arrowverseaddict · 3 years
hi, my friend was wondering when will the mick rory x reader oneshot be out cause she's a huge fan of mick rory!
Hi!!! I'm really really sorry I have been meaning to work on this, I've been having alot of mental health issues recently but I will try to get it out as soon as I can, again I'm really really sorry.
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arrowverseaddict · 4 years
Hi guys!!! I do have a romantic mick rory x reader coming out soon. It was going to be posted today but I was almost done when my dog jumped on my keyboard and when I got him to move the entire draft was gone so hopefully I will have that out by tomorrow.
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arrowverseaddict · 4 years
could you do a x reader oneshot on mick rory from legends of tomorrow 😍 (he's my favorite character)!
Of course!!! Do you have any preferences on the kind of relationship? Like romantic, platonic? And yes Mick is amazing!!!
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arrowverseaddict · 4 years
hi, I was wondering if you're doing any requests! 🥺
Hi! Sorry I didn't see this but yes I do take requests😁😁😁
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arrowverseaddict · 4 years
ATTENTION ALL GIRLS AND LADIES: if you walk from home, school, office or anywhere and you are alone and you come across a little boy crying holding a piece of paper with an address on it, DO NOT TAKE HIM THERE! take him straight to the police station for this is the new 'gang' way of rape. The incident is getting worse. Warn your families. Reblog this so this message can get accross to everyone.
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arrowverseaddict · 4 years
Imagine being the middle Snart sibling and when Leonard died you pushed down your feelings to take care of Lisa but when you meet Leo from Earth-X everything comes up and you can barely look him in the eye
“Look, I don’t know where she went but just...she was broken after our Leonard Snart died and-” Barry started but you cut him off by dragging him away from Leo.
“What the hell, Barry? Now is not the time for me to deal with this. We need to get back to our earth so just...don’t okay?” You asked and he glanced behind you. “He’s behind me isn’t he?”
“Give us a moment would you, Barry?” Leo asked from behind you and just hearing his voice made you tense up.
“Barry, please don’t.” You said, your voice sounding more broken than you wanted it to.
“I’m sorry, Y/n...you need this. You can’t just take care of Lisa, you have to take care of yourself too.” Barry said before leaving you alone with Leo.
“Look at me.” Leo said but you just shook your head no, not trusting your voice. “You know Barry told me that on your earth there is nothing you wouldn’t do to protect Lisa and your version of me. That true?”
“Stop talking.” You managed as you tried to even out your breathing.
“He told me that after he died you went to S.T.A.R Labs and you couldn’t even form a coherent sentence. But he called Lisa and suddenly you were perfectly fine.”
“I said stop talking.” You said, whipping around to face him but as soon as you did a sob escaped you and you looked away.
“You can’t push everything down, the longer you hold in those feelings the bigger the explosion will be.”
“I’ve been pushing down my emotions my entire life to take care of my little sister, I think I’ll manage.”
“But you don’t need to.”
“Yes, I do! I I’ve done this my entire life, okay? It’s how I do things, I’ll be fine.”
“I would believe that if you could look at me for more than two seconds.”
“I..I can.”
“Then do it.”
“I...no no I just don’t want to.”
“This isn’t something you can push down. It’s not going to go away and from what Barry told me about your family-”
“Barry doesn’t know enough about my family to make that call.”
“He protected you and you protected him so you could both protect Lisa.”
“Look at me.” He said, his voice alot softer than before.
“I can’t, okay? I...I’m scared.”
“Look at me.” He said again and you slowly turned to face him, breaking out into a sob as soon as you did. “It’s okay.” He said, pulling you into a hug as you cried.
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arrowverseaddict · 4 years
Imagine Leonard Snart catching onto your crush on his sister when they’re helping Team Flash
You were trying to work on the transportation for the metas with Cisco but Lisa wouldn’t stop flirting with him and distracting him and Leonard wouldn’t stop watching the scene with amusement as you grew more and more angry well...jealous but there was no way you would admit it.
“Cisco!” You snapped and Cisco turned towards you and Leonard smirked.
“Yes?” Cisco asked and you took a deep breath.
“Could you please focus on the transportation?”
“Oh but Cisco, wouldn’t you rather spend time with me?” Lisa asked, putting her hand on Cisco’s shoulder and looking at him seductivley causing him to stutter out a bunch of nonsense.
“Okay, I’m gonna go grab some more tools from your workshop.” You said, quickly rushing out of the room, not even noticing Leonard following you.
You walked into Cisco’s workshop and leaned onto one of the tables taking a deep breath and closing your eyes.
“You okay, Y/n?” Leonard asked from behind you mockingly causing you to jump and spin around.
“I’m fine. What are you doing in here? Did you follow me?” You asked, trying to calm down.
“You just seemed a bit upset that Lisa was flirting with Cisco.”
“Well, yeah, we’re supposed to be working and-”
“Instead of you.” He said, smirking when a blush lit up your face.
“What? No. I’m not...no I’m not jealous.”
“No...I’m not. I have to get these tools and get back to Lisa.”
“Just Lisa?”
“No Lisa and Cisco. Both of them. I have to get back to both of them.” You said, grabbing the tools and heading for the door.
“Just so you know, she talks about you constantly.” 
“Sure she does.” You scoffed before heading back to the cortex but for some reason you couldn’t get his words out of your head.
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arrowverseaddict · 4 years
Imagine: Your boyfriend Jax comforting you after your father Leonard Snart’s death
You hadn’t left your room. Even when everyone took turns trying to coax you out, you sat there, your knees pulled up against your chest, in shock. He wasn’t gone...he couldn’t be gone. He promised he wouldn’t die on this fucking suicide mission he promised!
“Y/n?” Jax called softly through the door and a sob escaped your throat but you didn’t respond. “Baby, please let me in.”
“Gideon, please unlock the door.” You breathed out and the door opened but you didn’t look up.
Jax walked over and laid next to you on the bed. He knew you needed time and he wasn’t gonna make you talk like the other legends would. He just laid back and you curled up next to him, sobbing until you fell asleep.
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