ariseur · 7 hours
guys.. please request. i’m dehydrated out here..
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ariseur · 15 hours
yk what im just gonna write for jjk 80%+ of this poll says yes 😭😭 my requests are open guys!! ask away! ( or if you just wanna say hi that’s nice too ^-^ ) 🫶🫶
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ariseur · 15 hours
I feel you on Crunchyroll 😭 I didn’t get to finish one of the animes on there before I got cucked and locked out unless I get a monthly subscription.
i watch some animes on there for free (bsd) but the only thing that sucks is there plethora of ads that they throw at you while you’re watching. like— no i don’t wanna see the demon slayer board game rn?? helloo 😞??
0 notes
ariseur · 15 hours
Hiring! I dont know if you watch jjk in sub or dub, but this is the website I use to watch the majority of anime. I, too, am too poor for crunchyroll. Hehe. https://animeflix.gg/
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ariseur · 21 hours
fuming rn because s2 of jjk isn’t on hulu and i dont have premium crunchyroll so i’m stuck watching recaps 😞💔..
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ariseur · 1 day
gonna start crying this is so amazing everybody go follow them rn
hii!! i recently just started following you and i don’t wanna overload you with anything so i stress that i urge you to take your time and if you feel like you need to tweak anything then you can since i noticed you barely opened requests :)) i was just wondering if you could write something ( whether it be headcanons or a fic ) about gojo having a jujutsu sorcerer for a girlfriend / partner and his students don’t know so they’re all shocked when they just see this badass person next to gojo and he just casually introduces them as his partner lol. just a thought!! make sure to take care of yourself 💕
a/n: thank you smmmm for the kind words <333 yes omg i love this idea and honestly, i imagine gojo pretending to be chill on the outside but on the inside he's fangirling the same way his students are over his partner cause he's just so whipped and down bad for them jdjsndnsbd
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"Shhhh! Quiet down, you two or you're gonna get us all caught." Nobara hisses through her teeth at Megumi and Yuji, trying her best to be quiet. It was quite a comical sight actually, the three students were all stacked on top of each other as they all attempted to crane their necks into the doorway as discretely as they possibly could.
"I still don't understand why we can't just ask like normal people." Megumi sighs, clearly exasperated at his friend's antics.
"You're such a buzzkill, Fushiguro." Nobara scolds him over her shoulder. It was like he didn't even understand the gravity of this situation.
This wasn't a situation where they could just waltz in and chat it up like regular unless they were intent on embarrassing themselves. This was a once-in-a-lifetime chance to meet the current rising star of the jujutsu world: the newly minted special-grade sorcerer L/N Y/N who was famed for being highly elusive, never being in one place for too long to be tied down to somewhere.
Rumours and stories were constantly swirling about you ranging from the more serious ones about your incredible feats of jujutsu and how you managed to exorcise a grade 1 curse for one of your very first missions without breaking a single sweat to more silly ones like that you only wash your face with the purest spring water that was imported from the Swiss Alps and that allegedly you and Gojo Satoru were seeing each other. She thought the last one was particularly dumb as she was sure that a person of your calibre would have better taste than to date their man-child of a teacher, even if he was the strongest. Whatever it was, Nobara was not going to let those two ruin her chances of possibly being able to talk with you face to face.
Above her, Yuji groans out in pain as he feels an elbow jam into his stomach.
"Hey! That hurts!" Yuji complains loudly, his grip tightening around the wooden door frame.
"Can't you be in pain more quietly?" Nobara asks and with that, the two of them were sent into a bickering spat as they traded harsh whispers and snappy comments. However, this would prove to be their end as Megumi eventually loses his balance from all of the commotion above him and tumbles onto the floor with the other two following suit as they land in what can only be described as a failed human pretzel.
Unfortunately, their crash was not as quiet as Nobara was hoping for as one of the office's inhabitants stood up from his seat, seemingly made aware of their presence. "Oh? It seems like we have some eavesdroppers in our midst."
You hum to yourself, your back still facing the doorway as you turn to your white-haired companion. "Is that true?"
"Yes, I think I might know who they are as well. If only they would be so brave enough to reveal themselves." Gojo sighs dramatically, even bringing a hand to his chest as if to feign sympathy. You can't help but giggle softly at his behaviour.
The three of them take that as their cue to stand up, dusting themselves off as they slowly make their way into the office in a single file line. When Nobara sees you, she can't even let herself fully fangirl because the amount of embarrassment she has at getting caught trying to eavesdrop is far outweighing it right now.
Gojo makes his way towards his students as they stand lined up, his hands rubbing together and a devious grin on his face as he puts on his best menacing voice. "Now now now, what do we have here?"
"Satoru, take it easy on them. I'm sure they meant no harm by it." You place a hand on his shoulder as you stroll up to his side. His arms immediately fall to his side as he melts under your touch.
An adorable pout graces his features, his bottom lip jutted out in an attempt to put on his best puppy dog look as he whines at you, "Awww, but you're ruining my funnn. I don't get that many opportunities to do this."
"Sensei, they know you by your first name?" Yuji questions, his head tilted slightly to the side as he tries to figure out what relationship you two could possibly have.
A sly snicker is heard from Gojo as he quirks his eyebrows towards you. "They know me in a lot more ways than just that" he quips back, his tone bordering on being an outright innuendo.
You roll your eyes affectionately at him, clearly used to his playful nature by this point, and give him a light shove on the shoulder to which he pretends to exaggeratedly nurse in pain.
"Sorry for not introducing myself properly, my name is L/N Y/N and I'm a special-grade sorcerer here on a visit to Tokyo Jujustu High." You smile warmly at your boyfriend's students, your hands clasped in front of you as you greet them.
Nobara could feel her breath hitch in her throat as a million thoughts ran through her mind. Oh my god, you, her idol, were actually right in front of her and were acknowledging her. She swears she could die happy right this instance but that would mean that she wouldn't get to take full advantage of the chance to talk to you fully. With that, she snaps out of her star-struck daze and politely inquires, "If you don't mind me asking L/N-san, what are you here for?"
"Oh, they're here to visit yours truly, me!" Gojo chimes in, a megawatt grin on his face with a sense of pride radiating off of him as he motions to himself.
A tsk sound escapes Nobara, clearly distrustful of her teacher's statement. "Yeah right, they have way more important things to be doing than that."
"But it's true though! My lovely partner is here to pay a surprise visit to me!"
"There's no way that that's true. You and them?" As if to punctuate her point, she points at you and Gojo standing side by side and firmly shakes her head. "Nuh uh. They wouldn't date the likes of you."
A soft smack is heard as Gojo theatrically clutches his chest, stumbling back from where he stands to drape himself over you. "It wounds me to hear you say that Kugisaki." He claims, his expression twisted into one of faux pain. When he turns to face you, his demeanour suddenly switches as he leans in towards your ear, a roughish smile on his face with a faintly seductive lilt to his voice. "Maybe we should kiss to prove that it's true."
"Don't be crude, Satoru, they're your students and they're right in front of us." You try to brush him off of you in an attempt to spare his students from becoming witnesses to their teacher's love for PDA but he doesn't let go of his grip, instead choosing to nuzzle his face in the crook of your neck as if trying to coax you to stay with him in his embrace. Like always, you relent to his touch with your fingers carding through his snowy locks, a soft sigh of approval leaving his lips.
There's a beat of silence as Nobara and Yuji try to process what they've just learned and the fact that they've just seen a visual confirmation of it before that peace is shattered and they erupt into a thousand questions. You field all of their burning questions ranging from ones about you to about your relationship with Gojo with grace, amused and endeared by their excitement and insatiable curiosity. Secretly, it warms your heart deeply that Gojo and his students are so comfortable with each other and that he can be himself around them without the pressure of the greater Jujutsu world on his back.
You turn to look at the clock and sigh at how fast time has gone by. "Alright, I'll see you at home Satoru and Megumi." You comment, packing up your belongings as you get ready to leave to attend to some business. Gojo leans down to your height as you place a lingering kiss against his cheek and wave him and his students goodbye.
Unblinking, Yuji and Nobara turn to each other and then to Megumi before they exclaim simultaneously. "You all live together!?"
Oh boy, Megumi knows he's going to be in for an earful with that.
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ariseur · 1 day
Hey, How are you? Just read so many of your DMC head canon and I liked them, good work don't think it's against your rules, if it is, just ignore this.
But wanted to request Dante with fem! Reader who just had a baby girl.... Dante's reaction to having a girl and how he is with a newborn.
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dante with a baby girl 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
dante (dmc) x reader (?)
┊ ˚➶ notes 。˚ 🎼
this has been sitting in my inbox for so long, my apologies!!! this was a really cute request and i love dante sm ugh i have dante brainrot rn
┊ ˚➶ warnings 。˚ 🎼
babies n mentions of pregnancy ( obviously ), intended lowercase, lmk if i missed something!! 💕
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
❥ let me tell you how cute i think this actually is.. like dante with a little baby girl??? it’s??? just so?? cuteee??22?2?2
❥ i can honestly see dante as a boy and a girl dad, but since we’re talking about girls here!! let me just shed some light on how awesome of a dad dante would be regardless of what gender his kid is.
❥ as a newborn, i can see him being both super goofy or uncharacteristically careful. dante is literally so scared to do something wrong so he leaves most of it to you, but if you use formula for your baby or if.. part demons don’t need milk (?).. then he’ll take over that. it should be easy enough, he says, right? right???
❥ wrong. he let you have some time alone to let you go out and actually be baby-free for a little while and he partially regrets it. the only reason why is because he’s stuck on the couch rocking the baby back and forth while she cries because dante doesn’t know how much to feed her.. which is how he ends up calling you on your alone time
❥ dante’s behavior as a dad depends on how old he is ( what game we’re talking about ). as in dmc 1-3, he’s more so carefree and although he’d know being a dad is a lot of responsibility, he’d still have somewhat of goofy, dumb mindset within him. meanwhile as he progresses in dmc4, he’s learned a lot and has gotten better, so i think this would be the start of a really good era to raise a baby. and then finally in dmc5, peepaw still got it, okay?
❥ while i see dante enjoying his beauty rest, i can also see him sacrificing his sleep to get up and take the fall of a crying baby rather than wake you up and ruin your sleep schedule. dante’s pretty good at entertaining babies for some reason, what can i say?? they just love the guy i guess
❥ even before you’ve had the baby AND after, i feel like dante would pick the goofiest outfits for her omfg. like, you’ll be sifting through the clothes and looking for some cute onesies or something and all of a sudden you hear, “babe—!” and you turn and it’s dante holding up a baby tee with a cannabis leaf on it
❥ dante would absolutely remember his baby’s birthday, and on the off chance he doesn’t and he only remembers because you or nero brought it up or something, he will run on the other side of town just for her. you’ll call him and be like, “you got the cake, right?” and he’ll be like “ohhh, yeah— don’t worry, i got it” and he’s literally fighting like six antenora and hellbats rn but dont worryyy!! afterwards he’ll just stop by the bakery all bloody and ask for the cutesiest cake available and he’ll start showing the baker photos of you and his baby girl. he’ll be like “ugh, they grow up so fast 😊” as he’s picking out demon blood and residue from his air
❥ read a post where it was headcanons about if vergil and dante had a baby that had blonde hair like eva’s and WHOAAA. if dante’s daughter somehow received a recessive trait and she has blonde hair like eva’s, it will pull at dante’s heart strings from birth. he thinks it’s a sign, a sign that she’s still watching over him and that’s she’s there— she’s there enough that you’ve acquired her hair color. he believes her love is just that strong, and that makes him try a little harder every day. he will not let her memory be forgotten, and he’ll tell you and his daughter whatever stories he remembers from when he was a kid, especially ones with vergil ( partially to spite him ).
❥ growing up would be the hardest thing for dante to accept. he’ll always love her unconditionally but it makes him sad knowing that this is the youngest she’ll ever be and the oldest she’ll ever get ( if that makes sense ). but, he’ll always love her even when she’s not a baby anymore. he’ll love her when those onesies turn into t-shirts and he’ll love her when that teddy bear turns into an algebra textbook or a phone or jewelry.
❥ dante will forever cherish his family, and he yearns for that domesticity you two have created with your children. he’ll love you and his daughter regardless, and he’ll always come back for you. he is the legendary devil hunter, of course.
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ariseur · 1 day
i love your fics, i love you! please, can i req a fic where reader brings a very in love sephiroth to golden saucer to go around and end on the skywheel where he admits his love to her
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“isn’t it gorgeous?”
sephiroth tore his face away from clear glass of the attraction, the bright fireworks that shot up in the sky clearly evident as they illuminated your face with all sorts of vibrant colors; wild pinks, greens and blues reflecting in your eyes as you kept them glued to the lively hues that painted the dark sky. his lips twitched into a half smile as he looked back out of the window and hummed in agreement. “very,” he added.
you turned your head to him again, the bright lights tinting the side of your face as you smiled. although, he didn’t look entirely back at you— only occasionally looking at you from his corner peripheral. he let the crackling and big booms of the fireworks fill the silence. assuming he was too engulfed in the show, you turned your head back to it again. little did you know that sephiroth wasn’t paying attention to what was in front of him at all, all he was focused on was you.
he became hyper aware of himself; his posture, his voice, whether his hair was covering his face or not. he wanted everything to be perfect, so while you were busy signing in at the front desk he was carefully planning it out in his head.
when you had first confronted him with your idea of taking him to the golden saucer, he thought you were a little crazy ( not that he minded ). and when you had decided to take matters into your own hands and drag him all the way from midgar to corel, he thought you were even crazier. although, it was an amusing sight for genesis who had cocked his head with a sly smile at sephiroth when he had walked away, chuckling at the fact that you tried dragging a six foot first class SOLDIER away to do whatever you had planned at hand for today.
sephiroth didn’t mind all that much, though. in fact, this was the perfect excuse for him to finally make his move. everything was going right in his mind, all he had to do was take baby steps to the sublime light he’d view as freedom, he’d finally tell you how he felt.
“although,” he cut through the quietude as you turned your head again, “i’m not sure quite sure why you chose the golden saucer, of all places. i didn’t figure it to be your ideal environment.”
you shrugged and watched as he faced you, too. “i— uhm . . “ you trailed off, your eyes flickering over to the corner of your vision as you lose your train of thought. damn you, sephiroth, you thought. his hair, silver and silky as usual, soaked up the light as you now watched while it drowned him, his entire face lit up with warm colors— now slowly fading as the fire fell from the sky and dissolved into bits of ash. who gave him the right to be so gorgeous? it almost irked you.
he leaned over into your view, his face now taking up your eyesight. he raised a brow, “are you alright?” he knew what he was doing, with that stupid amused smirk on his face. you blinked owlishly, before your lips split into another smile when you saw him and snapped out of your daze. “yes—!”, you said, maybe a little too quick before your shoulders slumped while your head turned to the sky once more. “or . . yes— i’m fine,” you sighed, “don’t you think coming here’s a nice change of pace? i think it beats listening to lazard lecture us.”
“you mean listening to lazard lecturing you?”
“you know what i’m saying, seph.” you glared at him while he covered his mouth with a gloved hand, chuckling a bit at his own humor. although, you couldn’t stay too annoyed at him for too long once his laughter had made its way towards you, snaking along in the air and into your ears with its contagion while your chest slightly shook with your own soft laughs.
“i’m still in disbelief that you were able to trash the training room like that— he was furious.” with that, he hunched over and his laughter grew louder. it was funny to see how sephiroth could entertain himself, you imagine it’d be amusing for people to realize that this, this ‘war hero’ or this poster child for shinra, was really a good person. you reveled in his laughter, the sounds igniting some of your own while you shook your head and put a hand on his shoulder to stabilize yourself.
he definitely noticed that, yet he wouldn’t complain with the warmth of your hand placed on him. he watched as you wiped the springing tears of joy from your eyes and reshaped back into your normal position.
he let out another small sigh of amusement, “i’ve been thinking,” before you interjected with your own huff of, “that’s never good.” with that statement, you’re were met with a quirked brow and a faltering smile. you raised your eyebrows as you apologized and told him to keep going, giving him a slight shove of his shoulder ( which barely shook him ) as you assured him you were just messing around with him. he cleared his throat again, “i’ve been thinking about something— and it’s been on my mind for quite some time, now.”
you held an expectant gaze, urging him to keep going.
“i—,” it was like his words were trapped behind his uvula, his tongue now dry and his words thick. he held eye contact with you, his pupils darting around your face carefully as another firework boomed in his ear. you held that stupid smile, so sickeningly sweet that it made sephiroth’s heart ache.
“y’can tell me anything, you know that, right?” — and with that, he burst.
“i think i’ve developed feelings for you.”
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𐙚 taglist ; @snoopicle ( sorry snoop two tags in one day lol )
𐙚 requests are open — june tenth, 2024
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ariseur · 2 days
hey again 👀 soooo you said i should send another ask if i had an idea and diva you said that to the wrong person. i have too many lmao
im stressing that u should write this at your own time! no rush :)
but yeah im actually writing a longform seph/reader fic where the reader is from a southern/appalachian coded town near gongaga. my idea id love to have your spin on is a scene where sephiroth (someone raised on protein powder and spinach probably) gets to try some real southern comfort food that the reader makes for him :). im talking biscuits, fried chicken, some kind of creamy noodle dish, just all the unhealthy savory goodness
he deserves it 🥺
ty for the last request again btw✨💕
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“ spread kisses like honey. ”
sephiroth (ffvii) x reader
┊ ˚➶ notes 。˚ 🎼
omg this has been sitting in my drafts sooo long!! this was really cute and i loved writing it, it reminded me of lucy gray and coriolanus snow from hg hence why i put the title as a lyric from her ballad 💕 always look forward to your requests!! thank you againnn!!
┊ ˚➶ warnings 。˚ 🎼
you and seph being sickly sweet towards each other, sephiroth being utterly in love with you in his inner monologue, kind of not canon because there are moments where i mention how sephiroth talks to genesis and angeal despite knowing zack and interacting with zack ( which like clashes with the entire point of cc .. but shhh i wanted domesticity ), intended lowercase, lmk if i missed anything!! 💕
┊ ˚➶ word count 。˚ 🎼
1088 words, 5905 characters
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“you’ve never had this?” you gasped dramatically, your shocked face only to be met with sephiroth’s stoic one. he hesitantly nodded— was that.. a bad thing? did he somehow offend you in some way? the steam that had emitted from the plates below you set on the
“don’t you like pasta?” you asked, still utterly baffled.
he nodded slowly, “is something wrong?” he didn’t understand the confusion. there were a lot of foods he hasn’t tried, isn’t that normal for everyone? you blinked owlishly, lifting up the fork with the pasta noodles stabbed against the metal, the creamy sauce departing from the food in small, slow drips.
“what have you been eating if you’ve never had something as delicious as this?” you muttered, your lips reverting back into a tight ‘o’ as you blew on the fork— before finally slipping it into your mouth. “i’m shocked.” words muffled as you still chewed on your food, at least covering your mouth while you spoke.
sephiroth chuckled amusedly, “we’ve grown up in deeply contrasting places.” he crossed his arms against his chest, watching as you slurped up the pasta with stars in your eyes— occasionally opening your mouth to let the heat escape, soft steam pouring out from the small gap you’ve left while chewing. “still,” said you, “‘s so good.” he could barely make out your voice from how full your mouth was but he still shook his head as he leaned further back in his chair.
closing his eyes, he tilted his head down while he let the strands of snowy hair fell and covered bits of his face, blocking the bright sun even to the darkness beneath his eyelids. sephiroth didn’t pay much mind to the fact that your loud chewing of garlic bread and slurping of buttered food had come to a halt until he felt a strong aroma slip in from under his nostrils, it was only then did he open his eyes to see you holding the fork to his lips.
you held an expectant gaze and he quirked a brow before ultimately leaning forward while he let his eyes rake over the food. it looked a little messy, the sauce dripping over the place as you had ripped a piece of garlic bread off along with it and placed a chunk on the metal twinges of the utensil. he looked up again at you, waiting as you nodded your head and tried to keep your excitement contained. he blew on the fork a little bit before opening his mouth and letting it settle upon the steel. what could one bite do, he asked himself.
but once he had finally tried it, he could’ve dropped dead right then and there. the combination of the salty and savory flavors was perfect, and the way the bread had soaked some of it up too was incredible. sephiroth closed his eyes, letting his jaw work as he let his taste buds be blessed with what was known as your cooking. he had always seen you working your way through the kitchen, using various pots and pans and oils while you zipped around — and when sephiroth had offered help, you simply put a hand up and looked up at him for a split second, trying to simultaneously get the perfect roast as you smiled at him sweetly. that was enough for him.
despite watching you cook a lot ( and the only times he did get to help, he ended up being ordered by you to stand in the corner or measure occasional ingredients ), he had never actually savored something as good as this. being a first class prevented him from doing any good when it came to dinner time, either the timing being too late and you had already gone to bed or you were too tired and he decided not to bother you and he ate something small.
but this, he thought, this was perfection. when it came to you, sephiroth never let his appreciation go silent as he would always thank you or give you sayings of endearment and encouragement. he didn’t have words for this dish, he had never tried anything like it. so in awe, he merely said, “you’ve truly outdone yourself,” as he handed you back the fork. you didn’t mind the simple compliment. it never sounded generic to you when sephiroth would express his gratitude, even when they were mumbled in passing with dragged feet when he had come home from an exasperatingly tiring job, he always made sure to tell you how much he was grateful for you and what you do when he’s away.
he couldn’t wait until he was back at hq to boast to genesis and angeal about how delectable your cooking was. maybe zack, too — although sepiroth had a feeling that the energetic SOLDIER might just end up begging you for food even more. not that you minded, though. you were always so kind, sephiroth didn’t know how you were always able to do it.
“thanks.” you chimed, your voice ever so warm that it made his heart flutter. sephiroth wasn’t exactly what you’d call — expressive. he always held a smooth, cool tone of voice and occasionally threw a sassy remark towards you or genesis, or even that kid zack fair he introduced you to. but you understood his inflection of which he spoke in, you could tell his emotion even when he had entered a room ( and vice versa ). you were one of the most cherished things in sephiroth’s life and it could not go unnoticed.
with his tongue peeking out from between his bottom lip to gather some of the residual flavor that was left behind, his eyes roamed across the table further to more so further treasure your sacrifices ( of both time and food ).
“what’s that over there?” he lifted a finger, almost perfectly manicured despite using his hands excessively in battle, to point over at a small white dish filled with elbow macaroni and a homemade cheese sauce. you turned your head and grinned, reaching over the wooden dining table to grab it and lower the bowl on its side to reveal the contents. “mac ‘n’ cheese,” you replied, “want some?” your eyes seemed to glimmer with more amusement. sephiroth had now developed a new interest in your food and he couldn’t wait to indulge in it.
with the smile and those eyes of yours, how could he say no to one more bite?
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𐙚 taglist ; @snoopicle
𐙚 requests are closed — june tenth, 2024
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ariseur · 2 days
could be me n him but he always playin
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257 notes · View notes
ariseur · 2 days
i watched like the entirety of s1 within three days but i haven’t read the manga or watched s2 yet so i dunno if that’d affect anything?? i’ll still write for the fandoms i write for now but just also jujutsu kaisen lol but idk what do you guys think
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ariseur · 3 days
could i request a afectionate Cloud x shy Touch starved reader? Cloud was in many Mission and he came Back that night and reader woke Up with him in bed in the morning. And they then cuddles and kiss a Lot so basically Lots of fluff. I would be very glad <3
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your kissed sheets 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
cloud strife (ffvii) x reader
┊ ˚➶ notes 。˚ 🎼
i’m still mad at wingstop for giving me carbonated water when i asked for sprite. like they literally charged me for a sprite when all i got was sparkling water, no syrup in it at all 😭😭
┊ ˚➶ warnings 。˚ 🎼
mentions of reader being lonely, mentions of eating or not being able to eat ( pasta if it’s relevant ), intended lowercase, lmk if i missed something!! 💕
┊ ˚➶ word count 。˚ 🎼
1121 words, ~8400 characters
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another tick of the imaginary clock in your head and you huffed once again, your fingers drumming on the wooden table. your eyes stayed glued to the steam rising into the air while the soft aroma of buttered noodles wafted in the air. your lips twitched into a small pout. from the window behind you, the dark night sky was accompanied by the moon as the almost blue light shone through the glass panes— therefore you knew that it was too late for cloud not to be home yet.
letting out another sigh, you let the defeated breath escape your lips whilst you mindlessly twirled the noodles around the metal fork. you couldn’t even bring yourself to take a bite anymore. looking back down at your plate, there remained no evidence of the food even being eaten, the bundle of pasta clumped together and now losing its heat as you had been sitting there for so long. usually, you’d sit beside cloud as you both ate dinner— and it wasn’t like he made so much of a difference, he usually just listened to you talk about your day while he slipped some responsive comments just as a way of letting you know he was listening. cloud always listened to you, even if he was silent.
your bottom lip stuck itself out with your pout as you decided you couldn’t even eat anymore. scooting the dining chair back, you couldn’t even cringe at the sound of the wooden legs screeching as they scraped against the hard floor. you stood upright and walked over to the cabinet, grabbing a plastic container and shutting the lid on it once you had emptied the remaining contents of your plate. you let yourself close your eyes with your head tilted back as you inhaled through your nose. you let the air fill you lungs until you couldn’t anymore. if cloud saw you now, he’d probably say something like, “what’re you sulking for?”, and that part made a small chuckle leave your lips. it was like you could hear his voice echo through your mind, his monotonous voice going ever so slightly softer when he was talking to you rather than when he was talking to wedge or barret— tifa and aerith never failed to tease you about it whenever you’d act confused when they brought it up.
grabbing the plate, you savored the warmth of the tupperware before opening the fridge and being hit with the bright fluorescent light of it. you placed the leftovers there before closing the fridge and being met face to face with the photos pinned on the stainless steel with magnets. it was littered with small polaroids of you annoying cloud. you smiled as you let your fingers graze the old pictures; some with cloud holding his hand up to the camera as he’s squinting from the flash, others where he’s straight out of the shower with his hair dripping and flat. then your eyes drift over to a newer one, a one with lots of colors. eyes narrowing at it until you realized it was you in the photo, candid as you looked up at the greenery of the botanical garden you had begged cloud to go to. you had a flower tucked behind your ear and cloud’s hand in your lap. he didn’t give himself much slack, he had always told you how he wasn’t much a photographer— yet every photo you’ve seen him take came out truly beautiful, even if you hadn’t been paying attention at all.
deciding you couldn’t handle anymore moping for the night, you decided to head to bed, each step feeling agonizing. you unceremoniously let yourself plop down on the bed as you went face first into the soft pillows, letting out a small groan in exasperation. your head turned to the side for some air, your eyes fixated on the curtains on your window nearby while the moonlight shone through it, the particles of the dust that you’ve been meaning to clean for days floating into the air into the rectangular shaped light.
you let out a sharp exhale through your teeth, before closing your eyes. another night without cloud in a cold bed, how fun. what’s one more night, though? you just kept telling yourself he was fine. cloud was tough, he was an ex-SOLDIER, after all— he could handle himself. you would feel his embrace soon enough. that’s all you could think of whilst you drifted off to sleep, the moonlight becoming darker and darker with your eyelids closing more and more.
and your thoughts couldn’t have manifested themself better, you thought, as your hand managed to snake around something warm around your midriff. your fingers twitched around the squishy feeling before you felt short, thin strands of hair. your eyes fluttered open before they drifted down to your abdomen, seeing an arm that you recognized the grip of all too well. your let your thumb rub across the protruding, linear muscles in cloud’s hand.
your head turned to the side and in your peripheral, you see the spiked chunks of cloud’s hair and his milky skin in your sideview. letting out a huff, your eyebrows furrowed while you turned back and faced forward, body almost shrugging his touch away. your vision could barely focus in front of you with how dark it was, but at least it wasn’t so cold anymore. you wouldn’t admit it now, especially as you were a little upset at him, but you were relieved he had come home in one piece.
you let out another tense sigh, before cloud mumbled against the nape of your neck, “i know.” your frown deepened as his voice sounded tired, you’ve never heard him sound so gentle— even when he’s talking to you.
“i’ve been away for a while, huh?” he asked, you could feel his lashes blink against you as they tickled your neck. you nodded slowly. you’ve been away too long, you thought. he exhaled deeply himself, his grip loosening a bit before you grabbed his arm and pressing it further against your middle. you let your hand run against his wrist, letting it dance along his skin as you swiped over his arm hair.
cloud’s eyes narrowed at the feeling before letting them close against you. if he couldn’t do anything to change your mind tonight, he’d just have to try harder in the morning.
“i’ve missed you.” you whispered.
he hummed softly, the gravel in his voice becoming thicker with the sleepier he got.
“you, too.” he said. that was the closest cloud’s gotten to saying i love you so far, but it’s alright. you didn’t mind— you’d give him all the time he needed.
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𐙚 taglist ; @alieeelinn
𐙚 requests are closed — june ninth, 2024
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ariseur · 4 days
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ariseur · 4 days
Wow it’s so pink! 👀 aaand I love it 💕
yesss omg i wanted to try out a new theme just for the fun of it :) i’m glad you guys like itt!! 💗
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ariseur · 5 days
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ariseur · 7 days
hey! weird question but do u have any cloud request to do rn? because i was planning to send one but since it was kind of random (bc tbh im just starving for cloud content), i can wait for other ones if u have em, i wouldnt want to put even more weight on u since ive read u have over 30??50?? idk requests shdjkff
hi!! not a weird question at all, but my inbox is lacking a lot of cloud!!! you can send a request any time— i always look forward to seeing your guys’ ideas 💗 thank you for taking my time into consideration though!! i only have like two or three so you could either wait til they come out or send something in my ask box :))
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ariseur · 7 days
How do you think Arthur Morgan would react to a reader who has a great connection with animals? The reader knows how to calm animals, from horses to pigs and chickens, she also ensures that the animals have a good food and she will always be seen with a cat or a dog in her arms.
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animal whisperer 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
arthur morgan x reader
┊ ˚➶ notes 。˚ 🎼
this request was sooo cute!! sorry it took me a little while to complete it, i’ve been working on like fifteen different drafts at once !! 💗
┊ ˚➶ warnings 。˚ 🎼
mentions of animals ( dogs, cats, horses ), mentions of arthur getting bucked off of his horse 😭, intended lowercase, lmk if i missed anything!!
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
❥ let me start this off by saying that i think arthur would literally adore you and your presence. like, he already thinks you’re such a beautiful lady and that you’re amazing within your own, but seeing you so domestic with animals does something to him.
❥ arthur’s lived a hard life, he’s calloused and struggles with letting himself enjoy some of the nicer moments in life alone. but when he finds you, it feels like all of the toughness that everybody sees melts away. all he wants is you, and now that’s he’s experienced the feeling of you, he never wants to let that go
❥ if you have a more curt and blunt nature to yourself, but you just melt around animals? oh, man— he’ll do anything to see that side of you. whenever it slips out and he sees you care so much for the horses or actually supply them with hay bales and proper necessities, his eyes will always follow you curiously
❥ and even if you’re a super sweet and outwardly kind person, he’ll still adore you!! he thinks it’s cute how you care so much for animals even if he wont say it to you, he has a fondness for animals too— except it’s more so updating his compendium and hunting them rather than taking them under his wing and feeding them 😭
❥ if you have a dog, he will love that baby to death let me tell you. doesn’t matter if they’re mangy or a mutt or even purebred, he will love them regardless. if we’re going based off what dogs you can get in rdo, i think he’d get along with a chill bigger dog— but even if your dog was energetic or more on guard like a chesapeake bay retriever or a labrador retriever, he will still adore them. i can just imagine arthur with a little guard dog by his side walking through camp as it follows him everywhere. having a dog will probably make him remember his old dog copper as he tells you tales of his journeys with him at night while rubbing your dog behind the ear as it lays its head on his lap.
❥ arthur’s not really a cat person but he won’t mind if you have one!! cats are very independent and he understands that so he’ll give them their space until one day they just like.. drape themselves over his lap and he has no idea what to do. he feels bad if he stands up but like.. he doesn’t know what else to do 😭
❥ and while i’m writing this i’m thinking of how in the game, micah would literally kick the crap out of cain in rdr2 and would scold him for no reason :(((. let me just say that arthur would literally not stand for that ( and yes i only write for high honor arthur, but i feel like regardless of his honor he wouldn’t be okay with it either way ). also why am i imagining micah getting bit or scratched and arthur just like laughing at him— like even him and your animal share a look because do you see this utter buffoonery? micah’s more of an animal than anyone if we’re being honest
❥ if you don’t like seeing him hunt or watching him skin animals, then he’ll suggest you turn away or he’ll point out something in the distance ( probably another cute animal prancing around or something ), and if it’s something small like a rabbit or a bird then it’ll be done in no time and he’ll redirect your attention back to him, jumping back on his horse and saying you guys should continue on with your journey
❥ if you need him to stop by to get any necessities or food for the animals at camp, he’ll stop by on his way back and get them the proper things they need. if you thank him, he’ll just brush it off and say it’s no problem— ( he was like two counties away but he’d gladly go back if you needed him to do so ).
❥ in summary, i feel like arthur would do really great with a partner with pets or a love for animals in general. he doesn’t get the fascination too much but he’ll support you nonetheless, as long as you don’t get hurt trying to pet something that looks cute when it’s not lmfao.
❥ holy crap i need jelp whyisa rthjrorhajgan so fne
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
“shh.. calm down, boy.” with your hands held out cautiously, you slowly approached ARTHUR’s bucking horse— the tennessee walker’s chestnut coat glimmering in the sun as it shone on its back. its alarmed neighs filled the air with only the distant rushing of water to accompany it, along with arthur’s huffs behind you as he caught his breath.
“‘s alright.” you cooed at the horse, waiting until its breaths slowed down slightly before you moved closer. your arms slowly extended out to reach his snout, his eyes widened and looking everywhere but you. you softly shushed as you halted your movements. your hand hovered over the white of his proboscis before finally placing a gentle hand on its nose, feeling its heavy breathing upon your arm.
“i still dont— fff.. get how you.. do ‘at.” arthur wheezed, bent over with his knees supporting him as he placed firm hands on them. he let out a breathy laugh, tipping his head up so you could catch a glimpse of his eyes under the brim of his hat. “i dunno what he even gotten spooked over.” he shook his head, watching as you pulled out a small carrot from your pocket and carefully fed it to his horse who munched on it in delight.
you didn’t pay him a glance as you were enveloped in the tenessee walker instead, smiling as you replied, “probably just somethin’ in the grass.”
“fair ‘nuff.” he shrugged, brushing himself off before placing a hand on his back while he winced. arthur sucked some air between clenched teeth as he struggled to stand upright. “think he got somethin’ in my back, too.” with a string of muttered curses, he hunched over once again.
your head turned this time, still focused on giving small pats to the horse’s nose as you tilted your head. brows furrowed, you asked, “need me to get you something from outta town?”
“naw, ‘s fine—“
“arthur, i was heading out that way already,” you pointed a thumb behind you— leading his vision to your horse stationary in the distance, tapping its hooves against the ground as it waited. he looked back at you as you held a gentle smile on your face and continued, “i don’t mind stoppin’ for something.”
arthur sighed, his fingers still kneading his lower back as he let out an occasional groan.
he let the silence take hold on the situation for a second, contemplating his options. letting his fingers twist and grab at the grass beneath him— his eyes flickered between the two horses, and then finally back to you. realizing it wouldn’t make a difference and you’d probably get it anyway, he waved a dismissive hand around and finally nodded his head.
“yeah, sure.”
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𐙚 taglist ; @maskedteaser
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