art-of-heretics · 23 minutes
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Snaptrap is cold and calculating, he likes to lie in wait and strike when least expected, he has a very serious demeanor when it comes to his job and.. life in general.
Snaptrap has seen more combat then most, In his youth he was known as the butcher of the bogs, though having been in so many battles he has developed a severe case of PTSD and has a tendency for violent outbursts. He relays heavily on his team for comfort and stability.
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art-of-heretics · 6 days
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size comparison of team bee, no human for scale this time since Sarika is human sized.
Ambulon is a big big boy
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art-of-heretics · 9 days
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Ambulon is a defected decepticon that's hiding among the Autobots, he is accepted but not trusted among the wider populace. His power, size and medical degree make him a valuable asset in the war but he is too big a target to have on the frontlines.
Bonus decepticon colors under cut
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art-of-heretics · 11 days
Size comparison of The Monstructor Six + a human for scale
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art-of-heretics · 14 days
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Sarika is a Nebulon Pretender, she met Bee wile he was on a deplomatic mission on Nebulos, and they've been friends ever since.
On earth she functions as the team spy, taking a human alt mode to blend in with the locals, she has befriended a group of delinquent youth.
Sarika is curious and adventurous, spending much of her time exploring the urban landscape, with her human friends.
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art-of-heretics · 18 days
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Seawing is known as the "phantom of the deep" he makes himself into a true horror, using the darkness of deep water expertly, he glides silently, staying just at the edge the of vision of those he hunt.
His one weakness is his eyesight, being adapted for the deep sea he does not fair well in bright light.
He is intelligent, relentless and takes real joy in his work.
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art-of-heretics · 20 days
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slog has a love of documentation and history, if Slog was living in a peaceful world he would be an archivist, unfortunately he does not.
Slog was made leader of the Monstructor Six aginst his will, luckily his team is rearly deployed do to their "instabilities".
Dispite his physical might, he always hid behind his smaller brother Blot, today he will instintualy hide behind his lover Icepick, at the first sign of danger.
Tldr: scardy cat nerd is very large and strong
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art-of-heretics · 22 days
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size comparison of the Terrorcons + Flare-up and a human for scale
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art-of-heretics · 23 days
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[Finally got the last terrorcon done]
The first thing one notises about Blot is his rancid smell, the origin of this stench is a medical condition, witch he refuses too get fixed du to his fear of surgery, a fear that stems from his time as a Quintason prisonner.
Blot escaped the Quintasons with the help of his fellow prisoner an Autobot named Flare-up. Flare-up defected and continues to hang around Blot but is not a Terrorcon. Blot tries his best to protect her from his fellows.
Though Blot is the smaller and weaker of the two, he is fiercely protective of his twin Brother Slog.
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art-of-heretics · 27 days
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Scatterspike is a Decepticon bounty hunter, currently she is hunting down a decepticon defector. she's highly self-reliant, rarely working with others with the exception of her old mentee Sawtooth.
She thinks ahead, she's always ready with a way out, for if things go wrong. Though for all her planing, she still fights like a wild animal, all teeth and claws. Letting violent instinct take control, over her usual calm and collected personality.
She is very small (at least by decepticon standards)
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art-of-heretics · 1 month
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Nautilator is the mentee of Snaptrap, he is a bit of a nervous reak on the battlefield. A total train-wreck of a soldier, he not built to be a warrior and would function better in littealy any other field.
he makes for an especially bad Seacon, he stuckles in water even tho he if perfectly adabted to it physically.
Nautilator isn't completely hopeless, he's quit successful socially, having a great meny friends and even finding romance with a con called Twirl.
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art-of-heretics · 2 months
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Click for better quality
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art-of-heretics · 2 months
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the connection port between Birdbrains processor and her optics has a malformation, which leaves her with lille to no vision, depending on the day.
To compensate for her disability she had to grow overly aggressive. Other Predacons saw her as an easy victim, so she had to prove them wrong before they even got the chance to hurt her.
she is relatively safe now, being with the Monstructor six, But old habits die hard.
Her design is inspired by the digibash by LimKhaiShien on deviantart
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art-of-heretics · 2 months
Cybertronian growth cycle
sparkling stage: Cybertronian life starts in a small pocket (called an ignition point) at the bottom of a Titan infused water pool called a Spark Spring. In the form of a bodyless spark called a sparkling. While in the ignition point the sparkling will develop it's spark casing. Then it is released into the Spark Spring water.
Bitlet stage: After being released in the water it will begin to develop its actual body while slowly rising towards the surface, where it will wait until adults come and preform the emergence ritual.
Protoform stage: newly emerged as a Protoform it will receive a mentor/s to teach, house and protect them. Protoforms are grey, with soft plating and without the ability to transform. After an amount of time, the Protoform will mature into a Mechling.
Mechling stage: having just gained an alt mode and colour, a Mechling is visually indistinguishable from fully grown Cybertronians. But their plating still isn't as strong an adults, and their EM field is underdeveloped.
full grown: a fully mature Cybertronian. ( larger sizes take longer to get to this stage)
Old timer: though Cybertronians live for a very long time, they still have a limit, eventually even they will begin to slow down.
Art diagram below
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art-of-heretics · 2 months
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art-of-heretics · 2 months
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Hadasa and Linda kiss!
This time in colour
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art-of-heretics · 2 months
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Howlback costum, love this lil kitty gal
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