Legends of Tomorrow SDCC List
Here’s a list of as many of the interviews and various clips that I’ve been able to track down, complete with links.
Entertainment Weekly Facebook Live
Entertainment Tonight
Comic-Con Class of 2018 Standouts
Never Have I Ever
TV Line Interview
FanboyNation (YouTube)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Whedonopolis Videos (YouTube)
Phil Klemmer
Dominic Purcell and Keto Shimizu
Matt Ryan and Courtney Ford
Tala Ashe and Jes Macallan
Caity Lotz and Brandon Routh
The Fandom (YouTube)
Nick Zano and Phil Klemmer
Caity Lotz and Brandon Routh
Jes Macallan
Courtney Ford and Matt Ryan
Dominic Purcell and Keto Shimizu
Beautiful Ballad (YouTube)
Dominic Purcell and Keto Shimizu
Courtney Ford and Matt Ryan
Caity Lotz and Brandon Routh
Maisie Richardson-Sellers
Tala Ashe and Jes Macallan
Nick Zano and Phil Klemmer
Dominic Purcell and Keto Shimizu
Maisie Richardson-Sellers
Caity Lotz and Brandon Routh
Nick Zano and Phil Klemmer
Matt Ryan and Courtney Ford
Instagram Lives (YouTube)
Caity (right before the panel)
SDCC Panel
Link 1
Feel free to add more links to stuff that I haven’t included.
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Captain canary
Ray , mick and Nate were all out looking at a possible aberration
Meanwhile Sara , zari and amaya was siting in the kitchen having a drinking competition
Zari: ok so theeeeee scoreeeeee issss errrmm
Amaya : ittt wasss likeeeeee errrr
Sara: I am in the lead with 20 , zari had 17 and amaya 15
Zari : howww arennttt youuuu tipppsy
Sara : dunno always been able to hold my liquor
Amaya : ok this is unfair let’s go again
Sara and zari don’t believe her but agree to go again
Sara goes to get more liquor and 2 minuets later she finds zari and amaya face down snoring on the table asleep
Sara : ha ha lightweights
Back on the mission :
Mick can we go back now there is no aberration here and I need a beer *burrrrpp
Nate: gross dude
Ray : Waite the gps is showing a white dot in that that
Mick : ahh a strip club just what I needed
Nate : well if that’s what the gps says
Ray : I’ll wait here
Mick : come on hair cut let loose
Ray : well ok
Nate : wow look at this place
Mick : niceeeee
Ray : *gulp*
Stranger : hey are you mick
Mick : who’s askin
Stranger : errm he said he was an old friend
Mick : where is this ‘old friend’
Stranger: over their at the bar , flirting with that blond waitress
Mick: *grunts*
Mick walks over to this unknown man tugs his shoulder spinning him round
Ray: o my god
Nate: what who is he
Mick: h h how
Back on the waverider
Zari : how am I in my bed
Amaya : why am I in your bed !
Zari : we didn’t ,we wasn’t that drunk !, right ?
Amaya : right ?
Loud laughter come echoing out of a dark corner in Zaris room
Sara: relax you 2 feel asleep when I went to get more booze I couldn’t have you 2 complain about your pain in your neck for the next week so I carried you not in here
Zari : thanks I guess
Amaya : but why not put us in our own rooms ?
Sara: well then I wouldn’t of got the priceless reaction of you two thinking you slept together
Sara smiled
Zari : well I’m glad we could amuse you
Zari said sarcastically
Amaya: what’s taken them so long ?
Sara : I’m not sure let’s take the waverider to the jump ships location and find them
Zari: or we could go through the boys rooms and find out their dirty little secrets
Sara : I’m down for that
Zari : and I need to read micks romance novel as I’m pretty sure he written some more
Sara : ok??
Meanwhile on the mission
Mick : how could you still be alive
Ray : you died
Nate : would someone mind catching me up
Mick : well pretty this is my oldest friend and partner snart , snart this is Nate
Snart : pleasures all yours , and I will tell you what happened when we are back on the waverider , I still have some hellos I’ve been waiting 2 years for
Mick : you mean blonde
Snart : well you read my mind
PART 2 coming soon ( 20th August 2018 )
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Things that fans seem to forget about Sara Lance
1. Sara Lance’s mother is a history professor
2. She grew up in a happy and supporting household and she adores her family
3. She is very intelligent. Not only does she speak multiple and extremely difficult languages but she also worked as an assistant to a mad scientists for months. She knows her way around a lab and science is not a mystery to her
4. When she was a teen she used to drink boys under the table AND be a respected babysitter
5. She is not perfect. She slept with her sister’s boyfriend. Even if it was some messed up attempt to protect her sister from the disaster that is Oliver Queen it was still an extremely shitty thing to do
6. She was in love with Nyssa and had a long term realtionship with her. This relationship was also abusive and toxic. Despite this Sara still cares deeply about Nyssa
7. Sara was one of the best fighters in the entire Arrowverse even before she spend an additional two years being personally trained by Ra’s Al Ghul
8. Sara Lance enjoys casual sex. That does not make her a slut, nor does it mean that she has casual sex because of trauma or some b.s like this. She simply enjoys casual sex. Just like so many male characters do and yet we don’t feel the need to demonize or psychoanalyze them for their love of sex
9. She is bisexual. Yes she enjoys the company of both man and woman. The fact that she has a preference for woman does not erase her bisexuality
10. She liked Snart and was attracted to him. She was not in love with him, nor was he the center of her world. If he had survived it’s likely that she could have fallen in love with him but that’s it
11. She is deeply protective of women
12. Sara Lance has many regrets and guilt but she has no problems killing villains when she has to
13. She respects ,likes and supports Rip Hunter even if she wants and does punch him sometimes
14. Jax is her right hand man and she deeply respects and trusts him and his skills
15. She adores Felicity
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We are facing an army of Romans, Vikings and pirates. But you know what today is?
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