arizonafk · 10 years
I'm a true friend, right? I like talking too little, it's nice because then people rarely answer, because they get bored. I hate people. Wow, okay, if that's how you really feel. You don't have access to my Barbie collection anymore, it's over. Oh good, I was actually worried for a second there.
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Goddamn it, you never listen to me. Maybe you talk too little, ever thought of that? Shaking my head, I don’t think I can handle your friendship anymore. You’re becoming unhealthy for me, I’m gonna’ have to cut you off. Kidding, you’re always number one.
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arizonafk · 10 years
I'll get used to it when your mood swings become a little more consistent. Isn't there one on the other side of town? You sure are forgetful, frat boy.
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You should be used to it by now. Let me know when you find one.
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arizonafk · 10 years
Sounds like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Did you think to try a liquor store?
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All these shitty markets have is powdered donuts and homemade muffins. Seriously where the fuck is the liquor? A can of beer would be nice, they looked at me like I was asking for a fucking shotgun. Their girl scout cookies are good as fuck though.
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arizonafk · 10 years
I'm sorry, I didn't get any sleep last night, and I'm sure what you said was important, but I missed all of it. You talk a little too much.
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So today, my internet decided to stop working and I had to actually get up out of my bed fortress to go somewhere with working, accessible internet so I could do an essay that I should’ve done ages ago. It would’ve been more endurable if all of my things weren’t buried under my replica of Mount Everest made out of clothing. It took me a grand total of twenty eight minutes to find my laptop, shoes, and car keys. A huge ‘round of applause goes to Jaqueline Kane. Anyway, I headed toward that little coffee shop not too far from here, y’know the real cute one with the brick walls? It was actually within walking distance and I could’ve saved at least ten minutes by giving up on looking through various pockets to find my keys and going by foot but my laziness got the best of me. I mean, I barely ran the mile within the required time, how do people expect me to even walk? It’s beyond me, truth be told. The place was actually quite nice and homey and the music being played there made my heart sing but there was this humongous fault in their stars — they had a sign that said “we do not have WiFi, talk to each other!” I’m trying to do an essay, not go on Facebook or whatever people expect teenagers to do these days. I think the worst thing in the world is going to a nice little cafe with really good latte’s and finding out that there’s no WiFi. If I remember correctly, God said “love thy neighbor as you love yourself” not “ruin thy neighbor’s lives.” I actually had to drive to Starbucks, which seemed to taste a lot better in comparison. Zero out of ten, would not recommend.
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arizonafk · 10 years
It's all fun and games until someone throws up.
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I was at this random party last night and out of nowhere this guy decides that he wanted to try eat two whole packets of oreo’s within five minutes, I laughed at him while he struggled to eat the fourth one out of the first packet and then proceeded to puke up the contents of his stomach all over the floor.. To say I got out of there as fast as I could, is somewhat an understatement. Some people are genuinely revolting.
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arizonafk · 10 years
shimmies ask limit hmu pls on here or on aim *chocolate_charlie* and remember this is a judgement free zone
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arizonafk · 10 years
*wipes tear* hey friends my name is tamra and i’d really love to plot with you or just chill and become friends y’know that kinda stuff. i saW MIle Y on the weekend and i’m still having trouble breathing bc of iT oopS so if i sound awkward we can blame it on that, ok??
oKay so a little bit about the bae arizona
so she’s basically a bit of an angel oops she'll be ur bff if u let her lmao she loves everyone except for the greeks they piss her off i guess
her biggest dream is broadway but she totally gets that it’s not realistic and she doesn’t count on it happening
she was engaged once o boy but it was a really young and brash decision, the most outrageous one she’d ever made ((it was last year oks he was eighteen it make s sense pls don't question mE))
it lasted about four months, but they both got pretty scared, and he cheated on her
she kinda has trust issues, but they aren’t that bad tbh
she’s hella into movies ok
she’s also really into useless facts ok it’s kinda adorable but it can get really annoying im sjut
and she’s cute but she just has trouble sticking up for herself tbh
anYway yeah that’s it!!! i’d really love to plot so pls hmu or like this and i’ll go to you ok?? awesome!! aYY U CAN  ASK FOR MY AIM TOO I LIKE AIM ok ey yes bye
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arizonafk · 11 years
track 003: -- standing next to me, the last shadow puppets.
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arizonafk · 11 years
track 002: -- berlin, new politics.
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arizonafk · 11 years
track 001: -- bloom, the paper kites.
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