armadilloblog · 7 years
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Eccoci con il nostro resoconto settimanale delle vicende di studio!
Here we are with our weekly studio update!
Angelica apre Collafresca, un negozio online dove si possono comprare le sue fantastiche creazioni di carta!
Angelica opens Collafresca, an on-line shop with her gorgeous paper creations!
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Nina sta lavorando a un pattern con animali:
Nina is working on an animal-themed pattern:
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Zosia realizza un manifesto per una festa danzante a Varsavia:
Zosia creates a poster for a dance party in Warsaw:
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Buon weekend a tutti!
Have  a good weekend!
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armadilloblog · 7 years
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Questa settimana in studio: freschezza polare, galline preoccupate e immagini riflesse: This week at the studio: polar freshness, worried chickens, and reflected images:
Maria Cecilia svela una bozza di una copertina assai artica, per un romanzo che sará pubblicato da Marsilio:
Maria Cecilia shares a breezy cover sketch for a book soon to be published by Marsilio:
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Maria Chiara illustra una nuova campagna di crowdfunding per un documentario su Studio2091 di Venezia:
Maria Chiara contributes illustrations to the new crowdfunding campaign for a documentary on Studio2091 of Venice. Here’s one of them:
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Nella rivista G Baby, una storia illustrata da Nina:
Nina has a new illustrations in the children’s magazine G Baby:
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Buon weekend a tutti!
Have a good weekend!
0 notes
armadilloblog · 7 years
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Questa settimana in studio...
This week at the studio... Angelica svela alcuni segreti in una piccola intervista a Ballpit Mag:
Angelica shares some trade secrets in a small interview with Ballpit Mag:
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Zosia ha appena finito di lavorare a un nuovo libro per ragazzi:
Zosia has just wrapped up the work on another children’s book: 
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E siamo tutti mooooolto felici, per una ragione che vi sveleremo fra poco!
And we are all in a very festive mood, for a reason we will soon share with you!
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Buon weekend a tutti!
Have a great weekend!
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armadilloblog · 7 years
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Questa settimana allo studio...
This week at the studio...
Nina condivide un work in progress per la rivista GBABY:
Nina shares a work in progress for GBABY magazine:
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Zosia provvede agli ultimi ritocchi per un nuovo libro per ragazzi: 
Zosia is wrapping up her work on a new book for young readers:
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Angelica svela una nuova tavola piena delle libellule per la mostra ZOO - Animalia (inaugurata il 22 aprile a Empoli):
Angelica unveils a new piece full of dragonflies for the exhibition ZOO - Animalia, which inaugurated on April 22nd in Empoli:
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Buon weekend a tutti! Have a good weekend!
0 notes
armadilloblog · 7 years
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Eccoci con l’aggiornamento settimanale sulle vicende del nostro studio!
Here we are with the weekly update of the goings-on in our studio! Lorenza rivela la nostra vita in comune su La Stampa: nel nuovo Origami Settimanale, il suo fumetto sugli spazi di coworking!   Lorenza spills the beans on what it’s like to work at our studio in the national press: this week’s Origami Settimanale features her comic on co-working!
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Nina ci svela un frammento del suo ultimo lavoro per MUBA - Museo dei Bamibini a Milano. Torneremmo presto con piú dettagli!
Nina shares a peek at her latest project for MUBA - the Children’s Museum of Milano. We’ll be back with more details soon!
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Alessandra ci invita a viaggiare su un scuolabus un po’ particolare...
Alessandra takes us for a ride in a schoolbus that is rather particular...
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Buon weekend a tutti!
Have a good weekend!
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armadilloblog · 7 years
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Questa settimana una delegazione di Armadilli é partita verso Bologna per partecipare alla Bologna Children’s Book Fair! This week, a delegation of Armadillos set off towards Bologna for the annual Children’s Book Fair!
Abbiamo camminato per chilometri attraverso i padiglioni, salutando amici, godendoci il contesto e trovando tesori inaspettati, come lo stand taiwanese:
We walked for kilometers across the fair halls, saying hello to friends, taking in the atmosphere, and stumbling upon little jewels, like this year’s Taiwan stand:
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Abbiamo sfogliato centinaia di libri, vecchi e nuovi, e trovato alcune nostre pubblicazioni nella libreria ufficiale della fiera!
We flipped through hundreds of books, old and new - and found some of our own publications at the official fair bookstore!
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Quest’anno abbiamo trovato particolarmente bella la Mostra degli Illustratori - e non solo perché fra i selezionati c’era anche Zosia!
We loved this year’s Illustrator’s Exhibition - and not just because Zosia was part of it!
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Ci siamo poi ritrovati tutti all’Illustrators Survival Corner, dove c’era chi faceva piccole presentazioni (Zosia) e chi aveva i suoi lavori esposti (Alessandra):
Finally, we would converge at the Illustrators Survival Corner, where some of us would run small presentations (Zosia), while others had their work exhibited (Alessandra):
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Dopo una settimana intensissima, é tempo di riposarci un poco. Buon weekend anche a voi!
After a super-intense week, it’s time for a little rest. Have a good weekend!
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armadilloblog · 7 years
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Eccoci con la dose settimanale di novitá direttamente da viale Gorizia 4!
Here we are with a fresh studio update!  Nina schizza su grandi formati per un nuovo progetto:
Nina is making large-scale sketches for a new project:
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Angelica ci svela un bellissimo work-in-progress:
Angelica shares a gorgeous work in progress:
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Zosia si prepara per un incontro alla Fiera di Bologna, dove parlerá degli inizi del suo lavoro da illustratrice: Zosia is getting ready for a small presentation she’ll make at the Bologna Book Fair on her beginnings as an illustrator:  
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Buon weekend a tutti! Have a good weekend!
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armadilloblog · 8 years
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In questi giorni ci siamo dedicati a progetti molto diversi fra loro:
These days, we’ve been working on the most diverse kinds of projects:
Nina prepara un’altra copertina per Repubblica Salute. Stavolta si parla di... sale: Nina prepares another cover for Repubblica Salute. This time, it’s all about... salt:
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Angelica porta avanti la sua ricerca sugli insetti:
Angelica continues her research on insects:
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Bertrand sta lavorando sull' etichetta per un vino, a tema notturno:
Bertrand is working on a wine label with a nocturnal theme:
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Buon weekend a tutti!
Have a good weekend!
0 notes
armadilloblog · 8 years
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Un’altra settimana é passata... Ecco cosa ci ha tenuto occupati in questi giorni!
Another Armad’illo week has gone by.. Here’s what we’ve been up to! Maria Chiara disegna famiglie felici per un progetto (ancora) segreto:
Maria Chiara is drawing happy families for a (currently) secret project:
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Zosia ha appena aggiornato il suo sito con un nuovo layout e un sacco di progetti nuovi:
Zosia has just updated her website with a new layout and tons of new projects:
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Angelica sta sperimentando con coloratissime GIF:
Angelica is experimenting with colourful GIFs:
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Buon weekend a tutti!
Have a great weekend!
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armadilloblog · 8 years
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Fra vecchietti, animali coi vestiti di gala e donne bellicose é stata una settimana molto interessante qui in studio!
Between pensioners, well-dressed animals and bellicose women, it’s been quite a week over here at the studio! Maria Cecilia sta disegnando molti vecchietti per il materiale promozionale di un congresso:  Maria Cecilia is drawing elderly people for the promotional material of a congress:
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Alessandra ha appena finito il suo nuovo progetto, dipinto interamente ad acrilici e pieno di animali adorabili:
Alessandra has just finished her new project, painted with acrylics and filled with adorable animals:
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Zosia festeggia la Giornata Internazionale della Donna con spade e pigiami:
Zosia is celebrating International Women’s Day with swords and pyjamas:
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Buon weekend a tutti! 
Have great weekend!
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armadilloblog · 8 years
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Eccoci col riassunto settimanale di ciò che è accaduto sulle scrivanie di Studio Armad’illo!
Welcome to the weekly peek at the desks of Studio Armad’illo! 
Lorenza disegna vecchini irascibili:
Lorenza is drawing grumpy old men:
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Nina illustra un racconto per la rivista G-baby: 
Nina illustrates a short story for the Italian magazine for children G-baby:
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Zosia ha appena finito di illustrare un libro per giovani lettori... Fra poco potremo darvi piú dettagli!
Zosia has just finished illustrating a book for young readers... More details very soon!
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Buon weekend a tutti!
Have a good weekend!
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armadilloblog · 8 years
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Questa settimana in Studio Armad’illo...
This week at Studio Armad’illo...
Lorenza disegna Clem e Isabella in omaggio a Gus, il fumetto di Christophe Blain in uscita con BAO Publishing:
Lorenza draws Clem and Isabella in a tribute to Gus, the comic by Christophe Blain out now in Italian with BAO Publishing:
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Arriva “Is It Purim Yet?”, il quarto libro illustrato di Alessandra per la casa editrice Albert Whitman:
Is It Purim Yet, the fourth book illustrated by Alessandra for the publishing house Albert Whitman, is out now:
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Ecco qui una sbirciatina sulla scrivania di Angelica, dove stanno prendendo forma leggiadre libellule :
Here’s a peek at Angelica’s desk, with some dragonflies in progress:
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Buon weekend a tutti!
Have a great weekend!
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armadilloblog · 8 years
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Eccoci con la nostra occhiatina settimanale alle scrivanie dello Studio Armad’illo!
Here we are with our weekly peek at the desks of Studio Armad’illo!
Per fare passare questo venerdi piú velocemente, Maria Chiara disegna gattini:
In order to make this Friday pass by a little quicker, Maria Chiara is drawing kittens:
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Alessandra dipinge animali volanti:
Alessandra is painting flying animals: 
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Mentre Nina realizza un’altra illustrazione per la cover di Repubblica Salute:
While Nina prepares another cover illustration for Repubblica Salute:
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Buon weekend a tutti! Have a good weekend!
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armadilloblog · 8 years
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Benvenuti alla sbirciatina settimanale sulle scrivanie dello Studio Armad’illo. Siamo qui per risolvere tutti i vostri problemi!
Welcome to the weekly peek at the desks of Studio Armad’illo - we’re here to solve all your problems! Avete fame? Maria Cecilia disegna panini rosa e blu per un progetto condiviso :
Hungry? Maria Cecilia draws pink and blue sandwiches for a collaborative project:
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Avete sete? Lo scoiattolo-cameriere disegnato da Zosia é qui per servirvi! Thirsty? The squirrel waiter drawn by Zosia is here to serve!
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Stanchi? Riposatevi un attimo guardando gli animali decorativi di Angelica:
Tired? Rest your eyes on Angelica decorative animals:
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Buon weekend a tutti!
Have a good weekend!
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armadilloblog · 8 years
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Eccoci dopo un’altra settimana operosa in casa dell’armadillo!
Here we are after another busy week at the House of the Armadillo! Per Nina, é stata una settimana piena di animali da fattoria:
For Nina, it’s been a week of farm animals:
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A Lorenza interessano quadrupedi piu’ mitologici:
Lorenza was into more mythical beasts:
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Anche Angelica ha trovato qualche animale inaspettato fra le sue forme geometriche:
Even Angelica found an unexpected animal or two among her geometric shapes:
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Buon weekend a tutti!
Have  a good weekend!
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armadilloblog · 8 years
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Questa settimana in studio...
This week at the studio... Lorenza sta preparando un nuovo fumetto per Origami, l’inserto settimanale de La Stampa. Parla di sentimenti e dischi in vinile, e lo troverete giovedì prossimo in edicola!
Lorenza is working on a new comic for Origami, the weekly insert of La Stampa. It’s about fellings and vinyls, and it’s out next Friday! 
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Elfi? Neve? Renne? Pare che per Alessandra sia di nuovo dicembre! Ha appena iniziato a lavorare su un nuovo libro a tema natalizio:
Elves? Snow? Reindeer? For Alessandra, it’s Christmas all over again, as she’s working on a new holiday-themed book:
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Zosia questa settimana sta festeggiando: le sue illustrazioni sono state selezionate per la prossima Mostra Illustratori alla Fiera di Bologna!
Zosia has been celebrating all week: her illustrations have been selected for the upcoming Illustrator’s Exhibition at the Bologna Book Fair!
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Buon weekend a tutti! Have a good weekend!
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armadilloblog · 8 years
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Benvenuti al primo “What’s Up, Armad’illo” del 2017!
Welcome to the first “What’s Up, Armad’illo” of 2017!
Abbiamo iniziato il mese con questa illustrazione di Zosia. É gennaio nel nostro Calendario 2017:
We inaugurated the month with this illustration by Zosia, made for our 2017 Calendar:
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Fresca di stampa arriva questa illustrazione di Alessandra, preparata per i laboratori di lettura per bambini organizzati al circolo dei lettori di Torino:
Alessandra made an illustration for children’s reading workshops in Turin:
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É appena uscita la prima storia illustrata da Nina per la rivista GBaby, “Il tesoro di Codarossa”:
Nina's first illustrated short story "Il tesoro di Codarossa", for the kids' magazine GBaby, is out now:
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Buon weekend a tutti!
Have a good weekend!
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