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I simmered a little herbal goodness for my coworker’s birthday: this “Queen Creme” salve packs a lot of nourishment, and has an elegant scent. #rose #stjohnswort #calendula #lavender #helichrysum #chaga #comfrey #plantain #copaiba https://www.instagram.com/p/BuSi1LcAern/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19p77bd6b2gg0
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A Collective Reading for the Wolf Moon Lunar Eclipse
We are coming from the Queen of Swords, through 5 of Wands Rx, to the Two of Pentacles.  
Queen of Swords (Past)
The holiday can be a time of boundary setting.  I think of the QoS as an empath who has been able to harness her objective mind for the good of herself and others. Despite her powerful capacity for thought and straightforward communication, there is a gentleness and respect for her own boundaries and those of others that allows her to hold clear, safe space.  During the new year, many of us set resolutions for the future and what we hope and imagine for our lives. We set goals for our bodies, our minds and hearts, and hope not to get caught up in critiques of the past.  We articulate and shed that which needs to be left behind in the new year, and renew our commitments for holding space for the collective as well as for ourselves.  It’s okay to feel deep pain and deep joy, and to respect both.  It’s okay to speak up when more time is needed for healing.
My take on the QoS as our recent past, is that now is a time we can celebrate our growth and the efforts we have made to speak our truths in love, and to not get caught up in wounding and defensive patterns with others.  Take note of the boundaries that you have set that have allowed you to respect the natural growth and transformation of yourself and others.  Celebrate the ways you have used structure and objectivity in your life to empower your mind and heart for service.  
5 of Wands Rx (Present)
Oh, the 5 of Wands. I love the feeling of bristling chaos and creative electricity that happens when a new idea or project is brewing.  Ongoing, that same tension can be exhausting.  The 5 of Wands reversed is our card for the present moment.  The five of wands can also symbolize a creative project that has been fermenting, but has lacked cohesion up to this point.  The creative process is beautiful, and at the same time it’s so rewarding to see an idea take form and become one of its many potentials.  Part of New Years’ brainstorming is that we discover there are so many options for changes and improvements to make.  Each year I want to set a thousand new resolutions, but then I run into the blocks of logistics: time, money, balance of ambition and self-care.  In it’s reversed position, the 5oW can indicate that we are finally moving beyond the creative brainstorming phase to a time of implementation.  The pieces are starting to fall into place, and it’s almost time to get to work.  Spring is coming.
My take on the 5oW as the present moment is that it’s time to start making decisions about which ideas or efforts you are most excited about, and to act on those.  Other ideas or elements of the brainstorming process can be set aside, written down or filed away for a later day.  If they are really good ideas, they will be worth coming back to. Now is the time to feel into what is working, and to set aside, with gratitude, the things you may not have time for right now.  Take a deep breath, feel into your body.  Spend time in nature, with friends, or in meditation to allow the dust to settle.  Then, with more clarity, begin to act on your most exciting ideas with the intention of success.  Release your creativity and reap the benefits.
Two of Pentacles (Future)
In the upcoming placement, we have a time of balanced business and potential.  This is a fortuitous card, because it shows a balance to more than one positive option, particularly as it relates to the domain of body, and material resources.  Not every cat can enjoy a fish and a rat, but some can.  If we take into account our previous two cards, this would indicate that setting our boundaries, developing a balance between the mind and emotions, and channeling our creative output, results in balance that allows us to productively achieve material growth.
My take on the 2oP in the future placement is that the lessons we have been learning over the past few seasons will open new space for us to hold more than we have before, with the capacity/opportunity to avoid burning out or feeling overwhelmed because we now have the skills.  As we have grown and held our boundaries and learned how to focus our creative energy, we have been preparing our soil for the new growth that is coming.  Who knows what beautiful abundance can sprout within this space.  These practices (taking care of ourselves, including play and rest) provide sustained energy for holding new space.  To share a quote from Adrienne Maree Brown, (Emergent Strategy, p.111) “No one is special, and everyone is needed.” The world needs your growth.  
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Greetings!  Artemisia Divinorum is a personal project for 2019 that exists to express ideas that have been presenting themselves to me to be expressed over the past year.  My intention for this space is to post collective readings, artwork and plant medicine projects, simply for the sake of sharing them.  My additional hope in sharing is to learn something about sharing and community, and to become more comfortable with seeing my personal journey as part of a community journey. 
I am a human, millennial, with an interest in personal and collective growth and a career that has been focused on collective service through the arts.  I discovered tarot in 2014 as a personal tool, and have been in love with studying and learning about tarot over the past 5 years.  Tarot has supported me through deep personal crisis and transition, and has helped me work through intense shifts in various aspects of my life.
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