arcktip · 10 years
Marketing all the way down
The idea that a man should spend a significant fraction of his annual income for an engagement ring originated de novo from De Beers marketing materials in the mid-20th century, in an effort to increase the sale of diamonds. In the 1930s, they suggested that a man should spend the equivalent of one month’s income in the engagement ring; later they suggested that he should spend two months’ income on it.
Via Wikipedia sourced from Broke Is Beautiful
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arcktip · 10 years
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Some mid-week inspiration: check out these sweet murals and public works of art on building facades gathered by Inivision.
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arcktip · 10 years
Mercenaries are driven by paranoia; missionaries are driven by passion. Mercenaries think opportunistically; missionaries think strategically. Mercenaries go for the sprint; missionaries go for the marathon. Mercenaries focus on their competitors and financial statements; missionaries focus on their customers and value statements. Mercenaries are bosses of wolf packs; missionaries are mentors or coaches of teams. Mercenaries worry about entitlements; missionaries are obsessed with making a contribution. Mercenaries are motivated by the lust for making money; missionaries, while recognizing the importance of money, are fundamentally driven by the desire to make meaning.
John Doerr cited by Wharton
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arcktip · 10 years
Travis Kalanick the CEO and Founder of Uber shares his startup and entrepreneurial insights at Tech Cocktail's Startup Mixology Conference in Washington, D.C. on June 16, 2011.
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arcktip · 10 years
Looking Back: Mark Zuckerberg at Startup School 2012 via Y Combinator
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arcktip · 10 years
Bill Maris (Google Ventures) "Being Born an Entrepreneur" via Startup Grind Like this? Check out Maris' take on What He Looks for in Entrepreneurs
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arcktip · 10 years
Are you ready for the age of autonomous vehicles? I am an I can't wait.
Read more here:
The Car's Google+ Page
An Interview with the Head of the Project
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arcktip · 10 years
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Our team is pleased to announce we released a major update to the Social Cyclist mobile app last weekend. It’s awesome! Not sure you got it? We suggest you check out our Google Play or App Store pages. As you might be able to tell, we’re all extremely proud of the newest version and...
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arcktip · 10 years
A 2020 prediction by fred-wilson: Apple — will cease to be the most important, and won’t even be in the top three global tech leaders because "they're too rooted in hardware" and not in the cloud.
This will be an interesting prediction to keep in mind as things play out over the next few years. Particularly as he also predicts that Twitter (continuing to shed value) will still be in the top 10. If you're part of a startup or thinking of founding one, watch the full interview and pay particular attention to Wilson's last words in response to a question on Founders and Management Teams. Basically, a Founder needs to have a passion for their vision, high levels of charisma in order to be able to sell people on joining them, etc. while a Management Team needs to be all about ability to execute on the founding vision.
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arcktip · 10 years
The Idaho Stop
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arcktip · 10 years
A look back at 2008
R.I.P., Good Times 10-7-08 Final
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arcktip · 10 years
sweet use of GoPro to generate a spherical panorama by
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360° Video using 6 GoPro Cameras - spherical panorama timelapsefrom j0n4s PLUS
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arcktip · 10 years
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Tiny Sydneyfrom Filippo Rivetti PLUS1 week ago
A short tilt-shift film showing the city of Sydney. Tilt-shift effect applied in post-production.
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arcktip · 10 years
Can you tell whether this is an HTML5 app or Native iOS app?
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arcktip · 11 years
Hamburgers & Basements: Why Not to Use Left Nav Flyouts
"Good design makes a product understandable" – Dieter Rams
Good navigation should do at least three things well: (1) it should allow the user to navigate; (2) it should serve as wayfinding, letting the user know where they are; and (3) it should help the user understand what the product is capable of. If your navigation is not doing these three things, something’s wrong.
Read More
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arcktip · 11 years
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Aaron Kuehn’s Bicycle Typogram print would look swellegant on my wall.
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arcktip · 11 years
Transcendence, the latest trailer.
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