arisingstarr-blog · 7 years
my heart goes all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when i think of u
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arisingstarr-blog · 7 years
  “ But– what if they’re full of reservations today? It’s a big day, you know! ” Slowing her pace when the realization hits that she almost dragged him to the ground, her footsteps fall in range with skipping. “ Hmmmm… sweet and spicy! A little of both. Kind of like you, sometimes! ” 
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  A light laugh, she nudges her elbow closer to him with a wink of her eye. “ Kidding, kidding. You’re sweet as pie all the time! ” Now all that matters is preparing a mental list of what to order at the restaurant…    “ Basically, I want a drink that doesn’t taste like alcohol, but do things like that even exist? ”
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❝ We won’t know until we try, right? Besides, I don’t wanna keep my babe waiting on an empty stomach !! ❞  She slows down to fall into pace with him with a little added skip in each step. Zen on the other hand, links their fingers together with her hand closely clutched to his person, ❝ You know, sometimes I feel as if you spoil me more than I do to you. ❞ A seemingly defeated ( and very overexasperated, because he has to add a little drama here and there ) sigh. He peers down at her shortly after the nudge he receives, ❝ Hey! You can’t take it back, I’m the perfect mix of sweet and spicy !!  Anyway, alcohol that doesn’t taste like alcohol... a cocktail? Some kind of mixed drink? We could always drop in to a bar or club... but I’m scared I might get recognized. A pretty face like mine attracts people like bees to honey... it’s such a curse !! ❞ Shut it Zen, you’re already walking around in public with your girlfriend. ❝ I just wanna indulge my honey today, is that so much to ask? ❞
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arisingstarr-blog · 7 years
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SO @alignedinstars / RINA, it’s 2018 and about 5 months since you and I got back in touch, and I wanted to make a shoutout to you and give a long, sentimental and very cheesy post :’) I’ve seen some old friends do this waay back in the years and have always wanted to make my own and you just so happen to be the first I try this on !!
This is getting cut under a read more so lmao.
I’ll just be blunt with this - I was pretty sad the day your first jia blog suddenly poofed. The first thing I remember doing after that is trying to hit you up on skype as casually as possible before attempting to ask if everything was alright. But some time passed and since I didn’t wanna pester you I just kinda did my usual thing on Zen until my muse for him withered away and I moved to the yoi fandom. After things started to die down there I was sort of at a loss with whether or not I wanted to find another fandom or just take another long break. BUT the biggest surprise I got when you messaged me again months later !! The most pleasant surprise honestly :’)
But anywho, my entire point in this post is to say how grateful I am to be your partner and friend !! Despite only just recently getting back in contact, and all the bumps in the road we’ve managed to hit in our personal lives between then and now, the memes are strong, and our friendship is as sturdier than ever !! I missed you a heck load, Zen missed Jia a ton - but aside that I’ve had so much fun roleplaying with you because it was just never a dull moment ic or ooc !! You’ve been nothing but an incredibly supportive friend, you always knew what to say to make me laugh ( orkillmesoftly ) we share a ton of interests even I have to admit I was shocked by because, you were just the perfect mix of everything good in a partner I’ve always wanted - but so much more !!  I'm always so reluctant ( bc of past rp experiences / friend drama ) about admitting my thoughts and some of the things i’ve been the most insecure with, and whenever I voice all of that to you you respond with so much understanding and care, always helping me find a solution to things - and even if that isn’t the case just help me overall put my mind somewhere more positive. Lately i’ve been finding it so much harder to reach out to people - both online and irl, but I’m just happy by the end of the day, I can just lay down and pour out whatever the heck my brain happens to come up with to you and be the happy derp i wanna be lmao. It’s honestly super hard these days ( at least for me ) to find those people to really click with, and I’m just ever so thankful to have at least one person like that after the last last mess of a long term rp partnership i had prior to mm and yoi. 
So to wrap this up, I wanna say thank you. For being amazing. For being that shoulder to lean on or that listening ear. For taking interest in things I’d otherwise quietly just enjoy on my own and literally indulging me in them. Thank you for being around when things got difficult. Thank you for trusting me when times got tough for you. Thank you for making my rp experience as fun as it is when we write together. Thank you for chatting with me up to the late hours. Thank you for throwing hcs back and forth with me and building our ic relationships to what they are now. Thank you for being so sweet, and kind, and such a positive influence in my life, and my writing. Thank you for roleplaying with me on your amazing muses - canon or oc because I adore them all. And overall just, thank you so so much for existing in my life and being the friendly, outgoing, and sympathetic person you are, and granting me this caring, loving friendship that we share <3 ... I’d take a sec to like, chill bc I’m getting a little too worked up with emotion right now lmao but I wanna post this asap but still give you a ton of lameness to read <3 I wanna say so much more, but rip I can’t seem to find the right words / can’t tell if I’ve said everything already. hhh but either way, I want you to know that you’re an incredible person and anyone would be privileged to have you as a friend ( you’re so incredibly approachable and lovable tho so there’s just no way anyone can should be shy to befriend you !! ) you need to be appreciated more because i know for a fact it often flies over your head. :’) i’ll make it a job to do that when i can, especially when it really counts !!
Just know if ever, whether it really happens or not, if ever we were to lose contact ( for literally whatever reason !! ) just know you’d always be welcomed back with open arms, and we’d always, always ALWAYS pick everything back up to where we left off. Just like we did last year. I love you to bits and pieces, so don’t you ever forget that !!
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arisingstarr-blog · 7 years
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  “ Does that mean you’ll drink with me today? I can’t remember the last time we did! ” She links her arm with his, a look of determination. Pulling him along quick the restaurant. Talking and walking. No time to spare! “ Okay, you have to give me suggestions, Oppa! I don’t like most bitter or salty things, so it should narrow the margin by a lot! ”
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❝ Why not right? It’s just the two of us here, and indulging for one day isn’t gonna kill us, ❞ He’s just as enthusiastic as she is as they link arms, taken aback to suddenly get dragged off second later but is quick to catch his footing,  ❝ Haha-- whoa, relax babe, the restaurant isn’t going anywhere. Alright, so nothing bitter or salty... so something sweet? Savory? Spicy maybe? ❞
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arisingstarr-blog · 7 years
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  “ So if I were maybe thinking about day drinking, what would you suggest that I order? ”
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❝ I mean - I normally wouldn’t suggest you ruining your liver with beer like I do but, it’s a celebration so ... ❞
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arisingstarr-blog · 7 years
Curiosity killed the cat– more like lured this gal into a strange apartment via a text from someone unknown. Endless choices, 6 new faces, and now she’s a party planner for a small organization! Who would’ve thought a girl wanting to become an astronomy teacher would end up here through an app–? Only time will tell what route she takes, what choices she makes, and if she chooses to RESET.
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indie and semi-private roleplay blog for the mc of mystic messenger!  ♡ or reblog if you’re interested in interacting or being friends!
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arisingstarr-blog · 7 years
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ooc; aaaaand here he is !! i’ll be spending more time on here so if you wanna hmu with the other half of the sad choi twins follow me [ here ] !!
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arisingstarr-blog · 7 years
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ooc; aaaaand here he is !! i’ll be spending more time on here so if you wanna hmu with the other half of the sad choi twins follow me [ here ] !!
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arisingstarr-blog · 7 years
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ooc; aaaaand here he is !! i’ll be spending more time on here so if you wanna hmu with the other half of the sad choi twins follow me [ here ] !!
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arisingstarr-blog · 7 years
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ooc; aaaaand here he is !! i’ll be spending more time on here so if you wanna hmu with the other half of the sad choi twins follow me [ here ] !!
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arisingstarr-blog · 7 years
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The brightness of the sun will give me just enough to bury my love in the moon dust. I long to hear your voice, but still I make the choice to bury my love in the moon dust. Nothing can breathe in the space colder than the darkest sea. I have dreams about the days driving through your sunset breeze. But the first thing that I will do, is bury my love for you. 
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arisingstarr-blog · 7 years
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arisingstarr-blog · 7 years
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So I saw this ask while i was on vacation and I occasionally thought about what other hairstyle suited Zen and well.. This is what I got lol..
I tried his hair grown out and his bangs covering one eye. I feel like there’s a character like this already LOL.
Uhhh.. Idk if you can tell the difference.. His hair is grown out here, but it’s more messy lol. Like, he still has some short layers sticking out;;;
Lol my attempt at Cult Zen OTL his eyes would turn mint right.. idek LOL
Yeah, I have this thing for pushed back hair and I’d say this one is my favorite that I’ve done HAHA
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arisingstarr-blog · 7 years
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ooc; i hate to admit it but, i might be taking a break off zen - solely because i can’t, for the life of me, bring myself to rly get ic and answer everything, and i apologize sincerely for this. i just want to say to anyone who’s sent him asks, tagged him in rps, chances are i have them sitting in my drafts or inbox yet to be answered. i can’t seem to grasp him as easily as i could when i first started and i’d hate to disappoint anyone with less-than-stellar replies.
plus side is, i’ve caved into temptation and am currently working on a saeran / ray blog, so i’ll still be in the mm fandom for sure. i’ll link him here once i’m done for anyone who wants to keep interacting with me. i want to wait for this ‘dry season to end’ so i can go back being a sparkly pretty boy again ^^ rest assured i won’t be abandoning zen, just gonna hold off a bit longer from rping him.
again, i apologize for the inconvenience!
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arisingstarr-blog · 7 years
PSA ;; Please never expect me to respond quickly to anything ever.  Whether or not it’s a thread, it’s an ask, it’s a meme — whether or not I responded quickly the time before — whether or not I’m online — etc, etc, etc.  I promise I’m not ignoring you, I promise I’m doing my best.  I have tons of responsibilities not related to Tumblr, && I also need to eat && sleep && sometimes I’m just not emotionally game.  It’s not because I don’t like you, it’s not because I don’t want to do the thing, it’s because I’m human.  Thank you!
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arisingstarr-blog · 7 years
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try the mailbox next
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arisingstarr-blog · 7 years
splitlover replied to your post: luxinosity replied to your post:slay me then...
(ayeon voice) litereally just breaks down crying 8’/
ray voice: pls dont b sad,,,,,,.. ill take care of u and feed u ice cream. i wont let u be sad so pls stay w/ me 8,,,)
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