artistiafox · 5 months
So the general rumor going around is that CBS canceled NCIS Hawai'i in an effort to rid network TV of LGBTQ+ relationships, and honestly this makes more sense than "financial reasons." If that's the case, then honestly they're just crap, and to replace a show that was headed by a woman of color and had a diverse cast with a show about a *checks notes* hetero white male who was originally played by a toxic and abusive person is just... wow, that's the hill you're making your stand on CBS?
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artistiafox · 5 months
As we're approaching the Season 3 finale of NCIS Hawai'i, remember it is just the season 3 finale, not series finale, because we do not agree to the terms and conditions provided to us by @cbs and would like to speak to their manager Paramount for allowing them to continue with their nonsense.
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artistiafox · 5 months
The finance lady of CBS/Paramount, whatever company that is, said there's no chance that they're going to renew NCIS Hawai'i because it was canceled due to "financial" reasons and to make room for new shows. These are all bullshit reasons which of course make no sense. They're replacing it with NCIS Origins in the fall, and that is just rehashing Gibbs storyline and why do we need this?
Basically they were like time to accept things that you can't change, and you know what? I'm tired of doing that. I may not be able to force them to renew NCIS Hawai'i, but I can choose to not watch the new shows they're going to replace it with. I can continue to push for it to move to Paramount plus, maybe next year if they have a free slot, which is also nonsense.
But what I'm really tired of is companies unilaterally deciding what type of entertainment they want to give us, and what makes money. They move the finish line, change the rules, what used to need 1 million views to continue needs 4 million now. The continual need for more and more profit, this has to stop.
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artistiafox · 5 months
I have to say, I am exceedingly annoyed by the decisions CBS/Paramount Global made with canceling CSI Vegas and So Help Me Todd, but I am deeply upset that they canceled NCIS Hawaii without even giving them a chance to wrap up storylines or alter the show in any way. It is also concerning that the shows they canceled are female-led, or filled with strong women characters, and with NCIS Hawaii and CSI Vegas, with strong WoC characters in positions of power. It is a distressing thought that they viewed this shows as expendable.
There are a few small chances that NCIS Hawaii can be saved, if Paramount Global is sold and the buyer wants to bring back the show that will probably make them good money if they get enough episodes for syndication. But there is also fan power, we got SWAT brought back for 2 seasons, so let's do this y'all.
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artistiafox · 1 year
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If the CEOs succeed here, it's only a matter of time before the rest of us are in danger.
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artistiafox · 1 year
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A little louder for people in the back. It's just not writers and actors, it is everyone in the entertainment/film industry. Producers want to make more and spend less, but by spending less they rob the livelihood of regular, working people. So far AI produced content generates this weird uncanny valley feeling, but for how long? How long before they can produce perfect replicas of people and stories and we just let them? How long until corporations try to use AI to replace the majority of jobs? They may claim they're not planning to go in the direction, but they lie, we know this. History has taught us this. Draw the line.
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artistiafox · 1 year
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Back again with my soap box. It's not just the CEOs, the CEOs are doing what they were designed to do, make money for their shareholders. The corporations, the whole structure of Hollywood, is the problem. The big corporations only back projects that they think will make money, so often times we are oversaturated with superhero movies, thrillers, action flicks, while Indie films with low budgets and lower marketing ability struggle to put out new things. The multi-billion dollar corporations of Disney, Paramount, WB Discovery etc, they can pay, they can back small projects and put out more creative works, they just don't want to because that might decrease the payout to their shareholders from 1 billion dollars to 999 million, and heaven forbid the 1-2% dragons hoarding the wealth get less money.
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artistiafox · 1 year
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I've been on vacation, but found this gem on the book of faces
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artistiafox · 1 year
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I don't live near any major picket lines, so if I have to get on social media every day or every few days and further explain why this is an issue and that CEOs are overpaid then that's what I'm going to do. If they want to save money, get AI to do their jobs.
And don't forget that Zaslav is a Trump supporter and Murdoch supports white supremacists.
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artistiafox · 1 year
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Bob Iger( $27 mil a year), CEO of Disney everyone, says actors and writers are being unreasonable. Always post how much these people are being overpaid.
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artistiafox · 1 year
"Deadpool 3 officially stops production due to Studio Execs not willing to pay actors and writers"
Fixed it
Also, it was only in picture productions since the writers' strike
Pay. Your. Workers. Executives are replaceable, good actors and writers, they aren't.
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artistiafox · 1 year
As the Actors Guild strike commences along with the ongoing writer’s strike, it is important to remember to ignore misleading headlines. The strikes are not endangering your fall shows or movie schedules, the Studios’ unwillingness to pay residuals and living wages are threatening the film and TV industry. “Millionaire/Billionaire CEOs and Studios refuse to pay living wages!” 
That is what we need to keep in mind. They’re taking away shows that we care about off streaming platforms to keep from paying residuals because it would keep the ones at the top and their shareholders from getting richer. This needs to stop. 
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artistiafox · 1 year
#101191 (101244-53)
#Where the Light Escapes vs my Nancy Drew fic
#I love all my fandoms, but Nancy Drew has my heart
#Bite me
Fic writers, put in the tags what the difference in hits is between your most and least viewed fics. Mine is 7,720 (7,779-59).
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artistiafox · 1 year
The Mission: Must head on a covert op to gain information about a sensitive matter.
Kate Whistler: *Packs a roller bag*
Ugh, Whistler! Get with the program!
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artistiafox · 1 year
I am wondering how much that little bar scene at the end of NCIS Hawai’i 2x20 was the result of fan demand? Again, let’s be honest, most of us watch the show for Kacy shenanigans. We haven’t had a lot this season because Yaz has been in and out due to other commitments, but what we’ve had is pretty good. Not like, Avalance good cuz LoT knew what we wanted, but still, it’s better than NCIS franchise track record with relationships. 
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artistiafox · 1 year
With Yaz going back and forth to the mainland, it doesn’t look like Lucy will be in 2x18, and if she is, very briefly. But I didn’t see her in any of the promos for this episode, so probably not. It’s a bit... frustrating I will say for us Kacy people, but I do understand a busy schedule. And it looks like we’ll have plenty of episodes with Kate to round out the season, judging by Tori’s insta posts the last few weeks any way leading to the season wrap. 
While in a Kacy drought, rewatched some Legends and I still terribly miss this show and I want it back. 
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artistiafox · 2 years
I stayed up passed my bedtime for this but AAAAHHHHH!!!! KACY CONTENT! Yes! It was good, it was good. Awkward, hot, and useless, which sums up the pair quite nicely. I still say the hug was a bit out of place at the beginning but they got there eventually. Also Kate with the frying pan is giving me Rapunzel vibes, hilarious. 
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