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✨30 day challenge but I ll complete it in one day just like i want to change myself all at once in one day ✨
1) 62 kg
2) 1,75 m/ 5'9. I think think this is a very elegant height for a chick to have buuuut it's hella hard to look small in it so that's that smh
3) Rosemund Pike. Her thinness makes her look so elegant and so classy. We're almost the same. Height (she's 1,74m tall)
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4) I really don t wanna lose my teets or hair 😩
5) Tbh it's because of my estetic? I have a thing for elegance and man... In my eyes and on myself... Those type of clothes just look better. Also, a close second... I grew up skinny AF. And i grew up TALL AF. Once puberty hitted i just started looking like a mother next to all my friends.
6) Yeah i do... Cause sometimes i'm like "fuck it i look great i don't need this, and the food is so good!!!". Then boom I JUST GET FAT
7) I m on low contact since I left home
8) I don't exercise buuuut as soon as I hit my goal weight which is 55 Kg and heal from starvation mode, I will pick up going to the gym cause I really want an ass.
9) No, i guess I was never fat-fat. I was at a healthy size but everybody else growing up was just SO TINY
10) Sugar and Mango Monster
11) I don't have one yet but if anybody bothered reading I'm waiting for suggestions uwu
12) If i'm not trying to lose weight... Shaworma and any junk food available. If I am losing weight...Anything in between nothing and canned tunna, boiled broccoli, salads, oatmeal, cottage cheese with tomatoes
13) Unhealthy af
14) I guess it's 55kg and I will reach it by November-December
15) No and No
16) At around 14 but I was never serious about it. Then at 16 I started restricting unintentionally after a heartbreak (from 72kg to 65) . Then I gained weight and lost weight via another heartbreak(67-63) . Then I just chilled and I lost weight in a relative healthy fashion (65-59) and then I met my boyfriend and that boy eats ONLY JUNKFOOD which got me to 66 and now I am restricting and I am at 62.
17) I don't think so but my eating habits are very disordered and I do engage in ed behaviours when I want to lose weight
18) Cheese Kebab and sweets...
19) Today I ate a hotdog and a couple of bites of a sandwich.
20) Water Fasting
21) European Medium, but if I try hard enough I can pull of an European S. My goal is to fit in an S effortlessly
22) 59. I gained because my boyfriend is a foodie and I used to spend a lot of time with him :D
23) Not really, I m not a big social media person
24) Meh
25) Yes I did. I was 16 and looked myself in the mirror after a big meal. Then i just threw it aaaaall up
26) water fasting and walking :D
27) I ignore it and think about my bf's exes which were all tiny/ Rosemund Pike/ The outfits I will be able to pull off/ the fact that I will finally look human in full body pics/ everybody's reaction once i get skinny
28) Nah, I like the shape of my legs. I actually want to build them up for a booty once I reached my ugw
29) Rosamund Pike
30) a) I nailed a cybersecurity job at 20 with no degree after studying literature and history in highschool. I think that's pretty neat
B) I'm in therapy
C) i m deeply in love with my boyfriend. In the first two weeks I was conviced I'll marry this guy
D) I went from blue to white hair in one day all by myself. Yes my hair was fried
E) I started smoking at 16
F) I'm 20
J) All I do career/looks/education/ social wise is purely out of spite. And it is working
K) I was bullied since kindergarden till 8th grade
L) Im prettier than all my bullies
M) I still have an obsession regarding my 7th grade bully
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I will have a new + better job—One that pays well AND is good for my mental health.
We are in trying times, but it’s okay to manifest for the future. New and bigger things await us. You won’t just have a new job, you’ll have one that you’re passionate about and that your pockets will thank you for. Most importantly, it’ll be one that stimulates you mentally and spiritually. No more hostile work environments. Period.
Blessed be, bb.
Likes to charge, reblogs to cast.
Follow me if you’re feeling extra cute 💕✨
Thanks for the love!
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<Recieve Unexpected Money In 24/Hrs
Like & Reblog to cast this 💰Money💰 spell
#follow your @cosmicguide
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The person I reblogged this from deserves to be happy
I tried to scroll past this. I really did
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Finished my first water fast day!!
24 hours with no food!
So basically i feel so strong about this! My mom made carbonara and I didn't eat! It's my favorite food EVER!
Today the hunger wasn't really there but I kept myself bussy. I can t wait to weight myself tommorow. This morning I had 67,2 kg (?? Idk where I got like +200g) and hopefully today will bring me back on track.
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no more chocolate until my size 10 dresses seem baggy n oversized.
no more potato chips until my jaw and cheekbones are prominent n sharp enough to cut a bitch.
no more mid morning snacks and lunches because “I can always burn off later”, until my thighs barely touch when I walk.
no more “starting tomorrow” because I am starting today, right here, right now.
I will be the pretty friend. 
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Day 2:
I'm 5'9/ 1,75m.
While I do like my height, I hate it when it comes with my body shape (apple) because no matter how skinny I got I kept looking big.... My sholders are broad and I don't have an actual waist. If I was shorter I would've looked smaller....
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30 days thinspo challenge!
Day 1: Your stats.
Weight: 67 kg/ 148 lbs
Height: 1,75/ 5'9
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Ok so i m starting again. There has been 20 hours already. I can do this.
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Ok so I failed. I started eating like a cow after 20h. I feel misserable. I am weughting 67 kg rn. I think I'm gonna die.
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Day one of fasting. There's been around 16h and I start feeling a little hungry. I won't eat.
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About me.
I'm 18. I' not good at anything in particularly and I don't have my own ideas. My intelect is painfully avarage, if not bellow (reason why i'm scared shitless of IQ tests, so bonus points, I'm a coward too), I'm unwillingly a sociology student (aimed for pychology but what do you know, my grades were too low ), I'm not a native english speaker and I have only one friend (Love you Gio❤️).
I m writing this because sometimes I don't feel listened (I am, but I don't feel like I am) so yelling in the void of the internet seems like a good alternative. I guess this will be like a diary. Primarly for my water fasting thingy cause oh gwad am I awful when it comes of will power. Also, I want to start again reading regularly. I am at the moment reading "A cornucopia of dunderheads", and I'll update on that as well cause you know, I have to stick to this..
About my fasting jurney.
So about my water fasting thing. I was a tall kid all my life. When I was young, I was super skinny, but after I quit voleiball I started putting more and more weight. At one point I ended up having 72 kg at 1,75 which combined woth my apple shape wasn't looking cute. Then I had a really strong thing for a guy but it turned out he just wanted to fuck and dump. I was in a really poor place mentally and I pretty much couldn't eat anymore after that phase, which led me to losing semi-unintentionally(forst round was unitnended, but second round was borderline bullimia) about 12kg (I also had a dezastrouse relationship after that wich kept me sad so yeah, this happened in about a year or so). I'm over it (even tho i'd whole heartedly rip his balls for what he did to me). However now I realised I'm eating more and more and what do you know, I couldn't fit AT ALL in a pair of jeans that I loved. Well this is a problem. Also I realized I couldn't even stay a day without eating. So I started now. I won't eat. I will NOT eat. It WILL be hard the forst days but my body WILL get used to it. I will take this matter and fix it. My goul weight is of 55 kg. It's the only way i can look thin considering how broad my sholders are.
Wish me luck fellas. I ll keep you updated.
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I m starting to feel fat. I gained 4 kg over the last 2 months, god knows how. The thing is, I am not fat. I am around 64 kg and my height is 1,75 cm so I'm fine. But gosh APPLE BODY SHAPE IS A BITCH, especially when you re tall and your tits are huge.
I look like I could kill somebody with my bare hands. I look humongos!! I even have broader sholders than some of my guy friends! And no, it's not body muscle, I'm a lazy ass gal, it's the freaking shape of my body. I look enormous in any picture I take and compared to my friends.... Oh don't get me started!
Anyways, I'm here to share to you (yep, I'm positive nobody will see this, but i'll keep updating cause I need to voice my thoughts to motivate myself) my jOuRnEy in the world of fasting and speed weight loosing. Nope, I'm not here for the first time. No, sir.
Do not do what i do. I do it cause I m fucked up big time.
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I needed this so bad. Damn.
You fuck up every single day because you’re stupid and you’re terrible and you know beyond the shadow of doubt that you’re too fucking fat to be worth anything to anyone. So why try?
Other girls make progress because they try hard. Not you. You promise you’re going to try. And then you immediately overeat and say “Tomorrow. I’ll try tomorrow.”
And the only progress you make is gaining back any of the weight you’ve already lost. Because the only thing you’re dedicated to is being fat and ugly and alone forever. You’re dedicated to your pity. You’re dedicated to your feelings and the food that shuts them down—until you finish eating and remember what a fat piece of shit you are.
Why even are you?
Look at yourself in the mirror. Go, right now. Do it.
Can’t that girl in the mirror stop eating for one fucking day? Can’t she cut her calorie count down and make herself look like a human being worthy of love and affection and support?
No. You can’t. Because you fuck up. Every. Single. Day.
I’m so disappointed in you.
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