artisticopy · 1 year
starter for: @conkniving ! setting: Kasper's Apartment ! time: evening !
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The designer hummed to himself as he walked around the mannequin infront of him, the comforting grin staying present as the pride soaked into his expression like an added emotion he hadn't had in so long. He had been doing different sort of custom work for fallon along with others when asked of him to do so purely for the sake of business.. but he's definitely someone who chooses to add himself in when he knows he has things that can benefit the client in his vision of a piece.
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He heard the familiar sound of his doorbell as he walked to the front from his studio inside the apartment, his hum escaping as he tried his best to shush the husky who was howling at the door at the sound of the visitor. He snapped his fingers and pointed to the living room, almost giving a playfully offended look as he saw the pup give a grumble and subtle side eye to him. "Little brat." He mumbled under his breath, shaking his head. His hand soon moved to grab the handle to the front door, his grin only widening as he saw the sight of her. "Welcome on in dear, want a water or anything? and don't mind the mess.. just had a shipment of fabric and it has been hell attempting to organize."
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artisticopy · 1 year
starter for: @nvnetcilednymph ! location: hospital ! time: early morning !
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The man walked around the hallways of the local hospital with a hum escaping his lips, his eyes scanning the familiar hallways as he arrived to the nonemergency area of the hospital. Due to him still needing to have his biannual checks for his levels for his testosterone, he had the way to the office memorized. As his eyes finding his dcotor's office, he didn't want to admit the faint nervousness that came to him as he walked in.
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"Hello darling, appointment for Kasper Bradley?" His voice held the familiar softness he always tried to hold with those he never was used to seeing more than once. He had a small bag of things with him for a specific nurse he always had requested on his charts if he was working, and did not want to admit he hoped they would be there. After getting the confirmation, waiting along with heading to the room he was called in for the appointment he simple waited. His hands soon moving to pull the phone out his pocket as one leg crossed over the other to have the comfortable stance, the chair adjacent from the door as he awaited to hear the familiar knock alongside the smile of whoeever decided to greet him.
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artisticopy · 1 year
"Probably will need a model, I just don't entirely know who to have it be yet... and no offense.. you may be too tall to be my muse this time." He teased, his smile almost copying one of a cat before patting their shoulder when he stood up to get the pot. The matte black cabinets were something he always found comfort with when he looked through his home, his hands touching the handle as he attempted to contemplate which may be best before grabbing the slightly bigger option.
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He rolled his eyes as he walked back to the taller, the comments on the wine almost being a little running joke amongst the small group of friends since he practically drank it as if it was water. What could he really argue though? He did practically drown his liver daily with the alcohol even if it wasn't the best idea but he didn't care. He sat the pot on the side of the stove top, the small hum escaping as he quickly snuck a piece of cheese before the other could stop him, the giggles erupting in his succession as he chewed it happily. "For your information, his mom loooooves me and wouldn't dare mind hiding it from her sassy son if it meant it was important to me... if I beg." He spoke, the matter of fact tone laced with the sassiness coming off strong as he stuck his tongue out at moon.
"Eh.. I don't really gift myself much.. the day off usually is the gift since I usually make myself work harder than usual to make sure I have things covered." He never really did find the importance of birthdays, even when he was young. He found enjoyment when it was with his siblings, but since he left home and never truly had contact.. his friends became his newer family attachments to get his celebrations done. The faint bit of sadness flashed in his eyes at the idea of not seeing his siblings, but he would be fine.. he had a group of idiots to fill the faint void in his heart even when they did drive him nuts sometimes.
"Hmm", he hummed after the explanation of the other; his own eyes, void of any valid artistic experience kept on looking at the fabric draped over the mannequin. "I'm clearly no expert, but have you tried the dress again but with a model or muse in mind? Maybe you could get inspired by other people if you assign them to the spotlight", Noah suggested with a shrug and a little smile.
"I don't mean to criticize your election in dog breeds, but huskies are not exceptional at guarding, as far as I know", he dropped a dry chuckle that held a tint of pride, "either that or your dog is a bit too used to visitors which would be entirely our fault, but there is no turning back, honestly". Noah kept the glass out of the other's reach the whole way into the kitchen, "but you really should tone down your wine habits before you get divorced from life, Kasper. Water is just as good, ever tried it?", he teased.
He placed the water inside the pot to start heating it while preparing the remaining ingredients. Cream and cheese were taken out from the bag because god forbid he cooked with pre-made sauce. "You have absolutely no idea on how overboard some friends of yours go when it comes to birthdays, so I'd recommend patience, if anything", he explained with a little smile. "Can you get me another pot, please? We need it to cook the sauce while the water boils", he asked. Noah enjoyed this, truly, he enjoyed keeping himself busy and if it was to help someone else, even better. His friendship with Kasper had allowed for some normalcy ( when possible ) considering the amount of unusual friendships he had with several people, so a presumptuous meal was the least he could do to thank for their friendship. "Vegas? You thought you could escape to Vegas and not tell the prince of Vegas himself aka Sky Chun about that plan? His family owns like... half of the city", Noah scoffed as if offended by the ridiculous fact, "but you are right, no escaping. Gotta rot in Anchorage with the rest of us, Bradley", the psychic warned the other while pointing the knife currently being used at him, "we'll make it fun, promise, lots of wine tomorrow as well", he finally grinned before he continued chopping the garlic. "Are you getting yourself any gift?"
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artisticopy · 1 year
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"If you saw me at the hair salon today, no you didn't."
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artisticopy · 1 year
🌷 & 🍨
🍨 - What are expectations your muse has had about love that either was false or impossible to live up to?
He used to have the famous expectation of not dating someone who wouldn’t spoil him rotten. Him not paying, receiving gifts.. doing what he wanted and not getting anything but a smile and “okay dear” in return. Due to being raised in an environment that forced the complex into him and seeing as he had too much money to be spoiled nor have someone do such things he learned real fast to bring down his expectations. Nowadays he does love to spoil instead, primarily becoming a hidden love language he has that many of his friends have been benefactors to. He always held embarrassed glances and any sort of eye roll if anyone dared to bring up his past.. if they knew him at that point of course.
🌷 - Are they ever been scared/are scared to fall in love?
He doesn’t entirely have a fear of falling in love… it’s more on the idea of falling in love and learning all the effort and butterflies could be burned and killed instantly with a simple one sided situation. He always wants to make people happy, which is why he forces himself to work and avoid any sort of romantic antics due to not having the full construct of it being real and not just some ploy. Also explains why he sleeps around so much, he wants that feeling of love.. but feels better at the concept of it being a temporary transaction instead of a permanent thing. But hey who knows may happen one day !
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artisticopy · 1 year
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He gave a playful glare at the back of the taller’s head with a huff, almost not wanting to admit he would’ve done the same thing to them if he had the opportunity to do so. His eyes looked to the design he spoke of and he almost huffed with a small bit of frustration. “I was attempting to create some sort of dress for the next line launch, but seeing as my vision turned into a failed trash can basket it simply has how became a visual test for that silk I had laying about.” He then paused remembering for a moment before perking a brow. “You bribed my husky to not sell you out and it worked?” he then heard the little pitter patter of footsteps and saw the husky poke his head in with a tilted expression, causing the soft chuckle to escape. He opened his mouth to speak but only a whine escaped when he saw his glass be taken and felt the arm around him. “Well seeing as none of you have proposed, I will simply drink like I am divorced.” The matter of fact tone stayed strong but his grin showed the joking manner. He did let a soft gasp escape in playful shock watching the sip occurred, soon giving a huff as he walked out the room with him.
His fingers carefully scratched the top of the husky’s head as he walked passed, giggling as he watched the quick set of zoomies occur as the younger dog ran into the living room and bounced off everything he could before simply flopping to the floor to chew on his favorite toy.
He hadn’t been entirely paying attention, but has his eyes met the wine glass his expression practically beamed. However as his birthday came up he paused, sitting in one of his island chairs as his face showed the expression of thought. “I.. never really did celebrate my birthday much till I met you guys so I may as well let you enjoy that fun~” he teased, soon giggling before snapping his fingers and giving a quick “oh wait I do have one plan.. I was gonna go to Vegas and marry my favorite bottle of wine so I’m forever intertwined.. but I know you guys probably will find that out and stop me so I’m suddenly free.” He giggled and shrugged, acting as if it was a normal sentence to speak as he grabbed the small things of strawberries he simply forgot to put up earlier that morning. “But truly you guys can do as you wish, I already planned having that day off.”
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Kasper had placed himself into the comforting state of drawing and rummaging through the dirtiest points of paint brushes. The man giving a faint annoyed groan as he saw the colors not mixing properly. “What a waste.” He mumbled in annoyance, the faint huff taking over as his paint stained hands crumbled up the paper and tossed it into the trash. He knew to expect the craziness of his friends and colleagues as the day came to be, but even then his points of celebrations didn’t show just yet. Though, he knew better than to try and underestimate the people around him.
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“Where are you.. where are y- ah!” He let out a softened gasp in excitement, moving his chair alongside the hardwood floor in order to grasp the fabric at hand. The silky material was much more on the expensive variety, it’s softened feeling against his hands along with the deepened contrast of the navy blue making itself pop more with the pale skin he had. “Just the color I have been looking for…” he stood and soon grasped a few things: scissors, safety pins, a little pattern to test the fabric.. he was in a happy spot.
He didn’t entirely have much attention moving along as his focus was on his point at hand. The new safety pins in his mouth soon shining as he placed the fabric loosely against the mannequin, taking the time to pin it in with a grin before humming. Of course such was interrupted when he heard the whisper, his body jumping along with making a soft squeal escape him as he almost turned to smack the owner of the voice on impulse. Luckily, however, it was stopped due to the height of Daehyun and landed on his shoulder which made the look of instant relief take over as a hand quickly went to feeling the racing heartbeat against his chest.
“You are going to end up killing me with these little whisper greetings!” He spoke in attempt of seriousness but soon felt the flurry of laughter escape realizing the dramatics he was forcing out. He made a mental rewind and realized the question as he turned to look at the clock, his eyes simply widening seeing how much time had passed by. “Clearly I am not, I’m on a lunch break that I already know you will make me take.. so moonie, what is the grand thing making you bless my home with such a tree like presence?” As he spoke, he turned and grabbed the half empty glass of wine, swirling it slightly before taking a sip.
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artisticopy · 1 year
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Kasper had placed himself into the comforting state of drawing and rummaging through the dirtiest points of paint brushes. The man giving a faint annoyed groan as he saw the colors not mixing properly. “What a waste.” He mumbled in annoyance, the faint huff taking over as his paint stained hands crumbled up the paper and tossed it into the trash. He knew to expect the craziness of his friends and colleagues as the day came to be, but even then his points of celebrations didn’t show just yet. Though, he knew better than to try and underestimate the people around him.
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“Where are you.. where are y- ah!” He let out a softened gasp in excitement, moving his chair alongside the hardwood floor in order to grasp the fabric at hand. The silky material was much more on the expensive variety, it’s softened feeling against his hands along with the deepened contrast of the navy blue making itself pop more with the pale skin he had. “Just the color I have been looking for…” he stood and soon grasped a few things: scissors, safety pins, a little pattern to test the fabric.. he was in a happy spot.
He didn’t entirely have much attention moving along as his focus was on his point at hand. The new safety pins in his mouth soon shining as he placed the fabric loosely against the mannequin, taking the time to pin it in with a grin before humming. Of course such was interrupted when he heard the whisper, his body jumping along with making a soft squeal escape him as he almost turned to smack the owner of the voice on impulse. Luckily, however, it was stopped due to the height of Daehyun and landed on his shoulder which made the look of instant relief take over as a hand quickly went to feeling the racing heartbeat against his chest.
“You are going to end up killing me with these little whisper greetings!” He spoke in attempt of seriousness but soon felt the flurry of laughter escape realizing the dramatics he was forcing out. He made a mental rewind and realized the question as he turned to look at the clock, his eyes simply widening seeing how much time had passed by. “Clearly I am not, I’m on a lunch break that I already know you will make me take.. so moonie, what is the grand thing making you bless my home with such a tree like presence?” As he spoke, he turned and grabbed the half empty glass of wine, swirling it slightly before taking a sip.
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Closed: Dae-Hyun & Kasper (@artisticopy)
Location: The Marionette
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The number code was just as memorized as the path he followed to his parents' trailer every time. Noah opened the door quietly and made his way inside. Checking his watch, he realized it should be around the time Kasper was supposed to have his lunch break and so, he walked quietly to the kitchen, paying special attention to any noise coming from the room he used to work in. He was not much of an event planner, so once Sky decided to take Kasper's little getaway in his hands, Noah decided that the least he could do to stand out from the amount of crazy presents the rest were gonna give him, was to start annoying their dear friend a little earlier than intended.
He placed the ingredients out in silence and then headed to the master bedroom to search for the birthday boy to be and once he was close enough, he simply leaned down his face next to his friends in quiet contemplation before finally muttering something. "How busy are you right now?"
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artisticopy · 1 year
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"Look at me, even if it's not now... I'll be waiting for that day."
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artisticopy · 1 year
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He didn't show much of a look of indifference when it came to the mentions of the flowers being gone. He knew the circumstances made withdrawals of the usual flowers of peace and comfort for the sake of giving peace to the family. He, however, did not need either per say. He looked towards Hercule and gave a comforting little smile. "No need to worry, I simply came to see if you had any sort of white yarrows or even alpine asters?" He moved his sunglasses to the top of his head, his soft brown eyes scanning around the room almost to see if he could answer his own question before then.
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He always was picky when it came to the concept of flora in his home and in his shoots, however, he also knew the need to continue his use of good spirits. "I would also like to know if it's possible to pay for a few bouquets for others ahead og time and along with any sort of funeral pieces for the family? They have enough on their hands and this should be the least of their worries." His tone held a little shakiness but he made himself relax, soon looking up at the other with a comforting smile. "If not, then I simply will take the two I've been wanting to find."
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Status: open @anchoragestarters
Where: the Flower Basket
Hercule hears the telltale sound of the bell at the door ringing, indicating that someone has entered the store. With the recent death, the flower shop had experienced more business than usual. Everyone in the town, it seemed, wanted to express their condolences for the death of Willow Amelia. The former dancer didn't mind the business, per se, but they did find it interesting that people seemed to band together when it came to death, even if they didn't know the person.
He hadn't been connected to the girl so he didn't feel the need to mourn, but his heart did go out to the family and friends of hers. They understood why people wanted to express sympathy and in a way, he found it endearing that people care enough to. He approaches the cashier station, taking in the array of flowers leftover from the past couple day's orders.
"I'm sorry to say that we're all out of lilies and orchids, we've had a large influx of orders recently. Haven't been able to keep them in stock, really. But, I can arrange a bouquet for you with any of the other flowers we have as of current." The two blossoms they listed were common when it came to grieving, lilies offering hope and orchids saying "I will always love you". Even though he hadn't worked at a flower shop for long, he had recently become keenly aware of the types of blooms used for funerals and mourning.
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artisticopy · 1 year
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BOLD what applies.
PERSONAL ; homeless | poor | middle class | comfortable | rich | single | relationship | it's complicated | dating | engaged | married | divorced | widowed | parent | only child | middle child | youngest child | oldest child | glasses/contacts | hearing aid | braces | wheel chair | cane | service dog | cis-man | cis-woman | trans-man | trans-woman | non-binary | agender | homosexual | heterosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | blind/visually impaired | mute | deaf | depression | anxiety | autism | PTSD or ASD | psychopathy | sociopathy | personality disorder | panic disorder | OCD
BELONGINGS ; car | bike | scooter | motorcycle | truck | mansion | house | apartment | RV | trailer | phone | desktop | television | watch | business | life insurance | land
PETS ; cat | dog | rodent | bird | reptile | other
APPEARANCE ; hair - crew cut | pixie cut | bob | shoulder length | elbow length | hip length or longer | black | dark brown | brown | light brown | auburn | red | ginger | strawberry blonde | dirty blonde | blonde | platinum | gray | silver | white | facial hair . eyes - brown | hazel | amber | blue | green | gray . body type - muscular | athletic | average | scrawny | curvy ( wide shoulders, narrow waist ) | fat | chubby | piercing | tattoo
TYPE OF DRUNK ; happy | sad | risk-taker | angry | philosophical | doesn’t get drunk | doesn’t drink
VICES ; smoking | drinking | illicit drugs | prescription drugs
OTHER ; broken a bone | gotten stitches | had a serious illness | had a near-death experience | killed someone? | tried and failed to kill someone | had an unrequited crush | had sex and regretted it | had a one-night stand | experimented with their sexuality | ran away from home | learned an instrument | gotten a noticeable scar | been bullied | bullied someone | saved someone’s life | cheated on someone | been cheated on | been betrayed | taken the fall to protect someone | been arrested | been wanted by police | goes by a nickname | been blackmailed | had an attempt on their life | gotten away with a crime | gone on a road trip
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artisticopy · 1 year
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I hate everything in the shade on the other side of the light.
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hey, isn’t that kasper bradley ( nickname: laslow )? i think that the twenty six year old from Beverly Hills, California works as a receptionist for joker’s casino, private fashion designer for his own e-commerce store, and former art forger for the grim fox, but outside of that people describe them as the leather jacket with custom paint, the runaway rich, the transformed soul, and the constant smell of markers, paint and pencils. i hear they are short fused & incredulous, but they are also known to be confident & articulate. consider giving them a visit at their home in the marionette and get to know why they’re called the copy cat.
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✱ LAYER ONE ... the basics.
full name: + kasper conrad bradley. preferred name: + kasper. date of birth & age: + july 21st &. twenty five. place of birth: + beverly hills, california. zodiac sign: + cancer. gender & pronouns: + trans man &. he/they. orientation: + bisexual &. biromantic spoken languages: + english, chinese, and learning french. occupation: + receptionist - joker's casino, ecommerce fashion store owner, and former art forger.
✱ LAYER TWO... the appearance.
hair color: + jet black and lilac hidden underneath. eye color: + brown. height: + 5'11" (180 cm) scars: + upper chest scars, and quite a few amongst his sides and back. tattoos: + only posesses a small infinity symbol behind right ear. piercings: + multiple ear piercings, hips, and tongue.
✱ LAYER THREE ... the connections.
parents: + estranged. children: + none. pets: + a siberian husky named loki, and a russian blue cat named luna. relationship: + single.
✱ LAYER FOUR ... the observations.
emotional control: + very much controlled, but if he gets overwhelmed it becomes very much a bottle waiting to explode.
alcohol usage: + can usually be found with wine.
✱ LAYER FIVE... the past. ( TW: vague mentions of death, car accidents. will be vague/will jump around ! )
Born of a higher class family and the eldest of their set of triplets, kasper lived a comfortable life... well.. not at first. You see, he was originally known as kassidy. The eldest daughter of the newfound rich who found their calling inside the inner hollywood circles as part of the jewelry, lingerie and overall fashion business around.
The triplets always lived a much more spoiled life than most. Getting all the toys, the clothing, private schooling to ensure their futures were set... however, kasper never did find that comfort in any of the sort once he turned the age of fifteen. He was used as different forms of modeling for his parents work, and it only became worse as time progressed. He stole and borrowed his brother's clothing, looked into his different potential support systems, and knew to keep it as hidden as he could whether it be binders or even the wrapping of his chest to help cope with the faint waves of dysphoria he held.
He became rebellious. His parents despised the behavior and knew to try to pry, but luckily his siblings managed to keep their minds distracted from his true issues at hand when it came to the concept of kasper finally... well.. becoming kasper. He found himself diving into things he didn't know, hiding away money as if his parents would dare to notice the spare change of thousands escaping their accounts and into a private one of his own once he turned eighteen.
The final time he avoided his parents was the last time he truly held a source of contact with them. They wanted him to appear for a rather .. exposing shoot regarding a new line of clothing. Which he refused. At first it was simple no's, turning into more harsh attitudes, till it finally became an explosive argument of kasper truly explaining who he was. Of course it was a screaming match and he heard words no child would ever wish to hear from his parents, and as soon as he walked out the studio? He made sure he wouldn't hear it again.
He would end up packed up and filling the back of his car before simply driving off for miles.. however, it was a rather harsh storm and he wasn't having the best state with his emotions. No one fully could comprehend what happened when his car swerved and soon enough rolled over a gaurd rail into the sea below. The area being known to be a death valley not many are able to be recovered from due to how harsh the currents were and the constant shifting of the tides. Most would be happy to say that truly was the end of his harsh start... wasn't entirely true.
Laslow appeared fine in the upper edges of california with the smallest sense of annoyance when it came to the constant phone calls from his two siblings who he had to pretend to reassure on his current condition. The access of funds he never knew he could reach was truly a time of pure joy for kasper. He continued his small fun of painting, humming along as his clothes began being stained with different shades, the smell of different elixirs being formed... and the casual copy of identical brush stroke counts soon making his bank account and fun fly higher than ever before. He found fun in the small bits of assignments he was able to keep close, but once his jobs began to decline.. so did his sanity.
He dived deep into the fashion scene in order to keep his hands busy, going through a few years of college in order to progress his stances further. He became rather successful as he experimented with his style alongside the newfound rememberance of his jewlery making. At first it began as a small hobby, but it soon progressed into the full points of a career once he saw the amount of orders he began to recieve. He had stayed in california the entire time, but soon felt the need to let himself loose and began his progression into moving to Alaska.
Now, why would a boy who grew up in the heat want to be in the bitter cold? Purely, if be truthful, was to begin a new start with a new name and his truest identity. Plus he also craved the comfort of the silence and nature around him, and it showed when he arrived and found himself a condo for himself with the perfect comfort of the cold, but held the continous stances of luxury in the middle of nature.
His assignments began once more, but it wasn't hard to realize it became scarce. At first it was once every three months, to once every six.. to now none after two years.
His time in town did offer him a chance to keep the sanity going, especially with the concept of the job of being a receptionist for a casino. He loved the idea of seeing people so happy winning and begging for money to continue to play. The idea of being able to tell someone no if they get too much, the potential flings he got in order to slip some a little bonus at the beginning.
He has thrived in town for almost four years since he moved over. His business began to flourish even more and he found himself in the best place: On his porch with a cat in his lap and a bottle of wine practically being drank like water.
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artisticopy · 1 year
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His smile gives you a comfort not many are able to see. His softened glances soon coming to a bit of confusion. You look at #artisticopy with a curious glance, but he simply gives a grin in return. Not a question answered.
You do, however, turn and glance at the artwork. You've seen many of them in museums.. but how are they here? You would ask but sadly kasper got too deep into fixing a design to answer.
KASPER BRADLEY : introduction. musings. pinterest.
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