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What kind of man loves like this? What kind of man? What kind of man loves like this? What kind of man?
let’s be zen y’all
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NaruHina SasuSaku SasuNaruSasu NaruSaku Long ago the fandom lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the ending attacked. Only Kishimoto, master of all four ships, could stop it. But when the fandom needed him most, he vanished. Three years past and the fandom descovered a new writer, and an illustrator called Ikemoto. And although his manga ruining skills are great. He has a lot to learn before he can bring together anyone. But I believe, the hatred of Saradas outfit can save the fandom.
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We’ve all seen the new Sarada design yeah?
If not here you go
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Yes. This girl is 12/13. 
(I’m unsure if those are shorts or pants but the dress is very short for those to be shorts...)
I know. 
Now, I love women who are happy and comfy in their skin and confident in their sexuality. That's why I love Karin so much. 
A woman. 
This girl is not a woman, unless she started puberty very young, and by the looks of her she didn’t, she isn’t even sexuality mature. And this girl is written by a middle-aged man. 
This is no okay. This is disgusting. There was nothing in the original manga/anime to suggest Sarada would dress like this or is sexuality interested at all. Which means that the new writer is adding themes like this of his own accord. This is very worrying. 
I would also like to point out that Sarada is not even legal by Japanese standards.
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I would like to point out that Sasuke and Sakura were Naruto's first friends and they, especially Sakura, openly supportive of him since the chunin exams. 
I do understand what you’re saying, that everyone saw Naruto alone but Hinata saw it rawer. She saw him fully on his own, training on his own, crying and being sad on his own. And even with the full chance right in front of her, she literally could have just gone up to him when watching him train on his own, she doesn’t and instead gains inspiration from his suffering. (And before you bring up, ‘her family wouldn’t let her talk to him!’ At the academy she had no barrier to stop her talking to him and, secondly, she had the freedom to follow him around and watch him for hours... So...?)
While Sakura and Sasuke didn’t do anything for Naruto pre-team 7, they never claim they were. Naruto wasn’t suddenly happy and then Sasuke and Sakura came along, no Naruto became happy because Sasuke and Sakura came along. He stopped being lonely because he had Sasuke and Sakura, who are his first friends. 
Hinata had time after the formation of the teams to talk to Naruto, but didn’t. Hinata had time to support and help Naruto after Jiraiya died, arguably the lowest point for him in Shippuden, but doesn’t. 
And Hinata didn’t save Naruto life. Neji did during the war, and Minato did during the Pein fight. Hinata just threw her own life around and had other people clean up the mess she made. 
Dedicated to all the hinata worshippers
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This scene was stuced in my head since the airing
You know why? It just descreibs the whole naruhina relationship where hinata did nothing for him . Be it as a child or as a grown up
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Why I think morals and mental illness are so hard to talk about within the Naruto series
I originally started to think about this when I saw some posts labelling Hinata with depression and anxiety. I find faults with that headcanon and wanted to go into depth onto why I don’t think theories of that nature work.
But before I go into that rabbit hole, I want to address morals in fantasy series anyway. As it is more simple to explain and hopefully it will help you understand why I don’t like the Hinata is depressed/has anxiety theory. 
I think the most important thing to say here, is that Naruto is not a real world and the characters do not exist. They are tools for a writer to tell a story with. They have no depth other than what is shown on the page, they are not 3d like our world is and like we are. 
The Naruto world is fantasy. Anything can happen in that world, it is only up to Kishimoto what happens and how things happen. This world, while having similarities to ours, is defiantly not like ours. They way the world is built with its history stories and chakra is enough proof of that. 
This world does not think like ours. The main nations of this world are all military dictatorships, they have a population that is the majority in their army force and these people are all trained killers (this number does fluctuate from nation to nation). They have a different moral system to ours. For example, their morally white characters wish to keep their dictator in power and label anyone who overthrows it as someone who is ‘lost’ or ‘evil’. We also know that the general population is shielded away from the truth of their government's more controversial actions and even then some of the morally white characters agree with people being lied to about their government or even agree with the action its self. 
When considering morals and how the Naruto universe has very strange and different morals from ours, I found similarities with era's that are mostly universally hated in our world. Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. (While others could also work these are two are ones I know the most about.) They both have a dictator, do very evil and horrible things to mass groups of people and hide these acts from the general public. Hitler was considered very charismatic and many German people wished to please him. Sound like some people we know? But in the Naruto universe, these people who hide actions from the mass public and commit genocide are our heroes. 
So when it comes to talking about who is a good guy in Naruto and who is a bad guy, it is hard to say. Do we go by our morals, do we go by the morals in the show? It is hard to say Sasuke is lost or mislead because he wanted to overthrow a dictator lead village that commits mass genocide because their limited scientific knowledge leads them to believe these people are evil in their nature? These are hard questions about how we interpret fiction and how morals are written and presented. 
When it comes to Hinata and the ‘she is depressed and has social anxiety’ theory, my opinion on it follows as same. All the shinobi in the Naruto series have probably killed someone, and some have killed mass numbers of people. If we look at studies on Holocaust perpetrators, a mass majority of those who actually worked in death/labour camps had mental health issues after working during WW2. (This does not excuse what they did but is just an example). Therefore, we could assume that a lot of Naruto characters have mental health issues just due to the job they do, and not necessarily always due to the grief of a loved one or loved ones. Whereas in the Naruto universe, killing seems to be a secondary to mental health in some cases, rather than having mental health issues due to killing. And while mental health in this world is typically treated with therapy and medication, in the Naruto universe, a smack up sorts the job out and a bit of love. 
Therefore we have the harder question of does conditions like depression and anxiety work in Naruto’s universe? Obviously, they have some awareness of this as Tobirama highlighted that the Uchihas more destructive nature and ‘hate’ came from toxins in the brain... that are released by the eyes and come from grief. Not really lining up with how depression is caused here in our world. While some may argue that this is due to their limited knowledge and scientific discovery. I do think it's hard to argue that depression is the same as it is in our universe when you have a cast full of killers and they don’t have characters who have breakdowns due to them killing other people and have them support regimes that have them kill people. I cannot find it buyable. Obviously, characters in Naruto do not share the same body as we do, as they are more durable and have chakra. I do think mental illness is something Naruto characters face, Kakashi and Sasuke are proof of that, I don’t think we should be labelling them with the conditions we have. 
Especially, not Hinata, as of what I could research of depression and anxiety and my own experiences of the two, I don’t believe she fits into those.
I understand if people disagree with me and I would love to hear what you think! I really don’t want any character hate here, but I will be tagging this anti-Hinata as this is an argument against headcanons on her character. But I will also be tagging this Hinata Hyuuga as well, as it is mostly just a discussion and she was the inspiration for this post. No hate from me here. 
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These two precious babies. Long live SasuSaku’s love! ❤
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Naruto kun 🍥❤❤
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I relate to this on a personal level. 
I don't know why
I really dislike boruto and himawari but I like sarada. Kill me
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I’m so happy for my babies. 
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(We already know what happened next)
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Should Hinata have been on Team 7 instead of Sakura?
Now, I’ve seen a lot of people say that Hinata would have been a better fit on Team 7 than Sakura was. And while I agree Sakura was sometimes problematic on the team, she did have the strength within her character to be able to stand up to both the boys and, especially after the Chunin Exams, have the drive to try and keep them from fighting for as long as she could. 
The problem is, for me anyway, is that Sakura is a character who doesn’t have a lot of issues and that’s good. She is a character who isn’t down or got other things to deal with and being on a team with Naruto and Sasuke, two boys who are very lonely and increasingly powerful, she would really need her whole time dedicated to her team and try to keep it together. Hinata, on the other hand, doesn’t have that. The poor girl has a lot going on a home, she has a father who sees her as a failure, a sister who is forced to beat her up, a cousin who wants her dead. She has a lot on her plate and her own problems to sort out before she goes helping others solve theirs. 
I think putting Hinata on Team 7 really takes away some peace for her. While Kiba and Shino argue, they aren’t fighting all the time and aren’t lonely people with one of them becoming increasingly toxic, violent and depressed. I feel Hinata really became more open in part two is because she had a team that could pick her up when she was down, a team that she didn’t have to stress about. Team 7 is a broken team that was ripped apart, and while it wasn’t nice for Sakura either, at least she had some peace at home to make up for that. 
I do feel like Sakura was too Sasuke orientated, but I feel like Hinata would have been too Naruto orientated and while she may want to have helped Sasuke, I feel as if Part one Hinata would have been very scared and intimidated by him. Especially after the Chunin Exams. I do think PostPein Hinata might have been a better fit, obviously, I can’t count that because of continuty. 
If I was going to switch round Team 7, I would be unsure of who to mix around as I feel Hinata wouldn’t be able to deal with Sasuke and Naruto as she had a lot going on herself. I feel like Ino wouldn’t be a positive influence on Naruto as Sakura was and would also be too Sasuke oriented. I do like the idea of having Tenten on the group, I know she wouldn’t be able to, but I think she would really balance them out and have a cool, but strong, head on her shoulders. She would be able to stand up to both of them but would take sides so often. 
Actually, my biggest fault with Team 7 was Kakashi. While he played favourites I do find bigger issues with him as well. Kakashi is not an emotionally stable person. I really don’t think putting two such lonely children like Sasuke and Naruto in his hands would have been a good idea. I think he didn’t think about Sasuke’s mental health when teaching him. The boy was obviously growing more destructive and revenge focused after the Curse Mark but Kakashi was more concerned with teaching his an assassination technique, what a good idea. 
I do actually want to know what people feel about this and see if anyone agrees with me.
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