arcanaregion · 9 years
Hey wanna Merge with my Region? I've been getting a few artists and I have it on Reddit and Tumblr
This is an interesting idea I’d have to run by my active followers! Honestly the few who have stuck around are amazing and I’m so thankful for them and would keep running polls with just them but we don’t really have enough submissions for contests and this could be a great solution!
I’d need more info on what merging would entail? If you’d rather keep your url private I can answer privately off anon. Which region is this? (I follow most but don’t know absolutely all of them)
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arcanaregion · 9 years
Arcana Region: The Next Step?
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Art by Noktowl
13 Death- Transformation, Rebirth, Deep change
I’d lost my motivation for this but I’d like to have it continue on if people want it to.
A lot of things we are doing have gone half done or lack participation and after such a long stretch of inactivity that makes things mucky. So its probably best to start over from a certain voted upon point
So this Region is getting one last face lift. Ive brainstormed some ways to make that happen and that poll is below.
but before that:
Call for New Mods
Anyone interested in Modding and eventually maybe taking over the Region pls send me a message and we can chat about it.
Poll for the future 
If you have any concerns speak up. I understand this is a big change.
Completely start over from scratch - no location or anything just Tarot Card/Arcana inspiration
Start everything over thats not already 100% confirmed but keep all winning designs and info.
Same as 2 but Add a secondary element (a new type, setting, or theme) in addition to Tarot Card/Arcana inspiration to renew interest in the region
Start a New Region here with a new voted upon inspiration with or without additional Arcana inspiration (A space Region, A fantasy Region, A Mythology Region, A Underwater Region, etc)?
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arcanaregion · 9 years
The Blog is dead or?
Sorry for not responding to this for awhile!!
Sorta..? I went off tumblr for after having some stress issues and after getting out of the swing of things I lost my motivation. That and my Laptop hard drive died and phone tumblr is hell. I’m working from a old desktop now lmao.
I love fan regions and I like participating in them but I sorta failed as a mod here keeping momentum.
I’d love to keep the concept of an Arcana inspired region since I think a lot of really neat ideas could come from. Tho tbh I’m worried the interest in the region has waned since ive been gone so long.
So If anyone who can be more consistent and wants to help out I’d def not be opposed to another mod who could help keep me on track or maybe even take over.
Ill make a few posts soon about starting up again.
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arcanaregion · 10 years
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First Stage: Eupluck (Euplectes (the bird’s scientific name) + Pluck)
Though small, Euplucks are very violent since hatching. They have a special dislike for other bird Pokemon.
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arcanaregion · 10 years
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Second Stage: Pluxic (Pluck + Toxic)
Pluxic’s tail feathers contain poisonous elements. They are able to fire them at high speeds. 
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arcanaregion · 10 years
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Third Stage: Maleviary (Malevolent+ Aviary)
They fly high in the sky above other bird Pokemon and hide in the midst of the clouds to lunge at them when they come in sight. These clouds then pour down acidic rain.
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arcanaregion · 10 years
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Going to start a fresh poll for the first gym leader! We decided awhile ago to work on a gym leader, what type should they be?
Remember the type cannot be repeated for later gyms or elite four members so vote accordingly!
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arcanaregion · 10 years
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the jackson’s widowbird will be our inspiration for our common flying type!!
We will take submissions for this contest now!
So the general rules.
You enter by submitting either an Art submission or a description (which will eventually get drawn via another contest). All skill levels accepted and encouraged. 
You may enter up to 3 times.
You may include as little information or as much as you’d like such as names, dex info, abilities, etc but they are subject to change if your design wins and there’s an issue. 
Must be your own work! 
If a pencil drawing is submitted I can digitally color it if you wish! I'd like all the regions pokemon to have colors.
Specifics for this contest.
3 evolution pokemon line. No mega evolutions. 
Must be primarily flying type. Secondary type can be used if you wish on the 2nd and 3rd stages. 
Must be based on a widowbird not another animal!
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arcanaregion · 10 years
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Mystical Beast
tufted titmouse
snowy owl
jackson’s widowbird
your vote for common bird inspiration?
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arcanaregion · 10 years
Common bird suggestions
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so common bird won narrowly over bug with 3 votes!
Now what theme and/or species would you like to see our bird be based on?
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arcanaregion · 10 years
What 's the matter with the Fire Starter Vote?
Nothing! We are just taking a break from figuring out details and revotes until we get back into the swing of things with this new contest!
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arcanaregion · 10 years
Hello so our reboot didn't go so well and i figured a new contest all together would help before we get back to the standing issues! 
So what do yall want to work on?
Common flying type contest
Common bug type
Early rare encounter rate pokemon (ralts, surskit, pikachu, etc.)
Arcana based Pokemon
Suggest another!
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arcanaregion · 10 years
Hello just reminding everyone that we are active again and we have some questions we need answers for!
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arcanaregion · 10 years
Hello just reminding everyone that we are active again and we have some questions we need answers for!
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arcanaregion · 10 years
Hello again. Big Questions and update!
Sorry for the long hiatus! This post is gonna be a sorta everything at once update and problem solving attempt!
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Hidden ability poll gave 
NEW  Love Pulse- Water type attacks have a 15% chance of infatuating the target.
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Gym leader type poll is tied between
please vote for one!
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We still only have 2 hidden ability suggestions for or grass start line
Q2 suggestions?
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fire starter‘s HA will be Steadfast!
need to establish colors for the rest of the line!
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Other things that need to be dealt with!
The Fool Arcana! Contest
Q3 Do yo guys think we should restart the fool contest since we have no entries?
 Region Map Contest
Q4 We got 1 entry for these so what should we do?
restart location poll all together
choose a specific island chain
create original island chain as community
wait for entries
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arcanaregion · 10 years
Where's you go you were my favorite region :(((
Ahhhh yeah sorry i just got a job and had my motivation just fall through badly. I want to keep this region going though and will start up again really soon. Maybe I should find another mod to help out when im busy/tired.
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arcanaregion · 10 years
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Super Luck -Heightens the critical-hit ratios of moves.
Rain Dish - The Pokémon gradually recovers HP in rain.
Serene Grace - Boosts the likelihood of added effects appearing.
Healer- Has a 30% chance of curing each adjacent ally of any major status ailment after each turn.
Stick hold - Protects the Pokémon from item theft.
Regenerator - Heals for 1/3 max HP upon leaving battle.
NEW  Love Pulse- Water type attacks have a 15% chance of infatuating the target.
Hidden ability?
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