aris-valast-blog · 2 years
when you have plans in the morning you can still live an eventful & fulfilling life afterwards but when you've got plans in the afternoon? well that's your whole day
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aris-valast-blog · 3 years
Mi fic aquĂ­ https://www.wattpad.com/story/277551757-invitaci%C3%B3n-inesperada
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aris-valast-blog · 3 years
Estoy estancada con muchas cosas... Espero que al empezar a trabajar todo mejore. Intentaré terminar el fic de una vez por todas y seguiré con mis novelas
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aris-valast-blog · 3 years
Estoy pensando tranformar un rol que me dejaron colgado en un cuento o una novela... No sé bien.
Lo pensaré mucho. XD
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aris-valast-blog · 3 years
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some sukunas
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aris-valast-blog · 3 years
Al final este fanfic serĂĄ de doce capĂ­tulos, como mucho doce y un extra, ya que es una prueba. Vayan a leer los Ășltimos capĂ­tulos. ÂĄEspero que les guste y dejenme sus opiniones! <3 <3
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aris-valast-blog · 3 years
Esto de buscar trabajo y no ser aceptado o no pasar la entrevista es desmotivante. ÂĄAh! Quiero trabajar para poder tener algo de dinero y poder seguir adelante. ;n;
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aris-valast-blog · 3 years
So cute!! They are both so beautiful!!!
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To the Top!
(no reposts; reblogs appreciated)
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aris-valast-blog · 3 years
ÂĄÂĄNuevo capĂ­tulo subido!! Vayan a leerlo, el drama estĂĄ en ascenso. Jajaja. <3 <3
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aris-valast-blog · 3 years
I recently updated my fic!! Recientemente actualicé mi fic!! Vayan a leer!!
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Check out my profile on Wattpad, I’m Aris Valast https://www.wattpad.com/arisvalast?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_profile ÂĄHola! Soy Aris Valast, una novelista principiante. Soy una estudiante del profesorado de inglĂ©s, soy de Argentina y tengo veinticuatro años. EmpecĂ© a escribir como hobby, pero me encantarĂ­a hacer esto como profesiĂłn. Quiero que me vayan conociendo con mis fanfics y que pasen un buen rato leyendo

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aris-valast-blog · 3 years
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Check out my profile on Wattpad, I'm Aris Valast https://www.wattpad.com/arisvalast?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_profile ¥Hola! Soy Aris Valast, una novelista principiante. Soy una estudiante del profesorado de inglés, soy de Argentina y tengo veinticuatro años. Empecé a escribir como hobby, pero me encantaría hacer esto como profesión. Quiero que me vayan conociendo con mis fanfics y que pasen un buen rato leyendo...
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aris-valast-blog · 3 years
Deviant art & Wattpad
Estos son los lugares donde seguiré pubicando mis historias <3
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aris-valast-blog · 3 years
Entre la espada y la pared...
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aris-valast-blog · 3 years
To me!! Hahahaha
Here’s to the fanfic writers who can only write sporadically.
Here’s the writers who can’t output enough to keep up with the most popular writers.
Here’s to the writers writing even though they get no feedback.
Here’s to the writers who somehow manage to scrape together a little inspiration and a lot of hard work to write that story they know nearly no one will read.
Here’s to the creators who keep going even when it’ feels like screaming into an empty void.
You’re inspiration, and I don’t know how you do it.
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aris-valast-blog · 3 years
Hello. I wanted to give out a note to every single person that has been helping out. So we are kind of in a bad spot right now (financially. And I do know that we are not the only ones) and we are in desperate need of donations. Although we already have the gofundme page for the help we still is a very long way to go to reach our goal. So I want to say that we don’t need huge donations. We just need for every person that wants to donate to donate at least 5€. That would go a long way. We are almost at 3000 rbs here, so imagine if every single one of you donated at least 2€. We would be very glad. And if you guys could do it through PayPal we would be very much grateful, considering the fact that through PayPal we would have direct access to the money, unlike a donation through Gofundme (through there we only have access to the money exactly 7days later, which sometimes doesn’t coincide with the days that we are obligated to pay off any form of debt that we already have).
Right now we need at least 1350€ (in the next three days) And I know it’s a lot, so imma brake it down to you why we need it for, so you guys can be on the loop of how things are right now.
So it is:
135€ for cable
200€ for food
350€ for college monthly tuition
And the other 665€ are divided between money that we own the bank, electric and gas bills. So if you could share this cause, the gofundme page, wherever and anywhere you can (Reddit, Twitter, on tumblr, or Instagram or even people that you personally know) please help us out. We are on a time limit here, and we need as much help that we can get as soon as possible. Please guys, and thank you so much
It’s PayPal.me/MBarros355 or https://gofund.me/9b26cbc4
I hope someone can help!!! I don't have money either, but surely someone will be able to donate!!!
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aris-valast-blog · 3 years
Ko-fi and more
AsĂ­ que me abrĂ­ un Ko-fi para que me pidan las comisiones ahĂ­. En la pĂĄgina estĂĄn los precios y los detalles completos. Tengo ademĂĄs un pĂĄgina de mi pais y paypal. Lo que puedan es bienvenido.
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0 notes
aris-valast-blog · 3 years
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Intruder | Part Three
Description: This took me so long to write. I began to do this a while ago and actually prioritized it over other pieces as it has been a minute since the last update. There was an interlude of where I had not touched it and recently, I went back to review it and found that there was a surplus of progress made. I chided myself as I continued editing and finished where I left off. I hope it is able to meet standards given the extent of time it took between this installment and the last. I know I said this will be a smut series, but I started coming up with future ideas for plot... oops.
Summary: Something is on Daryl's mind and you don't know what it is. It doesn't stop you from inevitably prying and searching for solace | Daryl x fem Reader
Previously: Sleepless Nights
Warnings: Cursing, Typical Canon Violence, Possible Spoilers (Set After Season 3), Car Sex, Penetrative Sex, Riding, Unprotected Sex (Please wrap it up, folks), Dirty Talk, Creampie, Somewhat Public Sex.
Word Count: 7,397
if you wish to be tagged or untagged in this series, please let me know; tags are listed below
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Frustration embedded itself into your system, a bead of sweat rolling down your temple beckoning your attention as you tried to breathe in and out to grasp a semblance of calm. Except, peace didn’t come to save you from your thoughts nor the annoyance rising from your sweltering form. As your arms remained straight ahead, you held them tightly there, fingernails digging into the rim of the steering wheel. You used such to keep you grounded to your seat regardless if a seatbelt was strapped over your waist. If you let go, you might end up bouncing in a rage, cursing the nearest passing tree in the vicinity with a tone of malice, and even if that’s what you needed to feel better as a method of release, you wouldn’t dare to act that petulant in front of the one across from you. No, you were sure Daryl would just use that as another reason to not sleep with you.
There seemed to be too many already after all.
Things changed between the two of you. How couldn’t they? You went from being irritated with each other’s presence, somewhat tolerating one another, accepting each other in an odd makeshift family seeking survival, and then blurring the lines of sexual boundaries once set by common human decency. Sure, you thought about it before and you wouldn’t have considered Daryl your friend back at the farm, but now you would pick him over any of the new Woodbury residents any day of the week without so much of a second thought. It sounded cruel, but you grew accustomed to him, your fresh endeavors together in the sheets growing this level of attachment you couldn’t have foresaw at the beginning. You cared about him before you wanted to get him off and now you cared about him even more. Maybe it was some weird romantic in you or maybe it was the fact that there weren’t many out there in the world, but you were keeping him close and cherishing the time the two of you did have no matter the circumstances.
And yet, you had no idea where his feelings lied. That sleepless night where he took you by surprise displayed to you a side of him that was so expressive, but a majority of times, he became stoic and silent when you approached him around the others. At first, you thought it might be shame or not wanting to worry the others about a possible closeness forming out of the blue with all the death going around, but Carol kept looking at you differently and making cheeky remarks so you threw those assumptions out the window. You didn’t think for a second that Daryl told her anything, but he clearly noticed how Carol was onto the two of you and your late night activities and he still said nothing. If you were quick to think he might be ashamed of you, you owed it to him to think just as quickly about his lack of denial disproving it immediately.
What confused you the most was how you two had spent some nights grabbing at each other, kissing passionately, grinding against one another, and even going as far as pawing clothes off so further exploration could be done, but there had been no actual sex. No one could get you wrong about it, you loved when you were able to touch him and get him there with some skilled strokes of your hand or when he ran his hot tongue over you until you almost screamed, but he always seemed to stop what was going on before you two could take the next steps. You tried to make subtle hints, nudge him to climb on top of you or try to get him riled up enough, but he found ways to halt your actions or flip the script by distracting you with his rather talented mouth.
There was one instance where you tried to wear as little clothing as possible, going as far as bending down to give him a proper view, but your attempt seemed to fail. You felt silly for lusting over the idea and trying to give him clues, but outright asking for it felt like you were placing too much pressure on his shoulders. When someone pushed Daryl, he either pushed back or walked away and you really didn’t want him to walk away from whatever was going on between the two of you. Whatever it was, it was currently too good for you to risk. While that sounded a bit selfish, not everyone gets something as good at the end of the world, they’re just not as lucky by any means. You were simply going to wait until he was ready, even if you could not gauge when that could be. It left you in bewilderment, your mind conjuring up what may be appealing to him and what may not, but you could not make him uncomfortable here. You knew him better than he thought just as he probably knew you the same. Besides, sex wasn’t everything. The closer the two of you got, the more you could see a future. Who knew if that was with Daryl or not, but hope was certainly created.
That was the plan until Hershel assigned you both with the task of driving out to scavenge items from a nearby deserted store. Daryl for the stealth part and you for the medicine part if any, the both of you having one another’s backs if things turned sideways. That’s when Daryl released an audible groan, one that sounded disgruntled, and then stomped off without looking back at either of you. You didn’t know where this came from, trying to brush it off as Daryl being agitated over something else entirely, but then he was avoiding your stare and not saying a word when you tried to initiate conversation. It started to get to you when you placed items into the trunk for the two of you and you asked who would be driving, Daryl answering by making himself comfortable in the passenger seat without giving you any other notice. It was the final piece to make you believe that you were the reason for these hot flashes and you kept quiet as you drove out.
And then the actual scavenging part? It was a complete and utter disaster.
You ran into a sizable group of walkers, both of you fortunate enough for it not to have been something as large as a herd, but you couldn’t just turn back and run when you needed supplies. Despite Daryl shouting something incoherent (his accent became thicker when he yelled like this) you went forward and somehow got into the store. It was therapeutic to enter an abandoned establishment and bash the heads in of a few walkers collected, but then the predicament of getting out faced you once you loaded up on food and pills.
Daryl’s face didn’t look the slightest bit pleased, you would know.
He got the both of you out of there with some elbow grease. You had to apply physical effort to get it done, but you both made it out of there and threw what you got into the backseat. From the rush of adrenaline, you felt alive. Even if you were panting and sure to be sore in the morning from your arms and legs, you felt grateful to have gotten through the mess with multiple rewards in hand. It’s when you looked at Daryl in excitement, basking in the shared victory, only to see his impassive expression, eyes glued to the windshield as if he was the one driving.
Maybe it was the sun glare in your eyes or the heat of it worsening how much you were sweating, but you fell into the same somber mood he was in. The smile wiped itself off your mouth and your attention turned to strictly the road ahead. Your thoughts were inescapable, all vying for your focus in pessimism that currently rang true to the shift in attitude and it made you come to some conclusions you were sure you would see as immature later.
But, who cared? You had a right to be upset just as Daryl did and he wasn’t bothering to hide it, so why should you?
Just as you were both upset in silence, the car began to make garbled noises. You could see Daryl sitting up in concern from your peripheral, your focus being mainly on the instrument panel to see if there were any warnings lighting up. They for sure were, but you didn’t have much time to interpret them into what the issues could be when the car slowly came to a halt. This did nothing to help your current irritation. The former lighting up signs even shut off so you blinked in genuine vexation. Things could never go smoothly.
“No, no, no, no, no,” you kept on repeating, attempting to turn the keys in the ignition several times only to hear it failing to start. After about the fifth time of trying, your hand hit the rim of the wheel with a definitive smack and then you leaned back into the seat with a heavy sigh. It was supposed to roar to life and give you nothing else but a scare, but of course it was the real deal when things were already strained.
“I’m gonna’ check under the hood,” Daryl murmured, quickly getting out of the car to round the front. Steam could be visibly seen when he opened the hood, but you doubted the engine overheated and refused to continue. It didn’t really matter anyway since the look of disbelief on Daryl’s face told you enough.
The car was fucked.
He got back into the passenger seat, a hand reaching into his pocket to bring a cigarette out of it. He nursed the white stick between his lips, preparing for what you thought was a stress smoke.
“The car’s done,” he said and answered what you assumed less than a minute ago. “Ain’t worth finding another car part out here to fix it, might as well just take the stuff we got and get back to the prison on foot,” he continued as he plucked a lighter from his pants next.
“Fine,” you replied shortly, reaching for the backseat so you could grab your backpack and be on your way as soon as possible. However, Daryl took hold of your wrist and stopped you, those pools of cerulean informing you to slow down and listen. You did, but out of curiosity. You didn’t like that he was only talking to you now because you ran into an emergency/contingency in your plans. Something drastic didn’t have to happen for the two of you to have some kind of communication.
“We’ll take back the supplies in the mornin’, it’s gonna’ get dark soon and we won’t know what’s comin’ at us if we move. Dirt road we’re on is covered by trees so walkers won’t notice we’re here,” he explained. He basically said to ‘make yourself comfortable’ because there were too many risks to move forward and greater risks to make camp out there when it was less of a risk to be sheltered by metal.
Still, though, your annoyance at him didn’t just go away. It rose to where you ended up reaching out to take his cigarette right from his mouth before he could light it. You didn’t know where such an action came from when you could’ve merely addressed him for his attention, but he looked at you with furrowed brows and that was enough for you. The cigarette was already in your hands and he had finally looked at you with an expression of incredulity.
“Are you mad at me or somethin’?” You asked and this caused him to fidget for a moment, as if he was surprised and caught off guard that you brought that to him so bluntly. He blew out a breath from in between his lips, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose to tell you that he was dreading whatever he was about to say. Or he was tired. Tired of what, there were many reasons out in this new, horrible world, but you were hoping that you weren’t one of them.
“No,” he said flatly. “I’m not mad at you.”
“Then what gives?” His statement confused you more than it gave you closure. If he was mad at you, his behavior would make sense. He was acting distanced and off putting, so what else could it be other than the fact that you did something to warrant this kind of treatment. People don’t just shut themselves down from others after spending time together unless something is wrong.
“You shouldn’t have come.” He said lowly, immediately triggering your disbelief and then an influx of anger. Narrowing your eyes, your head tilted in his direction.
“Excuse me?”
“You shouldn’t have come,” he repeated, but his clarification did nothing to help the building fury within you, in fact it plucked at it and seemed to purposely exist solely to attack it further. How could he say something so cruel and obnoxious. Well, it wouldn’t be the first time he said something like that to you. He wasn’t the nicest when the two of you had to see each other more at the first camp and then the farm. Maybe the recent activities the two of you shared affected this, his closed off perspective having you believe he changed from what he once was. The shades of what he used to be were too evident here in the car and you just couldn’t stand it.
Without giving him an admonition, you opened your car door and headed out of it. You ensured not to slam it because no matter how mad you were, you wouldn’t endanger the both of you by being so careless. A door slam invited any nearby walkers to come to the origin of noise. Even though you felt like pushing Daryl down a hill, the two of you had enough exertion for the day after already dealing with walkers in your expedition.
As you began a gait, you heard the same sound from Daryl’s side, the sound of his boots against the terrain giving you the indication he was following closely behind. You picked up your pace in retaliation, a single glance taken backwards when you kept up the distance, but then your attention went back forward. That’s when your breath caught in your throat, a step taken backward when you came face to face with a snarling walker. You barely had time to react, reaching down for your knife when the undead suddenly crumpled to the ground. Things could have gone differently if you had taken longer, but you were caught by surprise. You let down your guard for a moment and were almost walker chow, not sure how it could have happened when your instincts now were always so quick to jump at the first sign of trouble. You adapted but resorted back to who you were at the beginning still learning. Arguably, you were still learning, but reflexively defending yourself is a concept you believed to have nailed down.
Looking down at the deteriorating “lifeform,” you reached down to wrap your hand around the arrow sticking crudely out of its head. Your boot was placed into the chest of the individual to aid yourself in strength and keep yourself from falling over. As you got it into your grasp, you heard the crunch of working boots coming near.
“That’s why,” Daryl gruffed, matching the intensity you held when you snapped at him in the vehicle. He took the arrow out of your hand and initiated eye contact that had you flinch. Just when you were about to ask what the hell he was talking about he continued with, “That’s why you shouldn’t have come.”
Despite him already saying it twice, hearing it a third time was leaving you more astonished than not. You froze where you stood and watched him take steps forward on the path you were previously on, his gaze he held that had you retreating dropping to the floor. But, your shellshock didn’t last long for you to let him walk away or take the lead of what you established in the first place.
“Because I didn’t get that walker fast enough? I could’ve handled it on my own, you didn’t have to do that,” you responded and raised your voice. A selfish part of you wanted something else to hear you and try your patience by coming over. Then you would really have the chance to prove you weren’t fragile. You’d stabbed a myriad of the undead in the heads and so you knew you were capable of absolutely anything. You even shot a gun to protect your own, saved his ass from being taunted by a crowd of bloodthirsty Woodbury residents.
“That’s not what I meant; I know you can,” he said and turned right back to you while doing so. It confused you further than anything else. It’s like talking was making things worse, leaving you bewildered and unable to spring up reasons for his sudden behavior. That was the thing, you kept trying to logically think through this when its entirety was fueled by emotion.
“Then what? What did you mean? I’m not tryin’ to look for clues, Daryl, you need to fuckin’ talk to me,” you finally let out. You felt a bit of relief saying it out loud. It shouldn’t always be a game of trying to figure Daryl out. It was getting old and there wasn’t any time to be cryptic anymore. If things weren’t laid out, then there would be regret later on if something happened. Neither of you had the luxury of being vague or mysterious.
“I just
 if somethin’ happens out here to you because of me
” He trailed off, things beginning to click a little more than before.
You could already feel your expression softening, his eyes falling to the floor to avoid your gaze. You didn’t even notice you were already moving and closing the proximity between the two of you. Your hand raised to his cheek, lifting his head enough for him to properly look at you all over again. You could tell this was hard for him, the energy he had minutes ago dissipating to be replaced by vulnerability. That seemed to scare him off, the idea of shedding layers to display who he could be in his raw form.
You wondered who rejected this side of him for him to think you would do it, too. Actually, this entire thing was new to the both of you. You hadn’t known each other for long so you couldn’t blame him for not wanting to wear his heart out on his sleeve for you. For some reason, things felt like they were more than release and sexual intimacy.
“I think about you a lot. I don’t know what this is, but I can’t let anythin’ happen to you and if it does.. I don’t know.” It was his mantra, saying he didn’t know when he couldn’t put his feelings into proper phrasing. You noticed he had been tongue tied around you as opposed to before when insults were so easy, but you could see there was an effort in trying to understand what was going on.
All this time you were interpreting his shielded exterior as him trying to push you away. In a way, that much was true but not for the motives you initially perceived.
“I’m in deep, too,” you replied after minutes of silence. You didn’t mean to take so long in saying something back, but you were taking in the depth of what he mentioned. It was too hard not to be thoughtful. You also had to be careful with how you said what you felt since he was being open enough to share what had probably been eating away at him. The last thing you wanted to do was have him turn away when the two of you were making brand new progress.
He cared about you and that scared him. It scared you, too. If this thing flourished beyond what it was, it would hurt like hell if it came crashing down. You surmised he was being distant because he didn’t want you, but you deduced now that it was due to how rapidly you were taking things. If he couldn’t escape these overwhelming feelings, then surely he wouldn’t be able to in a trip you tagged along on. You were there standing right in his face as the one who flipped everything upside down and he couldn’t tell you how that felt without coming off as an asshole. He already did come off as an asshole, but you weren’t about to ruin this by tearing him apart when he was trying to do better.
For you no less.
“I don’t know what to say,” he admitted, and you were glad he did because it broke you from the deep contemplation you fell into. You cleared your throat and then pointed to the car meters away from the two of you.
“Let’s get back and wait this night out.”
Your shoes had been placed on the floor after you moved your seat back and gave yourself some room to get comfortable. A few hours had passed since what occurred between you and Daryl, the sun going down to tint the atmosphere almost sepia-like before it left you in the dark. The illumination provided came from the moon hanging in the sky, the fullness of it not leaving the both of you with too much to worry about. The car’s previous owner tinted the windows, so the two of you could feel safe in this occupied space until you would have to take off on foot eventually. It made things easier, but you missed your cell bars quite a bit at this moment. They gave you a sense of security, ironically. If you lost the keys, you wouldn’t be able to get out, but at least nothing would be able to get in. It was a fair compromise.
Daryl moved his seat, too, and you gave him his cigarette back earlier. He, however, did not light it and placed it back into his pocket. His shoulders weren’t as high as they were when the two of you were having a confrontation, so you assumed he was finally relaxed. At least more than before.
The talking was kept at a minimum, but it wasn’t like it had been throughout the journey. It’s like you were both taking in what happened and allowed yourself to properly process in ease. You owed it to each other to give some breathing room even though it was currently physically impossible. At most, the both of you could reflect on it all and do so without having to talk. You understood the wavelengths you were coming from and he would talk once he was ready since what you needed to say had already been said. You were secure in yourself enough to comprehend how the ball was now in his court. It could be the next morning or days from now and you would be fine with it.
Except, it wasn’t. As your eyes began to fall shut and the first embers of a dream commenced, you heard Daryl disrupt the quiet.
“I’m not tired,” he said. You, on the other hand, barely registered it, but since he seemed ready to engage in conversation, you sat up in your seat straighter.
“Me neither,” you yawned, your eyes giving you away with how much you were blinking them to stay awake. Your lashes basically fluttered, the slight grin forming on him catching you off guard.
“You’re a liar,” he accused. To that, you leaned over the console in between the two of you and shook your head back and forth.
“I’m never tired, I’m always ready for anything and everything.”
“Is that so?”
“It is.”
At some point, Daryl leaned over the console, too. You didn’t notice until his lips met yours and you hummed to make sure you weren’t dreaming. It tingled against your mouth, the lack of air somehow stirring your brain awake further. It should’ve been the other way around, but you didn’t bother to calculate the logistics. Instead, you listened to what his guiding hands directed you towards. They reached for you and tried to maneuver you, but the awkward position kept that from fully happening. You aided Daryl by climbing over the console and situating yourself in his lap, not bothering to end the connection as it almost felt like a reunion. The last time the two of you were intimate in this capacity hadn’t been long ago, but this felt new because of what was shared between the two of you. It wasn’t just attraction and this need to satisfy an itch, but beyond that. It wasn’t something you could describe easily, but you didn’t have to.
All the both of you needed to do at this moment was feel one another, become lost in how you kissed deeply and then fervently. You only pulled apart from him when you felt his hands fumbling for the button of your jeans. It came as a surprise because you didn’t expect him to want it here of all places, but something about it also felt too incredibly right.
“I can’t wait anymore,” he said breathlessly, the comment causing you to come to the revelation that he was putting this off for the same reason he was acting so conflicting throughout your endeavors.
“Are you sure?” You asked, because as ready as you have been, you want him to be comfortable and introducing pressure wasn’t the way to go. If the fear of becoming more attached than he already was had been ruling his decisions, you wouldn’t want him to regret this either. You both had to want this.
“I know it ain’t paradise and it’s hot as shit out here, but I can’t fuck up another chance. Think I haven’t seen how bad you’ve wanted it?” Despite the moon highlighting his features ever so lightly, you could actually see the shift in his eyes, how lust dictated a flowing opaque in what is usually so brilliantly blue. You especially loved when he talked this confidently, too. It’s like something about you set him off and it empowered you heavily.
“So you were watchin’ me?” You said, unconsciously having to wet your lips since they suddenly felt dry.
“I’m always watchin’ you.”
He said it as if it was common knowledge, continuing with the task he tried to accomplish without looking earlier. The tricky part was shimmying out of the denim considering you were atop of him, but the two of you managed to get rid of the bottoms after a little back and forth. When they were tossed to the backseat, the skin of your legs was sensitive to any kind of contact. His pants against you were incredibly prevalent, but what was more telling and rendering you of your sanity was the bulge sitting right up against your panty clad center. The warmth through his pants evidently displayed how much he needed you, the dull throbbing having you wonder how long it took him to get so hard. Giving an experimental roll of your hips on him, you could tell it was ignored since you started kissing. He gave a small curse and took hold of your wrist to stop you from continuing.
You met his gaze with intrigue, defiance resting in your eyes and your actions as you moved your hips against him one more time. There was a distinctive change in his breathing as well as one in his grip on you, a tighter hold making you aware of his strength. It didn’t seem intentional, though, since his fingers slowly unraveled from you and opted to trace your thigh.
“Go easy on me,” he let out. You considered his words for a moment and realized how you had more power in this position. His hesitation was front and center because he had nowhere to turn to, little to no room for movement on his end because of how he was sandwiched between you and the car seat.
“I’ll try,” you promised, the suggestiveness of your words clearly striking a chord in him as he forced a shallow breath out.
Your arousal had not been any mystery on him, the darkened fabric of your underwear being a strong indication of it. You didn’t care how brazen it was, his lips on yours were enough to get you going. It was the same for him, his length poking you even in the confines of his denim. Neither of you needed to explain how easily turned on you both became.
Your hands dropped in between your bodies to begin making work of unbuttoning his pants. He watched as you unbuckled his belt, slid down the zipper to free him. Growing with that material in the way couldn’t have been comfortable. His sigh of relief told you enough, but just as quickly as he blew out air, he sucked it back in and let it get caught in his throat. Your right hand grasped him through his boxer briefs, a loose vise initiated at his base. You kept your eyes on his face as you brought your hand up, noting how his jaw became slack and he pressed his blunt nails into the skin of your thighs. It emboldened you further, situating the cloth to have easier access to his cock.
As quickly as it was bare, your hand was back on him. He groaned in response to your soft pumping and all you could hear was how heavy his breathing was becoming.
 you need to stop,” he whispered in his haze. You weren’t sure what you had done, but you did immediately retract your hand from him. That seemed to be the wrong move, though, because he shut his eyes tightly and leaned forward with an almost frustrated grunt.
“No, not that,” he said. It confused you more than the initial phrase did, but he thankfully continued. “You need to stop fucking teasing me.”
It dawned on you that you were certainly taking your time, but now you understood how needy Daryl was in your current predicament. It was quite a sight since he had no problem teasing you these days. You couldn’t help but feel wanted.
“What do you want, Daryl?” You asked, ready and willing to give him whatever it was he voiced out to you. You just needed to make sure. His confession about not wanting to wait was sweet, but he never outright said that he wanted this to happen. He needed to use his words. You could usually read him pretty well, but you wanted to hear him.
Words weren’t his forte. Sitting back and brooding became his thing for so long that maybe he forgot how to properly converse. You had an assumption that feelings and wants and desires were specifically difficult for him. You could see it in how he was catching his breath and visibly thinking with a furrow of his eyebrows.
 I want,” he began, but stopped. It was right there on the edge of his tongue, but nothing came of it. It’s like you could see the shambles his brain was in trying to find the right words to tell you, something holding him back from being truly unguarded.
You leaned over and cupped his face to bring him back to earth, back to you sitting right there in front of him. He had been looking at you this entire time, lost in you, but something clicked in him to focus. You were shadowing his features from the moonlight with your frame now, but you just knew his eyes were blown with desire, pupils dilated because it was you. Something fuzzy flitted around in your stomach at that notion. Who knew if that was an arrogant feeling to have or not.
“We don’t have to do anythin’ if you don’t want to. It’s okay, we can wait.”
Your tone was nothing short of reassuring. You could see something cross his facial features and you assumed it was a bit of relief. You wanted him, you already knew that, and he wanted you. You had your doubts but they had been chased away in how you knew this wasn’t the easiest thing in the world for him to engage in. Anyone could have sex, but he seemed to be growing that same fondness over you that you had been over him. You were both fucked, essentially, without fucking. That would be addressed at some point as well, but you were currently going to enjoy what you had.
You brought your mouth to his and felt him go lax underneath you. You didn’t always have the right words yourself, but you hoped you were able to provide him with what he needed. This didn’t need further explanation right now, you were just aware that you were both in that same boat of giving each other what was necessary. And that was an overly intimate statement on its own.
Daryl disrupted the kiss you shared, but not the close distance between your faces. He kept himself near you and even brushed your nose with his. “But I want to,” he whispered and made your heart begin to hammer all over again. You swallowed dryly as you looked at him, thumb brushing over the stubble on his cheek.
“I want
 I want to fuck you,” he proclaimed. You could feel your body vibrating at this, like it was waiting for his signal to automatically set itself on fire. “Want you to fuck me,” he said when you hadn’t responded. If you thought your brain failed before, you were sadly mistaken. You had thought you gave him relief in what you had previously said, but it went to show that you gave him courage instead.
“Yes, I—yes, yeah,” you breathlessly replied and kissed him again.
Your hands dropped from where they were on his face to move your underwear to the side. Suddenly you couldn’t wait any longer either as you rose your hips up and positioned him underneath you. An earnest blaze shot out of you because he managed to ignite it with a vocal match.
You brought yourself down slowly onto him, an unholy noise escaping you as he bottomed out. It had been so long since you had penetration like this, his fingers being what you had been experiencing for the past few weeks. He stretched you tightly with thickness and it was a good thing you were so turned on because it made the action go a lot smoother.
You didn’t have time to be embarrassed for the sound you made because something guttural came from Daryl. He fell backwards into the car’s seat and placed one hand on your hip as the other was on your thigh. Who knew how long either of you would last with reactions like that, but nothing of the sort was on your mind besides ensuring Daryl had the time of his life.
When you adjusted, you rolled languidly against him, your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself. There was little room for mobility, but you made due as much as you could and squeezed your inner walls with every lift upwards. It felt like heaven, a moan falling from your lips as one fell from his. You had learned what he liked through how you touched him, his deep groans and grunts enough to have you squeezing your thighs together. You memorized the frequencies and this was no different.
“You feel so good,” you said, your head falling backwards as your back arched further.
The car setting wasn’t the perfect place for a first time. Being in the middle of an apocalypse didn’t give many options, either. And yet, there was something special about the way Daryl was making choked noises underneath you and fidgeting over the placement of his hands when you deliberately grinded down on his cock. You saw how needy he could become just when you used your hands and now you were seeing the effects your soaked cunt had on him. You practically drooled wondering what he would do if you used your mouth, how he would react if you ran your tongue over his tip before your lips fused around him.
The image, coupled with the sensation of your hips humping him a little more frantically, set you into a haze like no other. You were stupid with pleasure, so much so that you tried to tilt your head in your movements and accidentally hit the top of it on the car’s ceiling.
Your cheeks reddened with embarrassment as your eyes slipped open to see what Daryl’s reaction would be. Something that resembled a laugh came off his lips and for a moment, you felt like you wanted to die. Then he pulled you closer to him and did his best to piston his hips into you from where he was. The head of his cock angled right up against a spot that had you elicit a whine. It helped you remember just where you were and suddenly you couldn’t help but to stifle your own laugh at how trivial hitting your head had been. You were both in a cramped space and shit was bound to happen. Who fucking cared, you were riding Daryl and he was thrusting up into you as best as he could. Nothing in the goddamn world could compare.
The car setting was the perfect place for your first time together.
“Did you lose focus, princess?” He drawled, evidently taking advantage of how your hips stuttered on him and immediately taking the reins. Your face felt hot against his shoulder.
You should’ve expected this to happen. Daryl wasn’t big on talking, but being somewhat condescending seemed to come naturally to him. You hated how it made your walls tighten around him, how it thrilled you to your core. But, that didn’t mean you were going to be completely passive.
“I was just,” you began, finding it incredibly difficult to form a coherent sentence with how he found his rhythm. You didn’t know how the bastard managed. He kept teasing that spot within you and you wanted him to target it without remorse. Then again, he most likely knew what he was doing. Maybe it was payback for the unhurried handjobs.
“Thinkin’ ‘bout somethin’,” you admitted. You wanted to outright scream at how Daryl slowed down. He was intrigued by this statement, you knew it, but he didn’t have to near you to orgasm and then backtrack. It was
 all this did was make you realize how badly you wanted to cum.
“What were you thinkin’ about?”
“Suckin’ your dick.”
This was supposed to give you the upper hand. You had been a whining, whimpering mess when you two had engaged in anything remotely similar. Saying something lewd and blunt was your way of showing him two could play at that game. The silver on his tongue could be replicated at any time.
You felt him twitch inside of you before he was moving around to find a better position. You had all of two seconds and then his cock was pounding into you without abandon. Your hands flew right to his shoulders and you sloppily tried to meet his thrusts, but it was to no avail. Your thighs were burning from the strength utilized to rise and fall onto him so you were stumbling, but not suffering by any means. Your clit kept grazing his pelvic bone and in turn you were throbbing almost painfully. Keening, his name fell off your lips several times.
 you’re fuckin’ stuffed with my cock and, ah, you’re thinkin’ about-”
At first, you thought it was some kind of scolding. Then you registered it had actually been him trying to make sense of it. He was losing his mind and he didn’t even bother to hide it. He pieced together the puzzle tiles of your statement and fell in awe of the image that befell his eyes.
“Daryl,” you moaned, right at the cusp of climaxing, “yes, fuck, yes.” There was an attempt to answer him with something better, but you couldn’t if you tried. You always thought about him now. As he stood across from you, as he went on runs, as he pleasured you, it was all just Daryl up there. You didn’t care how it sounded or how pathetic it made you look.
He seemed to like it, fucking encouraged it with how he tucked his fingers under your chin and slotted your mouths together. It was desperate on both your ends, teeth clashing at first because your stupid bodies craved each other so badly that your brain was trying to gain air but meet your tongue with his at the same time. It was a paradox. You weren’t going to find oxygen in Daryl’s mouth, but you couldn’t stop from moaning into it and swallowing his groans.
It hit you both hard and fast. Your lips parted centimeters from his to release a loud moan. You could both be indecent out here if you wanted without having to take the courtesy of others into your thoughts. The prison had the issue of having to sneak around and keep quiet. It wasn’t an easy task (you probably would’ve outed what was going on if it weren’t for Daryl’s makeshift gags/large hand covering your mouth) but you found a groove in no time.
Your walls tightened around his length before you coated it with your release and fell apart. There wasn’t much time for a reprieve because Daryl fucked you through it until you were spasming on top of him. White heat spread throughout your body, tingled in your fingertips as if fire ants were crawling within your bloodstream. But you couldn’t shake them out, not with how your muscles flexed and seized from proper mechanical movement.
He didn’t last any longer, warmth spilling out and filling you to the brim. He panted throughout it, riding it out with some final rocking until he was slumped against the seat behind him just as your full weight had been slumped against him. Something blissful was written on his features, something solely you were privy to. As he softened inside of you, you tried to find the strength to gaze into his eyes further, but your head leaned against his shoulder. You panted and gripped his arms, attached to him as if by glue, almost as if you could get closer.
This might be too much. Taking this step already left you weary. His scent carried through to your nostrils, a sensory overload taking place that made it difficult for you to try and rise off of him. But you didn’t want to. You felt good, your body buzzing with lightness you hadn’t felt probably ever. But to sit there any longer, this close, this sensual, it would be selfish.
Before you could talk yourself into slipping from your position, his hand ran down your back. The tips of his fingers delicately created a pattern, only now intensely conscious of how you were still wearing a shirt. If you hadn’t been, it would’ve stung so beautifully you would’ve transcended right then and there.
“I’m tired.”
Whatever was going to be exchanged after became lost when something loud caught both of your attention. You jumped in his arms, Daryl sitting up enough to try and shield you from the noisy threat on the outside of the car. Through the foggy window on the driver’s side, a walker’s face appeared, its peeling hands pressed up against the glass as it searched for its next meal.
“This ain’t a free show,” Daryl huffed, earning a narrowed look from your eyes and a gentle smack to his chest.
The intruder was in for some trouble once your legs started working again.
Tags: @agent-laufeyson, @auntiebyn, @lonewolf471, @madshelily, @tehfabbooty, @pillowjj, @captain-shannon-becker, @alex-sulli, @xanoverdosed
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