your app from any device. This can help you reach a larger customer base and increase your customer base.
Custom mobile apps can also help you build customer loyalty. By providing customers with a unique and engaging experience, you can create a sense of loyalty among your customers. This can help you retain customers and increase customer loyalty.
Custom mobile apps can also help you increase brand recognition. By creating a unique and engaging experience, you can create a positive impression of your brand in the minds of your customers. This can help you build a strong brand identity and create a lasting impression on your customers.
Finally, custom mobile apps can help you improve customer engagement. By providing customers with an easy and convenient way to access your products and services, you can create a more interactive experience for your customers. This can help you increase customer engagement and create a more positive customer experience.
Overall, custom mobile apps can have a significant impact on your brand. By providing customers with an easy and convenient way to access your products and services, you can create a unique and engaging experience for your customers. This can help you build customer loyalty, increase brand recognition, and improve customer engagement.
Exploring the Cost-Benefit Analysis of Developing a Bespoke Mobile App
Developing a bespoke mobile app can be a costly endeavor, but it can also bring a great deal of benefit to a business. A cost-benefit analysis is an important step in the process of determining whether developing a bespoke mobile app is the right choice for a business.
The cost of developing a bespoke mobile app can vary widely depending on the complexity of the app, the platform it is built for, and the amount of customization required. Generally, the cost of developing a bespoke mobile app can range from tens of thousands of dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Additionally, there are ongoing costs associated with maintaining and updating the app, which should be taken into consideration when evaluating the cost of developing a bespoke mobile app.
The benefits of developing a bespoke mobile app can be significant. A bespoke mobile app can provide a business with a competitive edge, as it can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the business. Additionally, a bespoke mobile app can help to increase customer engagement and loyalty, as customers can access the app from their mobile devices. Finally, a bespoke mobile app can provide a business with a platform to collect valuable data about its customers, which can be used to improve the customer experience and inform business decisions.
When evaluating the cost-benefit of developing a bespoke mobile app, it is important to consider both the upfront and ongoing costs, as well as the potential benefits. Additionally, it is important to consider the potential risks associated with developing a bespoke mobile app, such as the potential for security breaches or the potential for the app to become outdated. By taking all of these factors into consideration, a business can make an informed decision about whether developing a bespoke mobile app is the right choice for them.
Maximizing User Engagement Through a Tailored Mobile App
Maximizing user engagement through a tailored mobile app is a key component of any successful business. By creating an app that is tailored to the needs of the user, businesses can increase user engagement and drive more revenue.
The first step in creating a tailored mobile app is to understand the user’s needs. This can be done through market research, user surveys, and focus groups. By understanding the user’s needs, businesses can create an app that is tailored to their needs and interests.
Once the user’s needs are understood, businesses can create an app that is tailored to those needs. This can include features such as personalized content, customized notifications, and intuitive navigation. By creating an app that is tailored to the user’s needs, businesses can increase user engagement and drive more revenue.
In addition to creating an app that is tailored to the user’s needs, businesses should also focus on creating an app that is easy to use. This can include features such as intuitive navigation, simple sign-up processes, and easy-to-use features. By creating an app that is easy to use, businesses can increase user engagement and drive more revenue.
Finally, businesses should focus on creating an app that is engaging. This can include features such as interactive content, rewards programs, and gamification. By creating an app that is engaging, businesses can increase user engagement and drive more revenue.
By creating an app that is tailored to the user’s needs, easy to use, and engaging, businesses can maximize user engagement and drive more revenue. By understanding the user’s needs, creating an app that is tailored to those needs, and creating an app that is easy to use and engaging, businesses can increase user engagement and drive more revenue.
Crafting a Unique User Experience Through a Bespoke Mobile App
Crafting a unique user experience through a bespoke mobile app is essential for businesses that want to stay ahead of the competition. A custom-built mobile app provides a tailored experience that is tailored to the specific needs of your target audience. By leveraging the latest technology, a bespoke mobile app can be designed to provide an immersive, interactive experience that engages users and encourages them to interact with your brand.
A bespoke mobile app can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your target audience. It can be designed to provide a unique user experience that is tailored to the preferences of your users. For example, you can create an app that allows users to customize their experience with features such as personalized content, interactive elements, and unique design elements. This will help to ensure that users are engaged and have a positive experience with your brand.
The design of a bespoke mobile app should be carefully considered to ensure that it meets the needs of your target audience. It should be designed to be intuitive and easy to use, while also providing a visually appealing experience. A good design should also be optimized for mobile devices, so that users can access the app quickly and easily.
The development of a bespoke mobile app should also be tailored to the specific needs of your target audience. This includes developing features that are tailored to the needs of your users, such as personalized content, interactive elements, and unique design elements. Additionally, the development process should be optimized to ensure that the app is secure and performs well on mobile devices.
By leveraging the latest technology, a bespoke mobile app can be designed to provide an immersive, interactive experience that engages users and encourages them to interact with your brand. By providing a tailored experience that is tailored to the specific needs of your target audience, you can ensure that users have a positive experience with your brand. This will help to increase customer loyalty and engagement, which can lead to increased sales and profits.
Investing in a bespoke mobile app for your business can be a great way to stay ahead of the competition and increase customer engagement. By creating a custom app, you can ensure that your app is tailored to the needs of your customers and provides them with an easy-to-use and enjoyable experience. Additionally, investing in a bespoke mobile app can help you increase your brand visibility, generate more leads, and increase customer loyalty. With the right app, you can reap the rewards of a successful mobile app strategy.
Investing in bespoke mobile apps for your business can be a valuable asset. They can help to increase customer engagement, drive revenue, and improve customer service. With the right app, you can create a unique and personalized experience for your customers, allowing them to access your services and products quickly and easily.
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appdevelopmenthk · 3 years
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三星頒發2020年度「三星應用商店」優選獎 表揚傑出App設計與創新發想
  三星電子副總裁暨遊戲生態圈負責人Jong Woo表示:「三星應用商店的成功,來自於三星開發者們的創意與奉獻。我們將持續優化三星應用商店,打造行動遊戲勝地,為使用者提供豐富的內容,使Galaxy裝置更增添個性。」
  最佳主題系列-butterfly-effected GmbH
由butterfly-effected GmbH設計的智慧型手機及手錶主題,具有生動的動畫與酷炫吸睛的設計,將用戶體驗推升至全新境界。該公司亦與全球人氣品牌合作,包含《小小兵》、《南方公園》與《Hello Kitty》等,拉近使用者與其喜愛角色的距離。
  butterfly-effected GmbH執行長Reiner Prohaska表示:「使用者每天與手機互動的次數超過300次,我們致力於使這些互動發揮療癒的力量。相較於擾人的傳統廣告,手機主題的視覺呈現,能為合作夥伴提供提升品牌能見度的絕佳管道,我們亦藉由創意、客製化的設計,為客戶帶來啟發。」
    最佳錶面系列-URARITY Design Studio
URARITY設計工作室的Terra Mechanica主題於2020年初推出後,立即獲得Galaxy Watch用戶的熱烈迴響。該公司打造出具有轉動零件的機械錶,為主題實現超擬真的錶面特效。
  URARITY設計工作室創辨人Drazen Stojcic表示:「三星提供我們將概念發想轉化為優質產品的機會。URARITY於四年前首次推出動畫錶面,而今榮登三星應用商店風雲榜,對此我們感到十分自豪。」
  三星最佳創新應用-NBA Top Shot for Samsung (Dapper Labs)
NBA Top Shot是一款提供球迷在區塊鏈架構上蒐集、交易、收藏聯賽精彩時刻的數位平台和遊戲。使用者只需造訪「三星應用商店」或NBA Top Shot網站,即可參與遊戲。登錄後,可立即獲得各種珍貴稀有的卡牌,擁有球員的精彩進球畫面。卡牌內容包括逆轉戰局的絕殺壓哨球、爆發力十足的灌籃及NBA季後賽精彩畫面,讓球迷們珍藏所有感動。
  Dapper Labs執行長 Roham Gharegozlou在受訪時談到:「我們很榮幸NBA Top Shot被選為2020年度三星應用商店之最佳創新App。」
  「三星應用商店首度納入運用區塊鏈技術的遊戲,使用者得以在行動裝置上,真正擁有自己的資產。過去以區塊鏈為架構的應用程式,皆會強制使用者前往網站進行加密支付,才能實際獲得數位商品的所有權。如今,三星應用商店帶來截然不同的體驗,首度讓使用者在行動App的P2P(peer to peer)市場內,直接以實質貨幣進行買賣,而我們正要開始大顯身手!」
    年度最佳遊戲-Fortnite(Epic Games)
三星Galaxy裝置使用者可以下載榮獲「2020年三星應用商店-最佳遊戲獎」的超高人氣遊戲Fortnite(Epic Games)。透過探索Fortnite奇異之地,使用者與好友可以一同享受流暢的遊戲體驗。
  Epic Games行動與平台合作關係負責人Ryan Dixon表示:「我們很興奮獲得2020年度三星應用商店-最佳遊戲獎的殊榮,此獎項象徵我們與三星共同為玩家打造優質的Fortnite行動體驗。同時,感謝所有玩家以及三星夥伴們的支持與肯定。」
    年度Bixby Capsule-Spotify
Spotify Capsule能讓Bixby立即執行語音指令,例如:「Play my Discover Weekly」(播放我的每周新發現)或「Play pop music」(播放流行音樂),透過Bixby流暢存取自己最喜愛的旋律。」
  Spotify資深產品經理Chris MacEwen說:「Spotify致力透過更多元的方式,為使用者帶來最佳的音樂體驗。很高興我們的Bixby Capsule整合平台獲得三星高度肯定,此平台能讓免費與Premium Spotify用戶透過Bixby,以簡單的語音指令播放及控制音樂。」
  Source : https://bit.ly/38SWgKa
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appdevelopmenthk · 3 years
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2020年度「影音娛樂類」行動應用調查榜單揭曉!行動應用市調機構《Sensor Tower》釋出的最新調查報告指出,從今年一月一日起,截至十二月十五日期間,數據統計顯示,抖音TikTok於全球以9.6億次下載量躍居榜首,尤以印度、巴西與美國這三個國家的用戶最多。其次排名第二則是《Netflix》影音串流平台,《YouTube》則位居第三。
除下載量之外,就「娛樂類」行動應用的收入金額年度榜單部份,主打短影音的《抖音TikTok》App 於全球吸金估達12.6億美元登冠,整體收入較去年增長590%。其中,尤以來自iOS用戶的貢獻比例最高,占比達88.3%。就國家地區部份,則以美國與土耳其的用戶貢獻最多。
《Sensor Tower》分析指出,來自蘋果App Store與Google Play Store兩大行動平台用戶於娛樂類應用花費的總支出,在2020這一年共計約達58.2億美元。光是《抖音TikTok》App 於全球用戶總支出的,占比就將近五成,吸金能力相當驚人。全球前五大影音娛樂類行動應用收入,依金額高低排名第二至第五名依序為:《YouTube》、《騰訊視頻》、《Disney+》與愛奇藝App。
  Source : https://bit.ly/3hqcEWA
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appdevelopmenthk · 4 years
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App Store公布 年度最佳App係...
又到年尾,又是各大頒獎禮的時候,Apple日前也公布了App Store 2020年最佳精選得獎名單,藉此表揚15款程式及遊戲。iPhone年度最佳App由《Wakeout!》奪得,程式把柔和運動帶到居家辦公和課室之中,讓用戶居家投疫也能保持身心健康。同樣因疫情而大受歡迎的視像會議App《Zoom》,則獲選為iPad年度最佳程式。
Mac年度最佳App是《Fantastical》,程式助用戶建立每天日程表,並可結合天氣情況作為輔助。Apple TV 年度最佳App是《Disney+》,在《The Mandalorian》等多套大熱劇集幫助下,結果不叫人意外。Apple Watch年度最佳App則是《Endel》,這款App透過音樂、定時器等幫助用戶入眠,所以深受失眠人士歡迎。
遊戲方面,iPhone年度最佳遊戲是《原神》,遊戲雖然憑靚絕畫面及獨特的開放世界玩法圈中不少玩家,但卻被指抄襲《薩爾達傳說:曠野之息》而廣受批評,能夠獲獎不多不少有點叫人意外。iPad年度最佳遊戲是《Legends of Runeterra》,這是一款以《英雄聯盟》世界觀為背景的策略卡牌遊戲,並可跨平台對戰,獲不少LOL粉絲喜愛。
Source : https://bit.ly/34zKH9q
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appdevelopmenthk · 4 years
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Apple App Store 年度最佳 App 出爐,每一個值得果迷下載!
其中一個 iPhone 會令人如此著迷的地方相信是其發展完善和豐富的 App,每年其中一個最讓一眾果迷期待的除了是不同的 Apple Event 外,相信就是每年結尾都會宣佈的 App Store 2020 年度精選,用戶絕對可以透過 這個年度精選看到今年最佳的 App 是甚麼,並且跟著下載。看看今年各個類別的得獎 App 是甚麼吧!
年度精選 iPhone App:Wakeout!
因著疫情關係,今年不少人都需要留家工作和找娛樂,而由美國 Andres Canella 開發的 Wakeout! 正正是合乎時勢的 App,全因這個 App 能給家庭辦公室和教室環境帶來輕鬆的鍛鍊方式,用戶可通過為所有人設計的令人愉快、簡單好做的動作於保持動力。
年度精選 iPad App:Zoom
相信 Zoom 這個 App 不用多為大家介紹了吧?今年大家用得最多來作視訊會議的就是 Zoom 這個 App,難怪它會成為年度精選其中之一。
年度精選 Mac App:Fantastical
屬於生產力軟體的 Fantastical 就成了 Mac 的年度最佳 App,同樣是因應居家工作這個潮流而來,Fantastical 絕對是日程 App 之中功能最多的一款。
年度精選 Apple Watch App:Endel
Endel 能夠成為 App Watch 年度最佳 App 全因它可以給用戶提供最適合不同環境助眠音樂,而且更可以選用不同的模式,給你放鬆身心。
年度精選 Apple TV App:Disney+
不論是大人或是小孩都喜歡的 Disney+ 就是 Apple TV 年度最佳的 App,給大家帶來影視享受。
  Source : https://bit.ly/3mckROz
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appdevelopmenthk · 4 years
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有帥到!蘋果 App Store 2020 年度最佳 App 與遊戲的開發者收到宛如藍色款 Mac Mini 的實體獎座
蘋果說明,獎座設計靈感源自App Store標誌性的藍色圖像,每個獎項都會嵌在以100%回收鋁金屬材質製成的蘋果標誌上,另一面則刻有獲獎者名稱,另外也附上蘋果執行長簽名與祝賀。
蘋果日前公布App Store 2020年度最佳榜單,總計選出15款出色App和遊戲,而當時展示宛如藍色款Mac Mini的實體獎座,目前也已經寄送到各個獲獎的開發者手上。
依照蘋果說明,獎座設計靈感源自App Store標誌性的藍色圖像,每個獎項都會嵌在以100%回收鋁金屬材質製成的蘋果標誌上,另一面則刻有獲獎者名稱,另外也附上蘋果執行長簽名與祝賀。
今年iPhone年度最佳App,是由獨立開發者Andres Canella打造的《Wakeout!》獲得,將溫和的運動帶入家庭辦公室和課堂,並且為每個人設計出輕鬆且包容的多種動作。而諸如《原神》、《符文大地傳說》、《極樂迪斯可》、《Dandara Trials of Fear》,以及Apple Arcade訂閱服務收錄的《Sneaky Sasquatch》等遊戲,則讓玩家可在浩瀚奇幻世界中提供逃離現實的壓力,另外也能藉由《Disney+》帶來眾人渴望的無限可能感。
另外,包含促進遠距學習的《Zoom》、可協助建立日常作息的《Fantastical》,或是可協助使用者入睡的《Endel》,均成為App Store 2020年度最佳榜單獲獎者。
針對今年的App開發趨勢,蘋果也認為今年多數App主要建立在「互助」,其中像是《Shine》針對心理健康和黑人生活的相互關係推出特定章節,而《Explain Everything Whiteboard》則是藉由雲端方式讓學生群體即使遠距操作,也能繼續一起完成計畫案。
至於《Caribu》則在即時視訊通話平台加入數十款互動遊戲和上百本書籍,藉此讓親友互動,而《Pokémon GO》則因應疫情調整為在家體驗,重新打造其廣受歡迎的戶外遊戲玩法。另外,由聯合國世界糧食計畫署推出的《ShareTheMeal》,則讓使用者更容易為他人分享超過8700萬份餐食。
  Source : https://www.cool3c.com/article/158462
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【用穿戴裝置、手機 App 控制糖尿病】95 位病患臨床實驗:血糖明顯降低,最多減掉 2 公斤
穿戴式裝置品牌 Fitbit(NYSE:FIT)與亞洲第一大糖尿病管理平台智抗糖 Health2Sync [1],近期聯合發佈與台灣四間專精於糖尿病照護的診所進行的臨床研究結果,結果證實智抗糖 App 結合 Fitbit 智慧穿戴式裝置 [2],可以有效幫助糖尿病控制。
四家診所、95 位病患參與,證實穿戴裝置結合 App 有助控制糖尿病
根據參與研究的病患紀錄顯示,研究結束後,病患的糖化血色素、空腹血糖、低密度膽固醇,皆有顯著改善。同時病患量測血糖的頻率也有增加。此項研究驗證了 Fitbit 智慧穿戴式裝置結合到糖尿病照護的價值。
平均糖化血色素降低 0.33%,而每週進行中高強度運動至少 150 分鐘的患者,平均糖化血色素降幅更達到 0.66%
平均空腹血糖降低 10.92 mg/dL
平均低密度膽固醇降低 11.55 mg/dL
參與研究病患的體重降幅最多達 2 公斤
參與研究病患的中高強度的運動頻率,最高增加到 7.03 次/ 週
該項研究為期三個月,於 2020 年 7 月結束,參與的診所包括游能俊診所、大雅長安診所、怡兒診所、及大鈞診所,共 95 位第二型糖尿病患自願參與,透過醫師追蹤進度與患者的生活習慣變化。在臨床研究開始之前,四家診所的醫護人員皆協助完成病患的健康指標測量,記錄所有臨床研究開始前的數據,而臨床研究開始後到結束,患者也需進行每週的自我血糖監測。
在研究進行期間,每位患者都獲得一支 Fitbit Inspire HR,並同意與智抗糖 App 串連。每位患者的運動數據,會整合到智抗糖 App 中,醫護人員再透過智抗糖雲端照護平台,搭配查看病患在智抗糖 App 中的其他健康數值,例如糖化血色素、空腹血糖和膽固醇濃度,隨時掌握病患健康狀況,必要時也可遠端提供衛教建議。
大雅長安診所呂國樑院長表示:「臨床研究結果讓醫護人員和病患都非常驚訝,尤其我們診所參加計畫的病患,才短短三個月,平均體重下降 2 公斤多,平均空腹血糖也下降 11.10 mg/dL,大幅改善了患者的健康狀況 [3]。」
游能俊診所游能俊院長表示:「第二型糖尿病患透過運動、藥物、飲食等生活習慣的指引與調整,可達到血糖控制良好及穩定的狀態,而透過 Fitbit 運動手環與智抗糖的整合,醫護人員可以追蹤到病患的中等強度運動內容,再搭配平台內的血糖數據,更可以輕鬆進行運動衛教,對病患血糖控制更有成效。」
App 發出運動提醒,有效提升糖尿病患的運動量
糖尿病是一種慢性疾病,如果不加以控制,可能導致失明、腎衰竭、心臟病、中風和下肢截肢等併發症 [4]。而在台灣,糖尿病是僅次於癌症,高居非傳染性疾病的第二大死因,造成個人和健保支出的增加、工作效率的下降,儼然已成龐大的國民經濟負擔。
糖尿病管理需要透過運動、藥物、飲食等生活習慣的調整。智抗糖 App 與 Fitbit 智慧穿戴式裝置的整合,鼓勵病患建立更好的生活習慣、進而改善健康。智抗糖 App 每週會發出提醒,鼓勵病患規律運動,而結果也顯示,病患的中高強度運動頻率增加到每週 7.03 次。隨著病患的運動量增加,健康狀況也獲得明顯改善。
智抗糖 Health2Sync 執行長鄧居義表示:「在這次研究獲得這麼正面的結果,我們感到非常興奮。Fitbit 在智慧穿戴式裝置和���康管理解決方案的持續創新,不管對於糖尿病的預防或是控制都扮演重要的角色。我們也期待未來與 Fitbit 擴大合作。」
Fitbit 國際健康解決方案副總裁及亞太區總經理 Steve Morley 表示:「在這個臨床研究中,我們看到病患的行為改變,更堅定了我們相信 Fitbit 能夠強化使用者的內在動機,培養更健康的生活習慣。對於第二型糖尿病患來說,健康的日常生活習慣,對病情的穩定度有相當大的影響。Fitbit 結合智抗糖 App、智抗糖雲端照護平台,不論病患和醫護人員都可以輕鬆追蹤到關鍵指標,這項創新的解決方案,證實讓管理第二型糖尿病更方便。」
去年 9 月開始 Fitbit 與智抗糖 Health2Sync 攜手合作,經用戶授權後,在智抗糖 App 中整合 Fitbit 的健康、睡眠和運動數據,協助日本和台灣的 52 萬名智抗糖 App 使用者有效控制自己的病情。這項整合讓擁有 Fitbit 帳號的智抗糖 App 使用者,可以輕鬆在 App 上看到 Fitbit 即時追蹤的心率、睡眠、運動等,可隨時比對病患在智抗糖 App 上輸入的血糖數值,確認各項指標是否落在健康��圍之內 [6]。
Source : https://bit.ly/3qqBmds
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IT男開發貓語翻譯App 助貓奴了解主子心意
美國德州一名IT男近日開發出一款手機應用程式「Meow Talk」,聲稱可以翻譯貓咪的「語言」,讓貓奴了解主子的真正心意。他近日以自己的愛貓測試程式,並拍下短片放上網。不少網友亦以自家主子測試,引發不少笑料。
桑切斯(Javier Sanchez)在美國科企「Akvelon」擔任項目經理,作為一名資深貓奴,他希望將主子和人類間的溝通提升到更高層次,因此開發了這款解密「貓語」的程式。團隊在程式中將貓咪的叫聲基本分為9種常見意思,例如肚餓或不舒服等,但用家如果認為翻譯結果不準確,也可自行錄製專屬翻譯。
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秘技解鎖|九巴App暗藏電車實時預報功能 方保僑:便利巿民出行
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新冠肺炎|飲食業:政府推安心出行App 需研增入座率等誘因
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【中小企教室】轉型要訣:天下應用 唯快不破
數碼轉型唔易 有效開發Apps成關鍵
初創公司正使用雲原生的方法,快速推出新服務,顛覆傳統行業。Gartner 預計,到2020年將有75%的全球化企業在生產中使用雲原生的容器化應用。在中國,截至2018年底,已經有96%的IT 企業部署容器化應用程式。
在香港,企業不但面對同樣的難題,更深受疫情影響。如何在未來的數碼轉型中發揮雲原生應用的好處? 我們認為企業可分3個階段進行。
階段1:靈活應變  保持運作
階段2:調整適應  升級儲能
階段3:數碼為先  加速創新
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理大畢業生研發應用程式 助管理衣物減浪費
許恒達憑着「Asit」早前獲James Dyson設計大獎的香港冠軍,他笑言設計更重要意義,是提醒社會注視問題加以改善。他打算投身設計顧問工作,接觸不同的項目。雖然今年面對新冠疫情,但理大設計學院副院長(學術課程)兼副教授Peter Hasdell指,在六月底時八成畢業生已成功獲聘,強調設計範疇多元,譬如在數碼世界下,對用戶體驗設計、服務設計等方面需求殷切,故疫情影響不大。
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YouTube Kids App推兩大功能 可篩選內容、限制小朋友觀看影片時間【短片】
YouTube Kids App(應用程式)近日於本港推出,專為3至12歲的兒童提供各種影片及學習影音內容,如卡通片、教育影片、兒歌、兒童節目等。家長下載並安裝應用程式後[Google Play、App Store(iOS)],可輕鬆揀選適合孩子的頻道,以及管理他們觀看影片的時間。
YouTube Kids 5大特色及功能
‧家長篩選內容:YouTube Kids內的「自行核准內容」模式,可設定小朋友可觀看哪些影片和頻道、揀選可觀看的內容或過濾某類型的影片或頻道,以及決定是否開啟應用程式內的「搜尋」功能。
‧設定使用時間:家長可利用內置的計時器管理孩子觀看影片的時間,例如設定30分鐘的觀看時間後,YouTube Kids會在時段結束時發出提示,並自動停止應用程式。
‧合家歡內容:YouTube Kids提供適合一家大小觀看的影片,除了提供有關音樂、學習、探索等的兒童節目,亦提供適合年長小朋友觀看的遊戲頻道和播放清單。
‧合作伙伴系列:家長和孩子可按興趣,從家庭友善的頻道中揀選不同主題影片系列,如藝術與勞作、音樂、體育、學習等。家長亦可選擇開放特定系列或題材的影片給小朋友收看。本地及國際創作內容包括:Bedtime Stories with Uncle Siu(蕭叔叔睡前故事)、麥兜頻道、Peppa Pig等。
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Dr.東:港大推免費app供自測糖尿病風險 按體重年齡血壓評分
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〈蘋果新品發表〉防疫當道!蘋果Apple Watch與新加坡推健康App計畫
CNBC 週二 (15 日) 報導,蘋果 (AAPL-US) 宣布與新加坡政府合作推出一款名為 LumiHealth 的 iPhone 應用程式,鼓勵新加坡人民透過 Apple Watch 智慧手錶維持身心健康,待疫苗上市後 App 還會提醒民眾施打新冠肺炎 (Covid-19) 預防針,新加坡也是 Apple Watch 首度合作的國家。
LumiHealth 將在 10 月於蘋果 App Store 上架,新加坡居民下載應用程式並註冊後,可依據 App 提示冥想、散步、遊泳、改善睡眠質量和參與防疫等公共衛生活動,可獲得一次性獎勵,最高可達 380 新幣,約合 280 美元。
民眾還能夠透過 App 報名由醫生和健身教練量身訂做的健康挑戰和互動遊戲,LumiHealth 會根據個人性別、年齡、體重等客製化個人提示、訓練計劃和獎勵方式,因此一般民眾不必擔心需要和選手級運動員競爭。
新加坡是第一個與 Apple Watch 合作推出這種健康計畫的國家,蘋果雖然在美國已與 Aetna 等私人壽險公司推出健康追蹤計畫,但尚未與美國政府機關進行相關合作。
這並不是新加坡政府第一次在健康計畫上投入心力,因為理論上來說,健康計畫能節省更多醫療成本,2019 年 8 月智慧手錶 Fitbit 聯手新加坡政府推出健康服務訂閱,提供免費手錶,用戶只需要負擔訂閱月費 10 美元。
新加坡副總理王瑞杰 (Heng Swee Keat) 在聲明中表示:「新加坡與蘋果締結關係,將使新加坡人民更健康,儘管應對疫情挑戰相當重要,但我們也必須持續投資於我們的未來,沒有什麼比投資於個人健康更好了。」
主導該計劃的蘋果健康公司高層主管 Myoung Cha 認為,蘋果與新加坡政府合作開發 LumiHealth 相當實用。他向 CNBC 表示:「我們旨在借助共同設計、遊戲化和 Apple Watch 之力,鼓勵國民建立健康的生活習慣。」
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appdevelopmenthk · 4 years
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【中小企教室】轉型「網購」平台 制定目標選好合適工具
近日,Facebook就推出全新商務套件(Business Suite)應用程式,企業可透過全新介面,同步管理他們於Facebook及旗下應用程式上的專頁或資料,以便成立及宣傳商戶的網店。此外,用戶亦能於Facebook和Instagram上同時發布帖文、以及於同一地方管理和接收訊息、通知,相當省時。
要使用新的應用程式,企業首先要連接他們Facebook和Instagram業務帳戶。登錄Facebook Business後,用戶可在頁面上選取Business Suite,程式將提供iOS和Android兩個版本供用戶下載。Facebook表示,計劃明年將服務覆蓋至各大企業。Business Suite還計劃在未來一年,將功能擴展到其第四大即時通訊工具WhatsApp中。
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appdevelopmenthk · 4 years
New Post has been published on Apps Development and Marketing Blog | Email: [email protected]
New Post has been published on https://www.accordhk.com/blog/zh-hant/%e3%80%90%e7%96%ab%e5%b8%82%e9%96%8b%e7%99%bc%e3%80%91%e8%aa%bf%e6%9f%a5%ef%bc%9a%e6%9c%ac%e6%b8%af%e5%95%86%e7%94%a8app%e4%bb%8d%e7%82%ba%e6%a0%b8%e5%bf%83%e3%80%80%e9%a0%90%e8%a8%88%e6%9c%80/
【疫市開發】調查:本港商用App仍為核心 預計最快一年達收支平衡
新冠肺炎疫情下,應用程式(App)更加被廣泛使用,據香港無線科技商會及香港生產力促進局今(20日)公布「香港智能手機應用程式業界調查 2020」指出,本港手機應用程式開發仍然以商業應用為最受歡迎的應用程式類別。
該調查於今年5至6月期間,訪問了香港 110 家香港公司及 29 家亞洲公司。香港無線科技商會主席羅國明表示,按2020年的調查,商業應用的應用程式類別,佔受訪企業70%,更比2019年上升8%;第二受歡迎的應用程式類別就為佔25%的電子商務,比2019年上升1%。而其他程式種類包括遊戲(8%)、消閒娛樂(11%)、資訊平台(21%)則出現下降的情況。
  人才不足問題有改善 對數據分析有需求
經營上遇到的困難 2020年度受訪企業認同百分比 比上年調查增幅(%) 難以覓得新客戶 62% 11% 人才不足 45% -21% 開發需時過長並超出預算 45% -9% 租金成本 45% 3% 技術水平未能追上趨勢 35% 2%
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