Storm uncovers ancient Roman aqueduct
A strong storm that hit Spanish coast near Cadiz in March unearthed remains of an ancient Roman aqueduct at Cortadura beach. The structure dates back to 1st century AD. (more…)
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Ancient burial site found underwater off Florida's coast
Ancient burial site found underwater off Florida’s coast
Archaeologists discovered human remains around 90 metres off the south Sarasota County coastline, Florida, United States of America, which turned out to be part of a rare 7000-year-old Native American ancestral burial site. (more…)
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Tablets describing the Seljuk conquest of Turkey found in a garden
Tablets describing the Seljuk conquest of Turkey found in a garden
In a garden of a rundown building in Turkey’s Antalya province’s Kaleiçi district two tablets describing the Seljuk conquest of the region were found. (more…)
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Pot of coins discovered by construction workers
Pot of coins discovered by construction workers
Excavations near Hoef en Haag, Netherlands, led to a discovery of a pot containing some 500 silver and gold coins dating back to the 15th century. (more…)
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Research reveals ancient preference of acoustic qualities of rock shelters
Research reveals ancient preference of acoustic qualities of rock shelters
Recent study by scientists suggests that acoustic qualities of a rock shelter may have been a key factor in its selection as a site for rock art and indicate a spiritual significance to the practice. (more…)
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Wreckage of WW2 aircraft carrier discovered
Wreckage of WW2 aircraft carrier discovered
Wreckage of the USS Lexington, a U.S. aircraft carrier used in World War II, was discovered at the bottom of the Coral Sea around 800 kilometres off the eastern coast of Australia by the expedition organised by Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft. (more…)
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Pistol part found that might be 500 years old
Pistol part found that might be 500 years old
A pistol part was found during excavations in the Kannah Creek, Mesa County, Colorado, United States of America. The piece is believed to have been a part of a Spanish pistol used 500 years ago. (more…)
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Wreck of a US-Revolutionary-War ship uncovered by cyclone
Wreck of a US-Revolutionary-War ship uncovered
A 160-year old shipwreck has been unearthed at Short Sands Beach in York, Maine, North-East United States of America. (more…)
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Iron Age caves reveal a nearly complete skeleton
Excavations at the Margate Caves, Kent, United Kingdom, revealed an Iron Age skeleton in a rare crouch burial. (more…)
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Bell barge uncovered at a boat graveyard
Bell barge uncovered at a boat graveyard
Remains of a 19th-century diving bell barge has been uncovered during excavations of a boat graveyard at river Clyde near Erskine, West Central Lowlands of Scotland. (more…)
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Ancient statue of dancing Shiva unearthed
Ancient statue of dancing Shiva unearthed
Researchers have unearthed an ancient stone sculpture depicting an idol of a dancing Shiva at Dungrapali, located on downstream of Hirakud Dam, on Mahanadi river. The artefact dates back to 7th or 8th century. (more…)
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4000-year-old Sumerian port discovered in Mesopotamia
A team of Italian and Iraqi archaeologists uncovered remains of an ancient Sumerian port, located near Abu Tbeira, Turkey’s Kahramanmaraş province. The site dates back 4000 years. (more…)
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Remains of crewmen of sunken World War II airplanes recovered
Divers recovered remains that could belong to long-lost American air crews of sunken World War II airplanes in Palau near Ngerekebesang Island. (more…)
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Remains of a Soviet Ilyushin Il-4 bomber found after 73 years
Remains of a Soviet Remain of a Soviet Ilyushin Il-4 bomber were found after 73 years from it being shot down during World War 2 fights near the German death camp at Auschwitz, present-day Oświęcim, South Poland. (more…)
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